Hear the lady roar.

DarN..I am feeLing sO boRed At HomE i fEeL as thOugH i bEen lOCked uP iN thIs littLE Home oF mIne...i aM soRrY JEr...MuM donT lEt mE oUT oF tHE hoUSe...thInk sHE IS aFraId thAt lAter i mAy sNEak oUT tO sHoP oR SometHiNg lIKE tHAt...i aM dAmn pISsed..haIZ...toLD HEr thAt i aM gOing Out tO stuDy tHAn sHE sAiD iF thAts tHE caSe You stuDy aT home...sO BlAH~~~ sHE iS mY mUm aND sHE haS tHE lASt sAy...oK whAtevEr sO enD uP stuDyiNg aT hOme whIch donT reALLy hElp iN thE fIRst plAce cAUse tA-dA yOu wiLL fiNd mE iN fRont oF mY cOm..sO yA iT dOnt hElp mUcH staYing At hOme...bUT iF i aM oUtsiDe...It woULd haVe bEen diffEreNt though i maY geT diStraCted a littLE hEre aNd thEre WitH aLL thE nOise aroUnd mE..bUT wEll aT leaSt i aM abLE tO gEt sOme woRk dOne..bUT aT hOme haIZ..teMptatiOn iS fAr tOO strOng faR mOre strOnger thAn stUdyIng outsIde i sHouLD sAy..witH tHE cOm aRound...tsk tsk..I sHoulD leaRn tO coNtRol mYselF a littlE....

ExAms Is around thE cOrnEr... iTs staRting oN tUEsDay...aND wEll....i aM stiLL Not iN tHE mooD Yet...wHy ? i dont kNoW...i aM jUSt sO nOt foUCs...Ahh....Lord pleASE maKE mE mOre fOUCs...i Need thE streNgth anD thE wiLL tO keeP mE foUCs...All oF A suDdeN i jUST feeL sO sO afRaID...aFraId oF faiLing aND suCh..bUt tHAn tHE feeLing oF beIng aFraId did nOt reAlly hElp mE mUCh iN staYing foCus...Ahh...haIZ...

hAiZ..thIs iS suCh a cOmpliCated world...whAt iS hapPeniNg tO daNCe...whAt iS haPpeNing...whY iS tHings tUrniNg oUT thE wAY iT iS nOW ??? Why ?? i reAlly hOpe aLL thIs mEss cOuld bE settLE reAl sOOn...i wAnna sEe dAnce aS a plAce wHEre wE daNCe oUr heaRts oUt...aND nOt a plaCe whEre we thrOw aLL oUr NoNseNSe oUt..haiZ...aHH...

` little Miss-pissed off



Whee ~~~ i aM sO dAmn pRouD oF mySelF....i fINiSheD doIng All mY F&N reSearCh deVelopMEnt aLL thAt thINgy...wHee ~~~ oK wEll thAts thE thIng..i alWaYS liKE to haVe deaDlinE.....cAuse wiTh deaDlinEs iT foRceS mE tO gEt mY woRk doNe wiTh....wiThouT deAdliNE,i bE liKE draGgging aND draggiNg aND draggIng mY woRk...cAuse i wiLL nOt haVe thE mooD tO ComplEte my woRk whEn thEre iS nO deaDlINe...sO yEah...MisS cHin set deaDlinE aND sO ta-da....i haVe cOmplEte iT le..yEAh...... 3 CheerS fOr myselF..

yESTErdAy wHen baCk to sChooL aT nIGht tO dO soMe usHEriNG FoR tHE sEc 2s EveNt...OH woAh...pAreNts thIS dAys...tsk tsk....reAlly maKe mE vOmiT bloOD.....*splat splat*.....tHEy exPect thEir chIldreN tO bE punctuAl fOR scHool blah blah blah...aND wHAT .....tHEy cAme aT 8 plUS at nigHT fOR thE talK whEN iT staRted at 7.30.....tHAt Not ThE WORSE YeT ....evEn thoUght i aND valencia reALilywAnted tO ummm....teLL thOse PAreNTs off aND sAY good nigHT ....bye bye yoU cAn gO hOME ( sincE thEy aRe lAte) ...buT tHAn haiZ...tOo bAd wE cAnt...wE haVe tO uphoLD thE schOOl's imagE....Ok whAt imagE dO wE haVe aNywAy? blAh ~~ sO yupp wE stiLL haVe tO eND uP sMiling aND sAy gOOd eveninG ProcEed thIS wAy tO regiSter plEase...blAh ~~~ ME aND vaL reALLy wAnted tO baSh thOSe PAreNts uP...tHeRe iS thIs laDy who drIve uS freAking craZy...sHe wAs lAte aND stiLL exPect US tO wAlk rIgHt uP tO hEr...aND sHE keep sAYing oK loH oK loH ...* bIsh* Is tHis tHE attItude yOu sHouLD haVE...YOU aRe lAte...fOR goODnEss sAke...stiLL dAre to attItude uS We sHouLD bE thE oNEs wHo shOuLD aTtituDe You..tHAn ME aND vAl wAs lIKE jokIng sHOuld wE laY tHE reD cArpEt fOR thOSe parEntS wHo Are laTe...thE seC 2s...tsk tsk...dont kNW whAt tO sAY aboUt thEm...fOR gOodnEss sAke tHEy aRe seC 2s aNd yEt tHEy sTiLL plaY catChing...catChinG ??? aT tHAt aGe...tsk tsk....bOTh oF uS jUSt haVe tHE urGe tO shoUt aT thAt...cAUSe wE wEre daMN piSs Off wIth thOSe pareNts..thaN thOSe sec 2 wEre liKE ruNNing Here aND thEre in fRonT oF US....Grrgh...Hear Me rOAr....

aFter tHE whOle evEnt wEnt oppOSiTe tO eaT wiF JEr aND chia lynn....quIte fUn tAlkINg craP wiTh thE boTh oF thEm..WeNt hoMe...saD cAnt USe cOm ....been baN...so enDed UP wAtcHing tV...dID nOt sleeP eaRly alSO....In thE eND slePt aT 2...Ahh....moRe anD moRe pimPles aRe popPing Out...Ahh....aNd mY faCe iS jUS nOT aS radiaNt lIkE bEfOre..DoubLe Ahh...guEss iT mUSt bE dUE tO thE laCk oF slEep aND suCh...bUT aiYA...doNT kNW my bodY seeMS tO bE adjUSted tO sleeP aftEr 2...bEfOre 2 slEep i wiLL feeL sOrt OF fUnny....hmm....

haIZ i jUSt wiSh Dad UnderstaNd mE mOre....bUT i doUbt HE wiLL....aLL he doEs iS woRk aND sLeep aND eat...i wISh soMEdAy hE wiLL UndersTand mE aND mY sis aND tHE faCt thAt we haVe boTh groWn uP aND not anYmORe thE littLE giRls whO HE USe tO kNow...



wOah i aM baCk hOme earLy a vErY rAre thIng foR tHursAy....cAuse toDay nO dAnce...tHAn i PoN eNgliSh foCus sO nOW whee ~~~ i aM baCk hOme....WeLL eNGliSh foCus is uSelEss sO yupp i dOnt cAre iF i AttenD it Or nOt...gO thEre do thOSe stuPid wOrKSHeet thAt woUld nOt evEn bE teSted fOR O levEls...alWays Do thOSe seNteNce mAkiNg...thOSe wOrksheetS i bEt tHoSe iN PrimarY sChooL wOuld aLso kNow How tO dO..Ya We kNow tHAt our EngLisH staNdaRd iS loUsy bUt yOu nEed not insulT uS with aLL thIs wOrKshEet thAt You dO nOt evEn need tO kiLL a brAin ceLL to thInk...hOPe tHAt nExt teRm woNt haVe aNymOre oF thIS laME eNgLiSh foCus ... gO tHere iS equAl to wAste oF tiMe...

YippE !!! afTer sO loNg 4 freAking MontHS... aT laSt i pAss a mAths teSt...HEY evEn thOugh iTs LikE paSsiNg with OnlY a pAthetiC oNe maRk...i At leASt haVe a pAss yA...whEe ~~~ iM hapPY toDay....sO dont sPoiL mY goOd mOoD yA...GoSh i neArlY foRgOT thAt toMorroW haVe tO sTay baCk tO heLp Out fOR soME UsherIng thIngY...haIZ i aM sUppOse tO haVe tuTion TomoRRoW...How ? i haVe bEen liKE skippiNg aNd skiPPing mY tuTion dUe tO sO maNy acTivItiEs reCentLy...aND nOw haIZ...hOpe teaCher donT aSk mE gO oN sAturDay...i wAnt mY beaUty slEep....Oh And yA i aM sO thANkfuL thAt i dOnt reAlly hAVe eyE baGs nO mattEr hOw laTe i slEep...cAuse iF i EvEr hAVe, i cAn jUSt iMagiNe hOW biG mY eyE baGs is bY nOW...sleePing aT 2 plUS evErydAy aND wAking UP aT 6 pLus woAH...IT wOUld haVe beeN THIS BIG....haha......oK actUally i dO sLeeP afTer i gEt hOme fOR mAybe aN hoUR oR tWo....hmm..sO woNt bE thAt bAd....

+ Add On +

FreaKing mAd At dAd...cAnt hE juSt gIVe me soMe PriVacY...eVerythIng alSo wAnna kNow....IrrtitAting...i sOmetImes woNder dId he secretLy cHecK mY hP whEn i aM aslEeP cAuse hE wiLL aSk me aLL kInds oF sTuPid quStIoNS...i NeeD PRIVACY ok...dAmn It....heaR mI RoaR...GrrgH....

