hmmm......So agAin We diD nOt gEt oUr EmathS reSult.....tsk tsk.....woNDer whaT takE MR Lee So lOng to mArk thE scRipts..... If oNly hE haD spiLLed some coFfee oN mY scrIpts aND thAn haha.......i caNt redO paPer 2 agAin aND scOre bEttEr thIs tiMe.....* hahax.....dreAm oN girl *
Results Update
Chemistry - FAIL !!
WEnt tO librARy toDay....tO
To YOU :
You mUSt bE strOng yA....See YOu saD wE alSo a saD de....aNytHing Just pOur YoUr feeLings Out kEeP iNside wiLL oNly maKE mAttEr woRse......ThougH wE MaY Not kNow fUlly UndErsTaNd hOw You are feeLing buT yupp We aT lEast kNow How IT iS LikE tO lOVe soMeoNE sO deePly.....We kNow HOw iT feeLS Like wHen thE pErsOn iS goNe....You wiLL feeL aS thOugh tHE woRld haVe cOme cruShing doWn oN yOu....cauSe thE pErsOn Once uPon a tiME waS Your .....bUt nOw tHE pErsOn is nO lOngEr sO....babE.....You goT to mOVe oN......You caNT keeP PonDerIng oVer thE PAst.........whaT iS gone is goNe....MAybE HE iS jUSt nOt Your MR RIGHT.....sEe With Your CalibeR YoU gOt sO maNy guYs MAny maNy guYs waIting foR whY sHould You bE UpsEt oVer a
From : Me
aNywAy Ok LEt mE cOntiNue afTer tHE librarY thIngy.....wE weNt quEenSwaY bougHT mY naiL stICkeR tHAn Go soMewHEre foRgoT thE plaCe nAme tO bUy pResEnt.....OK diE....i foRgEt to buy siStEr preSent....sO oH oh......nevErMind...blAhx....sHE diD nOt giVe mE anYthIng thIs yeaR Too....sO hmm......We dOnt oWn anyOne aNytHing.....FAIR FAIR.....didN't gO CSC todAy aND i waS lIke hmpf....i waNNa sHop shOp fOr sOme thIngs anD hmpf....In thE enD NEvEr gO out fOR dInnEr.......sO nEvErmInd tMR sIStEr bdaE wE aRe gOing oUT..........i hOPe to haVe ICe creAm caKE....Opps....ITs nOt mY bDae anD i aM aSkIng foR iT....bUt PaPa i craVing foR iT bDae aLSo nEvEr bUY mE caKE loh....sO caNt cOmplaIn whEn i wAnna eAT iCe creAm caKE oN sisTer bdaE....Ok ok....i aM lIke sO greeDy......Arrgh...sUddeN crAvIng foR cHeese pRata aT thE pAsir PanjAng thEre de......yUmmy......iTs bEeN sO lOng siNCe i laSt aTe thEre.......oK whaTevEr.....sO sHUt up nO oNe's gOTtEn lIsteN tO yOur crAp.......sO ta-da.....tIme tO catcH mY beaUty slEep........
I eAt Pig thAts whY i dOnt feeL coLd.... thATs What bEst frIEnd saY....hahax =X
Hmm...I aM kIndA iN thE I Miss Him KiNd oF MOOd aT thIs vEry momEnt....warAu HE daMn hArdWorkIng.....KeeP mUg aND mug.....hE iS lIke 1000000 tiMEs faR mORe haRdwoRking thAn mE....darn....i goTtEn leaRn frOM hIm.....caNNot lOSe oUt tO Him.....i aM takIng O thIS yeaR aND i am lIke haLf pAst siX.....
ResUlts Update
Literature - PASS( so i did pass..i was like so so afraid that i will fail cause my paper 2 was like...)
Chemistry - FAIL!! i haTe scIenCEs lAh......bUT reAlly i stiLL caNt aFforD to gEt a faiLing gRade fOr thaT....
So nOw mY oNe anD OnLy hOPe mY EmatHS whIch i shOuld bE gEttIng TMr....daRN....MR lee iS lIke mArkIng aT sUch a sUper sLow raTe......i aM sO aNxIoUS abOut my reSulTs lE caN thAN keeP caNNot gEt baCk EmathS pAper 2.... i siAn haLF hAlf lAh..... (-_-!!!) i Hope i caN gEt it baCk Tmr lOh.....hOpe caN pAss.....i waNt a pAssIng gradE aT leaSt a c6 pleaSe....IF iTs a C6 mY L1R5 wiLL bE lIke 22......thAN i wiLL laUgh laUgh lE.....smIle sURe BIG BIG de.....cauSe i haVe Improved...Ok i know thIS iS sUCky gEttIng a 22 fOR L1R5 iS nOThIng to bE haPPy abOut But hEy i ImproVed oK....YOu sHould haVe looK at mY mIDs resUlts.....sEe lE cOnfIrm yOu faInt arh.....So Now i 22 i haPpy le.....thAN mUg someMore can uNder 20......LOL....dreaM oNly lAH.....iF i Under 20 i fly aLreaDy lOh......bUT sometiMEs dreAms caN hAppen.....i gottEn mAKe thIS dreAm a RealitY......
Yeah !!! cOnfiRm gOing fOR thE WomAn dAys THiNgy On tHe 7 OctObEr aT NgEe Ann thEre....Yippe.....thERe wiLL be 6 Of US GoiNG......Best frIEnd......ParIS.....ShaNNen....sHerYL anD mE......Woots....ITs gottEn bE sO sO fUn......bElOw IS thE websIte fOR thIs evEnt......
aNothEr daY to bURn oFf faTs.......thE acTivIty thAt wE wiLL bE joiNiNg wiLL bE sOme woRk out thIngy.........
Just thInKing abOut thE atTracTivE gOOdIes i goTtEn gEt frOm thE gooDy baG * wInks * wE cHEapO caN....haha.......tHE gOody baG worTh 250 buCks....lalala......
aNd sO i waS sUper bOred whEn mEi aSk mE HeLp Her dO Up thOSe jie Mei pICs so hmm...i wEnt tO edIt cant fInd a Nicey Pics lEh....sO aLamak sEttLE foR thIs One...i meAn mE nOt niCey nOt sHE nOt niCey.....i kNow thIs pIcs kInda suCks caUSe i was uNabLE to fInd thE riGht toNe foR it......cauSe iTs eiTher hEr faCe tOO blAck oR elSe iS mIne Distort....sO in thE enD nEvEr cHAnge tHE toNE bUt diD thE lIghtiNg efFeCts fOr it.....tuRns Out raTher sUcky bUt aiYa toDay No feeL hmmm......* Stomach grUmbLing * aIYo sO hUngry....shOuld haVe aTe mOre dUring dInnEr...bUt AiyA waNt tO thIn thIn mA.....bUt thAn stomAch lAter Hungry HungrY......
