Hear the lady roar.

TodAy raN Mi 2.4....UrrgH !!! tiMinG gEttIng loUsy le...15 miNs plUs duNnoe hOW mAny seConDs...Urrgh !!! sO slOw le...thOugh pAss le..i STill nOT saTisfiEd lEh..wAnna rUn fAster SomeMore hoPE cAn unDer 15 miNs leh..cAuSe toDay i Run NevEr stOp loH sO thouGht wIll bE fAstEr dE..bUT dEn in The EnD stIll SAme.eNd up moRe dEn 15 miNs grrgh !!! Ahhh !!! iM suPer heaRtbRokEn noW le...uMmm..oNly wEetEng Knows bA plUs a feW oThers lOh..hAiZ...

ToDay mAths de CA gottEn bE goNe cAse le..suRe die oNE..AmatH cAn gEt 3 or 4 mArkS i cAn lauGh mY toEs oFf le...EmaTh iF cAn pass by 1 or 2 mArkS i AlSo hAppY le...aLl mY subJeCts arE lIke dYing le Loh...HaiZ...i wAnna sEE thEm matCh agAin lEh..bUt tHE fAns All duNNoe where iS iT..heArd iS on thUr buT dUn kNw whEre anD dUn kNw iS whAt time Loh...hAiZ..evEn iF at nEar neAr onE i AlSo cAnnot gO loH gOT DAncE ma...ArrGh !! aNd thEy arE reAliSing uS eArlY leh...wAhh dEn meAn tiMe dO whAT loH..hAiZ....

BPGH no 4 anD sHAwn Rawkx duH !!!! HaIz...i hAve beCome a reGulAr pRintiNg maChiNe lE...



ToDay WenT SEe ShAwN agAin..toDAy hE loOk reAli hAppY loH..CaUse thEy wOn YuAn ChinG sEc bY at leAst 20 plUs poiNTs veRy neAr 30 i tHinK..cAnt reMembEr le..thE wAy hE lAugh sO cuTe LoL...guEss He is tHe foRce beHind Mi coMpletEing thE dAy...cAuSe evErYtiMe thiNk oF hIm onLy iT wIll boOst mY energY moRal LOL...uRggh !!! No 4 oSo....hE suAi sUAi ah...sAw sHu fAng tHEre cAuse sHe supportIng hEr schooL mA...She sTill aS cuTie aS evEr..haha...wAh She AlmoSt mAke Mi wAnnA baNg Mi HeaD...caUse i SAy BPGH no 4 cUte ma..dEn shE go In frOnt of hIm juSt to See hiS fAce..wAhh..alMost gottA thE shoCk oF mI liFe cAn...urrgH ! he iS so cuTie leh...no 4 i meAn duh !! lucKilY Mi aNd YiLiN stAy baCk afTer thE BPSS anD YuaN cHing matCh caUSe wAnna sEe hoW clEmentI ToWn plAy wiF UnitY ma...dEn knOw thAt actuAllY afTer evEry maTch thEy wIll haF debRieF dEn thEy wIll stAy baCk to sEe othEr peoPle maTch lE..sO tAts Why i GottEn a sNap sHot oF BPGH no 4 in My Hp...wakkaa...i Dun dAre tAke lAh coS i pAi sEh mA..dEn YiLin heLp mi Go AnD tAke dEn suDdenLy wHen wAn tAke thAt tiMe BPGH no 4 tuRn toWarDs ouR diRectIon aNd i wAs liKe so frEakiNg oUt sO i quiCkly puSh YiLin And aSk hEr Dun tAke lE cos iM suPEr pAi sEh mA..aniWaY tAts whY tHE piCs is So blUr loH cAuse wEn i puSh hEr hAnd sHe snAp thE piCs..iN mY hP hiS faCe lOok a liTtlE DistoRted loH...haIz..

AniWay tHE maTcH afTer sHawn de sCh dE matCh...UnitY VS clEmenTi toWn wAs quitE a inTereSting one thoUgh...Ok heaRd thAt its onE oF thE guYS in ClemEntI town thAt broKe ShaWn fiNger...Ok nEverMind abOut thAt..lEt Mi tAlk abOuT tHE matCh..in The beGinniNg ClemeNti toWn wAs liKe leaDing bY at leaSt 5 scOres ?? i thInk..caUSe i duN reAli reMember liAo aniWaY thEy leAdinG coRrEct liAo lAh..dEn afTer a wHile UnitY stArt tO catCh uP le..thiNk in thE beGinnIng tHey just wAnnA teSt hOw stRong ClemEntI issh ba BeFore sHowiNg tHeir trUe seLf...anIWaY iT wAs An exCiting maTch...uMm..yuP mI wAs kIp oN loOkiNg at BPGH no 4 lAh...haha..aNd ShAwn oF coUrse tHEy arE liKe wAtChiNg tHE matCh AlSo...BPGH no 4 so tAll lOh..stuPid !! i oNli aT hIS chEst leVeL tHEre...Urgh ! whY cAnt i juS grOW tAller a lIttLe biT mOre...a litTle bIt cAn liAo...GrrGh !!! WEn he sMile So cUTe lOh...gOt suPer SmaLL eyEs...so KawAii...hehe..Ok Im going crAzy le....cAusE i super HappY toDaY mA..cAuSe thEy hAppy i AlSo hAppy loH..iM a giRl thAt is eaSy to pleaSe wAn mA...iM nOw liKe sO craZy oVer the BPSS no 4 cauSe hE suPer cuTe..wahhaaaa.....thEy goIng natIonaLs le...CongraTs tHEm loH...woNdEr wHEre will thEy orGaniSe thEir maTch neXt tIme iM praYing aNd hoPing thAt iT wOnt bE sO fAr awAy sO thAt i cAn gO sEE thEm loH...hehe....YiLin AlSo craZy abOuT thEm nOW le..She liKe BPGH no 13 thouGh ..toTallY diFferEnt taSte fRom Mi dE..bUt tHat gUy cUte AlSo liKe...Not gOinG tO fiGht wiTh yOu ovEr thAt..haha....
AniWAy To mY suRpRise wHEn i gEt baCk mY cHiNesE tEst pApEr i wAs liKe WOAh !!! could yOu beLieve iT ????? i aCtUaLi gOttEn a A1 aNd i wAs lIke huh reAli...muSt bE thAt tiMe wEn i Do tHE teSt papEr i sIao siAo dE..ThAts wHy cAn gEt Umm....A1...oR mAybE beCauSe sOme oF thE queStiOn i Got dO beFore le...HaiZ...i dUnnoe lAh...bUt iM sTill hAppY lAh..hoPE thAt tmr mAthS pAper wiLL bE a breEze Loh caUse i reAli vErY scaRe thAT i wIll gO de loUsy cLass lEh...HAiZ...* prAyiNg hArd *



Gee...iM jeAlouS looKinG at TheiR bloG sEeinG all tHe fAns thAt comMeNt oN joSh bdAe paRty cAn mAke mI so jEaLous loH..HaiZ....thEy sAy sHaWn sInG leH iM liKe sO jeAloUs thEy Go loH..hAIz...dEn joSh plAy piAno aNd sinG ???? woNdeR hoW hE dO thAt or iS iT plAy pAiNo DeN siNG..aiYa..i dUnnoe lAh... Ahhh..HoPe nExt tIme wEn gOt suCh eVentS no niD pAy monEy loH..hAiZ...thE pICs aboVe iS thE liTtlE cAssiE thAt evEryOne iS tAlkiNg aboUt..joSh couSin..So cUte Rite..haha..aniwAy heArd ThAt shAwn gAve joSh a AddidAs jaCket oh woW...muSt bE dAmn niCe de...YeAh ShaWn onliNe noW...sO hAppY..hehe..uRrgH thEy arE liKe noW tAlkiNg abOuT hiS sinGinG...aHHH..i reAli wAnna heAr hIm siNg leh...Oh no mY shAwn-inG pattErN iS bAck lE...oH wEll.....Urrgh !!! sEe thE yvoNnehuI toK tO hIm i jeAlouS siA..

ShaWn is sO cuTe loH...he soMemoRe sAy he thOugHt thAT hiS sinGinG wiLL sCarE hiS fAns oFf loH..WhEre gOt loH...iF hE siNg i wIll ga-ga oVer Him mORe...haha.... Oh wEll..heArd hE wAnna Go hWa cHonG JC afTer hIS O..Ahhh...Ok dieded..How i eVer bE abLe tO gO iN thEre long..iF i eVeR gO tHEre dEn i muSt bE siAo sIao le...hehe...Ok nOw i KnoW thE reAson Why thIs fEw timEs sEe shAwn hE weAr hiS spEcs le..reAson beIng is thAt wiF hiS injuRed fiNger iTs haRd fOr hIm tO puT on hiS coNTacT lenSes loH...uRggh stupiD mobLog itS liKe laggIng liKe siAo..So hArd to See thEir tAg...hAiZ..

TMr wIll bE shAwn dE sCh lAst mAtch at ClemeNti sporTs hAll Le..i vEry sad lEh...iTs likE cAnnOt beAr to hEar aNd sEe thAt wouLD bE thEir laSt coS aLL tHE otHEr fAns sAy thaT thE schElduE boArd neVer stAte anyMore one whEre thEy will bE plAyinG afTer tMr..hAiZ...hopE is they nEver upDatE anD nOT beCauSe is tHEir lAst le..hAiZ..goTten miSs BPSS no 4 leH...aND sHawn of coURse lAh...shAwn uploAded tHE AddidAs jaCket piCs thAt he hAd bouGht for joSh..oH weLl all i cAn sAy thAt it Is nICe lAh..Oh yA hE woRe hiS spEcs tO tHE evEnt sOme sAy he LooK cUTe oTherS sAy hE lOOk liKE doCtoR profEssor ? Oh wEll...i DunnOe CaUSe i NevEr See HiM weAr coNtactS BeFore so i dUn kNow hOw suAi He looK liKE whEn hE no WeaR spEcs lOh...HaiZ..hoPE tO sEe hIm sOme dAy loH withOut hiS specS...duH !!!

hAiZ...so fAst tMr MoN le...HaiZ...siAn tO gEt bAcK all My teSt pApeR etc...STRESS STRESS !!!!!! NoW mi gottEb gO stuDy For mY PhySicS teSt lE..cAnnoT faiL agAin thiS timE..i muSt paSs...i muSt ....aD noW i gOttEn go tAke actIon le..Ok wEll..mAybe a whiLe latEr..cAuse hAf nOt tAlk finiSh...oh wEll i knOw i sAy if FiQa go i dEn will gO riTe..bUt ya tMr i goTten breAk thIS proMise le..cAuse tMr iS thEir lAst mAtCh at ClemEnti sPorTS hAll..so i Die dIe oSo muSt gO loH..bUt dEn FiQa agAin goTten NP so sHe cAnnoT gO..HAiZ..bUt i cAnnot dUn gO lEh cOs iTs kinDa thEir lAst And iF i nEvEr gO i GottEn reGreT fOr thE reSt mY mI liFe..yaa....