i reAlly Cant staND thAt perSon aNyMore...whAt rIght haVe YOU tO baCkstaB uS...dAmn iT...yOu thInk YOU sO greAt sO biG....YOU aRe actUAlly noThiNg ok....YOU aiN't anY bettEr thAn uS..You aRe jUSt a smAll fly iN a boWl oF soup...Grrgh..wE stArteD oUt sAme tIME As YOU oR lEtS sAy evEn LongEr...YOU YOURSELF iS haVing tHAt proBs oK...plEase...reFleCt baCK oN yOursElf fiRst beFore sAying abOut OThers...yOu aIn't PerfeCt...i aIn't tOo...thAts whY i haVe tO adMit thAt i haVe fAileD in mY joB aS a dIsciPlinE heaD...i shOuld nOt haVe bEen sO slaCk....i shOuld haVe bEen toUgh eSpeciAlly in frOnt of YOU....i hAve jUSt thIS urgE tO kiCk YOUR ARSE....YOU bEen SucH a HypocritE ..oH wEll maYbe i shOuld tHank YOU foR spICing uP oUr liVes a lIttlE...THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A HYPOCRITE.....YOU aIn't grEat...Thats jUSt thE faCt thAt i woULd liKE tO reMind yOu a littLE...YOU thoUGht thaT evEryoNE simpY LOVES YOU ADORE YOU WORSHIP YOU...acUtally nO oNE doEs...YOU aRe jUSt SomeOne evEryOne siMplY lOve tO haTe..MayBE i HAve mY eYEs grOWn oN mY BuTT aT thAt tIMe whEn i thOugHT thAt YOU arE aCtuaLLy cHanGiNG fOR tHE bEttEr...so Yupp i treAt YOU wEll...bUT i wAs ProVen wRonG.....GueSs thE leoPard wiLL nEver eVeR chAnge iTs sPots...Or mAybe iF it doEs it wiLL dEfinAtelY Not Be thAt pErsOn...aNd nOW thAt i haVe mY eyEs gRowN baCk oNto mY heAd agAin...i See thAt YOU are jUSt sOmeoNe whO haS noThing bEttEr tO dO tHAn tO baCkstaB uS...YOU bettEr nOT cOMe bacK...wE dOnt neeD YOU...aNd STOP thinKing YOU are thAt greAt caUSe YOU ain't....grrgH....stiLL haVe thE chEek tO sAy whAt wE dOnt kNow How tO coNtrOl ouRMemBErs...dAmn....YOU sAy thEy haVe AP...sAY whAt gO fInd othEr sChooL's peoPle eTc...HEY YOU tOO ...bEttEr gO fIND otHEr sCHooL MembErs aND sEe whEthEr anyOne haS AP like yOurs....aNd If oUR chAirMAn iS nOt fIt tO bE chAIRmAn YOU thiNk YOU aRe fIT ???? You dO nOt eVen haVe a poSt anD i doUbt thEre wiLL bE ONe wHich iS fit fOr You...cAuse You aRe not fIt to evEn oWn one....wItH thE AP liKE yOUrs...WitH thE tenDencY Of baCkstabBing uS...aNd YOU STILL THINK YOU ARE GREAT...GoSh i think YOU haVe YouR eYEs grOwn oN YOUR buTt tOo...aND dAmn..YOU haVe NO RIGHT OR AUTHORITY to scOld oUr sEc oNEs cAuse fRom whAt i tHinK YOU are nOt evEn fIt...YOU haVE AP aND YOU dont eVen kNoW sOmeMore sAy iS peopLe haVe AP...isn't tHIS jUSt sO irONic...YOU YOURSELF haVe AP...haVe YOU forgOttEn thE fAcT thaT YOU arE stiLL nOt offiCallY iN yeT...FutURe i dOnt kNOW bUT aLL i knOW nOW iS YOU arE stiLL nOt OffiCallY iN yEt sO plEAse STOP beHavIng As iF yOu aRe greAt..SHOW SOME RESPECT IF YOU WANT OTHERS TO SHOW IT TO YOU...PEOPLE DONT EVEN WANT TO RESPECT YOU CAUSE YOU DON't EVEN DESERVE IT IF YOU ARE GOING TO CONTINUE BEHAVING IN THIS MANNER...

PEACE !!! toDay iS suppoSed tO bE a HAPPY dAy fOR me...dont kNow whY eNdeD Up thEre iS sO manY littLe thIngs hEre aND thEre comiNg aND irrItate mE...blAh ~~~ sO i shAll striKE oF aLL thIs littLE irritating thIngs aNd preteND aS thOSe toDay wAs a HAPPY dAy foR mE..LOL..

haha...yeStErdAy...taLK tO hIm cAn laUgh lIkE CraZy PersOn liKe thAt..Oh wEll..aT leAst i mAke hIm happY yeStErdAy tOo...cAuSE hE sAy he IS laUghing liKe CraZy tOo..haha..alwAYs cAll mE gong kiA...Hmm....i reALLy thAt gOng mEh ???? hAIZ...i aM bAnneD fRom uSing cOm oN fridAy...sO On friDay i woNt bE coMing oNline anYmore...cAuse pareNts sAY i aLwAys uSe cOm...uSe cOm uSe untiL donT wAnt tO sleeP so i haVe beeN bAn froM uSing cOm oN friDay...thEY wAnna mE sleeP earLy...bUT i doubt i wiLL sleeP earlY...sEe mY patterN alSo kNow riGht..How cAn it bE thAt JIAMIN wiLL slEep earLy...unLEss witH thE eXcepTion whEn sHE iS siCk...sO yupp i sURe eNd uP wAtcHing tV tHAn sleeP laTe agAin...HaiZ....catCh mE oN sAtUrDay...cIAo ~~~



I reAlly reAlly woNDer iF YOU arE tRulY mY fRieND OR nOt oR wHEthEr yOu jUSt haNg oUt wiTh me caUSe YOU haVe nO oTher fRieNDs...i aM staRtiNg tO gEt sIcK sICk sICk oR YOU agAin..thIS juSt sUCkS .. i reAlly haTe tO sAy thIS bUT i donT thInk i reALLy trUSt YOU at aLL... yOu onLY gO fInd ME whEn yOu nEeD mE whEn nO neeD mE thAt tiME yOu jUSt thRow mE aT oNE sIDe..HEY gEt tHIs straIght i donT reAllY lIke beIng witH yOu ....dAmn......i aM irrItated...Get a Life aNd KnoCk sOme sEnse in YOuR heAd...i dO nOt need yOu aS i haVe mORe thAn enougH friEnds...hmm...lEt jUSt sAy mORe thAn yOu bY lOsinG yOu meAns NothIng to mE aS i dont thinK thAT yOu aRe wOrtH TreAsurIng oR woRtH keePing i dO nOt need FrIenDs wHo arE so hypOcriTiAl....sO gEt oUt oF mY sIghT...

PEACE !!! i nEed tO reLievE sOme oF mY aNGer...bUt yA...i reAlly i reAlly donT kNoW bUT i feeL yOu aRe treAtiNg mE liKE sOMeoNe to wiDen yOUr frIendsHip cONneCtIon whIch oF coUrse wOuld nOt laSt lOng cAuse yOu alwAys mAke nEw fOrgEt oLD...blaH...Ok whAtever i shAll nOt boTher mYselF oVer sUCh thIngs..

` LittLe mIss Pissed off haVe aPpEaRed...oK i aM a tReNd sEttEr...cAuse i aM thE one who staRted tHe CroWn eaRriNg craZe...stOp fOlLowIng mE..gEt a life.... tHanKs lOts...=)

oK eNougH abOut bLoggIng abOut pEoplE i aM piSsed wiTh...shAll blOG abOUt maThs...Whee...i So lOve todAy maThs lEssOn...toDay mAThS LessOn rAwkX.....dId nOt haVe teSt YeAh !! wEnt AVA to stUdy....YEah...dId teSt pApEr InsteAd oF teSt...tHe aTmosPhere wAs jUSt right...Whee ~~ In tHE beGinnIng thE whOLe rOOm wAs quiet reAlly reAlly QuieT cAUSe aT fiRst tHougHT cAnnot dIsCuSs tHe pAper bUt End uP cAn sO wE wEre like mAking sO dAmn lOTs oF noiSe aFter wE kNow tHAt we cAn diScuSs..iT wAs sUper fUn caUse wiTh thOse bUnch OF craZy pEoPle aRouND,tHEre hAs nEver bEen a duLL MomEnt fOR mE...sO yupp..hAha..i wEnt craZy tOo...wAs laUghIng aT HOw sLOw FiQA iS aT tHE beginnIng tHan LAter sHE laUgh aT mE cAuse LatEr on i wAs tHE sLower One thAn laUgh aT cLaudIa...cLaUdiA sHE IS sO fuNNy...haha...stuCk at thAt umm...wHAt mAp tHIS aNd tHAt tO reAL liFe thIngy....sTuCk sO loNG stiLL donT wAnnA giVe uP...wAh...YoUR Patience DeSErvE mY reSpEct...hehe....Your giRls roCk.. =)



shoUld i lEt thingS gO oR hOld oNtO iT...sOmetImes i juSt wOnder...whY muSt thIngs happEn thIs wAy...He iS alwAys tHEre whEn i neEded hIm ...alwAys thEre cheerIng me up...GoSh...whAt shOuld i dO...woUld it bE beTter iF i teLL thE tRutH oR sHould i cONtiNuE lYing tO mYselF...i dOnt kNow...ALL i kNow iS thAt i wAnt a happy eNdIng...

How i wiSh i could jUSt diSaPpeaR fRom thIs suRfaCe oF thE eaRth..i Am iN a DileMma NOw...i dO nOt KnoW hOw tO solVe thE Problem..Or MaybE iT iSn'T mEnD tO bE sOlve iN tHe fiRst plAce...i Do kNow hOW tO faCe hIm..ArrgH...

Exams aRe cOmiNg...i should Be fOcUs..sHould bE..bUt i aiN't aT aLL...i donT kNoW whY bUt i jUSt nOt iN thE riGht mIndset foR eXamS...daMn...i sUre faiL toDay's teSt...dAmn...tUtoR gO tHrouGh triGo witH mE bUt Ahh...dId nOt gO aNd stUDy tHe bearrings etC...Not evEn a sInglE wee biT..dId nOt evEn glaNCe at iT...aND Ahh.. 12 out oF 20 mArk beLonGs tO bearrIngs...byE bYe tO a pAssIng graDe fOR mE..i wiLL staRt cOuntiNg frOm 7 marKS aND bEloW...nO matHS foCus toDay aNd iT feeLS sO fuNNy tO gO hoMe sO earlY...AnD yA tHis iS thE giRl wHo cOmplAins oN hOW sHE iS unAble tO gO hOme eArly aNd nOw whEn sHe haS thE chAnce tO gO hOme eArlY sHE CompLAin tOo....DiffiCult tO pLEaSe...cAuse iTs liKe umm...A lOng tIme siNCe i wEnt hOme earLy wiThouT haVing lEssOn aNd suCh...yeAh FOURSOME rocK...We roCk wE roCk You stOne..haha...iTs bEen liKE agEs siNCe wE weNt hOme togetHEr..XUe Li sAy thAt iTs oUr seCond tIMe thIS yeAr..I was liKE wOah...thE fIRst oNe wAs liKe dAmn lONg tiME agO...Weet`` i juSt sO lOVE tHE feeLing oF goIng hOme toGetHEr wItH thEm....aT leASt wE gEt tO sAy BYE tO eaCh otHEr..i kNOw thAts duMb...sAying bYe alSo happY but hEy a bYE meAns a lOT tO mE yA...Its bEen agEs siNCe wE reAli sAy bYE tO eaCh otHer...hmm....i lOVe toDay buS driver * lOVE LOVE * evEn thOugh sOme OtHErs whO aRe iN a ruSh hatEs hiM...i kNow SoME DisLikE tHIs BuS drIver caUSe thEre is thiS aH ma aNd aH gOng whO gaVe HiM thOSe pIsSed oFf faCe...

oK tHIs is whAt haPPen iN thE bUS...

