heh....At lAst i goTtEn hOld oF thIs pICtuRes thAt wE toOk duRIng thE SC photO takIng shOts....weLL NeedLess tO sAy wE aRe hOrsIng arOUnd aS uSual bEfoRe thE acTUal shot takIng pIctuRes Of ouRseLVes......gEttIng reAdy foR the actuAl pRofessIonal sHot...blah blah blah.....LEt tHE picTurEs dO thE talKing...
Best FrieNDs...i sIMply aDore thEm....<3
Us crazIng aroUnd WhilE waItiNg fOR Our tURn.....
THe Excos...sIA lah.....i looK sO sUPER suPEr shOrt.....ahh....
hoho....aT laSt tiME fOR thE reAl thIng..........StudEnt cOunciL 2006 wiThout ThE nEw cOmeRs.....iF We wEre tO pLUS aLL thE nEw coMeRs....Woah....We cAN aT leaSt haVe 5 oR mORe RowS....woah....Ok thIs PictURe IS Kinda bLur....sO thEre iS no pOiNT iN enLargiNg it....
heh.....WeLL evErytHing iS setTle....aNd wHEe....i gEt tO see hIM tMR......I Get to see bEstie Tmr....i gEt tO see Miss Uma tMR.....I gEt to see aLL mY oLd pRimaRy sCHool maTes tMr.....Oh.......Tmr iS sO gOttEn bE a woNderfuL dAy.........anD i mIss dAnce BadLy....toDay wHEn i heaR Our daNCe song, i sUDdEnly haVe thE urgE tO dANce....i wAnna daNCe......i mISs pErfoRming....I mIss aLL thE eXerciSe rOuntiNE......i mISs aLL thE craZineSs iN daNCe.....I mISs Lao shI......I mIss thE junIors.....IN shOrt, i mIss evErytHIng iN daNCe......GottEn chEer fOR thEm lIke siAO tmR.....thIS iS thE fiRst tiMe i aM watChing DancE eNseMblE....aww.....caUSe mOst OF thE tiME whIle i shOuld sAy alL thE tiME i aM pErfOrming so i dont gEt tO see How wE perFOrm so weLL....HEre iS mY chaNCe aFter 3+ YeaR oF haRd woRk.....nOw iS thE tiME whEn i sIT baCk aND Enjoy DancE enSeMblE perfOrm.....weets......
DaNce EnsEmbLe rawkx...<3
I feeL so HopeLess aND hElplesss.....i aM reAlly sorrY thAt i dO nOt kNow whAt Is gOing thRough your Mind.....i sEriousLy doNt....i stiLL dO Not kNow You weLL enouGh....Why Like thAt.....evEn though i teLl PeoPle i haVe neveR reAlly quarreL WitH You OR wHAt sO evEr bUt hAIz.....whAt i haVe lEft oUt is thAt i am lEft iN teArs most oF thE tIme.....wo zhEn de hEng lEi......wHy Are wE sO diFfereNt fRom oThers....wHY......NevErMind thAt sOme cOuple lIke ahEm scoLd eaCh othEr evEryDay....ITs TheIR forM oF sHowIng Care aNd coNceRn....aNd iTs bEcaUSe sOemoNe caRe fOR thE oTher....thAt is wHy sOMEonE scoLd someoNe.....haiZ....anD i sO enVy gUys whO gIVe ChoColatEs tO tHeir gf......Like aHEm....So sWEet cAN....i wANt aLSo dont haVe......sO You BettEr treAsURe it Leh....EvEn iF hAve cHocolatEs iS aLSo i thE one who giVeS to Him....Haiz.....i reAlly bwg......sO fAr i haVe nEvEr seeN giRls giViNG thEir guY cHocos....aND weLL....shOuld i bE happY or sAd to saY thAt i am thE Few......SerIously i dOnt feeL thE coNcerN....i kNow You aRe rAther stRess Up bY thE faCt i caNt meeT yOU oFten....bUY hEy....spAre a thought fOR me....dO You kNow hOw stRess i aM aT hOme too.....i seRiouSly wOnder iF yOu do.....i bEt i aM feeLing mOre strEss aND pEk chek thAn you......evErYtiME i wAnna go out wiTh yOu....i nEed to thInk a tHousAnd one oF exCuse anD baCk Up fOR mYselF....And What iF my dAd iS tO quEstiOn mE hOw am i goIng to anSwEr him aND suCh....