TmR gOttEn gO oUt wiF mi Pri Sch besTie..gee...iM hAppY yeSsh iM..i reAli miSS her lOAds loH..hAppY tO gO oUt wiF hEr to sEe sHawN tmR shE sAy sHe wAnna sEe tOO dEn sHe pEi mI..yeAh iM hAppY =) KinDa miSs tHE tiMEs wE spEnd toGethEr..thE dAys whEre wE sHarE All oUr lAuGhter aND joY toGethEr..aND nOT foRgEttiNg oUr littLe seRectS too...waH..cAn belieVe thAt we tAlK fOR a whOle 1 hr plUs plUs..dEn thoUght tAt we hAf bRokEn oUR pReviouS oNE hR reCord dEn yOu somEmoRe sAy tAt tiME we gOt tAlk beFore tOo hR..anD i wAs lIKe woAh.... =0 i dUn tHink thAt anY oF mY frieNds nOw cAn taHan tAlk to Mi fOr sO loNg lOh...coS nOw everyThinG i sAy sURe gOt soMethIng to dO wIf shAwn de...wakaaa....

oK lAh goTtEn gO nOW aND stuDy le..Or eLse tMR suRe fAil dE...



Wahhh.toDay aT laSt i wEnt swiMMinG le..afTer dUn kNOw hOw loNg..cAuSe i wAs tOO laZy tO gO sWimmIng fOr thE pAst FeW wEEks loh..FElt reAli grEat aftEr thE sWim..sO loNG nEvEr sWim sO harD le..My muScLe AlSo gOTtEn tuRn inTo fAts sOOn sO i Cant lEt thiS hAppeN sO wEnt swImmIng...YEaH mY tAn coMinG bAck sOon AlSo..aFtEr sO loNg nEvEr swIm mY sKiN AlSo gEttIng fAirer le...UrrgH..When i Am fAir i LooK wierd thoUgh..thInk bronZe skIn suiTed mi bEttEr...toDay sWim wAs rAther toUgh fOr mi bUT stIll i eNjoYed it..LonG tIme no sWim fEel thAt My staMinA AlSo beCome loUsy le..no strEngTh at aLL tO puLl mysElf foRwarD whEn we aRe dOIng tHE kiCk anD puLL thinGy and i waS liKE dyIng tHEre..Fat fAt noW le...GottEn prOmiSe MyseLf tO gO swImmiNg mOre oFtEn caUSe My HAnD muSclE noW gOttEn bE flAbbY sOon afTer loNg tiMe no traIning.bUT luckiLy hAf nOt lAh cOS stIll gOt duRing dAnce trAin oUr fRont fLip All thOSe niD hAnd muSclE osO ma..So nOt sO fAst tuRn flaBby bUT muSt preVent ma...HiaZ..coaCh stILl hAf nOt stArtEd on Our liFe saVing couRse..Sad..

AniwAy whEn i THere..i fEel reAlly fUnnY loH...cAuse Mi AnD mY sisrA wAs liKe thE moSt senioR thEre lol..oTherS all hAf nOt comPletE thEir golD waN...All oTherS sMAll kiDs ma..cOS ouR swImmiNg tiMe sHoulD hAf bEen proMoteD tO 6 liAo..wHErE All thOSe leArninG liFe sAviNG coUrse dE teEnagerS tHere.But dEn dAddY dUn wAnna chAnge oUR tiMing cOS he thiNKs thAT 6 tOo lAte le..bY tHE tIme swIm finiSh is 7..bAth finiSh is 7.40 liKE thAt le..dEn dInner finiSh dun kNow wHAt tiME le..sO lAte sO he dUN wAn..So enDed up nOW sTill 5 lOh...dEn liKe abIT pAi sEh cOS mI And siStA thE olDeSt tHEre..dEn ouR coAch iS liKE aSkinG thoSe smAll kiDs to chAlleNge uS cOS wE arE thEir so callEd ' idolS ' cOS wE sWim fAstEr dEn thEm ma..lol....So reAlly sTreSs loH wEn cHanllEngE thEm cOs iF wE loSe Will lIke vErY pAi Seh wAn..HaiZ...sO eVeryTime Mi aNd siStA wIll bA liKE chong ah..CAUSe dUn wAnnA loSe fAce ma..lol...

ReAllY lOOk fORwArd tO lEarnINg liFe sAviNG loh...So tHAt neXt tIme wHEn gOT peopLe goiNg droWn ( choY ) thAn i cAn gO saVe thE perSon loH...But tHink beFore i saVe thE perSon wILl aLreAdy dRown le..cAuse i SupEr loUSy swiMmer laH..thoUgh gOT goLd liAo lAh bUT is brEeZe thRough One lOh..AiYa...AniWay i sTArTed reVisinG fOR mY mAthS cA liAo..surPrIse ba..haha..caUSe i reAli wAnna See a PAss afTer So maNy tiMEs fAil liaO..Hope tHAt afTer stuDyinG wOnt Get So loUSy a mArkS loH or elSe i wIll sUPer diScouRage oNe.. * prayiNg reAl hArd tO pAss boTh emaTHS aND aMAthS papEr * cAuse iF i dId nOt stuDy i Will Not gEt So uPseT bUt iF i stuDy i StiLl fAil i Will SupeR uPSet oNe..Den i Will sTaRt gIf Up HopE on That suBject oNe...HaiZ...thIS tiMe i muSt pAss BoTh paPEr..cAuse My CA marKS alreaDy veRi ugLy le wiF oNE subjEct fAil and Thats F&N loH...HAiZ..dAddy stIll dUn kNW abT it..sTill dUn dAre to teLl..mUmmY kNow le...lucKilY sHE nEvEr sAy anYthiNg..iF dAddY kNoW..i sURe wiLl Be grOunded By nOW aND wOnt bE here uSinG cOm le..sO iM GoiNG tO mAke uSe OF whAteveR pReciouS TimE i HAf nOW beFore iM grOundeD...HiAz...HoPE My ChiNEse CA paPEr Will PAss lEh..cAusE i ThiNk iT iS nOT reAli thAt diFfiCult loH bUt i cAnnoT bE oVer coNfiDeNt cAuSe whEnevEr i sAy i Will pAss i eND uP fAil So thIS tiME i gOttEn bE humBle thIS tiME......

NExT wEek iS juSt gOTtEn bE a nervE crAckiNg weeK fOR mI...CAuSe SurEly wIll taKe baCk cHem paPer aNd suRelY it WiLL Be A BIg FaT ZeRO TheRE ANd She SurE WIlL WaNNa TalK TO Mi WaN So I REaLLY not forWarD to taKing it baCk..oH yA..pHysicS retEst nExt wEek...goTtEn stuDy tOo..thIS tiME i mAke suRe i muSt gEt a pAss lE..Or ElSe boTh scIence aLl dIE..Den i finiSh le..cAuSe no sCieNce For mI...HaIZ...ChiNEse paPer AlSO nExt WeEk tAke bAck.....dEN teSt eMAths aND aMAthS CA paPer..dEn eNg pAper..urrGh !!! So maNy sURe caN dIE leh..urrgh !!!! FeEl sO sCarE....

wAs liKe thINkiNg thRough iF wAnna Go poLy riTe muSt tAke L1 R5 iF iM nOt wRong..oR aM i..AiyA dU cAre lAh..thInk iS L1 R5 so jUS preteND it iS lah...iF i wAn dEn eNG is fOR suRe L1 so gone is one SubjEct...dEn whAt aBOut tHE oTHEr 5..wHAt shOuld i taKe...ScieNCe nO hoPE de..cAnnot taKe liAO...ChiNEse mAybe...Lit muSt tAKe cAuse aT leAst muSt oNE humAnitIEs..GeogRaphY anD SociAl sTuDieS tAkinG alSo cAuse i DoNt hAvE muCh sUBjecT ma..emAths..MaYbe taKing sO i muSt wORk hArd le...AmaTHs no Hope So nOt tAking...urrgh wAt iS tHE lAst sUBjecT..Oh yA..F&N..muSt tAke le..cAuse nO oTHer choiCe lE ma..cAuse i No MorE suBjeCtS lEft liAo..HAiZ..HoW Am i GottEn gO anYwhEre If iM nOT GettIng gOOd resUlt for aLL thIS sUbjEctS i wAnna tAke tO go poLy???

HaiZ..tMR iS alSO Josh BdAe pArtY le..HaiZ..sAd thAt i cAnt Go lEh...hAIZ..sTill HAF nOT sEe jOSh beFore..ShaWn loTs oF tiME liAo So nEvEr See Him NevEr Mind But Josh..Ahh..HAiZ..hOpe To See Him SomE DaY thoUgh...hoPE nExT tiME thEy oRgAniSe eVeNT AgAin nO nID pAy moNey oNe So thAt i CaN gO eVeN iF hAf hOpe noT So Ex lAh...oR ElSe i SurE cAnt Go LiAo..hAiZ...iM So poOr nOW...BuT i WAnnA sHop ShoP lEh...

HAiZ....onLy lAh..i SHouLD nOt sTand HEre wAitinG For thINgs tO haPPen nOW...i MuSt mAke Sure I mAke thiNgs haPpen..So nOW i gOTtEn siGn oFf TO GO Do mY hOmeWork le..eNuf oF tAlkIng For mI nOW..i ShouLD Go tAke sOme acTion Too...XD



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HaiZ...soRt oF sAd And hApPY 2dAy...saD iShh...iN mY rePorT bOOk, I wIlL haF aT leaSt oNe suB fAil liAo...mAybe tWo thrEe fOuR eVeN coS mI F&N conFiRm fAil lE..bY 3 mArkS loH...Urghh ! ?? COmB cHem aND phySicS suRe fAil tOo...A mAthS comFiRm fAil..EmaThs mAybe coS mI dyIng..tHE reSt aLl onLy bOrDLinE paSseS loH..AH dieDed thIS tiMe liAo...sURe WeN bendinG oR baNdinG aiYa i dUn kNw whiCh oNE laH..i SurE GO dE louSy louSy claSs oNE...coS aLL mI reSulT kanaSai oNE hoW tO gO gooD clAss leH...HAiZ...