1. BoarD 51 i tHinK...frOm sCh duh !
2. taLk craP witH xUe Li oN tHE bUS aND asKing hEr fOR soMe adVice abOuT cerTain ThiNGs....
3. ReaCh oUr hOUse buS stOp bUt thAN aiYA foRgOt prEss beLL..
4. Ah gOng staND at tHE dOOr (did Not press beLL ) pIssed wHEn bUS driver NEver stOp..
5. BuS dRiver sAw aH gOng bUt nEver stoP caUSe hE sAy aH goNg nevEr Press beLL.. ( bUt i kNow thAT thE bUS drIver sAw aH gOng aND kNow thAt aH goNg wAnts tO stOp bUT hE diD nOt stoP...The dRivEr wAS liKE sO uMM...hmm...IF nOt fOR xUE Li aND mE taLKing crAp i wiLL suRely bE dAmn pISsed oFf tOO )
6. eND uP stoPpIng aT thE CoMMuniTy CEntRe bUS stOp..
7. waLK baCk taLK mORe craPs.. ( mOre tiME tO boNd tHAts whY i aM happY )
8. sAy bYE aND oFf i heaD hOme..

laMe rIgHt...like thAT alSo happY buT hEy littLE thIngs lIKe tHIS maKEs mE happY.....lalala`` i Am a hAppY giRl....Oh GoSh LAst mOntH biLL cAMe aND dAmn mY SMs eXceeD bY 100 pLus..i wAs liKE dAmn...i donT wAnna pAy...i haVe nO moNey i aM bOke....stiLL haVe tO gO bUY soMe oTHEr ppL pResEnt...cAuse i foRgOt tO buY iT lASt wEek...pRay thAt i woUld reMember oN sAt....haIZ...i aLso eXceedeD mY given OutGoinG caLL.... donT kNW whY i wiLL exCeeD...iS iT i taLk tOO mUCh oN tHE pHone ? Hmm....cAnnot reMembEr...haIZ...i aM sO afRaiD thAt oNE dAY mY parEntS mIght jUSt cOme aND chEck oN mE oN mY blOG...cAuse mOm asK mE foR mINe blOG add aNd i wAs liKE oH-oH...i aM In foR sHit thIs tiME...cAuSe dAd wAs liKE sUSpEcting umm...sOMetHIng gOIng oN...aNd yA...nOthIng iS goIng oN anYwAy....sO yupp i toLD thE tRuth hEy iTs thE trUTh ok i aM beIng hOnest...nOthIng iS goIng oN...bUT i reAlly donT wAnt thEm tO cOme aND see mY blOg...ImagIne yOur owN pareNts reaDing yOur diarY ANd hOW yOU blOg oR pEn aboUt yOur dAily life aND suCh..hmm..i jUSt haTe tHE thOught oF iT...iTs jUSt sO freAkY...i donT mINd oTHers reaDing aboUt mY daiLy liFe bUT PARENTS...NONO...thIS blOg iS oNLy fOr aGe 25 aND beLow..tHis bLgo S spEciaL yA..hAve age limiT...so yupp if yOu aRe agE 25 aND abOVe pLs gEt oUT...brrr``...LaMe...aHH...i hOpe mY paRents woUld nEver fInd mY blOg whIch iS liKe sO highly UnlikEly cAUse thEy mIGht haVe aLreAdy kNown mY blOg add aND cOuLD bE jUSt teStiNg ME...hmm..aRrgH...i doNT wAnt thEm tO coMe HERE....haIZ...

One dAy maYbe one dAy thEy miGht juSt cOme sINCe evEn Sister frIendS evEn knOW oF mY blOG whAt MoRe cAN bE iMpoSsiBle ....buT yupp sIster frIenDs thEy Pro...Link Link Link alSo cAn cOme tO mY blOG...wahaa....MUM aND DAD...plEase...iF yOu aRe reAdinG thIS pLeaSe dOnt reAd anYmORe...gIVe me soMe priVacY PLeasE...Its FreaKy to kNoW if yOu aRe reAding mY blOg...buT hOpe iTs jUSt thAt i aM Over - seNStive aND thAt mY mUm iS jUSt aSking CauSally siNCe whEn my mUM aSk that tiME sisTer wAs taLkiNg abOuit how hEr frIends fOunD mY blOg ..so yA hOpe My mUm iS jUSt aSking fOR fUn i hoPe i hOpe.....

i dO nOt wAnt tO gO oVerSeAs...i wAnt tO staY iN sINgapORe...i aM WeiRd....peOple Usually wAnt tO gO ovErseAs buT i donT wAnt thiS tiMe...evEry yeaR gO 2 tiMEs..gO sO mANy tiMe...ya i kNow i sHouLd lEarN to bE happY witH mY liFe aND reAlisE hOw fOrtuNAte i aM...bUt thAn thIS yeAr JuNe wiLL bE a bUSY mOntH foR mE....cAuse ThEre wiLL suRely bE lOts of extrA lesSon...maYbe cAmps aND toNs oF WOrksHeet aNd AssigNmnEt whIch is a confirM thIng...sO iF gO OversEas wHEre gOt tiME tO dO aLL thIS thIngs....haiZ...

i thInK thaT dAnce iS sort oF iN a mEss Now..wHose whO whAt aNd How ???? haIZ....whAtevEr iT iS i jUSt wiSh thAt dAnce wiLL bE thEre tiLL goD kNoWs whEn....wE mUSt maKE suRe wE coNtiNUe tHE dAnce sPiRit fOR wE aRe thE beSt.....( -_^)/

"If I Let You Go"
Day after day
Time passed away
And I just can't get you off my mind
Nobody knows, I hide it inside
I keep on searching but I can't find
The courage to show to letting you know
I've never felt so much love before
[All (Shane lead):]
And once again
I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out
[All:]But if I let you go
I will never know
What my life would be holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
([Shane:] oh yeah)
How will I know
[Shane:] if I let you go?
Night after night I hear myself say
Why can't this feeling just fade away
There's no one like you (no one like you)
You speak to my heart (speak to my heart)
It's such a shame we're worlds apart
I'm too shy to ask, I'm too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out
But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? (oh yeah)
How will I know
[Shane:] if I let you go ?
[Shane:]If I let you go ooooh baby Ooooooooohhhhh
Once again I'm thinking about
But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
([Mark:] close to me)Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
([Shane:] oh yeah) How will I know
([Bryan:] if I let you go?) But if I let you go I will never know
([Mark:] oh baby) Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
([Shane:] oh yeah) How will I know
[Shane:] if I let you go ?

Ps. tHink You wOuld NotICe thAt tHis dAys i bLog in ProPer eNgliSh eVen tHouGh thEre Are stiLL sOme brOken engLisH in iT, i stiLL tRy mY beSt tO blOg aS proPer aS poSsiBle..cAuse LooKIng baCk aT aLL tHe PrevioUS poSt..i gUess My eNgliSh hAve dEpRove Lots wiTh aLL thE lAh lOh..whAtEver sing-eNgliSh...It jUSt sO SuCky sO yupp..i mAke uP mY mInd to bLog pRoPerly...HopIng thAt mY eNgLisH staNdaRd wOulD Improve aNd gEt baCk my B grade At leAst..A iS highly impOSsible now...

Weeteng, XueLi,Me,HuiYing * MuaCks Love thEm lOTs <3*



Ahhh.......YOU YOU YOU...YOU confuSed miNe brAin ceLLs...nOW iTs iN a mEss...wHY wHy WHY...Why muSt yOU coMe aT tHis pOint iN tiMe....Ahh....whAt shOuld i dO...whAT sHould i dO....Ahhh.....



haIZ..i aM cOnfuSed...i donT kNOw wHAt hE wAnts...i aM reAlly reAlly cOnfuSed bY hIm..i dOnt kNow whAT aRe tHe feeLinGs i aM havIng right nOw...aLL mY feeLings aRe miX uP JumBle UP aNd blAh aND aLL oF tHis MAke mE So So sO sO cOnfuSed..ArrgH.....

wHEn i wAnt tO giVe uP...HopE wOuLd JUst cOme KnoCking aT mY DooR...wTh...i donT kNow whAt i shOUld dO....dO i nEed yOu iN mY liFe ? i reAlly dOnt kNow...aND i donT wAnna thInk but yOu are jUSt maKing mE thInk about aLL thIS aLL thE tiME..wHy ??? aRrgH....noW thAt yOu haVe sOmeOne whO yOu like...i Am happY fOr You aNd iTs oK wiTh mE...bUt wHAt i reAlly dOnt underStaNd iS wHy yOu wOuLd eVerYtiMe cOme tELL mE aboUt Her...oN hOW sHE hurt yOu eTc..I cOmfORt You aNd stAnd bY yOu...aNd tRied tO cHEer yOu uP..eVen tHougH mOSt oF tHE tiMe i faiL iN iT...hmm...Ya siNCe wHEtHer i aM doWn yOu aRe tHEre fOR mE sO yupp iT shOUld Be juSt riGht tHAT i dO thIs foR yOU....yOu wiLL sAy sO maNy thIngs...blah blah blah ~~... sEe lAh nOw tHAt i aM tYpiNG thIS hE come taLK tO mE....i aM coNfuSed....i reAlly aM...i dOnt kNow whAT tO dO...ArrgH...conFused cOnfuSed sO suPer cOnfUSed....whY muSt hE alwAys dO thIS tO mE....sOmetImes yOur woRdS reAlly huRt mE dO yOu kNow thAt..i doUbt You dO.....dAmn..i donT kNoW whAT haS come oVer me...maYbe tHe reAson whY i dO nOt wANt tO haVe anY relAtiOnshIp noW iS thAT aLL oF thIS NonSenSe maKes mE suPEr coNfuSed...it scRews mY life aND yA maKEs mE uPset...It alwAYS coNfusEs mY feeLings...ThinGs woULd nOt tuRn oUt tHE wAy it sHould bE...IF onLy iF onLy...i haVe nOt knOWn yOu...i dO nOt kNoW hOW mY liFe wouLd bE liKe nOw...haVe tO adMit yOu brOuGHt iN coLouRs tO my liFe bUt yOu soMetiMEs jUSt screW me uP sO baDly thAT i jUSt wAnt tO breaK doWn aND crY...

sOmetImes i reAlly dOnt kNow wHo iS tHE reAl yOu aND whO yOu taKe mE aS....iTs liKe yOu aRe maSk beHind sO maNy differenT CharaCters tHAt i dO nOt rEAlly kNow whO IS tHE reAl yOu....i jUSt wAnna cRy oUt lOud aND jUSt sTop aLL thIS nONseNSes aND jUSt breAk awAy frOm yOu bUt i donT kNoW whY i jUSt cAnt....i jUSt dO nOt haVe tHE heArt...i donT kNoW wHy....ArrgH....i aM jUSt sO Upset aT mYsElf..i reaLLy Loathe MysElf...i reAlly wAnt tO aSk mYseLF wHY wHy cAnt i bRiNg mYseLF tO cUT free frOm yOu liKE hOW i cUt mYselF frEe frOm SomeOnE.....maybe cAuse He iS jUSt sO sO sO sO different frOm SomeOne....i wEnt in search fOR tHE aNSwer iN aLL mY PrevIous pOSt ...aND yA..Its jUSt sO hiLarIouS seeIng hOW i blOg iN tHE pAst...OK weLL He dId reAlly brIng mI happIneSs aNd mAybe tHAT tHE reAson whY i dIdn't wAnt tO stoP mY cOnnectIOn witH hIm whICh cOuld bE eAsilY done sInCe wE wEre evEn iN tHE sAme sChooL....stOppIng aLL cOnnectIon with hiM aNd i woUld nevEr haVe tO evEr sEe hIm agAin...bUt haIZ...maYbe nOt nOW...maybe NExt tIMe wHEn i cAnt taKe thIS anYmoRe i mIght jUSt dO thIS ...i migHT....aNd maybe i wiLL....haIZ...i wAnna bE a strEss Free giRl nOw...i wAnt tO cOnceNtrAte oN mY stuDIEs...bUt i cAn bE tHEre fOR yOu wHEn yOu need mE as i kNow yoU wiLL be tHEre foR mE whEn i need yOu...maYbe thATs aLL we ShouLd be...reflEctIng baCk...i thInk iTs beSt iF wE reMAin thIS wAy....cAUse iF iTs anYthIng eLSe iT mIght jUSt sPOiL tHIS oh-so-PerfeCt frIendShiP tHAT we sHare...