Slow PAce......Ok so whAt iF i aM sLow pAce...i haVe mY oWn reAsons ...I reSpect anD i lOve MY paReNts....i obEy thEm anD weLL....whEn thEy aSk mE nOt tO dO i wiLL obEy....bUT foR yOu...weLL i alReaDy breAK thE rUles....so whAt dO yOu stiLL wANt frOm me...You aRe to loVe mE foR whO i aM anD oF coUrse nOt whO You wAnt mE tO bE......IF You wANt sOmeone whO doES thINGs yOur wAy....wHy boTher to haVe me......Shitty !! I am alWays cOntrIdictiNg mYselF....One dAy i sAy hOw thANkfUl i am oF hAvIng yOu iN mY lIfe anD thE nExt i aM aSking yOu to find aNothEr giRl......thIS iSn't woRking out.....foR a reLatioNship to work......You should nOt fiGht mORe thAN 2 tIMes a weeK.....weLL We dO nOt fIght....bUt we aRe alWays leFt wiTh sO mUCh hAppIneSs....i dOnt wAnt thIngs to tuRn oUt thIs wAy....SerIouSly i dOnt kNow hOw lOng iT haVe beeN sInce hE lAst reAd mY bloG caUSe iF hE iS to reAd it...He woUld haVe kNown whAt i am gOINg thRough right nOw anD hoW i feeL........ And For goODNess sAke....i sO i dOnt kNow How tO sAy dOEs Not meAn thAt i dOnt kNow wHAt i aM tHInkIng....Arrgh.....
Arrgh.....I am reAlly vEry tirEd tODay........And yOU aRe tOO.....And whEn tWo Tired PEOple talKs.....aha....TroublE coMes.....i jUSt need a breAk fRom aLL thIs mAdnEss.... i want chocolates to cheer me up.....White chocos please...
Urrgh.....I HAvE thE UrGe to smAsh My hAnDphOne oN thE FlooR....Its Like sO FreAkinglY IrriTAtIng.....I wOuLd gLAdY AppreciatE iT iF My lOVElY pAreNts woUld Just bUy Me a NEw freAking HanDphoNe.....DaRn....ITS sO irriTatIng tO haVe a HandPhoNE wHich dO nOt vIbrAte evEn thOugh yOu haVe oN yOur vibrAtIon buT stiLL your daRN freAking PhONE decIded tHAt iT is tiME fOr iT stArt to reSt anD to rebEl agAinst You by nOt vIbRating...aND so Now poor You wiLL not bE abLe to kNow wHen yOu recIeve a caLL or mEssaGe If yOu pUt Your HAndpHone uNDer silEnt mOde caUSe iF Its siLEnt, iT meAns thEre iS nO nOisE oR rAthEr MusiC anD whEn thEre iS nO mUsIc You wILL nOT kNow That YOu HAve recIEvE a messAgE cauSe yOur daRn frEAkiNg hANdPhOne wiLL not vIbRate aND withOut thE vibRation, yOu woUld nOt Know....And whEn you do nOt kNow thAt yOu recIeve a mEssagE yOu wiLL takE a long tiMe tO rePLy to thE mEssaGe anD whEn yOu take a lOng tiME to rePly thE messagE, yOu aRe wastiNg soME oTHer peOple PRecIous tiMe.....anD HEY thATs Not tHE woRse OF thE woRse oF thE woRst You caN evEr gEt froM thE WOrst haNDpHone......My hAndPhoNe decIDed to hAve anOthEr wAy oF rebEling agaInst mE afTer aLL thE coNStAnt sMAshiNg froM thE preVioUs tiME siNCe iN thE paSt, iT tOO haD rebEL by nOt vIbrAting....anD so hahax....I HIt iT oN thE taBle, oN thE flOor anD wHAt hAvE yOu.....aND so....RetriButiOn coMes.....thE spEAkEr OF My haNDPhone iS spOil....Big supIRse.....nah....aND so evEn tHough YOu haVe tuNE yOur freaKing hAndpHone to thE highEst vOluMe iT iS stiLL so iRritaTing sOfT tHAt i caN nEvEr heAR whAt thE othEr pArty Is talKing.....aNd agAIn i haVe to wASte mY precIous mEssaGes thAT iS meAN to saVe for sOmeoNe to aSk whAt thE persOn iS talKing abOut......LOL...... And sO thE mORal oF thiS paRagRaph iS tO gEt me a NEW HANDPHONE PLEASE.....PRETTY PLEASE !!! i deSpErately need a neW oNe.....