GooD nEwS iShhh yEssH wEn sEe shAwn thE buKit panJang matCh TOdAy agAin..yeSSH agAin...HAiZ..wAh so mAnY pEopLE kNoW aBOut hiS matCh thEre le loH..wAh sia..tHiNk he See So mAny ppL le hE oSo scaRe scAre cOs tHErE isSH reAlly So mAny pEople toDay goIng dOWn to watCH thE matCh loH moRe thAn tHE usUal bY at leaSt twO timEs..mAybE nExt tIme i shouLD leaRn hoW tO kIp mY gAp shUT aND noT Go aroUnd PubliCizE aBt hiS matCheS anyMore le..othEr thAn mY cloSe friEndS laH..nOt anYmoRe le CoS yEsshh..iM a jeaLouS guRl whO doEs nOt liKe poEple tO gO sEe hIm withOut worKing haRd tO fiNd ouT abOut hiS inFo loh..fOR gOodnEss saKE loH i eveRdAy siT bY thE cOm juSt hopinG tO gEt thOSe infO fRom aLl thOSe fAns loH..harDwoRk leh..sEe uNTil mY eyEs supEr pAin cAn ..bUT dEn aH..sO mAny pEoplE knOw aBout ShAwn bloG liAo...AiyA oK lAh neVermiND mi cANnOt bE sO selFish oNe muSt sHareiF thEy wAnna gO dEn lEt thEm siT bY thE coM aND wAit FoR thE inFo abOut thEiR nExt matCh tO coME bA..oR eLse alWaYs iSsh uS thIs fEw tEll u All dEn u All wAnna juSt tAke tHE fruiTs oF ouR lAbouR..HaiZ..AnyWaY shAwn soRt oF reMeMber mI i guEss coS i wanTed tO tAke piCs wiF hIm agAin coS i sAy liAo ma..tHE piCs i tOOk wiF hIm fRm mY cAm nOt niCe cOS he nEvEr lOOk at thE cAm...sO i Go aSk hIm whEthEr cAn i tAke wiF hIm agAin..cOS thEy wOn the mAtCh agAinsT SwiSS coTtaGe tOdAy le ma..10 poiNTs agaIn..woaH..They sUper stRonG loH...alWayS bY at lEasT 10 poINts gaP..sO i Go waLk toWardS hiM aftEr thE matCh aloNE yeSs aloNE coS nO onE waNs tO pei mI lol..thEy sO baD...sO i Go anD aSK : " ShaWn cAn i tAke piCs wiF yOu agAin..coS tHat tiME i tAke thE piCs nOt vEry niCe dEn shAwn rePlY mi saYinG thAt " aiYo thAt timE i thouGht taKE wiF YoU liAo ma...dEn hE sAy e abIT buSy noW coS hE haF tO gO foR thEiR debrIef le" dEn i sAy " oK loH..thAnk You " oF courSe aLl thE conVersAtion abOVe iS iN chinEse lAh coS i tAlk iN chinEse tO hIm mA..bUt juSt trAnslAtE foR eaSier reaDing loH..anIwaY i oSo dUn kNw iS iT hE reMeMbeR mi OR iS it bCos i sAy thAt tiMe taKE noT niCe dEn hE sAy thAt buT i thInk iShh hE remEmbeR mi bA..i hOpe so too..coS i wEar ScH U gO tAt tiMe dEn hE reCogNiSe ouR sCh U cOs oN wEd tHe teAchEr wHo taKe thE picS foR mI aSk whiCh sCh iM fRom dEn i sAy TangLin dEn tiK tAtS hOw he reMembEr mI loH..aniWay toDay i sMartEr lE..coS i wEar mY sC baDge dEn wEn i tAlk tO hiM he cAn sEE My nAme liAo..haha..EviL MI...bUT whAt tO dO i deSpo mA...wakkaaa...hoPe hE stIll wIll conTinuE reMeMbEr mi loH..

Mi tHinK mi Wont Go fOr anYmoRe oF hiS matCheS lE unlEss FiqA cAn peI mI gO laH..cOS wEn i gO wiF jEr aNd weEteNg i aBit pai Seh leh cOS onlY mI thE onE wHO gO siAo siAo dEn thEy boTh aLL stoNe thEre..hAIZ..sO onlY iF FiQa cAn gO dEn i gO lOh...AniwAy lEt mI contiNue tAlkiNg abOut thEir matCh toDAy..iT wAs So inTereStinG aND breAthtAking caN...At fiRst iT seEms liKe BPSS wAs loSing ...COs SwiSs cotTagE thEy quiTe stRong lAh dEn kiP on scOrinG aND oSo moreOVer it seEms liKe duRing tHE firSt haLF oF thE matCh BPSS no 4 mY idOl nEveR scORe muCh lEh..hE iS liKE sO undEr perForMInG duRing tHe fiRst hAlf oF thE mAtCh loH..dEn i wAs liKE so SUper woRriEd cAn..cOS iF thEy dUn wiN shAwn wiLL sAd dE...dEn hE wiLl bAd mooD..dUn wAnna tAlk likE thAt dEn i will Oso beCome sAd de..So i wAs liKE soRt oF moVinG hEre And tHEre thNik thAt i muSt haF sAid a loT of Aiya bA...iF i cOunt sUre gOt at lEast 30 tImes de..haha..cOS tOO excITed liAo WeN thEy no ScoRe i wIll aiya hEre aiYA tHEre...bUT seCOnD hAlf oF thE mAtCH thEy stArtEd tO brIng thEir sCore eVen cloSer tO eaCh oTHEr..

sOOn BPSS No 4 mY iDol iS perForminG agAin..hE staRted ScorinG hiS 3 poInter mAny tiMes And thAts hOW thEy manAge tO wiN..Ok leT mI exPlAin wHy i cAll no 4 mY iDol..cOS he plAy bbAll suPEr GooD cAn..WeN he sHoot 3 PoiNTer oH woAh sO suAi cAn...hE kiP on sHoOt 3 poiNter almoSt liKe' bai fai bai zhong ' in eNg alMost evErytiME cAn scORe lAh..wEn hE sHoot 3 poiNter he wouLd harDly miSs tHE nEt..hArdLY lAh..eXcEpt MAybe fOR thE fiRst hAlf of tHE maTCh ma..mAybE thEy Too oVer conFideNt liAo..Ahhhh BUt Den hE iSsh stIll mY iDol..suAi suAi..urrgh !! staRtiNg tO fAll iN luV wiF bbaLL liAo..uRRgh !!! Gee...BPSS no 4 raWkX he iSSh mY iDoL !!! AniwAy mI gottEn thE piCs fRom thE othEr giRl fAns le coS i seND emAil tO her yEsterDAy aNd sHE rePly sAy sHE buSy nEveR gO onlInE thAts wHy caNt sEnd mi tHE piCs sO shE sEnd mI thRough emAil..wahhaaa Im sO haPPY..aND hE looK so muCh niCer iN thiS piC loH...

AniWaY toDay soMeOne mAke mI sUper pISseD wiF hEr cAn..SupEr hAte hEr atTituDe wAh giMMe fAce somEmoRe lOh..nOT eVeN tAlkInG tO hEr cAn..sHE so KPO For WhAt..GRRGH !!! Ok lAh Ciao 4 noW Shall bloG neXt timE...tiRed LiAo le...



TodAy..wAs liKE liSteniNg tO ouR laSt yeAr SYF soNg wEn iT staRteN tO awAken mI..i hAf cUm tO reAliSe tHaT hEy tiMe hAs pAss sO fAsT withOuT oUR kNowinG..MemOries stArteD tO floAt baCk tO thE tiMEs wEn wE wEre tRainIng foR oUr uP anD comIng SYF baCk DeN..thoUgh it wAs toUgh trAiniNG liKe 9 - 6 duRinG thE holidAys For liKE alMost a wEeK..iT wAs stIll enJoyabLe anD leaVes uS a grEat deAl oF goOD memoRieS...pLUs thiNGs wEre muCh simpLer dEn..No worrIEs abT maJor eXams..SeC 3 wAs suCh a breEzE..aNd i reAlly miSs thOse dAys..sEc 4 iS so streSsinG aNd i hAte it...i HAtE thE thouGht oF mi faIliNg aLL thE teSt...SeeMs liKe i hAf nOt bEen doiNg wEll siNCe thE beGinniNg oF tHE yEar lE..aND lEt Mi preDict fOR mY chEm teSt i wiLl gEt a Big faT ZErO..cOS i dUnnoE hoW tO dO all loH..oK sO i dieDed thIs tiMe liAo.. MakE uP mY miNd tO stuDy haRder le..hOpe thAt madAm HinG cAn lEt uS haF reTest fOr thE cHem sO tAt My maRks woNt bE sO umm...ugLy wEn appEar iN repOrt bOok..HaiZ..dAddY anGry wiF mI...HE thInkS thAt iM nOT perFormiNg aND reAlly slAck thiS yEar whiCh umm..sAd tO saY iS trUE lah..aniWay dAddy sAy thAt hE wiLl beNt mI fRm uSinG thE cOm iF i flunG mY cA1 aND iF agAin i flunG mY mid-yEar hE wiLl confiScatE mY Hp..UrGhh..iF hE reAlly doEs i will diE le..So nOW oK i muSt tRy haRd tO scOre fOR mI teSt le..tAts y wEn 2dAy aFteR i sIT chEm teSt i wAs liKe so upSet coS nOt a SingLe qNs i kNoW hoW tO dO loH..if dAddY sAw mY zErO reSulT i wIll sURe diedEd fOr suRe de...i dUn wAnna My phOne tO bE confiScaTed...iT wiLL bE liKe loSing CommuNiCatiOn WiF mY frEns liKe thAT..Urrgh...I duN wAnna iT tO haPPen..oK So mAybe i shoUld sTop aSkiNg whAt haPPen aNd insteAd mAke thINgs haPPen le..So lEt Mi stOp dreAming le..