Ok EnOugh oF tHE sAd sAd feeLingS...i tHink iT woUld oNly boRe yOu iF yOu cOntiNue tO reAd aboUt aLL tHis...WaTCh tHE RepeAt TelEcAst oF tHe cHariTy sHow...gOSh....i lOve tHE ' xin ' wORd...Ok wEll i haVe tO adMit aS whAT The oThers sAy ITs reAli HaRd tO see whAT wE aRe maKing iF wE dO nOt teLL tHEm beFoRe hAnd...SoRRy ! haVe tO adMit i maKe oNe sUper obViOus aND biG mIstaKe whICh Is tHE makiNg of thE moUth thIng...goSh...its sO sO sO slAnted thAT iTs haRd tO maKE Out wHat wE are dOIng...sOrrY !! THe funnY paRt iS That wHEn i wAs wAtcHing tHE rePeat tElecAst of thE whole Show...whEre thEre iS thIs begInnINg PArt befORe tHE shOw staRt tHEre wiLL be liKE intro of tHE hOsIptaL etC...mY heart wAs liKE pOundiNG so fAst aS iF i wAS liKE goIng tO pErfOrm lIKE thAT...ThE exaCt feeLings i gEt whEn i wAS tHEre....wHEn i sAw tHE whOLe PerForManCe of oUr shOw...My mInd stArt tO Float baCk tO What haPpen thaN..it wAS liKE sO fUn aN eXperIeNce thaT i dId nOt reGret joiNing....hOpe nExt yEar i wiLL haVe a cHAnce tO jOIn sUch evEnts after i eNter PolY aND that iS iF i eNter....GoD kNOws whAT migHT jUSt hapPEn neXt yEar...

wEll i aM cUrreNtlY sO iNto My blOg soNg...CrAid DaviD - UnbeLiEvabLe....bUt I aM Not In LOve Yet... for nOw...

Always said I would know where to find love,
Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough,
But some times I just felt I could give up.
But you came and changed my whole world now,
I'm somewhere I've never been before.
Now I see, what love means.
It's so unbelievable,
And I don't want to let it go,
Something so beautiful,
Flowing down like a waterfall.
I feel like you've always been,
Forever a part of me.
And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love,
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be.
In my heart, in my head, it's so clear now,
Hold my hand you've got nothing to fear now,
I was lost and you've rescued me some how-.
I'm alive, I'm in love you complete me,
And I've never been here before.
Now I see, what love means.
When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost,
I cant help but break down, and cry.
Ohh yeah, break down and cry.
Now I see, what love means



FOund thIS PictuRe fInd iT kInda meaNingfUl ESpEciaLLy for uS dAncers...One of thE quOte thAt i fInd mOSt mEanIngUl iS...A dAncer iS nOt grEat beCauSe oF thEir TecHniqUe, bUT beCause oF thEir PassIon..

wEll i kIndA gOt anGrY wiTh dAd toDay...oh wEll tHe reAson whY i aM alWAys lAte fOR sWiMming iS thAt i dOnt like swImmig..i detEst it...Arrgh...wEll thIs iS fRom my PoiNt oF vIew No oFFenCes InteNded......yOu aRe jUSt foRcIng mE tO dO soMethIng thAt i dOnt liKe....gOIng sWimmIng tO mE iS a dreAd....reAson whY i gO is tO tAn mY skIn onLy..hmm....i uSe tO liKE SwImmIng bUt noW nO mOre...tHInkIng oF juSt gOing swImmIng jUSt brIng mE mORe sTrEss i dOnt kNow wHy bUt iT reAlly doEs..MyaBe cAuse i aM sO AfrAid of tImiNg ?? hmm...MAybE this iS wHy i hate GoiNg sWiMmiNg i hate tO sEe whAt lOUsy tImiNg i cAn give now..Most PrObarLy mOre thAn 2 aNd tHE 1/2 MiNS fOR 2 lApS..Arrgh...Slow Slow..but iTs bEen lOng since i tOok mY tIminG aS i aM sO afRaID tO sEE wHAt kInd oF reSult i woUld bE ProDucIng nOw...gUEss i oNly liKe tO swIm fOR leIsure buT nOt fOR eXaminatIons oR suCh....mY onLy pAssIon iS DancE aND yA iT wiLL alwAys bE...LOL...i jUSt reAlize i haVe bEen dAnCing fOR 6 yeArs plUs...wOah...cAuse i Have bEen dAnCing siNCe PrimAry 2...hMm...tHan thEre iS thIs breAk whEn i wAs PriMary 4 - PrImaRy 6 cAuse i tHinK i HAve sUppLMentRy clAss oR sOmetHing sO teAcHer wAnt mE gO sO yupp diD now taKE pArt iN SYF...aFter MinuS thOse BreAk...i haVe sPenD a toTal oF 6 yeArS On dAnce...hMm....swImmIng i cAnt reMEmbEr but thInk iS 5 yeArs PLus...bUT yupp aS i sAid mY heaRt iS stiLL wiTh dAnce...i cAn bEt thAt iF iTs dAnce LessOn InsteAd of mY sWimmIng lEssOn...i wiLL neVer bE lAte ...cAuse iF yOu aRe dOing soMethIng tHat yOu liKe yOu wiLL nevEr bE late rIght...i gO late fOR swImming beCause i ain't evEn lOOkiNG fORwArd tO it.....yeAh aT laSt i haVe thE guTs tO sAy aLL thIS tO DAD liaO...wOOts i aM suPEr hAppY....aND ya dAd goTtEn thE mESSAgE...thInk hE agRee tO it cAuse hE evEn wAnted tO stoP neXt mOnth siNCe i dont liKe iT anYWay...hehe...sO i sAid wAit tiLL decEmbEr...cAuse i wAnted tO jOin a dAnce cLass tO repLacE mY CurrEnt swImmIng lesSon On sAt....bUt yA thEy sAy thEy wAnT mE tO stuDy NoW sO i cAn onLy joIn thE dAnce cLass afTer My O LevEl....haIZ...i aM sO looKing fORwArD fOr thAt dAy tO coMe...

I aLreAdy fOund One daNCe CourSe thAt i wAnted...DancePointe - Hip Hop Class...cAuse i hAve bEen dANcIng fOR sO mAny yeArs bUt hAVe nOt reAlly dAnce thIS tYpe oF daNCe sO yupp i wAnted a cHange iN stYle...i aM looKing fOrwArd tO thiS dAy...tHinKing baCk on whAt i tOld thAt thIs aFteRnOon aBout tHE swImmIng thIng cAn reAlly maKe oNe laUgh...Oh yA lAstly, aGain i EmpHaSize thIs PoiNt thAt i did not sAy tHAt SWiMming iS nO gOOd bUT iTs jUSt mY POV tHAT i dOnt like swiMMing...cAuse dAnce iS mY passIon....nOt swImmIng...blAh eNouGh oF craPpiNG......

` crappy crappy girl..



YeAh! i aM happY toDay...aT leAst aFter a whOLe nIgHT oF sLeePing i fEeL sO afResH aND i cAn feeL thAt thEre iS a bOOst iN mY eNErgY lEvel...happY hAppY....my fEver haD whEn doWn nOw AlreADy Now onLy leFt My sOre thRoat..thE paIn iS kiLLing me...Its beEn 4 mOnths plUS siNCe i sLEpt aT 9 plUS...sUrpRise riGhT a giRl wHo alwAys slEeps aT 2 plUs slEpt at 9 yEStErdaY ...aCtuaLLy I diDn't reAlly sLeep tHrouGh tILL neXt mOrnIng ...waKe uP aT 1 tO dO hOmeWork....seE i sO guAi CAn i siCk stiLL gO dO hOmewOrk...sO saD i dO alReAdy aND sHE neVer aSk uS tO pAss uP...aHH....oK whAtevEr aT leAst i nO nEed tO dO durIng thE weEkenDs...

I LOVE toDaY's SpaniSh dAnce...i tHink wE haVe pErfOrm wEll toDay....yeAh...aT leAst i cAn balAnce mySelf toDay aND mY baCk dId nOt acHe aS bAd aS yEsterdAy....sO yupp...cAn beNd wiThout feeLing paIn..thEy told ghOst stOrtIEs dUring thE twO daNCe iNtERvAl...iT wAs liKE dAmn freAky cAn...Or maYbe iS i tImiD...bUt yA i soRt of neaRly criEd...NearlY lAh...but thOugh i sCare sCare i stiLL liKE tO heaR aLL thIS thIngs..i lIke thE feeLing oF beIng FrIghtEneD...dumb....aT leAst thIS buSy weEk haS goNe..i reAlly haVe tO coNcEntrAte aNd stuDy...i mUSt dO weLL thIS tiMe...cAnnOt sLaCk aNymoRe...

i aM reAlly vEry cOnfuSed nOw...i doNT kNoW whAt i shOUld dO oR hOw i sHould reAct...i reAlly donT knoW......[ confused ]



Arrgh...i aM SICK...sOme SymPtoMs tO shOw thAt sHe iS siCk.....