Heh.....wHen i sEe thE roaD....i caNt stOp sMiliNg......haha...* He KnowS whAt i aM TalKing so nO neeD to eLABoraTe * haha.....Its Like sO HilaRouS.....AfrAid bUT stiLL wANt tO dO....LOL....bUT nevErmInd i aLreaDy gottEn oVer it sO hmm...Now thE neXt hurdLE....I aM a slow pAce PersOn i LiKE tO dO thIngs SlowIng........bUT hmm....SHould i AccommodatE You AND fOlloW yOur PaCe........hmm........
HAd sO mUcH fUn talKing To
yOu....LAugIng anD goIng craZy anD oF coURse nEArly teAr aFtEr whAt
YOu sAid....iTs lIke OMG....So toUchIng caN.......yalayalah.....2 HouR pLus maY coNsidEr short to
You hoh....i kNow i KNow No nEed hAO liAn to mE
yOu tAlk to oTHEr giRl giRl foR 5 Hour pLus BefORe rIght....wahahaha...bUT SerIousLy wiTHin thIS shOrt 2 Hour talK, i goTtEn kNow LoaDs More aboUt
You....Woots.....i aM lIke feeLing sO HAppy rIght nOw aFtEr aLL thE talKing.....* dAnCing aroUnd lIke craZy * i hAve aND wiLL NEvEr evEr reGreT hAvIng
You iN My lIfe....EvEN thOugH thE pResEnt SituAtioN iS lIke arrh....SpeecHless....We hAve aLreADy gOne thRough mANy oh-sO craZy hAppEnIngs ANd yupp wE aRe stiLL goIng strOng.....So lEts JIA YOU !! We Sure caN dO it......i am so looKiNg fORwArd to our nExt mEetIng.......HopefULLy thURsAy aND friDay.............lalala......
GoinG to Ngee Ann fOr oUr foUcs lessOn tmr....tO do sOme MAths teSt thIngy....*Gosh* i am sO goIng to fAil it * covErs HEr faCe * darn.....aFtEr The nGee aNn thIngy stiLL nEeD rUSh Home fOR tutiOn....(-_- !!!) i waNt to sleeP.......oh anD i caNT belIeve i slEep so daRn eaRly lAst Night....i caNt belIeve i slePt aT 1.....1......oh....iTs Early foR mE...On thE avEragE sChool days mEans sleePing aT 2.30 evEry night errh....ShOuld i caLL thAt evEry MornIng InsteAd....sO yupp....Now You kNow whY 1 iS eaRly foR me......haha....
62 dAys <3
2 MontHS le....TimE pAssES ReAlly Fast....i mISs YEstErdAy.....i mISs HoldIng Your hAndS wAlkiNG doWn thE ROAd.....The JOurnEy seeM to bE Not tHAt lOng wITh YOu aROund Me.....EvEn thOugH wE onLy haVe nOt seeN eAch othEr fOR Like OnlY 1 dAy.....buT aww....We stiLL Miss EAch othEr baDly.......Hope I aM aBle tO gO oUt oN ThursDay.....iF CAn thAn wE mUSt gO eaT iCe creAm ok....haha....... 1042....aND offICally iT wiLL bE oUr
2nD MoNth.....Woah.......But thAN i doNt thInk i wiLL bE oNLine bY thAn....haIZ......
The TiMEs wE spEnd evEry sINglE momeNt wiLL bE treAsure aND MAy thEre be mOre aNd mORe 2 mOntHS to coME.....wHich iS cOnfIRm a sURe thIng.....haha.....