Oh i jUSt reMemBer thAt daY wHen i wEnt to see ENERGY....i saW One oF hIs frIEnds thEre tOO.....wAlk oVer to saY Hi to Her....wo HEng fRieNdly de MA.....tHought thAt oNce wE eNTer tHE AudItorIum i would bE saVe caUSe i aM sittIng raTher faR fROm hEr....thought sHE dID not tuRn to loOK baCk aT mE caUSe whEn i lOok oVer to hEr siDe shE iS not lOOKiNg aT mE sO i thOught Ok i aM saFe......i aCted Like a CrazY lAdy...scReaMing aLL hEr wOrth jUSt becAuse sHE saW ENERGy......aND guEss whAt sHE saW.....aLaMAk.....Mei You liAn lE lAh....i aCteD sO CraZy caN she Must bE tHInkIng i aM sO mAd....haha...buT nEvErMind....i hAppy caN le.....fLAsHEs HEr MegA smIle... =D
3 months and 1 day
Tsk tSk.....aS exPEctEd my resUlts SUCKS !!
Results update
Physics - FAIL !!
Chinese - PASS ( the oNE aND onLy subJeCt tHAt i aM prOud oF )
HumaNitIes - FAIL !! i haTe SS....i pAss My gEoGraPhy bUT beCauSe oF my SS i faIled..DAMN
EngLish - PASS
Literature Paper 2 - PASS
hmm....tHAts abOut iT tMR gOTtEn gEt My ChemiStry.....Emaths PAper 2 aND LitEratURe pAper 1 baCk.......HOpe My EmatHS aND litEraTure wiLL pAss.......HOPE........bUT i aM hapPy tHAt thIs tiME mY resuLTs iS bEttEr thAn mY mIds.....My Mids wAs lIke.....NotHing to saY....L1R4 waS lIke sO jiaN bU de Ren.......At leaSt Now iTs a lITtLE mUcH bEttEr cOmpAre tO MIds.......i goTtEn MUG.....i haTe bEIng iN seC 4......If Only thEre iSn't sUcH thIngs AS O levElS....* AHHH * bish..
HidaYu aND me
JournEy baCk Home waS raTher a saD one....EvEryOne was kInda ExHaUStEd aND tHinKing aBout tMr caN reaLLy exHaUSt oNes Mind too.....haiZ.....Hope anD praY thAT my resUlt would nOt bE as baD aS i thInk.... :(
i feeL a PincH iN My pOcKet.....aNywaY mY Hp biLL exCeeDed AgaiN anD i haVe tO pAy....* whines * i am broke.....SomeoNe pLEase grOw mE a Money trEe.... =/
2 More daYs
MAmA bought me thIs.....LOL....thE heart sHApe baLLoon deFlaTe tiLL iTs thIs sIZe........ waRau....ITs lIke sUPer saDdeNiNg lAH......bUT neVermInd aT leaSt iT stiLL haVe thE shApe oF a heaRt........lalala........hmmmm......aNywaY wE aRe alRight nOw....oR maYBe thAts whAT i thInk... hmm.......No mAttEr whAt wE mUSt stiLL bE toGeTHer K.....caNnot leavE mE aLoNE dYing dIE de Hoh.....cauSe i alSo wont leaVe YOu thEre tOO......guEss i mUSt bE tOO haRsH tHAt dAY.....sO pEopLe pLEase dOnt maKE anYmOre cOmmEnts aboUt whaT i saID thAT daY iF yOu haVe reaD iT.....causE i haVe gOne craZy thAN anD No Not whaT i aM talKing......I aM sorrY thOugh iF i haVe offEnded anyOne.....HoPE mY apOloGies iS accePted.... =X
i know You aRe gOing to bE mAd....bUT i stiLL wroTe iT anYwaY.....i kNow i aM aT fAult.........bUt evEryTime whEn i aM angRy oR saD i wILl haVe thIs uRgE to bLog Out aLL mY InNer feeLings weLL thAts what i does evErytIMe aNd iT aLWayS eND wiTh UnhaPpIness.......I maKE a proMise to mYsElf anD i wiLL trY mY vEry bEst tO abIDe mY iT.....haiz......
PreLims aRe OfficaLLy oVer......aND agAin Its tiMe to gEt baCk oUr reSulT.....soon....ThE feAR oF seeIng Red MArkS........haiz....bUt iT iS stiLL IneviTable fOR mE....Hope i oNly fAiL tWo subJectS.........wHIch is A-maThs aND cOmbiNe SciEnce......* prays * i PAss thE reSt bUT iT iS aLso hIghly iMpossibLE tHat i faiL aLL aNd oNly pAss tWo suBjeCts .......tsk tsk....WHat hAs doNe hAS bEen done....No pOiNt crYing oVer spill mIlk......Now iTs tiME to cOnceNtratE fOr thE O.......evEn thOugh i maY nOt be abLE tO eNjoY lIFe In JC fOR thE fIRst 3 MonthS......iT oNly meAns thAt i haVe More tIMe tO gO out anD woRk.... >.<>I DID STUDY.....i rEally reAlly did......aND i stiLl dOnt kNow whaT iS thE reASon whY i dID nOt kNow hOw to dO aLL thOSe qUEstIOn......arrgh.....mayBe whAt i stUDied iS nOt thE mAin pOInt.....i haVe a feeLing thAt i haVe lOAds oF reD mArks oN mY rePort caRd......i doNT waNt....i doNt waNt......ITs goTtEn sPoil mY beaUtiFul caRd.......
ThoSe 3 wORds....iT seeM tO haVe Lost thE meaNing....YoU haVe saID iT sO oftEn thAt i no LOngEr No whEthEr You saY iT fRom thE bottOm oF yOur heaRt OR You aRe saYing wIth No mEaNIng to it....You jUSt saY IT caUSe evEryOne iS saYing it....*dumb........i aM siCk oF aLL thIS....cAn You trUely Say iT frOm thE bOtToM OF yOur heaRt ANd mEAn whaT yOu say.....hmm herE aRe soMe thIngs girlfriends HATE guyfriends thEir gUyfrIeND tO dO....