AniwAy mI And fiQa nOT goIng Josh parTy le..cOs thInk it iS tOO exPenSivE le..15 bucKs loh..Wah lau A..wAn tO buRn a HoLe iN mY poCkeT ah...So nOT goIng le..So saD loH..ITs excLusiVe fOr fAnscluB membEr onlY iM oNe toO buT dEn thEy bluFf mI laH sAy niD inviTatiOn dEn cAn gO..dEn i Go chEcK at His fAnsclUb no niD de loH...aLl u niD is $$$$...buT mayBe i shoUld juSt stiCk tO seEinG shAwn At clEmentI sportS hAll ba...tMr he hAf mAtCh agAin..wiF duN kwn whICh sCh fOrget le..all i kNow is start Wif S oNe..but whO carEs..i OnlY gO thEre To sEe shAwn And BPGH no 4 wAn ma..sO whO carEs wHo tHe oPPonEnt issh loh..

HoPe thAt tmR BPGH wiLl win loH..e motiVe behiNd it...aiYa thE guRl whO i tAke wiF thAt tiMe dUn kNW iS it She wriTe wRong emAil aDd oR wAt nv See hEr onLine onE loh..duN knW hEr emAil shE writE garl or gurl leh ???? ArrG so i triEd addIng boTh oSo nV sEe hER..dUn tEll mi She cheAt mY fEeliNgs..hOpe nOt loh cOS sHe dUn loOk lIke thOse thAt wILl chEat fEeLingS oNe..sHE loOk innOcenT enUf fOR mI tO beliEve hEr so hOpe She woNt beTrAy Mi truSt oR thE neXt tIme i See hEr wILl whAcK hEr le...haha..joKinG onLy lah..I whEre gOt sO viOleNt loH..tHE moSt onLi wIll diAo heR..So hOpe Tmr thEy wIn thAn i CaN tAke pIcS wiF hIm AgAin...* praYing haRd * HAiZ..sTill CaNT deCide iF i SHouLD gO oR nOt leH...But Got 99 % chAnCe of Mi goIng...COS i vErY nOT hAppY aND nOT ' fu ' thAt thE piCs thAt i hAf tOOk wiF hIm..He nOt lOkiNG aT thE cAm sO i Nt suAnG sO wAnnA tAke agAin wiF Him agaiN..Lolx....

The NeW sEc oNEs batCh iS reAlly woRrYiNG loH..hAiZ..aLOt oF thEm iS liKE suPer lAZy cAn iF cAn dUn caRe moSt oF theM woNt cUm...HAiZ...loTx iS liKE thOSe laZy tyPe loH..hoPE thEy cAn chAnge thEir AttituDe loH..hAiZ...oR elSe oUr dAnce wIll bCum lAzY clUb liAo...i miSSh tHe dAncE spIriT whiCh wE hAf in THe pAsT..i miShh thOSe dAys wEn wE arE trAiniNG foR ouR SYF..i miSSh thSOe gOod timEs i hAf iN sEC 3 aNd i kNow fOR sURe Im gOTtEn miSshh DAnCe EnsEmbLe wEn wE stEp doWn in JunE..i reAlly miSSh thoSe tiMEs wE spEnd togEther..hOw i wiSh tiMe wouLD juSt gO slOweR...hoW i wiSh wiSh wiSh..............



YeShh..Im iN mY beSt of moOd 2dAy..And As yOu cAn guEss i wEn ClemEnTi spOrtS haLL tO seE sHaWn agAin..yEss aGain..i goIng sO ga-ga oVer HiM le..AniwAy 2Day he Good moOd coS BukiT panJang plAy wiF DunEarn sEc aNd thEy woN bY at leAst a gOOd 10 poiNts i tIk...sOo he agRee 2 tAke phoTos wif uS anD aLl thX TO tHe WOMAN wHO ' knOws ' how tO tAke phOtos..sHe enDed Up tAkinG piCs of Us wEn wE aRe nOt reAdy sO the piCs ended uP like tAt loH..but nvmiNd lah..gOt take wiF ShaWn i So hAppy liAo le..wAs like gOinG siAo siAo aFter tAt..aniWay thanKs Jer anD weeTenG fOr pei mI gO sEe ShaWn..thoUgh i Knw u aLL nt inTereSteD bUt stIll pei Mi..thAnks loTx..wIll reTurn u aLL e KindnEss de..wakkaa...aniWay nOw mi waiTinG fOr tHe anoTher fAns tAt i mAke frEns wiF her toDaY 2 sEnd mI tHe piCs hoPE tO sEe hEr reAl sOOn leH cos hEr piCs niCer ma..wEn sHe sEnd mI le dEn i Will UploAd oNe moRe tiMe..AniwAY sAw yvonnehui 2Day But nEver gO tAlk 2 hEr cOs cAnt recoGniSe Her ma UntiL aFter The maTch wEn shE Go tAke piCs wIf sHaWn dEn shAwn taLk tO heR aND i wAs liKe sO supEr jeAlouS aFter TAt le..Grrgh...She goOd loH..bUT nvMind sHE olDer dEn sHawn sO shAwn woNt liKE hEr de..So i wONt bE sO boThEr bY her nOw.bUT Im sTill jEaloUs...sTupiD mi sHld hAf woRe mY sC badGE wEn tAking piCs wiF hIm 2Day cOs We stAnd sO neAr hE cAn sureLy see My nAme aNd remeMBer Mi de..lol..bUt i fORgoT so No hoPe le..FridAy tIk thEy haVing maTCh aGain..bUT duN kNw whEre cAnt bE cleMenti spOrts hAll le Ba i tIk coS Mi frEn fRm otHEr sCh oSo gOTtEn hAf maTCh thEre buT dEn thEre gOt twO courTs so iF umm..ShaWn thEY all hAvinG thEre Den iT wouLd bE so greAt cOS i cAn Go jiAyoU mI frEn aND jiAyou BuKit panJang too..wootS...

The No 4 bUkiT paNjang PlayEr...Ahhh..He plaYEd suPer GooD ah...KiP on sCorINg For tHe teAm..No 15 Oso quitE goOd bUT i sTill lIkE nO 4 beSt..hE sO tAll Loh..tAller DeN ShaWn..tAlkIng aBt heigHTs..Wahh..WEn i StaNd beSiDe sHawN iM onLy aT hIs shouLDer tHEre loH...wAhh..i FeEl sO suPEr shoRt cAn..So juS imaGine iF i StaNd beSide No 4 i dUn tIk i eVen reAch hIs shouLDer le..Ahhh....i cAnt grOW tAller anYmore..so sad..Ok..NexT tIMe wEn i Go sEe tHEir mAtch i wIll tAke pICs of No 4 oF couRse SecReTly lAh..i Dun wAnnA dIE fRom embArassMent...hehe..

AniwAy tHankS AlEx fOR helPinG mI tAke thIS piCs..cOS sAw Jun Chao aNd AleX cUm tO sEe tHe mAtch oSo..So i WaS liKe Ask TheM pei mI Go neArEr To SeE ShAwn..Cos I wAS liKE SupEr pAi SEh Den JeR And WeEtEnG DuN wAnnA gO neArEr too So i Ask TheM..DeN Go So neAr To shAwn tHAt iT is liKE leSs thAn 2 meTrEs aWaY..wAhh..So neaR dEn i pAi sEh..sO aSk AleX hElp mi tAke..thANkies !!! So He hElp Mi tAke thIS grEAt pICs of hIs bAck cOS hiS baCk faCing uS..do wiThouT tHe flAsh cos itS serEctLy mA..wIf flAsh hE wIll kNw le...toDaY hE nEvEr jUmp uP aNd doWn...cOS tHey wInniNg le Ma..tHey wEre grEat...DeN tHe juN cHao wAs lIke tElliNg mi WhO gOod wHo No gOod etC...haha...TaTS wEn i noTice No 15 oSo loh..hehe..k LAh gOT tO stOp mY shaWn-iNG hErE liAo bEfOrE pEoplE cOme And coMplAiN aBout Mi LiaO..BloG abT hIm nExt tiME..wakaa...



Urrgh..Wah lAu a..nW i sO saD tHe joshuA bDae niD inviTatiOn dEn cAn go Loh..wahhh..Sad i TaT tiMe alReaDy joIn hiS fanScluB le loH...dEn nv SeNd mi inVitAtiOn...grrgh !!! So nOw wAt iM trYing mY luCk tO seND iN suggEstiOn oN hoW tO ceLEbraTe joSh bdAY hoPiNg thAt bY chAnce thEy wiLl seE thE mSg aNd knOw thAt i eVer exSit aND thAn seNd mi inVitAtiOn..wahhaaa....cAll mi mAd foR all yOu oNe coS i wouLd nOT bE boTher..coS yesshhh...i mad abT hIm nW....umm..i MeaN sHawN...nOt joSh..FiQa dEn isshh..Josh..wakkaaa..sHe thIS fEw dAys suPer fuNny coS aiYA i dUn kNW shE wouLD gEt so uPset so i sAy aiYa joSh liKe oNe oF the caMpuS suPersTar TherEsa le laH...dEn shE wAs liKe goIng crAzy aftEr taT CoS shE suPer Sad tAt joSh liKe soMeOne le..AniWaY i OsO jEalouS aBt thEreSa laH..She gD loH..Got sO suAi suAi perSon liKe her...wakkaaa...Ok lAh...i dUn toK aBt anYthiNg aBt ThereSa le LAh..oR elSe FiQa wiLl gO mAd...dEn sHE caNnt coNcenTrAte stuDy bCum My fAulT le..wakkaaa...HaiZ....TmR BuKit paNjanG hAf matCh agAin buT dUn kNw wiF whiCh sCh..heaRd iTs aT clEmenTi spORts Hall aGain...aNd yeShhh..i wAnna gO agaIn...bUt dEn pai sEh 2 aSk lyNa thEy all gO wiF mi aGain leh...coS i duN tiK thEy reAlly ga-ga oVer ShawN leH..sO if ASk tHEm is liKe wAn 2 foRcE thEm gO sEe sHawn liKE thAt..HAiZ...iN a DileMma...i wAnna Go..bUT no oNe inTereSteD leh..HaiZ..heaRd tAt yvonnehui gOinG tMr...wAh..mY riVal...iF gO tMR sEe hEr i wIll gEt jeaLous onLy coS sHAwn reMemBer hEr ma...* jealous jealous * buT i oSo fEeL liKe gEttIng tO kNow hEr cOs kNowinG hEr gOt adVantAge ma...hehe..oK iM baD...HaiZ...fAnsclUb unTil nW hAf nOt sEnd mi inVitaTion aNd i mAd..grrgh !!! AiYA..nw SupEr crAzY aBt sHAwn liao...