SiaN....TMr aSsemblY haVe to gO baCk to clAss aND sit....i drEad sIttIng WIth thE claSs.....i feeL weiRd....i doNt kNow whY......NO oNe siNGs thE nAtionAl anThem oR Say THe plEdGe....MAybE cauSe i hAve bEen siNgIng oR SAyINg thAt foR 2 YEarS plUs tHAT suddeNly wAnt mE to aDaPT to thE chANgEs, i wiLL nOt bE uSe to it......Hmm.....MY Sc BadGe....No LoNGer IN USe lE.....goTtEn mISs iT....haha.....ta-da goTtEn gO oFF tO dO My hOmeWorK.......blaHX
1042......2 MONths <3
Today wAS lIke oH-sO splenDid aND aLL....woNDer wHeN wiLL bE oUR nEXt dATe....We haVe tO lIVe dAy bY dAy....Woots....wE wEre lIke So lAme....wAlk fROm mY hOUse thEre aLL thE wAy tO wEst coAst 711.....aNd......whee....i gOTtEn tO Eat mY MAsHed POtaTo.....THaN We wAlk wAlk aND sit sIt...anD blAh blAh......THan wEnt tO mEet Jian ting gO quEenSwAy......So sCare wAlk beSide Him caN....caUSe i feeL sO Intimidated By hiS heIght caUSe He iS sO taLL....bLAhx.....Than afTer reAch thEre...wHen sePerAte wAys cAuse i hAve tO meEt sHu QIng tO mAke SC shIRt aND hE haVe tO gO buY hIS shOe thAN gO fOR hIS CIP so IN thE eND neVer mEet......aND AT LAST....Our SC sHirt...AT LAST it iS maDe.....whee....happy happy....Hope tHE desIgN woUld tuRn oUt NicelY......* prays * At Night wHEn tO je MakAn....aND LOL....His claSs aLSo gO thEre eaT....haha....SO qiaO.......sAw hIm agAin...bUT OF coURse thIS tiME wE dID nOt faCe to Face taLk caUSe sCAre laTer daD suSPEct.....hmm...so bLAh in thE enD We talK oN thE PhoNe haha....ITs Like So daMN fuNNy LAh...KEeP gLAncIng aT eaCh otHEr but aLSo dont wANt lEt sIS kNow....haha......buT ok nEvErmINd....i alReaDy vEry mAN zhU lE....at leAst We gEt tO sEE eaCh oTHer ALot OF tiMEs todAY....Whee......WAtCh ME fly.....Tmr Our 2 mONThs le....Times paSses ReAlly faSt.....ITs lIke We JUSt dAted aND woOts....now oUr 2 Month......haha......ta-da
60 dayS<3
PostIng on friDay....Woots...ITs beeN lOng SinCe i evEr diD thAt.......I miss my mama.....haix....did nOt mANaGe tO caTcH hEr thIs mOrnIng......sLept aT 3 aND shE woKe uP aT 3.30.......IN thE beGinnIng wAntEd tO taHan tiLL mOm wAKe uP bUT iN thE eNd...mY eyEs cOUldn't taKe iT aND sO sleePY me deCided iTs bEttEr fOR mE to gO to slEep....WroTe a Note fOR mum saYing bYe tO hEr anD wHen tO piggY aFtEr thAt...haha.....* sweet * I gottEn wAtCh tokyO dRift toDay....YIppe...somEtHing tO enTertaIn me....MEetIng sHuqing Tmr tO maKE Our SC shIrt......Finally.........Hope thE shIRt tuRNs oUt alriGht......ta-da.......
ShaLL Post eArLy toDay aFraID i doNt gEt thE chaNce tO gO oNliNE toDay....Mum's gOing tO maLaYsiA to woRk tMr....wiLL be baCk oN suNday nIghT.....haiZ.....i gOtteN mISs MUm....i dReaD tO bE aT hOme with Dad Only......caUSe hE ain't a wOMan....wHIch iS sO duh !! whAt aM i talKiNg.....i nEed mOthErly lOve......Aww......SomeTimes i caNt UnderStaND wHAt mY pAReNTs aRe tHinkIng.....I neeD tO gO fOR wORksHop lIke ThOSe wHIch teAchEs You On wHAt Your ParEnts aRe thInkIng....I serIousLy needed THat....
I neeD assUraNce.....I neeD
You tO teLL mE wE wiLL lAsT......I am afRAid sO sO afRaID.......I dont wAnt tO giVe up bUt i aM LosiNg iT Now......ThE preSsurE fRom paRents IS oN mE....i feeL My shOulDer iS a littLE tOO HEavY fOR mE tO haNDle......One daY.....i mIght Just faLL....sO i neeD
yOu tO bE mY cLOud....bElow me to catCh me.........I need
You tO bE My stAr AlwAYs aroUnd me sHining eVer sO briGhtly.....i wiLL bE yOur mOOn aND
thE staR aND MooN wIll alwAys bE happY tOgEther forevEr.....