1. GuYS whO constaNtly teLL yOu How cHio thE othErs gIRl are..ConstaNtly mInd You ITs cOnstaNtly....If yOu saId iT oNce OR twIce oR evEn trICe....itS alRight bUT iF yOu rePeat OvEr aND OvEr agAin thEy wiLL bE siLenT at fIRst thAn thEy wiLL bURst.......... IF yOu sO lIke theM......if You wanT GO stead with thEm laH.....
2. GuYS whO say How thEir gIrlfrIenDs haVe baD faShiOn taSte.........You thInk Your faShion seNSe thAt grEAt mEh..... We aRe nOt ModEls or faShion deSigNers yA.....sOmetiMes whAt yOu ANd i weaR Looks greAt aND thEre aRe tIMes wE dOnt.....
3. GuYs wHO wanTs tO haVe SEX evEn bEfoRe marriage..............* SHIT YOU * MaY yOur EyebalLs bE dUg out....aND Your baLLs drOp off...sHittY i aM sO vUlgAr toDay bUt i aM reAlly reAlly Piss OFf....Mind My mOuth....IF yOu lOVe yOur gIrl You woUld NevEr evEr thInk OF doIng thaT tO hEr......
4. GuYs wHo waNTs thEir gIRlfrIEnDs tO bE thIs aND thAt........HEy IF You waNt Your gIRl tO bE thIS aND thAt.....gO fiNd a roBot.....sHE wiLL bE the pErfeCt gIrLfrIEnd fOr YOU.....
5. GirlS haVe thEir pAtieNCe.....DO NOT pUsh thEir lImits.....dont bE sorrY iF shE tHinks of LettIng iT gO caUse she caNt staND it anymOre.......EvEn thOugh shE LOVES You.....shE fIndS thAt yOu aRe nO lOngEr thE oNe shE usE to kNow......shE iS tIred OF thE nEW You......shE raTher keeP thE wONderfUl meMories oF thE wonderfUl past yOu In hEr mind......
6. GuYs whO keeP saY How tHey miss thEir gIrl yEt whaT .....whEN sHE waNTs to meet Up wiTh yOu.....You wiLL sUreLy bE bUsy....NevErmInd about thE bUSy Part...evEn bEttEr yOu IgNore hEr LOH....JUSt sEnd a mEssagE saYing You aRe bUsy Now sO diFficUlt MEh....tHE mOSt iS 1 MinUte OnlY wHAt............ blahx
I aM Not pin-poiNting aNy gUys.....i aM jUSt gIvIng a gEnEraL staTemEnt about wHAt girlfrieNDs hatE thEir gUyfRIends fOR......UnlEss you aRe gUilty Of thE abOVe staTement.......hmm...........OR eLSe No poInt oF bEiNg anGry aBout whaT i haVe wriTTen........ Its Just a GENERAL STATEMENT!!!! No offences intended......
Oh aND MonDay pRoBarly wiLL bE haViNg Girls' day oUt wiTh bEst frIend aND PaRIs MouNTain.......whee....i lOVe shOppIng.......i mISs sHoppIng if gOinG buGis oN mOnday i maKE suRe thIS tiMe i mUSt gO anD buy thE wHIte mini paINt spLAsh sKirt......woots....sHoppiNg maKEs mE High........IT chEers ME Up whEn i am uNhaPPy.......aND i aM super UnhaPPy riGht nOw so hmmm.......tHinKiNG oF thE hAPpy thIngs lIke gOing fOr shOpPiNg oN mOnday wiLL chEer mE uP a littLE......
Arrgh mY stOmaCh KeeP craMpIng aND i feeL so drowSy maYBe becaUSe iTs goTten bE tHE tiME of tHE mOnth agAin....* stupid * whO aSk yoU sO dumb to provOke mE aT thIs pOint iN tiME......Couch dowN in paIn...... * OUCH...............*
Oh aND i am Currently IN LOVE WITH the song pLayiNG On mY bLog......
Its by Daniel Beddingfield - You are not the one... read the lyrics its kinda meaningful...
If you are not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you are not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We will make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don���t want to run away but I cant take it, I dont understand
If I am not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I dont need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I dont need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you are not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you are not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I dont know why you���re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We will make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you are the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I dont want to run away but I cant take it, I dont understand
If I am not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
Cause I love you, whether its wrong or right
And though I cant be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
I dont want to run away but I cant take it, I dont understand
If I am not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
ConFirM pLus chop Chop i aM gOing fOR thE arT feStiVal thIngY TmR....I mIss WatcHing thEM PerForm.....SistEr saId thAt toDay's ' An Enemy Of The People ' PerFormAncE wAs grEat...hmm....WonDer IS thAt aNy diffEreNCe wiTh oUr PerfOrMAnce aND thEir pErfOrmaNCe....thAt iS OF course oTher thAn thEy caN gEt to staGe tHE plaY fOR thE pubLic whIle wE ONly gEt tO staGe iT In schOOl....blaH blAh bLAh...stiLL reMembEr laSt yEAr wHEn wE firSt perfOrm thE pLay...* FlasHbaCk*
aLL thE fUn wE haD aS a claSs....FirSt haND ExpEriENce oF how aCtORs anD actRess feeL aND hOw thEy haD a toUgh tIme haVing tO mEmorIse aLL thE scRipts....And hOw neRvOus You woULd bE whEn yOu caNt reMemBer Your Lines....aND How hAppy You woULd bE whEn thE plAy eNDed......haha...tHoSe aRE thE hAppy MemOrIes wE sHAre...EvEn tHougH wE dreaD hAviNg tO cOme baCk tO scHool fOR aLL thE
TmR wiLL bE thE daNce aND OthEr aRt pErForMAnce.........i Miss waTchIng DAncE eNsEmbLE daNCe.....aND i mISs daNciNg toO....gEttIng faTtEr thIs daYs aND mY staMina iS No LongEr aS gOOd aS laSt tiMe......i neaRly diEd whEn i cLImb oUt thE staIRs frOm thE grOUnd fLoor to whErE i aM staYing thE 12nd FlooR.........Ok wHatEvEr !!! i mUSt fInd tIme tO exCerISe aND gEt baCk In shApe agAin..... blahx =X
WheN Library tO stUdy agAin.....hmm.........dID nOt reAlly
hmm....GoTtEn stOP craPPing HEre aND gEt baCk tO reVisIng mY chEmIStrY.....totAlly giVe uP oN A-maThs sO i am nOt gOIng to stuDy fOR it.....wHAts thE pOint oF stuDying whEN yOu stiLL gEt F9 fOR iT....iT doEs Not maKe a diFfErEnCe If You gEt 20 OR yOu gEt 10 caUSe iN thE eND iT iS stiLL a 9 fOR yOu....i meAn fOR hmm....I am gIvIng it Up!!! * scReAms *
I thInk i caN paSs TodaY E-mAths pAper.....buT sOMetiMEs i gEt reAlly scaRe caUSe wHEnEvEr i sAy i caN paSs....iN thE enD....i eNd uP faiLing (t_t) bUT reAlly i wiSh anD hOpe tHAt i caN paSs pAper 1.....oF course HopefULLy Not jUSt a pAss bUT maYbe arrh....i kNow iTs JUSt a MaybE caN.....LEt mE dreAm fOR a wHiLe caN......a 59/80 maRks......caUSe i aLReaDy Lost 9 marks.......aND hmm.....i giVe mYseLF anOthEr 12 mARkS fOr errOrS iN AnswEr aND hmmm.........i wiLL gEt 59......wOoots.....wIShfUL thInKing......AS IF i caN gEt 59.......iF I ReAlly goTtEn 59...... i wiLL hmm......trEat bEst frIEnds aND PaRIs aNd sHAnneN ORaNGe JuicE....aPpLe JuiCe.....fOOd AiYa whAtevEr thEy waNt lEss thAN 5 bucKs....wahaa .........evEn thOugh i wIn i wiLL trEat thEm.....thAt is lIke iF i gottEn 59 fOR pAPer 1 anD i paSs ovEraLL foR E-maTHs..... caUSe i wiLL be sO hapPy thAn !!!