1.wArM foRehEad....
2.Her baCk iS cOnstanlY acHing whICh iS tHE ReaSon wHY todAy wHen sHE dAnce thE spAnish daNCe sHE cAnt arCh....ANd wHEn sHE trIEd tHAt tiME, hEr baCk is lIKe acHing liKE craZy...hOpe toMmRoW wiLL bE bEttEr caUSe i HAve tO pUt uP thE beSt shOW foR toMMoROw...BACK PLEASE STOP ACHING PLS !!!

toDay sHE iS iN nO mooD tO smile....EverYwHEre sEEms to bE acHing....HoweVer sHE aiN't tIred...jUSt NO streNgtH...Surprisely toDaY i DiD nOt sLEeP dUriNg mAths clAss...iTs liKe eVerYtiMe maThs cLass i sURe wOuld feeL sleePy..bUT toDay neVer...maYbe i buRn my brAin tiLL it haVe gOne SOT.....FeVer ReAch 38...OMG...i dIdn't exPect iT tO gO sO hIgh wHEn i firSt MeaSure iT...kIndA got a sHock caUSe aT fIrst i thOught iT sURelY bE liKe maYbe 37 plUS deGree Or whAt....hAiZ...i vErY TireD...thInk IS i OVer-sTreSs...iTs lIke sO fUnny...laSt nIGht stILL aLreight thAn sUddenLy toDay...wAh...whEn wAKe uP tIme...my whOle boDy acHing...feeL sUper de wArm thOuGht thAt maYBe is fOR awHile oNly whO kNows gO schOOl i feeL evEn mORe woRse...

I am sO sOrrY tO evEryOne...if i sOrt oF dAo yOu liKE thAt...i did nOt dO thAt On PurPose..sorrY...cAuse i reALLy nO mooD ...eSp raDia...Ahh...i aM sO sorrY cAuse toDaY i alReAdy liKe dYing like thAt le..dEn yoU stiLL taP mI...tHAn i aBit IrrItatEd liKe tHaT...i aM SORRY ....bUT i reAlly haVe No strEngTh...aND YA tHanks ShawN didi....eVen yOu cAn see tHAT i abIT nOt alrIght...i reAlly woNder why my sO cAlleD frIendS cAnt....i ReAlly woNder...blAh....

Oh yA...fOR oNCe i Get a NICe NiCe maRk fOR my teSt le...bUT reAlly i NEvEr stuDy...sO yA woNder hOw aND whY i cAn scOre sO weLL....happY happY woAH....oH yA...aND My cHiNese orAl weets..gottEn 30 /40 woAh....thAnks Ms LAi....wee....i aM happY happY thoUght i sURe faiL..whO KnowS woAh....i gOttEn 30 woAh...YippE ya ya YippE YippE yA....i aM CraZy going reAl craZy...i hAve buRn My brAin tiLL beCOme sot sot..bUT yA i foUnd oUt sOmetHing fUnnY..wHEn i siCk tHe tiME i wiLL beHAve lIKe vErY ' wen rou ' wHIch iS lIKe vEri geNtlE lIkE thAt...i donT kNoW whY maYbe iS becAusE i haVe nO strEngTh tP beHAve rOugh roUgh...wahaa..


Ps. i shAll ProMise mYseLF tO slEeP eaRly toDay...oR eLSe i wiLL sureLy dIE iN scHooL tMR de....* praYS tHAt tMR wiLL be so yAh iF i Never rePly yOu aLL de mSg mEans thAt i haVe sLEep...cIAo....oH yAh..i lOVE thIS pICs...i Luv My buN uP haIR...lalalala~~~



tiREd tIRed tIRed....i aM sO looKing ForWard fOr fRidAy tO cOme...i wAnt eVerytHing tO eNd quiCkly...I reAlly cAnt taKe it aNyYmoRe...aiN't In a gOOD mOOd thIs fEw dAys i feeL SO StrEss Up tHAt i feeL liKE kiLLing tHose Ass wHo Pissed Me....iF oNly i cAn aNd tHAts iS iF i haVe thE guTs...aIn't iN tHE mOOd tO uPLoaD thE reSt oF tHE pICs i gOttEn fRom Roy aS i aM sO farked uP nOW ...mY cOm iS FreAKing sLow tHAT i haVe NO More mOOd tO cOntiNue UploaDing aNymOre...

TOMmOROw i sHAll....i shAll Be stRictEr Ok...I sHAll tRY my bESt...i donT reAlly LikE HolDiNg Any ResPonSibiLitiEs bUt yA.......sInce i aM gIven tHE taSk i HAve tO coMplEte tiLL i stEP doWn...i aM tIRed....aiN't In tHE mOOD....HYpoCraIteS...You Ass bEttEr dOnT CoMe aND BoTher ME...i aM sUPer PIsseD yA....aCt act act...Is thAt wHAt YOU arE gOOd aT..wHy Join Dance You sHouLd haVe JoiN dRama club Or sOmetHing....YOU WIN YOU WIN....eVen i wAs tRicK bY YOU...tHouGht thAT yOu reAlly wAnnA cHAnge fOR tHE bEttEr bUt YOU...Ahh...i dEteSt YOU....ARRGhh...oR mAybe i shAll jUSt maKE PEACE wiTh yOu....tHAn i cAn gEt tHE beSt actrEss aWard fOR actIng sO weLL maYbe thE OScar award aNd yA cOmpEte witH thE beSt acTreSs iN tHE woRld...blah...I am cRaZy....I hAve bEen liKe dOzing Off In cLAss RepEatedLy eVerydAy sInce thIs yEar...LOL...tHAn yOu wiLL bE abLE tO fINd lOTs oF CorrEctIon taPE mArkiNgs On my pAper aS i woULd bE buSy cOrreCtiNG mY mIStaKE ....haIZ...i NEeD mORe sWeeTs tO kEeP mE awAkE...I Just cAnt lIve wItHout sWeEts.....i KEeP oN feeL lIke breAking dOWn..donT kNoW whY...i jUSt feeL sO tiRed oF mY lIFe...feeL lIKe jUSt eScapIng aWay fRom reAlitY aND jUSt Hide iN tHE wOrLd of mY oWn fOrevEr....

ArrgH...WonDer whAt hAPpen tO mY bLog...take sO lOng tO gO tO thE paGe...sUper IrrItaTed... Hear mE roaR.....

PeePs...tHE pICs i nExt wEEk tHan PAss tO yoU aLL thE cD...i nO mOOD tO gO bURn iT iNto cD...i Super tiRed PluS IrrItaTed....DiD sOme reFlection aFter Wee teNg aSk Me abOut sOmetHing...acTuaLLy i aLSo donT kNoW whATs hAppening...feeLings jUSt cOme aND Ya i cAnt sTop iT oR cAn I...i aLso donT kNoW hOW i feeL towArdS thAT PErSon aND i aM reAl cOnfUSed...i reAlly donT wAnna tHink abOut tHis Now...i jUSt donT hAVe The eXtrA tIme tO sPAre...i jUSt lEt NAtURe tAke itS cOurse..If wE wEre mEnd tO be lEt iT bE it...oR eLSe...hmm....Ciao fOR nOW...tMR still haVe dAnce...HAve bEen dAnCing sInce lAst Mon Non-stOp...uMm..oK ..gOt stOp fOr oNe dAy bUt oNly oNe...aND thE one wHIch iS thIs MondAy...bUT wAh....reAlly cAn die...i reAlly haTe tO be uNDer PressURe bUt aHH...dO i haVe a cHoiCe ????



HAiZ...i aM stRess UP...i nEeD sOmeOne tO guIde Me thRoUgh...hAhA...whEn hE sAw mY nICk ' Can you be there when i need you or let just say can i trust your words..' LoL...He quiCkly cOMe taLk tO me...CraZy CraZy...Keep aSkiNg ME wHo iS thAt....brrr......sAy iS hIm..He daMn haPPy liKe thAT...brrr.....(-_- ") but yA i haVe tO adMit whEn i sAd HE wiLL cOme aND chEer me uP....STRESS AH....HAve dAnce aLL thE wAy tiLL friDay...mISs tuTioN toDay...cAUse Ya wHen hOme lAte...dAmn tiRed...eND uP sleePing tiLL 10 plUS thAn wAke uP...i reALLy reAlly cAnt taKE it aNyMore...i nEed tiME tO reSt i ain't nO robOt...i aM huMan In cAse yOu dO nOt kNow...i aM tiRed...aLL thaNkS tO thE craPPing aND sOme dElayIng tHE thIng stARted oNly aFter 4 plUS...HaCk lAh....i dAmn tIred....i nEEd reSt..i nEed mY bed...Arggh...ChemiStry teSt sUre dIed AgAiN...i oNLy kNow hOW tO dO thE moLe molE thIngy....tHE cHemicAl aLL thOSe de...aLL i dOnt kNow...diE...i HAVe bEen fAilinG aLL mY chEm tEst sINce tHE beginnIng oF thIS yeAr...hAIZ.... wHAt happeN ???

ReHersAl RehErsAl aNd mOre rehErsAl aLL Just beCaUse Of a dAy cAlled AchIevErs dAy...grrgh....i aM gottEn miSs my focUs..wHicH thE teaChers wiLL be uSing it tO teaCh leSson ...wAh...iT mEaNS i wiLL hAve tO haVe maKE uP lEssOn...haIZ...tiRed tiRed... i wiSh frIdaY woUld jUSt bE heRe sOOn...sO tHAt i cAn coNcEntaRate studY..Ahh...i aM slAckIng lIke CraZy aND nOW i aM jUSt fAr tOO bUsy...

LOL...HE jEaloUS...craZy.....thInk hE anGry witH me agAin...I SUPER HATE IT...wHen i taLk tO pEoplE aND PeoPle juSt offLine wiThouT sAying bYe tO me....SUPER IRRITATING....Not thAT i biG oR whAt thAt yoU muSt sAy byE tO me...At leAst its bAsiC mAnnerS courtsey to say bye right..iS it sO tougH a Job jUSt tO sAy a sImple bYe...GrrgH....cAUse i ASK hIm To hElp Me aSk sOmeOne sOmetHing ThAn `dAng tHE jEaloUS siGn coMe oUt..haIZ...yOu likE thAt cAll wiLL bE thEre fOR me whEn i neEd You de mEh ??? hurhur....LiKE tHAt alSo jeaLous...hmmm......



Aww...I mISs MediAcoRp...thIngS wENt baCk tO norMal...aS usuAl...aLL thE teSt cOmiNg iN....aSsignMenTs wAitIng tO bE cOmplEte...hOW i WiSh i coUlD juSt gEt oUt oF thIS liFe...sO stReSS...laSt nIgHt i brOkE my slEePiNg reCord...sLept aT 4Am...neaRlY died toDay....sO fReaKing tiRed...bUT doNT kNoW whY nOW sO fuLL oF enRrgY..sO HEre aM i bloGgiNG....toDay shaLL bE a poSt taLking aBout whAteVer cOnversAtioN wE haD witH tHose aRtiSte wE mEt aT meDiacOrp....bEfoRe thAt i blOG aBout toDay firSt...