AniWaY Mi dUn kNw Why toDaY kIp on Haf heaDacHe...kIp on waN tO vomIT MumMy sAy cOs i alWayS dO woRk unTiL LiKe 2 pluS dEn slEep boDy goIng To breAk down sOon liAo tAts wHy liKE thAt..HaiZ..buT reAlly feelinG so heAdacHe...fEeL lIKe fAintIng lIke tHat..HaiZ..iF i fAint if tAts a iF pLs hElp mi uP k..cOS i dUn wAn pai sEh oSo..anIWaY iM so so so PROUD of mYseLF 2Day...i Did All mY matHS hK liaO le..waKkaa..fOR oNCe yeSsh..i kNw iTs bEen liKe so loNg siNCe i Ever coMpleTe anY MathS hK le..So iM proUd tO sEe mySelF compleTing it..Ok mAybe bcOs iTs emaThs aND issh muCh muCh muCh mORe easiEr tO dO tAts wHy i Got dO loh..hehe...aNIwAy tMr is differiatIon teSt lE..aND thiNkiNg abT it..it mAkEs mI fEeL reAli baD In tHe stoMach mAybE bCos i preDcit i wouLd fAil veRy baDly le..hmm..i DuN kNw...



Ahh....Now e AngEl aND deViL in Mi iSsh quAreLLinG le...AnGeL wAns mI 2 coNCentrAte doIng My woRk DeViL wAns Mi tO gO aNd plAy..Urrgh...DeViL haS woN tHe fiRst rouNd..i fAiled mY physciS teSt yeSshh...reAlly baDly...OnlY 4 1/2 out of 30...Aww...yEss tAt teRribLe..im SlacKing...slaCkiNg reAlly terribLy...Ahh....HoPe mY retest WouLd bE muCh muCh beTer aNd at least a pAss...sO tAt i woulD not haF 2 siT fOR a re-reteSt itS pathEtIc cAn aNd alSo vErY paI sEh... Urrgh.. i haF a fEelinG mY heAd wIll bE oN thE chOppiNg boaRd sOon...

Ahh...cAnt cOnceNtrAte in ScHooL toDaY kIp on fEEl sO slEePy aNd yEssh mY miNd wAs onCe agaIn fiLLed wiF shAwn...aHh..iTs gEttIng moRe anD morE teRriblE as eAch dAy paSs...HaiZ..aNiwAy thAnks FiQa fOr infoRminG mi tAt BukiT panJang anD unTiy wilL bE haVing a mAtcH at cLemEntI sporTs haLL...wOo..i lUv hEr thAnks loTx..And anyWaY afTer i knOw e nEwS..My miNd wAs fUll oF hiM afTer Tat...gEe...i lUV him...So afTer SchOOl afTer SC mEetiNg waNteD tO choNg tHEre buT thEy wAntEd gO lunCh so eNdeD uP goiNg wiF thEm loH...aHh.. i waSteD 6 doLlarS on a plaTe of Mee WeN i onlY eaT leSs thAn haLf oF iT...HAiZ...AfTer eAt finiSh no onE excEpt Lyna wAntEd tO pei m gO sEe sHawN So iN thE eND wE tAke caB aNd ruSh thEre..haha..lucKilY mY cAb fAre nOt waSteD..i wAs liKe so reAlly scarE tAT he miGht noT bE theRe...iF hE nOt thEre i miGht juSt aS wEll gO bAng mY heAd coS i haF choNg fOR nthiNg...

Ok anIwAy lEt mI continUEd fRom tHere...LyNA at fiRst wAnteD tO gO le cOs caNt fiNd sHawN..dEn sHe oSo scaRe anD pai Seh...dEn i oSo..buT dEn..i wAs sOo Soo sOo detErmiNeD tO sEe shAwn sO i wAsn't goIng tO giF Up sO easiLy..i coNtinUed seaRchiNg aNd asKing For help fRm Xue Yi asKing hIm wAt jerSey coloUr buKit pAnjAng is aNd wAt no he is Etc...WeN on seAchiNg wAnteD tO giF uP aT fiRst coS wE weRe liKE staNdinG thEre seaChiNG foR hIm foR almoSt 10 miNs le caNt fiNd hIm buT dEn our cleVer minds tEll uS tAt wAit soMemoRe coS wE aRe bouND tO sEe hIm dE...sO wE waiTed aNd guEss waT wen thEy wEre aT e hAlf tiMe..aha...tAts wen hE cUm ouT And tOK to hiS tEam.StuPid mi hE is weaRing hiS schOOl unifRoM and was Ok lAh quiTe neAr us...buT cAnt taKE piCs of hIm cos hIs baCk is faCing uS all The whiLe * sob * AnD anYwAy hE issh so SuAi...aww...CutiE...hE weAr SpeCs nerDy thouGh buT cuTe...i luV hiS cuTe diMplEs he lOok so cuTe...aNd yEss...woah..his noSe iS biG....So shaRp...wakkaa...aND woaH...his unIfoRm noT tuCk leh..So un glamouRous..Ok whaTevA...His shOe waKka...NorTh stAr braNd i tiK nOT thOSe niKe or fanCifUl onEs lah..jUS liKe us...okok...i coNFesS..i waS concentraTing on hiS everY moVe ratHer thAn thE maTCh...aww...iM obsess wiF hIm le...ahh..bUt dEn wEn hE giF orDerS tO hiS teAmatEs thAt tiMe..woah..hE lOok sO daMn fieRce cAn untIl i a liTtlE scaRe sCare...HaiZ...but he suAi lah...His bAg iSsh..browN if iM nOt wrOng cOs weN he gO tAt tiMe sAw hIm carrYing tHat baG...wakkaa...iM craZy..tIk i cAn remeMber eVery siNgLe detaiL tAt is oN hIm ba..wakkaaa....caLl mI crAzy anD i woNt caRe coS i jUS simpl y adoreD hiM...

His tEaM loSt bY 5 poiNts score is 46 - 41 i tik..iT wAs a reAlly tough matCh...uniTy reallY stRong leh...bUt buKit panJang gd oSo lah..bukiT panJang no 4 player suai leH..haha..hE plAy gD..scOre 3 poiNtEr waHh..wIf a suAi suAi poSe...wakaa..buT i stiLl liKe shAwn more...aFteR e GamE cAn seE thAt shAwn quitE sAd lAh..coS thEy loSt ma..thAn ppL waNna taKE hiS siGnaturE fRom hIm dEn he duN waNna giF he declIneD iN a poLite waY lAh..sO i oSo scAre appRoaCheD hiM..scAre hE scoLD mi lol...But thAt alSo tuRns ouT tO bE mY grEateSt regRet...i NevEr goTtEn an piCs oF hIm..So i wAs lIke waNtinG to chAse hIm afTer tAT afTer i ovErcoMe mY feAr but hE goNe sO faSt...wah lau a..saW hIm iN frOnt of Mi onE momEnt aNd tHe nExt He diSappEaR liAo loH..wAhh...aNd i wAs lIke so anGry wiF mySelf afTer tAt...AniwAy tHanKS jEr anD lyNa fOr accOmPany mI ..ThanKs =)



hehe..noW iM so inTo shAwn cAn..i Oso duN knw Why hEar anYthinG abT thEm onlY aNd mY eArS wouLd juSt priCk * dink *...haha...So wEn u ppL Are toKinG aBout ShaWn i cAn heaR wAn k..So u ppL bEtEr duN tOk anyThinG aBt thEm ah..Ok yEsshh..iKnw im liVinG in fanTasY buT whO caRes...aS long aS iM hAppY cAn liAo riTe..HaiZ..anIwAy liVinG in reAlitY cAn bE sO totuRous 4 mi..i Can nEvEr gEt WhaT i rEallY waNteD aNd evErytiMe i woUld AlwaYS endEd uP reAlly upSet...HAiZ...reAlly siCk oF mY liFe noWdAys...i juSt noT pErfoRminG uP tO stAndArd...HAiZ...GuEss im goiNg tO fAil mY phySics lE...anD im dreaDinG moN coS mon Got physcIs aNd i reAlly duN wAnna gEt upSet Wen i sEe mY paper..buT wEll im reAlly hAppY coS e F&N reteSt im goIng 2 pAss liaO coS moSt oF it i kNw hW 2 dO..YeaHH...iM hAppY foR F&N anD yeShh..differiAtion teSt is cumiNg..aNd im goIng 2 faiL le...Wahhh...i dUn wAn a faiLing marK on MY papEr but i CanT hElp it..i rEallY dUn kNw hW 2 dO...i stIll dUn gEt it...HAiz..* sob * i wAnna pass i reAlly wan....HaiZ...iM slaCkiNg yEss i kNw Im buT eveRytIme i wAnna heLp myselF ouT of thIS i woulD juSt siNk baCk anD wiLl noT bE abLe tO puLl mySelf up...HaiZ..

GuEss tiS terM my CA1 reSulT cuM ouT wiLL bE liKe ShiT..yeSSh it wiLL certAinlY bE if mY reSulT conTinuE 2 cUm oUt liKe tAT..HaiZ..i wAnna buCk uP And tIme seEms tO pAss So fAst tAt iM reAlly breAthlEss nOw..i juS cAnt cAtCh up wiF tiMe it iS tOo fAst for mI le...HaiZ...oK wEll deSpitE oF all thIS im StiLl thiNkinG aBt tHEm..oH wEll i hAte tO sAy bUt iM sO in Luv wiF theM..And joShUA bdAe iS on 1 marCh and i reAllY wiSh tO go to hiS bdAe parTy whiCh shlD bE aroUnd tHat dAte...uMm his fAnclUb hAf nOt deCide WeN iT shlD bE aNd hOw it shLd bE orgAnise So i oSo duN knW loH...hehe..bUT weLL i reAllY wiSh 2 gO loh...hOpe tAt dAy wiLl be eitHer sAt or sUn bCos or elSe i cAnt gO le iF iTs weeKdAYs.. guEss im juS luVinG thEm moRe n moRe As eAch dAy pAss..