Now i Know whY bf sAY thAt The stUPid gUy Who aDdEd Me haD Me YEstErdaY haD a ******* faCe.....aND whY hE saId thAt whY hE saW tHAt gUy faCe HE InstaNt sHut doWn thE paGe........YestErdaY whEn i addEd Him iN, i dID nOt gO anD cheCk oN hOw hE LooK LIke and sUch.......aT fIRst thoughT thAt hE iS sUaI gE cauSe thE waY He talK lIke acT suAi lIke thAt......thAN wheN bf saY thAT hE haD a ******* faCe.....i thOughT thaT iT iS becaUse HE iS JeaLOus thAT iS whY hE saId oK i deCided tO gO chEck on How hE lOOk Like.....DisPlay pic....MAcHo mAn.......Ok strOLL doWn PicTuRes....waH suAi gE sit oN tHE chAir.....strOLL doWn agAin.....wAh so maNy oF thE pRoJect suPerstaR sILver Pics.....thAN stroLL a caPtiOn thAt anD mY frIEnd oR soMEtHIng Like thAt clIck.....OMG.....quIcKly INstaNt shUt thE wiNdOw....* pEng * It IS totAlly sO.....whaTeVer bf sAy iS lIke sO trUe....iF i aM tO lOOk aNy lOngEr i mIGht jUSt.....Ok Ok......No oNe IS PerfEct i am nOt tOo....i haVe mY flAws anD maYbE thAt PErsOn hAve a ******* faCe bUt whO kNows HIs pErsOniaLity mIGht bE a roCkiNg one....... * phew * LucKily i cloSe thE wINdOw iN tiME......
Ok ok....EnoUgh oF cRappIng........tiME to stUDy.....Ta-da
My 5 HourS Of
AnyWay ITs kIndA fUnny toDay...i caNt bELievE i caN bE sO cOld toWardS thAt stuPId aSs whO trIEd tO befrIend mE....i thInk thAt HE haS sOme HiddEn agEnda....When You aSk pEopLe wHY thEy aDd you In mSn eSpeciAlly iF yOu dO nOt kNow thaT persOn, thEy wiLl saY cAuse thEy wAnt tO kNow mOre frIEnds aND sucH....aND gUEss whAt thIs aSs saY caUSe i waNT mAKe fRieNd wiTh YOu.....Ass you........sO i dEciDed tO kp tHE pErsOn aND gaVe hIm lOaDs oF stUpid anSwErs tiLL HE iS fUStraTeD taLKing tO mE.....wahaaa.......TolD bf.....thAn hE saY thAt HE haVe a ******* USe woRds thAt aRe kInda seNsorEd sO i shaLl nOt MEnTIon iT hEre iN caSe oNe daY mY mama deCideD tO dRop bY fOr a vIsIt anD OMG sHE wILL gEt tHE sHock Out OF HEr Life.....sO haha.....i waS laUghiNg mY aSs Off wHEn bf saY aLL thOSe thIngy.........I miSs taLking tO bf oN mSn....WonDer whEn wiLL bE oUr nExt tIme.....bUT hmmm....i kNow HE haVe tO stUDy sO dO I...aND haha....He sAid thAt hE wiLL acCompaNy ME tO stuDy oNce HIs exAms aRe ovEr....HE gOTtEn driLL mE tiLL i gEt A1....siAo oNe...if i caN gEt A1......thE sKy drOP Liao....tHE eaRth wiLL stOP mOvIng aND maYBe tHE sUn wiLL staRt bUrnIng.....bUT nvM i aPpreCiatE it...LovesLoves....a paSs iS bEttEr thAn NotHing.....Ok ta-da tiME fOR Me tO gO now....
WiLL bE gOing LibraRy tO stuDy agAin.
8 more days to 3 months <3
My aNgEr hAd dIEd Down eVen though wHEnevEr i sEe thE pErSon i stiLL KiNDa pIssEd off bUT nah....i dOnt bEaR gRudgE............i dOnt wAnt tO haVe aN eNemY i raTHer You bE my frIEnd sO lalala.......HerE am i gOing to acT aS IF None OF thIs haD happEn.........aNd i shAll nOt talK about it anymoRe....
One OF thE craZY dAys.... :( i goTtEn diE baDly fOR mY pHysICs PApEr * whInes * i dOnt evEn kNow hOw tO do oNe fuLL qUestIOn....OMG.............HAIZ.....see lAh....wHO aSk YOu aCt smArt.....stuDy laSt miuNte....tHAn brAin canT sqUeuE iN ANy mOre caUSe tOO fuLL haVe NOt uNloaD.....tHAn blAhx......I SHALL DIE........shucks...... i mUSt stuDy fOR CheMistrY.....i caNnt dO NothIng about it....i mUSt saVe mYselF anD Jiayou tILL thE vEry laSt breAth.....fOr Bf....I wiLL aNd i Must....
StuDy wITh FiQa.....FiZa.........JunJie.......thAN HafIz Join uS.....Than FiqA friEnds..........OMG......i canT beLievE toDay i sO harDwoRking.....somethIng mUSt bE so wrong wIth mE toDay........i stUdIed fOR 5 Hours straIght.....can You bEat That.....HopE i caN scOre fOR F&N thIS tiMe..........