GeogrAphY lessOn..stiLL cAn maKe it caUSe i wAs copYiNG hoMewoRk...cHineSe lEssOn stiLL cAn caUSe got claUdiA aNd my hOmeWoRk wAitIng fOR me...TroUblE cOmes dUrinG PhySicS leSsOn...i dIEd thEre cAnnOT cOncENtrAte...Mr tEo nOt hErE...sO mdm hEng cOme takE ovEr tHAn she uSe iT tO teAch chEmIstRy...wAH i diEd oN thE sPot...reAlly cAnNot staNd it aNyMore...doZe oFF a littLe beFore waKing uP agAIn caSue Wee tEng gave mE sOme sWeets....PhYsICs teSt cOnfiRm faiL...i neVer eVen gO aND stuDY...sURe diEd...thINk onLy cAn gEt 1 oR 2 marKS...cAuSe i neVer evEn gO sEe thE pAPer oN hOW tO dO sectiOn B....caUSe i wAs mEmoRiSing thE aNS FoR sectIon A...stuPId GunDu loH hOW elSe woULd i eXpect thAt thIs tiME iS nOt thE sAME aS tHe Pre-teSt...haIZ...woRse iS i doZe off tWo timeS dURing teSt..wAh....i reAlly wiSh thAt i cAn ' guang mIng zhEng dA ' to sleEp lIKe hOw other dANce peePS doEs....haIZ...but haiZ...i cAnt.....sO saD...eNglIsh stiLL oK...cauSe wE aRe asKed tO dO thE PreseNtatioN thIngy...aND woAh..i tOOk OnlY 5 MiNutEs tO PrePare mY scriPt caUSe iT wAs onLy unTil soK wEi tuRn tHAn shUmiN theY aLL sAy muSt dO nEw One...muSt hAo liAn hAo liAn abIt haha..... maThs diD nOt diEd buT wAs cAugHT bY mS hiNg fOr dOIng soMethIng stuPID....hmmm.... sO eMbarAssIng....* face red *

Oh yAh...i muSt wRite thIS dOwN... CLAUDIA HELP ME AND WEE TENG TAKE OUR A-MATH BOOK FOR THE SECOND TIME WOAH..... she wanT me wRite bIg big...haha...muSt wrIte this dOwn cause sHE seLdoM hElp uS taKe Our TextbooKs wAnt sO if shE did muSt takE nOte...wahhaa...ClaudiA i got bold tHE wOrdS....haha...

oK shALL blOg aBout Yesterday...

- the coNversAtion beTweeN 2moro aNd uS...

2moro : wHAt sChool aRe You're from ? [ oF coUrse tHE cOnvErsAtioN iS aLL iN cHineSe duh.... ]

All : TangliN Sec

2moro : wAh whEn i sEe yOu tHEpErfrOmaNce( oUrs ) dUrIng dE reHersAl tImE wE sEe uNtiL sUper toUchEd uNtiL wAnt tO cry woAh....tHAn tHey asK whO iS thE oNE wHo iS MaKing thE 'zhUi bA' ( as iN the One duRing tHe cHariTy sHow wE maKe The shApe oF a Mouth de ) wAnt....

Me : sLowing raISe uP my haND ....

2moro : haha....itS waI le...meaNS nOt strAight...hmm....

sAd aFter thAt thEY hAve tO gO...cAuse thEY stAnd wRong sIDe...thEY thoUght thEY come oUt oF thE baCkstage tHey sAme waY aS uS..but sAdly Nope.....iS suPpoSed tO be thE othEr siDe...so They gO oFf... hmm...

ConversatIon beTween uS aNd ProjEct sUperStar JasOn

JasOn : Have You aLL eatEn Your dInner ? [ we Are wAtiNg at thE EntRance thEre jUSt rIght OutsIde thE Lift...Cause wE Are wAitiNg fOR thE Hair stYlist tO dO uP oUr hAir...wHEreAs hE iS theRe waTinG fOR thE lIFt... ]

uS : No..haVe nOt...

JasOn : yoU aLL goT thIngs To eAt ??

Us : donT hAVe....tHAn sOmeOne sAY wHy Not yOu buY fOr uS ...

JasOn : cAn..i gO buY twO paCketS riCe tHAn yoU ALL shAre....

Us : oKoK...

tHan iN thE eND hE diD nOt..sO sAd...buT i got tO rUB shOuldErs witH hIm cAuse whEn wAlkIng dOwn aT tHE baCk staGe AreA hE wAs wAlkInG beSide me...wAhaa...sO taLL....aiYA...aNywAy eVeryoNe iS taLLEr thAn me..cAuse i sHort....hmm..

HuaNg sHi nAn...oUr RAin...He tAlk aLot...cAnt rEmember...buT hE is tHE bEst...alwAys plAY witH uS....haha.....thE reSt oF tHE arTiste Only sAy Hi anD bYe...neVer reAlly tAlK a lot witH thE reSt...cAUse No chAnce...haha...Aww...i mISs mEdiAcoRp aND everYthIng tHEre...tHOSe wEre mY happIEst mEmoRieS...i wiLL suRelY reMembEr...aND HUI NAN alSo...i wiLL rEmembEr You...i wiLL miSs you loads....tHOSe Are tHE MEmOriEs thAt i wiLL nEver eVer fOrGet....


Weet >>> JUst goTtEn hOme frOm thE chAriTy sHow...happY happY...sAw mORe staRs toDay ...WeeteNg donT jeAlouS..i tAlk tO 2moRo toDay..haha...thEy uMm..quiTe cUte...but i nOt So crAZy abOut thEm...thOuGh whEn i sEe thEm goT a liTtLe kI siAo bUt aFtEr thAt nO More...i shOUld sAy whEn i See AnY arTistE i alSo kI SiAo...Zhi YAng...Ahh...HE is sO sOcUte ...fiRst thIng whEn we gOt iNto tO oUR reStrOOm sAw terEsA...bUt Not sO craZy abOUt hEr...sO jUSt uMm..NevEr reAlly gO Ahh-Ahh Or ga-ga abOuT hEr...tHan aFtEr i cOLLecT mY coStUMe...i wAlk oUt oF thE rOOm tO mAke My hAIr aND guEss whAt Zhi Yang bruSh pAss mY shOuldEr...LOL..cAUSe wE wEre boTh wAlkIng pAss thE liTtLE gAp ObvIousLy thE dOor Gap....dIdn't KnoW iTs hIm uNtiL i heArd hIm SAy SoRRY....tHan i tuRn....faCe hIm aND i gO wAhhh...aND ahhh..aNd thAn ga-ga.... i wAs elated...Over thE mooN litErally......HE iS reAlly frIenDly alSo..whEn wE smile aT hIm wiLL smIle At uS...sO cUte...HAmStEr raWkx..haha...oH yA...SiLver tOuch mE...cAusE i wAs liKE staNDinG up aND tHaN sHE wAlk pAss me aS sHe wAs talkIng tO uS sHE tOuCh mE sHouldEr...woAh....oKOk i nOt lEsbIan So diD Not gEt eLeCtRic shOck..bUT sHE IS reAlly pRettY...

LEt Me recAll awHile...Oh yA...taLk tO jAsOn...tHe pRoJect sUperStAr dE..He iS cUte ..Ok evEryoNe iS considEr cUte As lOng As thEy aRe cUTer thAn Me....haha.....aND i ain't cUte sO aLL iS cUte... hE oWn uS tWo pAckEt oF ricE..sAY wAnT tO buY fOR uS iN thE eND hE diDn'T...grgH...tHAn uMM...Fann WonG..sHE IS sO taLL...quIte friEndly aLSo..nOt dAo at aLL...aND i lOVe tHE IteM sHE uSe sAnd tO drAw pICtuRes..sO nICe...Zoe tAy alSo...tHEy boTh pRetty...QuaN yI FeNg...PretTy Pretty...lOve hEr haIr lots....MicHellE chIA...sHE iS cUte...beFore tHe shOW sTart shE aSk uS jiA yoU...sO cUte...ChIo bU alSo...Let jUSt sAy aLL oF thEm aRe baBes....GuO liAng...frIendly....ZhanG a-wEi...sAW hIm...bUt tOo baD wE cAnt taKE tHE sAme liFt aS hIm caUSe tHEy doNt allOw oR eLSe cAn taLk tO hIm..but wE dID sAy byE bYE tO hIm..oK lAh...tAts aBout iT i shAll lEt mY pICtuRes tO dO thE talKing aND craP lEssEr bA...

The dANcers.... i Look reTarded..

US wif HUI NAN...i wILL mISs You gIrl...Ok criEd a liTtLE toDay...becAuse oF hEr...aRggh...whY mUSt sHE crY...sHE cRy thAn alSO mAkE me crY...sO sAd....sHE wAs liKE crYing aFter oUR shOw...tHAn sHE chAnge oUt oF hEr cOstuME caUSe i tHink thAt shE thInkS iT wiLL eND lAte aND shE mIGht nOt bE abLE tO maKE it bUT tHan aFter seeIng tHAt sHE still hAve time...sHE cHAngE baCk tO cOStUme...aRggH...i gOttEn mISs hEr...sHE is sO cUte...aND ArrGh....i Miss HEr...As i aM typIng tHIs i bEt sHE iS alReady oN thE plAne...i hopE thAt aFtEr sHE gO baCk thEre sHE wiLL stiLL reMEmbEr uS...cAuse We wiLL...aRrgH....whY mUSt thIs tYpe oF thIngS happEn loh...sO suDdEn...woNder whAt happEn ??? hOpe ThAt wE stiLL cAn kEeP iN cOntaCt WitH HEr...

HUI NAN aNd mE...mISs yA giRl...The hAppY MeMorIEs....

uS with JaSon... Opps..wHat HaPPen tO hIs eYes...

aiYA...sTuPID stuPid de eyEs...whY muSt it clOSe aT tHE tIme whEn i sNAp thIS pICs...stUPid stuPid......

Our Rain....He is So cUte...My iDol...He kEeP oN cOme OveR tO plAy witH uS whEneVer hE cOme tO thE reSt rOoM tO taKE hiS cLothEs...So cUTe woAh...i foRgEt whY iN thE eND wE caLL hIm RaiN..mAybe beCause oF Hue ??? i fORgEt lE...aLL i reMemBer iS whEn we sEe hIm ...wE aLL cAll hIm Rain...thE fUnniEst iS aFtEr thE shOw eND aND whEn wE clEaR oFf stAge....wE shOut Rain......tHAn hE tuRn oVer aND sMIle aT uS....aNd haha...tHE Hue dAnceRs aLL GoNg diAo...cAuse thEy thOugHt wHerE iS RAIn ??? tHAn ThEy smILe at uS ....sO fuNnY woAH... hE dAmn cUTe...hOpe hAve SOmeMore chAnce tO sEe hIm agAin....Our Rain...aND my oU xIanG...friEndly fRienDly..Not liKE RenFreD...suPer dAo gUy...toDay hE dAO uS ...grrgH...We cAll hIm oR sOMetHIng liKE thAt HE dAo uS aND doNT eVen sMilE baCk...hE tHinK HE biG oR whAt lOh...GrrgH...

PaN LIng lIng...aNd uS...She So cUte...lIke OuR mAmA liKE thAt woAh...