yTd wAs ouR cRoss coUntrY aNd e fIrst tiMe in My seC sCh liFe i ruN..HAiZ..dId nOt gEt aniThinG aS exPectED BUt I GueSs I DId BUrN SoMe OF E caloRies thAt is in mY boDy..iT wAs a reAllY loNg jouRney foR mi..aNd i guEss i Wasn't iN a reAlly gd shApe aNd dId nOt perForm as weLl as i hAf expEcted..wat e HAcK whO caREs..ok whateva..At fiRst rAn wiF hidAyu buT wooohhh..She wAs tOo gD foR mI le..GuEss i juS nOt suiTted For runNing loNg diStaNCe aS alwaYs in clAss i cAn catCh uP wiF her...sOO..hmm..Ended uP ruNning bY myseLf anD weLl XinG fAng soRt of giVen mi E moTivatiOn tO ruN faSter nOt thAt i tOk 2 her lah..buT deN weLl wEn i saW someOne whO is nearLy alMosT e saMe spEEd liKe mi..IT tenDs tO maKe mi waNna ruN faSter to caTch uP wiF thAt perSon so i endeD uP puShinG mYselF trYing tO catCh uP wiF hEr aLL e whiLe whICh yA enDed uP sTill loSe tO her..buT dEn nvmiNd lAh..aT leaSt itS onLy bY abIT onLy ma..ok whateva...feeL so tireD aftEr taT..guEss i wAs reAlly reD aftER tat coS i cAn reAlly fEEl e hEat tAt is sloWing cuMinG ouT of mY boDy...Haiz...

wakkaa...at lAst i shlD saY..we gotTen Our stUdeNt cOunCil baDge le..afTer dUn kNw hw mAny monThs..iTs bEen like sinCe lasT yeAr wE chAse our DeaR mR LIm 4 e bAdge but sTill did noT geT it.. so i tIk wE shlD bE thanKfuL wE goTTen Mr tAn coS he goTTen us ouR bAdge....feeL so prouD wEn putTing it on..buT it cAn oSo meAns a heaVier bundLe For uS aS teAchErs wiLL reCongniSe uS eAsilY wHenevA wE dO sumthinG wrOng aNd thEy wiLL aLl enD up blamIng SC...Why ? Why alwAys SC ? wE tOO aRe humAns too loH...Haiz..beIng in Sc doEs nOt meAn we Are peRfeCt sO stOp blaMing e SC wEn we dO sumThinG wroNg...Haiz...oK i will stOp craPinG now..bEfoRe aLL e vuglar wORds cUm ouT...wakkaa...



HaPPY V. DaY eVerYonE...AnD yA..THanks fOr aLl yoUr giFtS..luv u pEeps loTx...

HaiZ..guEss 2dAe wAs kiNd of screw Up fOr uS SC i shLd sAy..eVerYthiNg WaS lIKe sO suPer diSorgAnisE lAh..peOplE Do nOt knW wHat duTieS tHEy shouLD Do..pEopLe loitEriNg aroUnd doiNg nThinG..wth...cAnt staNd it...cAnt sTanD a ceRtAin soMEoNe tOO...tAlk aBt thAt cErtAin somEonE cAn reAlly mAke uR veSseL buRst...ThAt soMEoNE iS mAkinG mI vEri bU shuAng...yTd couP oUr whAteVer plAntS 2dAe dEn reTurN wth..BrIng 2Dae whAT thE uSe loH..All THe flOWerS oSo pAcK Ok liao loh.If thAts thE cAse yOu brIng bAcK 2Dae fOR whAT yOu cAn juS leAve tHoSe leavEs aT yoUr hoUse le...wHaT tHE use oF brInginG baCk when iT cAnt hElp uS anymORe...

i hatE DiffeRentiAtioN iTs givIng mI e creEps man...i And DiffEreNtiatiOn cAn nEvEr bE toGeThEr as i wiLl nEvEr unDersTand DiffEreNtiatiOn neVer...guEss mAybe tiS mY attiTude toWards DiFfeRenTiatiOn..i dunnOe bUt iM stArtiNg tO giF UP hoPe on tHIs chapTer lIao..pls somEoNe hElp mi beFore i droWn in mY piLEs of DifferEntiaTion hoMewoRk..



* Wee * mY laptOp iS heRe..umm..aCtuAli nT exActlY miNe lAh is shAre WiF my dEar siSTa oNE..yEah wiF tWo coMs oN hAnd thE FighTinG fOr wHo tO use e CoM fiRst wouLd bE loNg gone...ouCh !! mY eyEs huRt terRiblY..wAnnA slEep liAo..

WaHh..rEalI irRitAteD wiF soMe peOpLe jus nw..waH spEnd e whOle stuPid aftErnooOn waTing fOR thE stupId floweRs..wAhh..wE chEap laBouR ahh.hAf to chonG liKe siAo...400 stAlks oF floWeRs lEh..somEmoRe niD to wrap iT...iM tiReD simPly exhAustEd le..Why iS thE eVe oF vAleNtinE dAy juSt as sTreSsiNg aS anY othEr dAy or lEt juSt sAy evEn more stRessiNg..ruShinG to pAck all thE roSes..yoU juSt cAn die mAn...hAnd reallY itchinG aFter thAt..wtf...in THe enD onlY leFt 9 peopLe shiKiN, Jun Hao, aloY, Bai Lu , LyNa , Sin Lee , bjoRn , adiL anD mI loH..wE wEre liKe ruShing liKe craZy..luCkilY mR lIm saVes the dAy whiCh oSo sAve us thE troUble of Not hAfinG to pACk thE 12 stAlks of roSes seperAteLy..tiReD of paCkinF roseS...wAhh..rEallY glAd to be hOmE..thOugHt tAt hAiZ onLy aFtEr 10 DeN cAn go Hm bUT yeAh 9 plUs i Go hOme liAo..suPer tiRed nOw..in no moOd tO dO lit aT alL loh..

TmR V. DaY lE..liKe so FaSt a yEaR hAd pAss..HaiZ..aNd iT woUlD bE eVen quicKEr siNCe iTs ouR O lEvEl yEar le..buT hOw ? i juSt cAnt sEem to StAy foCus on stuDyinG...Ahh !!! HoPe tHAt tmr wouLd be a beTTer dAy foR me...XD



ahh..im stuPidfiEd...bY gosh how coULd i nOt knOw iT wAs shAwn bDae yTd...sO anGry wiF mySelf 4 nT knOwing...Ahh !! iF nOt i ThiNk i woulD hAf jus Go crAzy DurINg hiS bDae paRty he hAd orgAnisE aT liDo...Ahh !!! hoPe joShua WoulD orGaniSe suCh eVentS aNd thAt i woulD knOw oF courSe or Else i woulD hAf miSs mY chAncE agAin...bUt of couRse if JoshuA orGanisE...i WoulD gO thEre fOr shAwN lAh..duh !!! JosHuA..HaiZ..hE looK dAo thouGh..bUt ok lAh..whAtevEr...Urgghh..dUn knW y supEr CrAzY abt thEm nW..mAyb bCos oF all e inFluEncE aRounD mI..aNd thAt of e conStaNT plAying aNd ShoWinG thE i noT sTupiD too moVie Ad thAt mAke mI so immErsEd wif wiF thEm bA...UrrGh..reAd shaWn bloG anD nOw im suPer jeAlous oF tat guRl yvonne uRrghh..yEs cAn yOu sEnSe thE jeaLouSy tAt is slOwiNg buiLdiNg up iN thE aiR..She gD loH..WeN 2 shAwn pArtY aNd oH mY goSh..ShaWn reMemBer hEr...Aww...iM jealoUs...HOw i wiSh i HAf goNe...Ahh !!! regreT regreT ..=( SinCe i CanT gO..i Will juS gO crAzy heRe aNd poSt sOme piCs tat i goTten fRm hiS fAnsClub aNd yEs thE oWnEr oF thIs FanSclUb as YoU cAn guEss issh yvonne...TaTs hOw i goTtEn thOSe cloSe up piCs loh..im so so so jealouS.. bUt still niD 2 thaNk hEr aniWay if nOt fOr hEr i wouLd nOt hAf thEse piCs le..

Oh MY goSh..wAts tat woMen tRyinG tO do...pRopoSe 2 mY shAwn...no wAy mAn!!!

aww...thEy are sUper sUai cAn...ShawN bDae paRty..

UrrGh !!! my grEateSt reGret...shoulD hAf knW it eArliEr...aww...ShawN rAwKx he issh so cute....XD



* weet * FinAllY its sAt...LifE as BeeN reAllY bAd latEly bUt thanKs To soMe fRenS tAt i mAnaGe tO gEt thRouGh le..haha...ytd DiaNa Ser cAme 2 ouR sCh..wAa..shE prEtty lEh..But dEn hEr mAkE - uP puT too ThiCk le..O leVel is oso giVing mi crEeps lookIng at TheM i reAlly wonDer hw woUld it bE liKE neXt yEar wEn i GeT bAck mY O resulT..HaiZ..

On a hAppY noTe...GueSs wat i FounD boTh ShaWn anD joShuA bloG le uMm..actUllY nT exActlY fouNd la is ppL giMme oNe..geE..iM so hAppY..tHx WeetEng aNd coLin..waKKa...* hAppY hAppY *

K lAh hAf 2 gO le..gG shOppIng nw...bYE !!!



Wee...i cAn qiAn fAn( forward flip is it or wat i dunnoe wat is it called ) le...yeAh yEah !! sO proUd of mySelF 2dAy... aT laSt afTeR 3 yeArs pluS..wAhh..oK laH i kNw i slOw laH..aCtuAli iT wAs all bY chAncE oSo..iF onlI thErE iSn't AniOne thErE wHo is FrEe 2 hElp mi..iF onlI i juS haVe a suDdeN ruSh iN me 2 tEll mi 2 go Do iT...if onli.....bUT deN i diD it lE..withoUt anioNe heLp..soMemOre i fAn gt aT lEasT 5 tiMes aNd more i oSo nV faLl.. * wee ..* haRd work doEs paY...guEss waT i juS fouNd tAt i haVe e streNgth tO cum uP afTer i go e ArcH le..* wee....* hAppY...guEss all thIs muSt bE all so fAteD by chAncE tOO..taT i jUs haVe e moOd 2 gO dO iT myseLf..whiCh is seldOm e cAse coS i alwaYs niD someOne 2 b tHerE iN caSe wEn i flIP i faLL...BuT YEaH stiLl happY wiF e faCt tAt i hAf fAn ( chi PronoUcatIon) iT staBleLy lE...XD

V. DaY cuMinG le...hehe..Tis yEar gOttEn bE mY firSt tIme buYing prEssiE 4 my buDd..haIya brOke aBit nVmiNd loH..siNce thIs gottEn bE my LaSt yeAr le..anD hEy tAt is anoTher excUse foR me 2 shoP shoP le..YEaH...DunNoe whO shld i buY 4 leH buT confIrM will BuY 4 tiS ppL cOs thEy osO buYinG 4 mi Ma...aWw..so sWeeT..Fiqa..oUr gRp leAdeR cuM beSt budd..FiZa..e gAl who wilL b thEre wEn u r sAd..jEr..mY beSt shoppInG buDD ..AnD steLla..My bEsT liT paRtnEr..u mAy nOt buY 4 mi bUT nvMinD lah..Thx 4 beIng thEre helpIng mi 2 choNg Lit..XD and mayB a fEw othErs too..nOt sO suRe yEt sEe gOT enOugh CaSh wiF mi aT tAt tiMe or nOt..whAt i goTTen buY ? ha..tAts e suRprise 4 thEm loH..caNNt sAy hErE in cAse thEy cuM hoPPing tO my BloG aNd sAw it..thErE wOnt bE anImoRe FuN le..shOppiNg juS makEs mE fEel relAx..haF beEn reAllY stRess uP tiS daYs afTer thInkiNg aBout strEssfuL thougHts sO hEre is mY chAncE 2 deStrEss mYseLf le...* woots *

wAs liKe fliPpiNg throuGh e UrbAn paPer wEn i sAw tiS : YoU knOw yoU'rE a shOphoLiC wHEn...