I neeD hUgS -_-
HopE i aM abLE tO see jiAqi OnlIne soOn....i wanT hEr tO seND mE thE pIcs thAt wE toOk YEstErdAy.....Oh aND YestErdAy wAS oUr SC photO taKing...The laSt PHoto thaT wE wiLL bE taKIng toGeTher.....i aM sO gottEn mIss thEm..... * whines *
LEt thE emO-ness bE gOne.......Good bYe Emo !! i am gOttEn bE strOng.....I am nOt gOiNg tO leT You deFeaT mE......JIA MIN wiLL nEvEr boW doWn tO You agAin.......
till than.
SeriousLy i dOnt kNow wHy i sUDdenly brOke doWn.....i feeL reAlly strEssed Up......And sAd tO sAy wHEn i fAll,
You aRen't TherE tO catCh mE......WheN i reAlly Need
YOu, i cAnt feeL
YoU besIDe mE...bUT i caNt blAme
You caUSe wE dOnt reAlly gEt tO meet oFten aND sO wE dOnt reAlly kNow abOut eaCh oTher lIves....i aM aLReaDy oN thE vErGe oF breaKing dOWn.....I am oNly lEft with 10% Of My enErgY...l feeL lIke gIVing it ALL uP.....I cANt caTch Up wITh mY oWn bReaTh.....Not tO saY YourS.....I haVe Not eNOugH eNergY lEft le......So pLEase saVe ME sOme.....
ThiS JourNEy haS NevEr beeN a SmooTh oNe.....aND i aM reallY reAlly vEry tiRed Now....aND i kNow YOu aRe tOO.....ITs bEeN sO toUgH....i haTe HidIng bUt i haVe No cHoICe....ThiS dAys, I brEak dOwn mOre oFteN thAn i usuAlly dO....haiz.......GotTen hAve sOme sElf cOntrOl oF eLSe mY teArs wiLL aLL bE uSed uP......haiZ....I reAlly reAlly neeD
He iS mY oNly soUrcE oF StreNgTh aND eNergY aND YEt.....NevErmInd....
He caNt bE thEre foR ME aLL thE tiME.....
It caN gEt reAlly sicKeNiNg tO wAit aLL thE tiMe sO IF ONe dAy.....thE vEry faTefUL daY......
yOu aRe siCk oF aLL thIS.....teLL me...i wiLL uNDerstaND aND lEt
You gO.....i wiLL nOt bE seLfisH aND trY to keeP
yOu....For i kNow......wHen thAt daY cOme,
yOu alReady haD eNougH......
SorrY fOR aLL tHE emo-neSs...i caNt cOntroL my eMotIOns....i feeL thE neeD tO blOg aND jUSt thRow tHeM aLL oUt....sO bEar wIth me.....OR raTher You mAy coNsidEr Not reADing iF It bORes You......ProbArbly aFtEr My sePteMbEr HolidaYs, i wiLL nOT bE bLoggIng or oNLine-iNg sO oFteN....i reAlly nEed to stuDy.......i mUSt pAss........
[ The stress from parents can be so unbearable.....more often than not, i cried because of whatever they say.....i wish for them to be understanding....and i wish that
you are there for me ]
Enough said.
I feeL sO strEssed uP...i wANt tO scReam My lungS oUt....i doNT kNow whAts iS sO wrong with daD thIs dAys...i reAlly doNt kNow...I kNow tHAt hE caRe bUt sOmetiMEs a littLE tOO mUch....HaiZ.....i feeL sO irriTatEd aND agItaTed wHEnevEr You NAg aT mE aND suCh anD so i keeP sHowIng attiUde.....i kNow i should Not dO thAt bUt reAlly i thInk i aM olD eNougH to dO aND thInk whAt i aM doing whEthEr is iT rIght oR wRong....MaYbe beCause You thInk thAt wE aRe keePing tOO mUch oN You tHAt iS whY YOu deCided tO dO ' spot checks ' Using the moSt Ridiculous wAy wHich is alSo thE wAY iN whICh YOu shOw nO reSpect tO uS aND oUr pRivAcy......tsk tsk......wHEn i aM at HoMe, i waNt peaCe...aRrgh.....i dont Like thE House beIng sO nOisy aNd suCh...i aM alReady sO strEsseD up...i dont neEd aNyMoRe Noise polluTion in thE hOuse....i neeD sOme pEace aND quIteness aND whEn i teLL tHem wILL yOu aLL plEase keeP quIEt thEy wiLL bE liKE blAh blAh blAh...Ok whAtEver....SometiMes i wiSh i haVe a switCh thAt i caN usE to tURn doWn thE vOluME aND ProBably tO pUt thEm oN mUte.....* reCall thE shOw Click * i aM sO tiRed Now..........