Our RaIn ( HuaNg Shi NAn...yeAh HE raWkx...HE iS thE beSt woAh ) aNd hIS lAO pO ( pAn LIng LinG ) tHey tOO sO cUte woAh..thE perfeCt cOuPle...

Le YAo....WaH sHE sO cUte aND pRettY wOAh...

Le Yao...aND uS...i dOnt kNow whY buT i juSt fOunD oUt thAt i tOOk so maNy tiMEs witH hEr...but nVmiND i shAll jUSt uPloaD aLL...

The sEcoNd pICs thAt We toOk wItH hEr...sHE So cUte..loOk a littLE lIKE Yang CheNg lIng iN aLL thIs pICs....sO kawaii....

CAndycE aNd uS.... GoSh i LooK wHite HEre...aND dIstOrted tOO...

Shaun CheN aNd CandYce...yEs iTs CaNdyce...bUt HEre sHE loOK..uMm...fUnnY...caUSe uMm..HEr mOuth....hMm..

US wItH ShauN CheN.....

I sAw hIm agAin..For tHE dOnT kNoW hOW maNY tiME...oK dID nOt taKE pICs witH hIm cAUse i wAs taLKing tO thE HIM...nOt sly...someoNe elSe..sO Yupp mISs thE chAnce...goT thIs pHoto caUSe my cAm wAs witH MeLisa aT tHAt tiME So sHE gO taKe thIs pICs aNd thAts hOw i gOt iT loh...thAt sImplE...

Oh yA hE iS alSo vEry cUte...hE is fRieNdly aNd lEt uS tAke pICs of hIm..thAN heArd hIm saYiNG hE wEar hIS sHoe wRong sIDe...haha...sO cUte..tHan hE wHen tO cHAnge hIs shOE aND tHE otHErs sTart snAppIng pictUreS oF HIm...hE soMeMore pOSe fOR thE cAm reaDilY loH...sO cUTe woAH...

ANotHEr suAI ge...AdAm...

MI anD EliZa..GoSh...mY faCe looK suPEr whIte... yucKs !!

I love thIs pICs lOts....our baCk vIEw...aND oUr bUn uP haIR...

HEY !!! We aRe buSy OK....PleAse dO nOt diStuRb...Ok We Are beIng lAme aCtuAlly We aRe boReD aND sO wE sTarT tO pUt oUr aCtiNg sKiLLs tO a teSt aND aCt iN frOnt of tHE caMerA aS thOugH wE aRe vEry buSy...

oH yA...taLk So mucH aboUt thE idOls thAt i haVe fORgottEn tO taLk aboUt oUr pErfOrmaNCes...WeLL aS thE sAyinG goEs 10 yeaRs oF HArd woRk is equAl tO 10 mINS oN Stage oR SoMEtHIng lIKe tHAt...oN stAge iTs liKE 10 Mins pASs sO faSt lIKe thAt...fAstEr thAn iT uSuAllY doEs...eVen thOugh oUR pErfORmAnce iS 2 mINS 30 SecS...It SeeMS lIKE lESs thAn 1 mIn liKE thAt...BeFoRe wE kNEw iT..ITs oVer...sO fAst...HaiZ...i SuPEr lOVe thE fiRst paRt WhEn We fORm thE fORmAtiON of thE wORd ' Xin ' iT looK sUPer nICe..wHen We did thAt ForMatIon i cAn hEar Lots oF ApplaUse fRoM tHE auDienCe...gUeSs thAt iS whAt kEePS me motivAted AND mOviNg....eNcOurgAmeNt iS All thAt i nEed to keeP me alive...aHH...i thInk i sCreW uP thE moUth pArt...reAli sOrry woAH cAUse i reAlly cAnnot heAr thE Cue gIVen aND sO i diDn't reAct uNtil Jeannie mOve...so yA...i wAS laTe bY a fEw sEcs...bUT..i rAte oUR toDay de PerfOrmaNCe 8/10...cAuse thERe iS stIll loTs mOre rOOm fOR improveMent...bUT yA wE sTiLL diD it quIte wEll...haIZ...thIS shoULd bE mY laSt mEdiAcOrp pErFormAnce..unLeSs iN polY stiLL haVe suCh thINgs...i reALLy hOpe hAVe ...cAUse i reALi enJoY mySelF lOTS...i goTtEn miSs thIS woNderfuL mEmoRieS thAt wE had toDay...thE bruiSes Are aLL woRth iT....to exChanGe witH whAteVer wE gAin toDay....plUS whAteVer exPerIEncE wE goTtEn...iT iS aLL woRth iT....thIS alSo mArk thAt iT wiLL bE sOOn beFore wE haVe tO steP doWn..sO fAst...i reAlly reAlly hOpe tiME woUld juSt Pass eVen slOWer.....hoW i wiSh i woUld nEvEr haVe tO grOW oLD...aND jUSt lEt tiME tO freeZe...aND jUSt stAy liKE thIS fOReVer bUt yeSsshh... i knOW thIS woULD nOt hapPEn....sO i goTtEn treaSUre thIS tiMEs aNd mOmEnt i haVe nOW..aND nOt reGreT lAter...i mISs MedIacorP....eVerBody...FroM thOSe hAIrstYliSt jIE jIE aND kOr kOr wHo hElp Us tO bUn uP oUr hAir So nICelY.....tO thE AunTie whO hElpS uS aLL tHe 2 dAys wE wEre hEre....ProVidIng uS witH whAtevEr wE neeD guIldiNg uS On Where We gO etc...tO thE baCk stAge uNCle..thANks fOR enterAtinIng uS aND taKE cAre oF uS wHEn We Are baCkstAge...yOu knOW tHAt wE aRe suPer coLD You eVen wAnt tO lEnd uS yOur jAckEt...tO tHE uNCle wHo droVe tHE buS foR thE lAst 2 dAys...thANks foR fEtChiNG uS tHEre aND baCK aNd eVen tO beAr witH oUR nOisenEss iN thE buS...aND laStlY tO tHOse fRIEndly ArtSitE who eVen boTher tO smIle at uS whEn wE CaLL yOu OR suCh aNd tO beAr wiTh oUr craZinESs oN wAntiNg tO takE pICs witH YoU...tHAnkS For yOu all tHe PatIEnCe....i gOttEn MISs MeDiAcoRp aNd aLL tHe frIendLy PEopLE...

i gAvE uP doIng my hoMeWoRk tODAy...i dEcIDe tO gO coPy hOmeWorK tmR..doWn thEre dE shI hOu i doN't eVen haVe tiME oR mOOd tO dO anYthIng oTher thAn oN stAnd bY mODe iN cAse aNy artIste coME iN tHan i cAn cHioNg gO...bUT toDay dIdn't tAkE mUch cAuse moSt oF tHE tiME i wAs tAlkiNg on ThE pHone witH hIm..haIZ...taLK bEFore gOing tO MeDiacOrp ....caUSe wAS lIKe wAitIng fOR tHE stUpid buS tO cOme...It wAs 1 Hr laTe...wAitEd oUtsiDe lIke stUpid idOIts lIkE thAt...sO eNd cHAt witH hIm...bUT iN thE eND cAnnoT contiNue cAUSe iN bUs thEy wEre tOo noISy uNtiL i cAnNot hEar hIm...sO eND uP cHAngE tO mSg aGain...haIZ...aND haha....THERESA...You vEry taO reN yAn lEh....trICk Me oNli dE....hOW yoU knoW i wiLL oUt doWn mI hP lOh...grrgH...dEn wHEn i pUt doWn sHE seRecTlY gO sEe whO i taLking tO Arggh...luCKily nO liGht....sO sHE cAnt reAlily seE whO iS iT...haha...haIZ....i reAlly donT kNoW whAt tO dO nOW...i reAli donT kNoW whAt mY feelIngs aRe nOW...I am cOnfUSed....oK...mayBe wE shOuld wAit foR thE nExt 3 mOnThs k...aFter thAt tHan wE sAy or dEciDe.....

[ THe hAppiESt mEmoRiEs tHAt i wOuld rEmEmbeR aNd treAsurE fORevEr ]



Its 12 plUs...Just cAme baCk frOm MediAcorP FuLL dreSS reHErsAl...wEll have mIx fEeLing toDay...KindA hAppy aNd sAd at thE sAme tiMe...HappY cAuse i goTtEn see LotS of STARS*** YEs...mY eYEs aRe ALL ZZZ...gOTtEn eLEctRic sHocK bY Zhi YAng toDay...He iS SO so so so so cUTe woAH....AnD woAh RenfRed wHEn In thE stUdiO keep oN loOkinG toWarDs mY SeaT diRectioN...mAYbe Not LOoKing aT mE...No sHould bE oF cOursE nOt LooKing aT mE...sHouLD bE LooKing at staCey i thInk...i doNt kNow bUt i wAs dAmn happY...aND As uSuAl mY craZiNess came....sO yupp...wEnt tO siT beHind thEm caUSe beHind thEm gOT sPace aND ahhh..ZHi YanG iS sO cUte hE iS dOing hIs HomeWorK wHile wAtChIng thE pErfOrManCe....

Hui Nan.... I wiLL mIss You..sAd sAd...oK i neArly crIEd wHen i heArd tHE neWs thAt sHE wiLL bE leaVing uS...nOt cOMinG baCk tO sIngapOre anYmoRe aND aHH....wAS sO sO So sAd...sHE wiLL bE leaVing uS tMR...i wAs sO sHocK cAn ...wHy sO suDdeN...aWw....hOpE i wOnt crY tMR...feeL a liTtLE attaCh tO hEr liAo...i aM goTtEn miSs hEr...tHoUgh wE onLy kneW eaCh oTher fOR 4 moNthS plUS * aww...why i feeL liKE crYing nOW....STOP JIAMIN STOP !!! sHE is reAlly a gOOD daNCer...DAnce iS goTtEn loSe oNe nOW...sO sAd...Ahh..HoW i wiSh tMR wiLL nevEr haVe tO coMe aND thAt sHE wiLL nOt nEEd tO leaVe tHough itS hiGhlY iMpOssIble..haIZ...

DanCe raWkx...Year 2006 dAnce hAVe eXpaNDed tO thIS sIze ...frOm a grOuP oF lEss thAn 20 pEopLe tO thIS wOAh..greAt acHievEmEnt....thIs iS nOt thE fuLL trOupE yEt...

Me aND keLLy...

Me....ThereSa...aND Kelly....Well wE weRe dAmn boRed So wE decIdeD tO staRt sNappIng..

Stacey...diana.....theresa....kelly.... me...

The SeNioRs...

US witH Hui Nan...

Me aND dIana...

Us agaIn....

Me...ThereSa aND StacEy...

US witH oUr dInneR ...thAts whAt bored PeOple dO...

US agAin...PosIng wiF oUR FooD...