1) YoU Go shoPpinG verY ofTen, uSuallY oNce a Day...( hmm..Nt so mucH as To oNce a dAy laH..i NoT so fRee loh..But mAybe onCe a wEek..) Fail

2) YoU feeL a " neeD " to shoP rAthEr thAn a " deSire " to ShoP..( yeSshh...MoRe oftEn thAn nOt i fEel thAt waY ) Pass

3) yOu fEel eAsilY irriTatEd whEn yOu aRe unaBle to shOp..( yEs..sometiMes..) Pass

4) yoU do nOt neEd aNd mAy noT usE seVeN out oF yOur 10 puRchaSe..( noT trUe..) Fail

5) yOu inCur debTs beCauSe of yOur shoPpiNg..( yeSshh..so true ) Pass

6) shoPpiNg prEoccuPiEs yOu tO the poInt thAt yoU neGleCt oTheR aSpeCts of liFe inCludIng woRk anD faMily..( nono...tAt wiLl neVer bE it..i luV my fAmilY enuf nOt tO neglEct theM..) Fail

7) YoU feEl exHilaRatEd duRing a shOppIng tRip aNd reMorse oR guIlt whEn iTs oVer..( Hmm...duN tiK hAf ba ) Fail

8) yOu argue wiTh yoUr faMilY aNd friEndS abOut yOur shoPpiNg habIts..( SomeTimEs ) Pass

9) You tRy to hiDe yOur puRchAse..( seldomS DoeS thAt ) Fail

10) YoU liE to OtherS aBout tHe extEnt of coSt of The puRchAse.. ( sometimeS ) Pass

ResulTs : 5/1o...haha so i wasn't such a shopaholic after all..bUt dEn fUnnIe le..im suPer addiCteD 2 shoppIng..

tmr SenIOrs cUminG baCk to Get thEir O lEvEl reSulT baCk le..HaiZ anD thE sTupiD thinGy is ThAt wE seC 4s haf tO stay baCk tiLL 2 lAh..weN oUr lEssOn fiNIsH at 12 plUs...wAhh..CaNt thEy juS lEt mE haF soMe reSt..i wanna sleep...



WatCh GeishA 2dAy..coNsiDer iT moRe of a stupiD shOw..iT waS liKe super boRinG caN...iT waSnt aS inteRestIng as i thouGht it wAs tO bE..luCkiLy nEvEr go ciNema 2 waTch oR elSe i woUld b lIke cUrSinG mySelF liKe craZy fOr beiNf so StuPid aS 2 speNd tIs kinD of mOnEy on a MoVie thAt isN't eVen worTh it..i thInk thAt i nOt sTupiD toO iS sTilL e BeSt moVie So fAr..CoS goT suAi ge..lol..juS kiDdinG..BuT iS moRe of bCos e moVie wAs a TouChinG onE..woRtH tHe moNeY speNd...

WaSn't reAllY in My BeSt oF mooD 2DaY in ScH..DiffErEnTiatIoN ahhh..i sUPer hatE thIs chPt caN..caNt evEn unDerStaNd a sIngLe thiNgY abT it..hW ? i dyiNg le...My uSed 2 bE beSt budd..tOk lEss tHan 10 seNtenCeS wiF thEm 2dAy..wth iS gg oN ? i reAllY dUn unDersTand but thiNgs goTteN a liTtle beTter aNd it sort of chEer mI uP a littLe weN e tiMe i wAs gg OvEr 2 MarK hsE..sAw heR n stArtEd oUr biTchInG sessIoN aBt oUr uSuAL GossIp oF couRse aNd all Of a SuddEn it WaS liKe thiNgs haVe goNe 2 e beSt maYb nOt reAllY e sAme closeNess as We felt lAst timE buT at leAsT a liTtle betTer shLd b hAf hiT e 10 sEnteNceS tArgEt le ba..wakkaa..i TiK e reAsOn 2 b It coUld be tHaT thEre wAs thIs soMeOne whO siT in ThE middLe of uS cauSiNg it haRd fOr us 2 tOk..reAllY cuRsE tHat mAn leh..Of aLl plAcEs wHy diD he chOosE 2 Sit aT thAt plAce at thAt pArTicUlar tiMe leh..Haiz...iF onLy tHe MaN diD nOt sIt tHere..im SurE we woUld tOk a liTtLe moRe moRe..oR wE woNt wE wouLd juS bE siLenT aS thouGht tHEre is sOme inVisiBle waLl in beTwEen us..i dunnoe..AniWaY i wAs stiLl a liTtlE comForteD bY aT leAst toKinG a litTle moRe..AcTuAli 2 tEll e TruTH i tiK i tOo doEs nOt reAllY unDerStaNd my Own eMoTioNs i tIk i lEt tHem FloW reAl eAsiLy aS i miGht bE reAllY veRy hAppY onE mOmeNt lauGhInG liKe crAzy buT onCe yOu irriTatE me oFF mY bAck i wouLd jus reAllY shUt mY gAp And nOt toK unTil i cAnnOt taHan oR elSe tHe oTher paRtY wouLd asK mi what's wRonG wif mi..i GueSs wEn im aNgrY i wouLd kiP suPeR siLent aNd wouLd jus aNsWeR u ah ee oo eh...So WEn i Do Tat yOu knOw thAt im FlamIng aNd mAybE somEtiMes yOu can sEe smOke cOmiNg ouT fRom mY eaRs..CoS i seLdOm kIp quIte i wouLd jus raTtLe noN - stOp wEn im iN mY gOOd moOd..

HaiZ...StoP hErE lE..dUn hAF muCh tiMe foR mi 2 dOdDle le..muSt gO dO mY geO nw le..anD * OuCH * my eYeS reAllY huRts guEss iT muSt be DuE 2 tHe fAct thAt i consTantLy faCe tHe coM 4 Long hRs...guEss my deGree of mY spEcS woulD reAllY shooT up reaLlY hiGh..Ok * blaH * StoP heRe le...

[[ DancE EnSemBle rocKx My woRld...GottEn 21 sEc 1 anD 2 TotAl jOiniNg us..yeaH ! thE siZe of DanCe EnSemBle is expaNdinG... ]]



HiaZ..i feeL so strEss..i hate SeC 4 liFe..i JuS simPlY haTe it..i DunnOe buT wE uSe 2 b sO clOsE cAn..BuT thInGs hAve Jus ChaNge withOut mY knOwing aNd i dUn eVeN enJoY a Wee bIt Of iT.....ManY thOugHts wEnt thRougH mY miND As iM wrItiNg or lEt juS saY tyPing thIs..My uSe 2 b BeSt frEn hAd loNg gOne...MY uSe 2 b CloSe buDd..WheRe aRe u wEn i neeDed moSt yOu wouLd juS leaVe me And wEetEnG everYtIme hOw wouLd yOu exPeCt uS 2 unDerStaND yoU all..Is iT bCos oF oUr inteLliGenCe gaP..anD thAt u all aRe pUre so wE wonT knOw wHat yoU aLL aRe toKinG aBout ? I reAllY haTe tO SeE thIs kiP on GoinG on i atteMpt aNd wEetEng too trIed but whAt respOnseS did wE gEt ? I reAllY wiSh yOu aLL ArE aBle to reAd mY PosT buT i dUn tiK yOu aLL wIlL de...YoU juS leFt us At tHe baCk seAt...iS thIs waT u call fRenS 4eVa ? iF tat is It... mAyb i shLd jus shUt my GaP.. BuT i reAllY haTe 2 c iT fAllinG apaRt..i triEd tO aCt norMal liKe i dUn cAre buT do yOu tiK tAt is It..i dunnoe...Now i reAllY douBt mY feelIngS..We uSe 2 toK alOT but noW looK wE baRelY ToK 10 senTencEs or MayB 20 seNtenCes... eVeryTimE e 2 oF u All..dO thiNGs osO neVeR teLL uS..hEy ! gEt thiS riTe iF yOu all Dun wAnnA cAre anyThiNg aBouT thIs friEndShip deN lEt juS enD it wiF beauTifUl memoRieS k..NoT Wif thOugHTs of hOw sTreSsfuL aNd paiNfuL it Is..If iT hAs bEen suCh a PaiN..Let uS knW..we cAn chAnge nOt as iF We aRe thOse whO dUn liStEn 2 coMmenTs...Ahhh !!! im So StreSs up...i dunnOe i feLt so muCh paIn in ThiS frIendsHIp...i thInk we hAd pUt up aloT of mAsK in tHis friendshIp buT whO am I ? A giRl wiF no poweRs 2 chAngE reaLitY...wAt cAn i do ? HaiZ....i reallY despeRateLy niD a guardIaN angEl 2 guiDe mi 2 e RitE paTh...[[ DeAr Lord..pLs seNd mi One riTe nw ..pLs ]]

AssigMenTs...AssigNmentS...and morE assiGnmentS ...My bRaiN ceLls all dieD le..cAnt evEn unDerstAnd that stupId diffErenTiatIoN chPt..Ahh..im dYinG..deSpEratEly neeD heLp...FOCUS 2daY ouR fiRst leSSon aNd i wAs alMoSt dyiNg...DiD reAllY baDLy i guEss...My scoRe wAs liKe onlY 20/35...wth is WiF mi nw DayS ? wHy am i Nt perForminG uP tO stanDard ? Y????? i reAllY waN 2 hAf aN answEr 2 tAt...i tRieD mY beSt le.bUt y stiLL enD uP liKe tAt...HaiZ....i ProMise mySeLF 2 woRk reallY haRd bUt dEn i Dun TiK it woRk..i guEss mayB i juS didn't trY harD enuF..tAt iS e onLi reasOn i wAn 2 tIk of tO comFort mySelf...Haiz...