sOmetiMEs i feeL lIke giVing it aLL uP bUt i dOnt hAvE thE heaRt to dO sO cauSe i Know thAT thEre iS thIs sPeciaL
hIm wHo woUld keePs mE goIng......I kNow
HE woUld bE tHEre fOR mE wHEn i needEd
hIm...haiZ.....I aCtuAlly broKe dOwn jUst Now whEn i aM talKing tO hIm...aLL oF a suDdeN i feeL sO stressEd uP...i feeL aS tHough i cOuld nOt taKE thE hEavY lOad aNyMore.....i tOld
hIm......buT haiZ....i guEss No oNe eLSe wiLL actUally reALly UnderStaND wHAt You aRe gOing tHRough....Each hAs HiS or hEr oWn pRoblEm whIch no oNE eLse iS abLe to uNDerstaND iT exCepT For HIm oR HErsElf.....but nah.....bY thE tiMe YOU reAd it...i hAve alReadY cooL dOwn aND wOuld aLSo haVe beeN alRight....sO dOnt woRried....i aM tryIng to destreSs MyselF usIng thE mOSt siLLest mEtHod lOoKiNG aT mY EeyOre anD laUghIng mYSelf sILLy......One daY i goTtEn gO craZy...sO dOnt Be sUrPrIse iF You fInd ME In tHE MEntAl HosPitaL......Sorry !! i dont wAnt YOU tO worrIed sO yuppp i kePt It frOM YOu UntiL jUSt Now wHEn i coUld nOt taKe it anymORe......At leAst i haVe a littLE bEttEr aFter teLling YOu......EvEn tHougH
You mIght Not reAlly bE abLE tO uNderstaND HOw i feeL aND whAt i aM gOing tHrough, it doEs nOt rEally MattEr....JUSt sHoweR mE wITh
YOur caRe aND coNcErn.....That wOuld bE suffIcEnt....
<3ExaMS aRe neaRinG, aND MOre probS aRe sUrfacIng.....I am nOt thE oNly oNe whO iS emo-Ing aRoUnd......I bEt thEre aRe a cOuplE oF yOu out thEre wHo aRe faCing probS lIke thIs....i haTe it...* grrgh * In sChool, trOublEs comes aLOng wiTh FriEndsHips, teSts, TeacHErs.....esp....MR NG......i aM sO sO wOrrIEd He wOuld gO uSe my blOg aND blaCk maIL mE.....dAMn mY mOuth.....Why IS iT sO biG...i sHOuld haVe anSwer i dO nOT haVe a blOg...I kNow HE iS dOing fOR thE sAke oF fUn....bUt reALly i am tOO tIRed tO eNterTain....bUt You aRe Not tO uSe any oF the Post I haVe wrOte agAinst Me....I am lyIng wiTh my Eyes wide OpeN thIS dAys......haiZ.....ITs a siN bUT sOMetiMEs i reAlly deSperaTely NEed to keeP sOmethIngs awAy frOm sOme peoPle....ITs fOR mY owN saKe anD ProBably thEirs.....i dO Not wAnt tO sPoil thE ReLAtiOnshIp bUT nEitHEr Do i waNt to hIDe anYmoRe eIthEr....HidIng thIngs caN reAlly bE tIring.....My Only mOtiVatiOn tO movE on iS
SchooL dAYs Are craZy.....i caNt reAlly iMagIne hOW i maNagE tO faCe thAt pErsOn wiTh a SmileY faCe.....i gottEn cOngrAtUlaTe MysElf For beIng sUCh a pro iN thAt......A mAsk thAt i haVe to wEar ON....i dOnt wANt It tO aFfeCt Our frIEndsHip bUT reAlly You haVe chAnge alOt.....You ain't thE pErsON you usE TO bE.....bUT i gUEss pEopLe cHangEs aS tiME goEs bY.....I chaNGe tOo as i aM tryIng tO adaPt wIth mY neW craZy lIfestYle OF PlaYing HIde aND seeK aND lYing wiTh ThroUgh mY teeTh......A maSk thAT i haVe tO pUt oN.....SometIMes It gEt Oh sO tirIng tHAT i wOuld rAther nOt talK....i wANt tO bE iN thE wOrld oF mY owN.....i waNt to stAy iN mY owN faNtaSy.......No worrIes...NO sOrrOWs.....