ArrgH * screAms laDieS * i toOk pICs wItH Zhi YAng....HE SO suAi aND cUte..* screAm agAin *

Ok i PraCtiCally suCk iN thIS pICs....HAir crooKEd...Eyes...oNe opEn oNe clOSe...PimpLE sO clEar untiL cAn See..PratiCallY nothinG niCe about me siNce i aM staNdinG beSide a Mei nU...( PreTtY lAdy) WeI FiQa donT JealoUS lAh...sHE reAl lifE reAlly quIte prettY..

Geraldine is sO PrettY oR iS it suAi i donT kNW..bUt sHE iS sO cUte...

HopE tMr i wiLL haVe mORe pICs tO upLoAd...cAUse iF i HAve mORe meAns thAt i tooK mORe piCs witH thOse idOls thEy aLL..bUt haIZ....HUI NAN......I wiLL mISS yA lOTs ....ArrgH....



WeNt tO icE skAte toDay...thIS piC taKen beFore wE leFt oUr baGs at the loCker..well it wAs quiTe fUn thEre...bUT yA...i skAte liKE a baby leArnIng How tO waLk....iN thE begiNNing i wAs reAlly reAlly sCare thAt i wouLD fAll..sO i wAs eIthEr hOldiNg oNtO StacEy oR EvelyN hAnD cAuSe thE boTh oF thEm kNow hOw tO skAte.. buT aFter a whiLE i kInda dAre to sKAte aLone eVen thougH stiLL nOt vEry stAble yEt...fun fun ...brr....cold.....

TooK nEos agAin aT juRong eNtertAinmEnt ceNtre...thIs maChine reAlly...oK nO spAce hEre coNtinUe bottOm...--->

Cute rIgHt thE graPhiEs aNd suCh...thInk its bEttEr tHAn thE PrevioUS oNE thaT i tAke wHicH iS thE oNe wiTh thE ChaIr ...nExt tIme cAn tRy taKE thIS aGain..

Ok fIne haVe tO adMit i wAs dAmn boRed cAn sO i decIDed tO taKe oUt mY cAm aNd staRt snAppIng piCtuRes...

Umm...thAts oUr cOstUme...No cOmmeNTs oN hOW iT lOokS liKE...eXcePt tHAt wE dO reAlly LooK liKE PiNk PaNthEr...wEll wEll....bUt tHAn aGain thInk thE cOloUr iS quite nIcE...tIme PAss reAlly faSt toDay...i wAs dArn happY...guEss toDaY iS thE hAppiEst dAy sO faR iN thIS moNth alone...bUT nOw i aM bRokE...sPend abOut 30 doLLarS toDay...wah...nOW daMn pOOr...bUt thAn feeL liKE taKing sOmemOre nEos...How...i aM addICted tO neOS...siNCe thIS mOnth i thInk i haVe tOOk aboUt hmm..lEt me dO mY cAlcUlAtion....blah blah blah..oH woAh..thIS moNth alOne i tooK..i thInk i tOOk about 7 tImes...oH woAh thaTs cOnsIder LotS foR me caUSe i wAsn'T sO mUCh oF a nEo craZe pErSon uNtiL thIS moNth.. thInk i tOO strEss oR whAt i dont kNow but All oF a sUddeN i aM juSt So iNto nEos agAin..maYbe iT is Too compeSate For mY laCk oF shOppIng...brr...and OUCH !!! BOTH MY HAND GOT BRUISES...so PAIN PAIN...WOAH LEG ALSO HAVE...DAMN PAIN AH.....OUCH...THINK TMR WILL HAVE MORE OF THIS BLUE BLACK...AHH...oK JIAMIN SHUT UP AND STOP COMPLAINING...2 moRe daYs to gO...happY happY...

sAw maNy iDols toDays fOR eXamplE AdaM soMethiNg forgOt hIS nAme...FElicA...CutIe....ZhaNg a-wei eVen cUtEr....hE iS reAlly haNdsoMe...hUmuRoUs aT thE sAMe tiME...thE wAy hE spEaks EngLish cAn mAke yOu lauGh...aLL thE sOngs hE sAng...wAh...niceY....suddEnly i gOTtEn elEctrIC shOCk bY hIm...zZzzz....alMost cAnt reCogNise hIm maYbe iTS beCause i sO loNg nEver see hIm..Its beeN oNe yeAr siNce i laSt sAw hIm...thE lASt tiME i sAw hIm wAS aT lAst yeAr NKF cHAritY sHow...cAnt taKe pHotO wIth hIm.....sad sad.....caUSe teAchEr sAy iN stuDio cAnt taKE piCs oF thEm...daMn....iF nOt i sUrelY wiLL taKE liKE siAo zaboR...sO cAlleD sAw tHE grOup 2moro...thRouGH tv...cAuSe wHen wE lEft..2moro cAme...whY sO suAy...buT nEvermiNd ...tMR cAn See tHEm agAin...hOPe aNd pRay thAt i cAn taKE pICs wiTh thEm aND Zhang a-wei...buT not reAli iNtereSted in thEm....mORe iNtereSted wiTh Zhang a-wei thOugh...caUSe hE cUTer...blah....oH yA...tHan oUtsIDe stuDio gOt tv...sO waTch thEm throuGh tv...thE twO cUte QuiTe cute...thEy dAnCe hmm...quIte oK...saD thAt thIs yEar cHarIty sHOW nOt mUCh of thE STAR STAR**** moSt oF thEm aRe oLDiEs...Not iNtereSted iN thEm aT aLL....haiZ....

And wAh...thAt guY sCare mE lOh..mSg me aT 4...scaRe thE hEll oUt oF Me...caUSe i wAs lIKe SleePing thAt **beep beep** shOCk me...caUSe i foRget tO pUt tO siLent moDe...thoUght whO iS sO craZy tO mSg me at 4...mInd yOu morNing 4 cAn...slEepy heAd me wEnt aND sEe whO mSg me...wAS hIm....tsk tsk...bUt tHAn nEvErmINd afTer hE mEsSAgE mE, i wAs kiNda awAke....thAn craP crAp... hIS phoNe biLL sURe eXceed.....caUSe i alWays maKE hIm cAll me...haha...ok wEll i aM a eViL chEapo...wahaa.....but thAn mY plAn onLy gOttEn 100 mIns free...so saD..tHan heaRd sOmethIng whICh mAkEs me wAnnA kiLL hIm....he iS buYing thOSe alCohOlic DrinkS...thAn i wAs kiNDa piSseD whEn i heArd thAt...caUSe i haTe guYS whO dRinK...Ok whAtever..hE dRinks oR nOt iS noNe oF mY busIness...blaH ~~~ aFteR thAt wEnt baCk tO piggY agAin...



Those days I felt like killing myself,
You comforted me and didn't even know it.
Those days I didn't have a reason to live,
You gave me one.
Those days I felt unappreciated,
You made me feel appreciated.
Those days I thought that the world hated me,
You loved me.
Those days I felt so ugly,
You said something and made me feel beautiful.
Those days I felt stupid,
You encouraged me and made me feel smart.
Those days I had no one to talk to,
You talked to me.
Those days still come very often,
Almost every day,
But I now know you'll be there,
And I won't have to worry.
Because you are my friend,
And I'll work through this.
People don't understand how much being
a friend can mean to someone.
Thank you for being mine!

MeaNingfUl poEm....fOR a SpeciaL sOmeOne...wahhaa...ThIS feW dAys wiLL bE B.O.R.I.N.G.....cAuse iS nOt aT homE...thaN cAnt tAlk tO hIm oN mSn...sad case...aLL i cAn dO iS mESsAge aNd arrGh...mY haNdPHone suCks weLL i sHouLd bE aPpreCiAtiVe thAt aT leAst i hAvE a hAndPhOne...wEll mY haNdpHone wEnt sOT sOt sO nOw cAnt eVen sWitCh iT oN ....wHEn sWitCh oN, thE sCreeN wiLL aPpeAr blUe In cOlouR...sO nOW haVe tO reSort uSing mY olD haNdPHonE...yeS OLD HANDPHONE..dOnt kNow whY i aM sO suAy reCentlY....cOngraTs tO me pleASe ( beIng saCastIC hEre )...mY mp3 aLSo spOiL...iTs lIKe thE twO moSt imPoRtaNt thIngs i muSt haVe bY mY siDe aLSo sPoiL...GrrgH...wHy sO suAy...daMn dePreSs cAuse i hAVe tO uSe suCh a LouSy HanDPhOne whIcH dO nOt haVe a CamEra aND ArrgH...i lOve sNappIng pIcs uSing mY haNdpHoNe aND nOw...haIZ...nO cAmeRa...cANnOt sNap anyMore Pics.....haIZ...wHy liKE thaT ?

YeAh !! sOmetHing tO reJoiCe aBout...tHe StrEssFuL weeK gOttEn bE oVer SooN...YIPPEE !!



3 moRe dAys

mY ratEs aND chAnge teSt... die die...i onLy knoW hoW tO dO thE firSt haLf oF qnS 1...tHE reSt aLL dONt kNow..cAuse i nEver gO studY mA...OMG...i stiLL haVe thE cHeeK tO sAy thIs..haIZ....ReAson : cAuse yEStErDAy cAMe HoMe lAte...aNd bEfOre i cAn stuDy, i aM aLreAdy oN thE bEd PiggY aWAy...tSk tSk...gUEss i cAn oNly gEt a pAtHetiC oNe maRk...haIZ

tMr wiLL bE goIng ICe-skatIng...yeAh..itS beeN sO loNg siNCe i toucH tHE iCe....haPPy woAh...tMR We wiLL bE goIng meDiacorP...excIted ExCitEd sO loOkinG foRwArD tO it...yeAh....GottEn taKE loTs OF pICs...tOns oF thEm...



La Femme

& she rattle about her life

HELLO. I am JIAMIN. The girl whom you saw peeping at you from next door. She is a Cam-whorer, Compulsive shopper and an Avid blogger. DANCE is her PASSION and her FIRST LOVE. So why wait? Groove to the music already baby!


The People.

Angela blogshop
Shannen blogshop

Cass(Crescent Sec)
Eve thai Buddy
Hui Fang
Hui Ping
Hui Hui
Jasmine( SC )
Johnathan( SC )
Jia Yi
Jun hao
Lay Hoon
Pei fen
Pei Jie
Pei Wen
Ren fu
Seng Kwann
Shao Ling
Student Council
Shu Qing
Seow Hui
Shu Fang
Su Wen
Sze Qian
Sze Qian
Xue Yi
Yiu Hung
Yan Lin

Fashion reads
Clothes Project

Natalie Tan
Sweet memories

• October 2005 • November 2005 • December 2005 • January 2006 • February 2006 • March 2006 • April 2006 • May 2006 • June 2006 • July 2006 • August 2006 • September 2006 • October 2006 • November 2006 • December 2006 • January 2007 • February 2007 • March 2007 • April 2007 • May 2007 • June 2007 • July 2007 • August 2007

ariesdancerlife.blogspot.com exist since October 2005