[[ Lord pleaSe giVe mi e strengtH aNd poWer 2 geT thiNgs riGht where it shouLd be ]]



hehe..So hAppY 2dAy..fELt a seNse of accOmplisHmeNt in MySelF 2daY..GueSs wT doNe all mY maTh WoRk in ScH..* biG surPriSe * gT so manY loh...i CopY tiLL i waNna Siao siaO liAo..im SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK wIf u ppL le.wEi u tik i uR waT lAh..pReviOus poSt Gt saY liAo..imPRoVe abit bUt Den wEn baCk 2 oLd waYs..ThouGht tAt wEn i CoulD bcUm uR gD fReN oR whAtevEr u wouLd juSt cUm 2 mY baCk n iRritate mi...kiSS my ASS u..im Nt ur seRveNt..MAyB i shlD jus gO on strIke.. *Blah * ClEan e counCillOr rooM 2dAy..weI 4 uR inFo We hAf kiP aL e booKs on E shelVes neatLy le..So plS kiP iT neat AnD tiDy..We spEnd liKe dunnOe aBt 1 hR plUs i tIk 2 clEan it..FeEl reAllY pRouD of mYseLf afTer tAt..ps : soRi if u tiK mY haNdwriting suCks k..CoS if u tIk Ur haNdwriTtIng bEtEr u wRite..i wonT miNd..cOs wRotE e " pls pUt alL uR booKs heRe neatlY...blah blah blah " iN a RuSh..waNna go hm quiCk ma..

JuSt luV e tWo oF thEm ..Ahh !! So suAi..tMr TSS haF MatCh wiF BukIt PanjaNg HigH..aHH ..i waNna go lEh..wannA c hiM..bUt dEn..ahh..Y gT FOCUS ah.. *Sob * i WanNa c hIm..so saD cAn...sTiLL haF nt managE 2 fiNd hiS bloG beEn liKe searChinG anD seRchiNg so lOnG le..untiL im gEttiNg so fusTraTeD le..HaiZ..So sAd lEh..waNna c hIm bUt dEn maTch is aT 2..Hw 2 Go..aFtEr FoCuS osO tOo laTe liAo le ya..Haiz..FeeLinG reaLly sAd rIte nw...WaHh..guEss i muSt hAf beEn creaTiNg aN upRoaR abT e JoshUa frIendStEr anD shAwN bloG le ya..cOs nW evEryOne waNs it FrM ColiN...* blah *



Us aT mS Ji hSe wiF Ji LaO shI n YanG yEn laO shI

DaNce EnsEmBle peepS anD mS Ji..XD

WeNt 2 viSiTing mS jI aT hEr hSe 2dAy..hEr hSe niceY leh..loTx of beauTifUL dEco thEre..OutSidE hSe looK plAin insiDe e hSe looK sO fAbuLouS..aniWaY agaIn eAt loTx of baK kUa..cAnt reSisT mySelf coS suPer HunGry mA...nV eAt LunCh ma tAts y so hUngRy ...watcH lotx oF tV at Ms Ji hSe..so niCey e shOw..aFtEr tAt waTch i nT stuPid toO e mAking..so nicEy ...in luV wiF JoshuA eveN more le..wakkaaa...He so SuaI can..but iN e I maG..he Soo gAy but Who CaReS he so suAi loH...keke..sUai suAi..e WaY he aCt..wahh damN niCe k...n taT coLin he BaD lah still DuN wAn giF mi JoShuA frienDstEr thinGy..GrrgH !! hE wan mI 2 bEg hIm dEn can loh..so bad...i gOtteN woRk harD 2 fiNd joShua friEndsTeR..bUt deN dUn knw y mY frieNdstEr liKe siaO siAo one sOmeTimEs cAn go in somRtiMes canNt loh..so sAd !!!

SeE e i Nt stuPid onE so funnY...lAsT timE thEy so kiddY loh..nW all so suai..ok ok..im soooooo sooooo soooo soooooo obSesS wIf thEm liaO..waKkaA.....

- friDaY -

WeNt NgeE Ann..it WaS so toTally disorGaniSe can !! evEythiNg is liKe so meSsy didn't evEn knw whEre 2 go lol..Grrgh !! waN 2 tAke theiR pampletS thEy saY they nOt enUf.. @$%@% y like taT loH..Nv prInt enUf in e FirSt plAceok i kNw le..neXt tiMe caNNt cuM herE le..bUt dEn hW..i aBit inteReSted in e eArLy childhooD courSe leh..guEss i jus hAf someThinG 2 dO wiF baBiEs..i JuS luV anD adorEd them...WeN im WiF thEm i FeeL moRe aliVe..aNd more liKe mySelF..I dO nt niD 2 hiDe or DreSs 2 impRess thEm as uR dreSsing wouLd nT mAke muCh senSe To thEm at tAt agE..ItS moRe on How u PreSenT thEir leSson aNd hOw u aRe abLe 2 caTch thEiR attEntiOn....blah blah blah..im Depress this few weeks..life simply sucks...the thought have lit jus make mi feel so depress..

[[ If only i have the power to turn back the clock i would choose not to know you ]]




The EXCOs and the seniors

HaiZ..onE dAy haS juS pAss le..2daY waS ouR SC inVestItuRe..i NeaRly bcUm cindeRellA..all ThX 2 Jun Hao..WaHH laH..LucKiLy mY reaCtioN faSt all elSe lol..i haF 2 go uP wiF juS onE shOe le...I waS liKe so ShocK cAn..aniwaY MrS Oei spEEch waS liKe so lonG..anD i waS liKe so nErvoUs tat my paLms beCamE reAl sweAty...UrrGh !!! waS liKe sO suCky laH..wEn call mY nAme coS NazrI brEak fOr quItE a loNg timE so i WaS liKe supeR bluR on whEthEr shlD i Go uP oR nOt..Urrgh !! feeling sUpEr stREss rigHt nOw as iM bloGGing..whY issh liFe so unfaiR onE..Urrgh !! i gg tO caNNt taKe it le.. * banG heAd onTo tHe waLL * We aRe huManS toO laH..wE all Do mAke mStaKe riTe ...And CaN Pls giF uS soMe reSpeCt...YoU caN bE mY beSt of Budd..bUt SometimEs i JuS caNt sTanD yoU...

DancE waS fUn 2daY..tRieD e stilits 2dAy..it was FuN buT scaRy CaN..CannT balaNcE mySelf weLL..But reaLly hAd fuN plaYinG aNd waLkinG wiTh it thougH it MiGht huRt a liTtlE coS e StrInG haVe tO tiE quItE tiGhTly aRounD uR lEg tO preVenT yoU frOm fallinG...hoPe gOt cHanCe to plAy soMemoRe....* blah blah blah * Chong Lit

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Oh ya Nt forgEttIng 2 wiSh Wee TeNg a VeRy HappY bdae..



10 Things Needed for Your Life

10. Food to eat

9. Water to drink

8. Your home to shield you

7. A fire to warm you

6. A pet you see

5. A toilet to pee

4. Maybe a fine little warship

3. Mostly a place to worship

2. Your friends beside you

1. Christ inside you..i luv God..

HiAz...tmR is OuR inVeStiTure le..So fAst...tiMe paSs rEally fAst..oNe yeAr haD just goNe by withoUt ouR knoWinG...LiFe is reaL suckY thiS daYS..aNd i waN mY JoshUa..lol..nT ouR sCh oNe of CouRsE.....WeI Colin giMme HiS fRieNdsTeR leH...SaVe me FrM e 30 hrs tortUre leh...Haiz..

hOpe tAt tmR nthInG woUld gO wRonG..hOpe i dun TriP...reaLlY scAre leh..i dun WanNa b CiNdereLla aNd leAve mY shOe beHinD..or mAybe i muSt juSt faInt coS i was too nerVouS or maybe maybe maybe....Urrgh NeRvoUs..ok tMr haF 2 mISs leSsoN agaIn...sHucks lah..tMr gt SolasTri lesSon...diEd liao laH..ShE wIll KiP on SaY uS agaIn..loL..sHe seEms tO haTe uS SC alwAys saY abOut us..waT wRonG wE diD tO hEr loh..kiP on bU shUanG us..OuCh ! mY butt huRts aFteR 2daY PE ...staminA loUsY le..tIk aTe tOo muCh dUrinG nEw yEar le..TaTs y cAnt rUn ba..TmR is Weeteng bdaE hoh..haha..HopE shE liKe e preSent thAt we HaD bouGht fOr her...XD

* Dang * GueSs waT dUnnOe whY mY stupId coM caNt gO frIendSter so theRe goEs mY chanCe le..UrrGhh !!! I wAn JoShUa ...but deN tiK agaIn Shawn iS beTteR...* blah *

[[ PraYing hArd thAt thiNgS wouLd go SMoothLy tMr ]]


La Femme

& she rattle about her life

HELLO. I am JIAMIN. The girl whom you saw peeping at you from next door. She is a Cam-whorer, Compulsive shopper and an Avid blogger. DANCE is her PASSION and her FIRST LOVE. So why wait? Groove to the music already baby!


The People.

Angela blogshop
Shannen blogshop

Cass(Crescent Sec)
Eve thai Buddy
Hui Fang
Hui Ping
Hui Hui
Jasmine( SC )
Johnathan( SC )
Jia Yi
Jun hao
Lay Hoon
Pei fen
Pei Jie
Pei Wen
Ren fu
Seng Kwann
Shao Ling
Student Council
Shu Qing
Seow Hui
Shu Fang
Su Wen
Sze Qian
Sze Qian
Xue Yi
Yiu Hung
Yan Lin

Fashion reads
Clothes Project

Natalie Tan
Sweet memories

• October 2005 • November 2005 • December 2005 • January 2006 • February 2006 • March 2006 • April 2006 • May 2006 • June 2006 • July 2006 • August 2006 • September 2006 • October 2006 • November 2006 • December 2006 • January 2007 • February 2007 • March 2007 • April 2007 • May 2007 • June 2007 • July 2007 • August 2007

ariesdancerlife.blogspot.com exist since October 2005