I LOVE YOU.....You mUSt taKE caRe oF yOursElF k....maKE sURe yOu dONt gO anD eaT chOcos....laTer yOu thrOAt exPlode lEh...laTer ExplODe How....i sOmeMore nEed tO gO anD FiND thOse littLE piecEs thAN sEw iT uP fOR yOu......vEry dIFfUcUlt You Know...PieCes aLL sO smAll i neeD thE MirCosOpE thAn caN fInd lEh.....You bUY mE oNe caN ? so neXt tiME eXploDe i can Find.........blahx......<3
``Falala......WhaT thE hEll iS wiTh aLL thE rUmoURs anD goSsip....IF yOu haVe thE guTs jUst cOMe aND aSk mE lAH....gOssIp gOssiP foR WHAt ?? And whAT thE pOiNT oF ASkiNg mY bf aND thAn teLL PeoPle.......wHy yOu sO BitChy....aND whAt wiTh thE pRomISe thIngy ? iS iT aLL foRgOTtEn ? NevErmInd......SomEtiMEs You jUSt nEed sOmethIng tO bItCh abOut.........
AiN't IN a gOOd Mood dOnt trY ME.......OncE biTtEn twiCe sHY..........i shAll nEver teLL yOu thIngs agAin..........falala...
I am Meanie.....When sOmeOne beTrays MY trUst i wiLL bE mEan...Real MEan.....* rolls eyes *
I AM SORRY......
WheN oUt wiTh FiQa, FiZa, Angela,HidaYu to sTudy toDay thaN aFtEr thAt bf aNd juN jIe JoIN uS......blaHX.......THiNk We LaUgh anD taLk More thAN We stUDy.......AngEla sO fUnny....Her JokES caN Make YOu LAugh tiLL *pEng.....AngeLA Is oUr ParIs MoutAin.....haha....Than FiQa....BrItnEy SpHere..FiZa....NicHole Bitchy.....HidaYu.....MicHellE MuttOn.......Me LinDsAy GongHan....haha.......ITs So fUn StuDyiNG wiTh tHEm.....AT leAst i wOnt fAll asLeep......blah blah blah.......FirSt tO cOme aND fIRst to gO HOme.....than blah bLAh.....MAny thIngs HAppeN thAn gOttEn angrY thAn sad thAn blAH blAh blAh.....haiZ........dui bu qi......... But tHEre aRe sOme thIngs i fiNd thAt i am stiLL nOt reaDy For it....... i know YOu aRe trYing Your verY beSt tO PEi he Wo le.....anD MoRe oFteN thAn Not i aM tHe oNe whO caUSe tHings tO enD Up sOur evErytiME aFter wE meet......tsk tsk.........tHIngs aRe gEttIng mOre xIn ku lE.....stiLL reMeMber tHAt time yOu saY whAt wHEn cOuplEs mEet OFtEn, thE mORe thEy wOuld quArreL wIth eACh oTher.....i dOnt waNt uS tO enD up lIke thAt bUt tsk....i aM aLwaYS thE One wHo stARted it.....SometiMEs i reAlly doNt uNdErstaND......aND YOu tOO wOnt UndErstaNd whAt i am gOing thRough tOO.....tsk......ThE trOubLe iS sOMetiMEs wE dOnt sPeaK wHAt iS oN Our Mind aND woUld stArt tO pLay thE Mind GuessIng gaMe wITh eaCh OThEr.....HAIZ.....anD hEre IT gOEs aGAin......i usEd Up mY 6 Msg Per daY aND sAd i canT mSg Him anymoRe cauSe HE saY thAt iF i eXceeD HE would not rePly.......anD i gUess hE Is stiLL anGry wiTh Me right aT thIs moMeNt cause He dID Not evEn bOThEr to mSg ME.....darn......tHis IS gEttIng hOrrIble.... bUT wHo IS it tO bE blAme....ME.....arrgh........
OkiE HEre IS sOmethIng reAlly sWeet...aNd reAlly raNdoM
Girls : If you want to hold his hand,gently bump into it a couple of times.
Guys : Grab it if it happens more than once.
Girls : When you want to cuddle with him,tell him you're cold
Guys : Automatically move closer to her.
Girls : During a movie, if he puts his arm aroundyou, tilt your head on his shoulder
Guys : Lift her chin up and kiss her.
Loving each other
Guys : When she tells you she loves you,look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips,and tell her you love her too... And mean it.
Laying below the stars
Girls : When you're both laying under thestars,put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat
Guys : Whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers.
Okok...i kNow i sHould bE stuDYing iNsteaD OF bLoggIng rIght now sO ta-da....fIrst tiMe i aM gOIng OffLine sO eaRly anD Its Only 11.40 fOr gOodNess saKE.....i aM Like sO guAi tODay.....
*gOne bogus.End Of story.
Some RandOm PicTures tHAt i tOOk toDay.....cauSe One oF thE bUyer waNted ME tO sEnd hEr a picTure OF How tHis purpLe tOP wOuld looK like whEn iT iS bEing woRn....sO hmm.....TrIed oUt MaNy diFfErenT stYles.....
aND At laSt i settLE wiTh thIs oNe.....FacEless.. =X
And siNCe i aM aLReaDy dRess uP, i deCiDEd thAt iTs tiMe fOr caMEra wHore-iNg....lalala
Lord Bless ME fOR tMR LiteraTuRe paPEr.......
GosH tmR iS lIke thE staRt OF mY pReLims aND HEre aM i In frOnt oF My coM bloggIng AwaY....aRrgh.....I wiLL cOme lEss OftEn frOm tMR OnWarDs caUSe thEre iS nO pOiNT iN cOmiNg oNliNe nOW siNce hE iS baN fRom uSIng tHE coM.....sO iF i You See Me oNliNe meaNs HE iS oNliNe tOO.....OtHerwISe maYbe i wILL JUst pOp bY OncE iN a wHile to keeP mY blOg aLive....hmmm........wOndEr How lOnG i caN LaSt Though......I aM mOre addIctEd tO tHE compUtEr thAn i aM tO swEets......