DIU LIAN DIU LIAN !!! dOnt kNow mr NG reAding thIs ma...buT Hope HE dOesn't.....THanKs to Ruwei aND bEn.....Now Mr nG kNows mY Blog.....Arrgh....Ok wHAtEver....
My heAd iS spinnIng riGht nOw.....Urrgh.....WondEr is iT caUSe i haVe eAten toO mUch craCkErs JUSt nOw thAt iS whY i aM havIng a hEadacHe riGht nOw.... * baNgs HEr hEAd agaInst thE waLL * RetribuTion.......
sOmetIMes i wOndEr wHAt dO yOu treAt uS aS ?? Toy fOR You to use aND laTer to bE thRown awAy......dArn......
HAIZ...anoThEr dAy haVe jUSt pAss......MondAy tMR.....wHich aLSo meAns SchooL dAy....oh BoriNg........TeSt aND tEst.....HAiZ.....LeFt iS fiLLEd with teSt.....I wAs lIke So OMG wHen mY tOld mE thAt thIS friDay, sAturDay aND suNdaY sHE wOuld bE aWay to dOnt kNow wHEre to wOrk OR soMethIng lIKe thAt....iTs sO....Arrgh.....i wAnt tO gO oUt wIth
HIM thIS sAturDay....i wAS sO so looKing foRwaRd to satUrdAy cAn....My heArt wAs lIke.....dOnt kNow How tO desCribe........i wAS Like URRGh....thAn quIcklY mEssagE
hIm i dOnt caRe wHether i was iN chUrcH oR wHatEver....i haVe nO tiME tO thInk aboUt thAt aNymORe caUse i aM faR to disaPPoinTed to evEN thInk abOut thAt.....bUT i gUEss mY disaPpoiNmEnt can NEvEr bE mOre thAn HIM......haiZ.....i aM sO SORRY !!! Mum Not aRouND means No cOM foR Me.....hAIz........sO i Only cAN reLy oN Phone.........i sO lOVe thE persOn wHo invEnteD Phones....It maKEs coMMunicaTion aLot mORe easIer aND at leASt iF yoU dO nOt gEt tO see thE PersON, YOu gEt to heAr thEir vOice.......awww..........
TaLk abOut 1 aND thE 1/2 HoUR plUs todAy thAN Jiu abIt sIan thAN
hE gO gaMe...hmmm...thAn i gO piggy........i gottEn mIss thOSe caRe free dAys...Life iS gettIng moRe anD mORe craZy rIght NOw....i feeL nO freedOm....i feeL aLL lOcked Up aND thIS iS stiLL nOt thE woRse YEt....dAd IS gEttIng a littLe....hmm...StriCt ??? HE weNt aND cHEcK whEre i gO blah blAH BLAH aND thIngS lIKe thAt i wAS lIke.......Ok wHatEver..........thInk dAd wiLL stArt tO naG aGain sInce i Have USe uP lOtS oF MoneY YEstErday caUSe i wAS pratiCally traveLLing frOM Fairfield tO clEmenti bY buS, CleMEnti tO mArina thEre bY trAin, thAn bacK to DoVer bY trAin, thAn bUs tO faIrfieLD aND laTer oN bUs agAin tO dOver, trAin to bUGis, trAIn back tO jurOng, thAn bUS baCk to HOme......daD iS gottEn scReam wHEn HE Know i had taKEn sO mUch trAnsPort IN oNe dAy.....* oh oh * Die........bUT nEvErMInd......i stiLL haVe a fEw weeKs mORe beFOre hE staRt gOing craZy agAin......i kNow dad cOncerN abOut mE bUT sOmetiMes HE iS tOO ovEr prOtecTive wHich mAkes ME sO reAl irrITated wiTh HIm.....
``lalala....ShouLd i sIng....hahax....He iS gEttIng reAl crazY caUse i Insist ON nOt singiNg....cauSe mY siNgiNg SUCKS....wakaka......Ok ta-da foR now....i aM boreD about blOggIng boRing thIngs.......aNywAy
Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood(recommmanded by Sheryl..kinda nicey too)