TodAy cHurCh seRviCe waS abOut frIeNds....PAsToR taLk abOut thE elEmeNts fOR trUE frIEndSHip....GodLy lOve, GodLy commItMent anD laStly GoDly sAcrIfice....trUE frIEndsHip mUSt bE abLE tO staNd thE teSt oF adVersIty tOO.....Than tHE paStOR taLk aBout how maNy trUE fRiEnds You hAvE tHAt aRe wiLLing tO braVe daNgErs wITh yOu aND sUCh.....He gaVe aN eXaMple IF thEre IS thIs Post In thIs Job thAt You reAlly waNTed....YouR bOSs aSk yOu tO gIVe RecOmmaNdatiOn oN whO You thInk thIs pOSt sHouLD gO tO.....aND thEre iS this frIEnd wEll shE/he haPpenS tO bE yOur beSt frIeNd, aND weLL she/he iS mORe caPabLe thAn yOu aND wOuld sUrely bE abLE tO pErfOrm bEttEr tHAn You, wOuld You reCommAnd thAt pErsOn fOR thAt pOSt oR wOulD You raTher keeP thE pOSt fOr YourseLf ? a trUE frIend wOuld gIVe UP thE PosITiOn to thE frIEnd wIthoUt tHinkIng.....ThIS maKe mE thInk abOut hOw many trUe friEnds do i actUAlly haVe aND hOw maNy aRe wiLLing to dO thIs fOR ME.....i am nOt reAlly suRe haVe i reAch tHAt staNdaRd yEt aS a trUE frIeNds to OtHErs bUt fOR sUre i kNow theRe aRe sOme OF thEm whOm i am wiLLing to saCrIfiCe.....bUt OK iTs aLright iF i dOnt haVe aNyOne whOM iS wiLLing caUSe i kNow bf wiLL.....haha....KinDa iNTerEstIng i sWeAR bUT maYBe i waS tOO tiRed thAt iS Why i kInda faLL asLeeP twIce....bUT thAnkfUlly i haVe The cUte LittLE babY IN fRont OF mE tO eNtErTain Me wITh His GimmickS......i MusT haVe AcTed raTher stUpidly thAN fOR i waS trYing to stICk oUt My tOngUE LiKe thE waY hE dOes......aND HE laugH aT mE.....blahx......lalala....I lOVe lIttLE baBies....ThEy nEvEr faiL tO eNTerTain mE wiTh thEir cUte littlE AnticS.................
And oh bf IS sO swEet He wRote tHis oN hIs frIEndsTer * blusH * tehe......LovesLoves...DonT kNow What Is wRoNG wITh My bLoggY...IT wOnt eNlaRge wHEn Its beIng clIck sO *siAn No chOice i haVe tO uSe photObuCket anD arrGh...IT eND uP looKing sO bIG so yuPP...Just USe thE riGht anD lEft strOllIng thIngy to strOlL....WhatevEr aM i taLking ....blaHX
Ok i dOnt kNow Whats More ThEre iS fOR mE tO blog abOut sO ta-da.....
Okie cOm is LAggIng lIke craZy....Mum bOught a NEw Hp fOR mE wHIch isn't ExaCtly thAt goOD but weLL i reAlly aPPrecIatE iT fOR aT leaSt nOw i caN talK oN thE hP wIThout sAying mUch huH HuH ?? i caNT heaR it etC thINGy....Weets.......
FridAy :
SpEnd frIDay sLacKing aT home.....i wAnted To gO oUt bUT dont kNow Who doNt wanT waTCh mOvIe....hahax....sO i deCided tO stAy aT hOme aND wAh.....taLk aND taLk anD taLK On thE Hp wIth HIM......tHink gOt 3 HouR ba ?? hmm....caUSe dOnt kNow wHy tHAt dAy peoPle keeP caLLing mY hOme thAn wE keeP nEed tO Put dOwn thE pHone sO to ansWer thE caLL....i waS lIke so suPEr irrItatEd....blahx.......But NEvErMind aT leaSt wE taLK aLot aND waH...You aRh baD de....gEk mE tiLL i waNt crY le thAn go gaN dong me dAo.....lalala....Hai wO cRy LOh YOu......baddiE........bUT haha....You arh......alWays NEvEr fAil to gaN doNg ME One....HOw coMe yOu can sO pOetiC de.......thAN caN thInk oF sO mAny acTions to gAn doNg me...........Love you Loads.....bUt siAn....IF yOur mAma ObjeCt i wILL mORe sIan....tHE roAd aHeaD iS gEtting mORe anD More aND
Today :
SorrY i aM lIke so dePrivE oF MY chIldHood wHen i saw thIs i stARted PlayIng wITh IT......i mUSt haVe goNe craZy thAn afTer aLL thE blAh blAh tHAt hAppen YestErdAy....i neArly die-ed ...SerIous.....i was sO scaRe thAt i neaRly wEnt boGus........talK tO hIm agAin tHIs MorNINg......aIn't IN a goOd mOod.......dAd cAMe iN nAg......Arrgh.....i waS sUper pIss tHE mOMent BeFore aND dad caMe Just thE rigHt mOmeNt to aDd oil in thE fiRe.....Woah....*ExpLode * thAN arrgh....Put doWn Phone.....i seRiously wiSh HE wAS thEre aT thE moMEnt....but nevErmInd..............slEeping hElps to caLm mE doWn so i weNt to sleeP........wOke uP daD weNt to Jog....agAIn i waS sUPer pisseD....wth....He tOld ME thAT toDay hE wiLL bRing uS Out aNd lEt mE defIne hIs out ....His oUt iS nOt oUr OUt but hIs oUt iS thE oUt oF thE House Out whICh In shOrt MEans accOmpaNyiNg uS to sWim anD laTer eaT diNner wiTh uS....... anD sO thAT is One OF thE reaSon wHy On fRIdaY i diD nOt gO cauSe i waNT dad to gO sWim wIth uS cauSe ITs beeN lOng sInce HE swIm wiTh uS......i tRust tHAT daD wiLL keeP hIS woRds bUT nah.....i sHould haVe kNown thAT mOSt OF thE tiME He lala...i sHOuld nOt haVe sO mUch hIgh hOpes thAT......pISsed agAin.....bUT nevErmind...i stiLL Love mY daD........ so weNt to swIm.....blaHx.......depRove..............stAmina iS gEttIng frOM bAD to woRse tO eVen wOrSer.............bUt nevErmIND.......swImmiNg iS nOt whAt i wAnt now i waNT dAncIng.....i am sO looKing foRwArD to afTer O levEls so thAt i caN enrol MyseLf intO soME daNCe claSses....Woots.....sWim dOlphiN strOke toDay.....goSh.....i lOok lIke sOme eLephAnt swImmIng iN waTer oR evEn wORse tHAn thAT.....aRrgh.......i caNT breAthe.......aND i caNT fLip mY legS thE riGHt wAy.......bUT haha NeveRminD abOut aLL thAt.....i feeL a senSe oF accOmplisHmenT aS i gEt to work oN mY stoMacH muscle tODay......hehe
Ok i kInda feeL cHEateD nOw thAt i thInk ovEr itS rAther stUpid buYing a pAiR oF HAir tiE thAt cOst You $4.90 JUst beCauSe IT iS pOlkA dOTs anD weLL iT haS thE lEttEr M aT thE ceNtre of thE ribbOn.........aRrgh......buT lUcKily daD iS thE oNE PAyinG it OR i woUld have KiLL myself sPEnDinG sUCh MoneY oN thIS tYpe OF USelEss thINgs.....sORry itS jUSt a moMent OF impluSe thAT mAke mE wANna bUy it caUse i dID nOt spEnd Any MOneY toDay.....aND daRn....ITs oNly abOut 4 cM bIg.......Not As iF thE riBbOn IS sO bIG thAT iT need tO coSt $4.90......Okie StuPid Me !! I am nOt In a right frAme Of Mind toDay......
tAlk to mUm ON thE JourNey hOme......kInda feeL glAd thAT aT leaSt weLL aT leaSt mY mUm UnderStaND mE a littLE WeLL a littLE woUld haVe beeN enOugh foR me........anD OMG.....siS sUDdeNly aSk mE one QueStion thAt goTtEn thE sHocK oUt oF My lIfe.......buT aS usuAl YOu sHould haVe seeN hOw i aNSwEr.........woah.....i thInk i sHould haVe gOTtEn thE BullshIt-iNg awarD........Ok whAtEver............
i waS lIke kInda IrrItatEd wITh HIM thAt i reALLY feeL lIke blAsTing aT HIm......bUT haiZ.......thE mOSt i caN reN aLSo 30 mIns ma.......NexT tiME YOu xiAo xIn i mAKe suRe i gEk yOu tiLL YOu waNt dIE arh..........blahx >.< * evil grin *
ITs tHe 75 th dAy............
The VerY fIRst tIme wE gO Town-inG toGeTher........ alSo Its thE vEry fIRst Time whEre i ReaCh hOme aT 9 Plus dUh!! i meAn wIth Him tHAts tHE laTest tiMe i evEr reAch HOme.....wIth tHE oThers IS lIke 10 Plus 11 thE laTest......Woots......Ok Ok...evEn thOugh iTs 9.30 nOt ReaLLy thAt laTe eIthEr buT heY LooK at thIs PoiNt oF vIew......cOmiNg home aT 9 pLus withoUt bEing NaG aT bY dad IS alReaDy cOnsiDer a wOnderfUl thIng....WeLL He UsuAlly Nags aT HIm fOR gOing Home sO laTe....hurhur.....i mISs YEstErdAy...........aT fIRst tHoughT thAt toDay cAn gO oUt buT dONt kNow whO hoh......wANt gO pool wITh YOur frIEnds....haha.......OK weLL acTually i cAn taG aLonG buT hmm...i chOose Not to caUse i haVe a feeLing i wiLL bE talKing to MyseLf wHeN i aM thEre......weLL sorrY aboUt yEstErdAy aBout ME looKing sO siAn....In acTual faCt i am reAlly vEry SIAN......weLL i sHoUld lEArn to miX arOUnd mORe......bUt gUEss it taKEs a reAlly lOng tiME fOR mE bEfORe i wARm Up.......sO blah blah.....i shOuLd talK to mYSelF fOR thE tiME beIng....
aFtEr YEstErdAy SCienCe pRactiCal i chIoNg aLL thE wAy HOme.......caUSe You sAiD thAt YOu aND Your FriEnds aRe cOmIng oVer tO mY plaCe.....i waS LIke OMG......HOpe yOu takE a LOngEr tiME.....i baTh anD chAnge aT thE faStEst spEed YoU caN ImagIne bUT hmm......i aM stiLL laTe.....aLamak.....lUcKiLY oNly bY awHile........Or elSe hmm...i aM nOt sURe wHAt woUld HappeN........tOOk buS tO JuroNg than TraIN to City hAll.....Meet Ee lynn....She IS sO prettY......aGain thAn tRain to ORChArd........wAlk to CiNe......thAn blAh blAh....eaT sOme sTraWberrY thIngy aT PAsta mania thaN blah blAH....i lOve thAt bLossOmZ Off shOuLder t.......OMG.....sO nICey...And itS pUrpLe IN cOlOur....PURPLE rawkx !! I aM So sO tEmptEd tO bUy It....BuT hmm....I dont Want Him tO spEnd MoneY oN mE sO aLL i caN dO iS TO see FrOM afaR....Ohh...Big SacrifIce....blaHX....i saY UntiL i sO 'weI da' Like thAt sO bU yAo lian >.< color="#ff0000"> HIs BelT.....aND agAin i saw thE blossOmz OFf sHouLDer t.....duh !! cauSe thEre iS a blOssomz sHop thEre OF cauSe i wOuld bUmp Into it.......wth am i talKing.....thAN Zhili cAme....Ok So Now i HaVe sEeN 8 OF hIS frEns.....2 mORe LEft...lalala.....thAN blAH blAh.....thaN mAkan.....tHAN waLk.......On thE Way.....saW thAt steVen gUy thE oNe wHo stRip tiLL hIs uNdErweaR aT thE audItiOn fOR thE sing idOl 1......thAn saW thE Li nan xIng ex wiFe aT MAngO.......thAN Ouch !! He gOt PinCh........OucH !! sEe lE Jiu feeL paIN....caUse His aRm thEre aLL red rEd.....sOrry nExt tiMe i brIng My Binoculars Okie....sO thAt i caN Help You lOok oUt fOR thE Man..........aND If i wAlk oN stiLtS evEn BettEr Hoh....sO i caN sEe evEn fUrthEr...... o.O
Oh i fORgOTtEn tO waRn yOu thAT thIs iS gOing tO bE a bOring Post sO iF You aRe not reAdy tO sacrIfiCe Your tIMe reaDing sUCh bOrIng thIngs ,You aRe welCome tO stRoll doWn to reAd oTher pOSts Or maYbe weLL JUst taG aT My taGboarD bEfoRe You leave.........lalala........tHAn walK walK......thAN thEy croSs.....we nEvEr.....thAN sepEratEd.....thAN gO taKA tO mEet thEm........thAN blah blAh anD HIm maKE a mOVe fIRst cauSe hmm.....i waS a TireD anD siAn......sHucKS i sOund lIke a sPoilt braT......cauSe oF Me He haD to leavE thEm.....daRn.....NExt tIme i sHould HidE My eMotiOns sO thAt HE caN bE wIth thEm LoNger........aNd mayBe thE nExt tIMe bEfoRe i gO oUt wiTh tHEm i sHouLD eAT tHE EntHu MedIcIne to mAke Me High aNd evEn bEttEr IF thEre iS a talkatiVe MEdICine to mAke mE taLk More.......i tHInk i baRely sPoke 10 seNteNCes wITh thEm yEstErday....i waS sO thAt teRriblE i waS sMilIng aNd LaUgHing aLL thE tiMe but nOt talKing.....aRrgh....i dOnt UnderstaND why i caNt thiNk oF anythIng to talK..........thAN...MAny fUnny thIngs HAppen On thE waY Home oK shAll Not eLAbORatE HEre........reaCh home....sO tIRed.....waSh up anD Pong !! Lie oN thE beD thAN Oink OinK.........sLEeP uNtiL tOday MoRNing....i caNt ImagINe thAt i sLEPt aT 11 early buT i waS reAlly vEry tiRed i canT tahan aNyMore.....MAybE oNe of thE reaSon fOR mY siAn-Ness is becaUSe i waS reAlly tIred fOR i wOke Up so eaRly iN thE mOrnIng anD thE nIGht bEfoRe i stiLL sleeP so late.......Hmm....waS sUppOsed to gO fOR dAnce to see Them YEstErdAy bUT haiZ....sorrY....Miss You gUys bUt i reAlly neeD rUSh Home thATs whY i canT gO.......
Today :
I am sO siAn aT thIS VEry MomEnt......i aM sTucK aT home....Arrgh......LEt mE fRee......i waNna gO Out.....HoPe thAT i caN gO oUt tMR.....i doNt uNderstaND wHY wE aRe Like thAT.....i dont lIke tO Be cOmpaRed.....we aRe we........tHEy aRe tHEy.....wHy coMpare ??? haiZ..... i haVe a FeeLing thAt More of suCh thIngs woUld haPpen......i dOnt see wHy thEre is A neeD tO dO suCh thIngs......sOmetImes i wisH...... aND i HAve a stuPid feeLing thAt YOu woUld bE IrrITatEd wHEn YOu reaD thIs bUt reAlly i dO tHiNk thIS way.........aND i feeL a nEed to vOice IT oUt.......I haD eNough oF aLL thIs........aRrgh.....
JUSt aNothEr BorIng Post.......
ARRGH......sIAn.......i waNt gO oUt tmR......Just nOw sO hapPy de thaN nOw sIAn diAo......Okie...i promisE mama mUSt mUg i mUSt...canNot lEt mama anD bf say He wAnt tO giVe mE a sUrprIse oN mY laSt pAper sO okie...i reAlly mUSt mUg vEry vEry HArd fOr HIM........ok ta-da
WatCh thE deVil wEArs PradA toDay......hmm.....raTe it 8/10....KIndA nICey......nEvEr eAt diNner....cauSe Eat popcORn eAt untiL i sUper Full......blaHx.....diD nOthing mUch toDay....wEnt tO cSc...thought thAt maYbe caN catCh a glImpsE oF bf bUT hmm...shOuld i say heng leH...caUSe iF sEe hIm thAn His fRiendS suRe....pOint pOinT aND suCh de thAn daD KNow....haha....Bye byE lIAo......maYBe aCtuaLLy caN see Him de....bUT i alSo scAre sUCh thIngs woUld haPPen So i gU yI doNt waLK tO thE bOwl cEntRe thEre....haIZ.....i reAlly feeL thAt i dUI bU Qi hIm.....AlwAys iS i SuddEnly clOSe thE PhOne de...tsk tsk..........Dad Like Know but aLSo Like dOnt kNow lEh.....thAt NighT soMeMOre teLL mama i talKing to bF....tsk.....He Know jiu haO le....thAN i NO neeD alWays tou toU talK to HIM...vEry Xin Ku de Loh....
TmR haVe tO gO baCk sChooL fOR thE sCienCe PractiCal thingy......hmmm......Hope tiME woUld Just paSS faSter......i waNT thURsDay tO coME quIcKly.....i waNt waTch MonstEr House.........waS supposEd tO waTch thAt todAy bUT.....aLL thAnks tO siS sHE cAme laTe anD weLL wE mIss thE TiMing sO...hmm......laZe aroUnd...woNder whaT hAPpen to daD...KEeP waNTiNg to gO tO thE librarY....arrgh......libraRy borEs ME.....aLL i dO IN thE libraRy is to reAD mAgazIne...i dOnt lIke reaDing booKs thaT haS toRe oR fOldEd IRrItaTes weLL i alWaYs wiLL buY thE boOk iF i lIke IT....gUEss i am jUSt a spOilt brat.....bUt i dOnt HAve a GOLDEN MOUTH.......* whiNes * bf aLWays saY i haVe a gOldeN mOuth....I doNt......i can eAT aT foOD coUrt de....ReaLLy.......i ONly dOnt eAT aT haWkEr caUSe fLies irkS ME.......bUT fOOd coUrt i am alriGht wiTh it....reAlly.........
blaHx......notHIng mUCh to blOG toDay.......ta-da
bf raWKx My woRld.....<3
I LovE cHurch.....i Love ServICe.....i lOVe watChing thOse littLE chIldreN gOing gaga lala......TheY aRe sO cUTe...aww......OK i adMit....i lOOk aT thEm MOre thAn heaRIng whAt thE paStOR haVe tO say....Ok i kNow i am so baD bUT i caNt hElp looKing aT thOse preTTy cUTe littLE baBiEs.....wooo......i lOVe litttLE baBies....tHey aRe suCh cUTies........
i waNt watCh mOnstEr lOoKS nICey....bUT maYBe a liitLE childisH foR me....bUT naH.....whO caRes....aS loNg aS i eNjoy it riGht....haha......
fOund thIs On friEndsTer kINda niCey...........btw i lOve reaDing bulletiNs....thE pOSt aRe alWays sO iNTerestIng And hmm.....Some aRe kInda NICey aND meaNingFul.....woots.....
L0VE HER LIKE Y0U NEVER L0VED BEF0RE. sweeT iSn't it....bUT diD aLmost haLF of whaTevEr iS wrITten hEre le......sO i should COnsIDer MYself LuCky.....* lovesloves* haha....
So looKing fORwarD to thURsdaY sO thAt i caN see HIm agAin...<3