Hear the lady roar.

heh....At lAst i goTtEn hOld oF thIs pICtuRes thAt wE toOk duRIng thE SC photO takIng shOts....weLL NeedLess tO sAy wE aRe hOrsIng arOUnd aS uSual bEfoRe thE acTUal shot takIng pIctuRes Of ouRseLVes......gEttIng reAdy foR the actuAl pRofessIonal sHot...blah blah blah.....LEt tHE picTurEs dO thE talKing...

Best FrieNDs...i sIMply aDore thEm....<3

Us crazIng aroUnd WhilE waItiNg fOR Our tURn.....

THe Excos...sIA lah.....i looK sO sUPER suPEr shOrt.....ahh....

hoho....aT laSt tiME fOR thE reAl thIng..........StudEnt cOunciL 2006 wiThout ThE nEw cOmeRs.....iF We wEre tO pLUS aLL thE nEw coMeRs....Woah....We cAN aT leaSt haVe 5 oR mORe RowS....woah....Ok thIs PictURe IS Kinda bLur....sO thEre iS no pOiNT iN enLargiNg it....

heh.....WeLL evErytHing iS setTle....aNd wHEe....i gEt tO see hIM tMR......I Get to see bEstie Tmr....i gEt tO see Miss Uma tMR.....I gEt to see aLL mY oLd pRimaRy sCHool maTes tMr.....Oh.......Tmr iS sO gOttEn bE a woNderfuL dAy.........anD i mIss dAnce BadLy....toDay wHEn i heaR Our daNCe song, i sUDdEnly haVe thE urgE tO dANce....i wAnna daNCe......i mISs pErfoRming....I mIss aLL thE eXerciSe rOuntiNE......i mISs aLL thE craZineSs iN daNCe.....I mISs Lao shI......I mIss thE junIors.....IN shOrt, i mIss evErytHIng iN daNCe......GottEn chEer fOR thEm lIke siAO tmR.....thIS iS thE fiRst tiMe i aM watChing DancE eNseMblE....aww.....caUSe mOst OF thE tiME whIle i shOuld sAy alL thE tiME i aM pErfOrming so i dont gEt tO see How wE perFOrm so weLL....HEre iS mY chaNCe aFter 3+ YeaR oF haRd woRk.....nOw iS thE tiME whEn i sIT baCk aND Enjoy DancE enSeMblE perfOrm.....weets......

DaNce EnsEmbLe rawkx...<3



I feeL so HopeLess aND hElplesss.....i aM reAlly sorrY thAt i dO nOt kNow whAt Is gOing thRough your Mind.....i sEriousLy doNt....i stiLL dO Not kNow You weLL enouGh....Why Like thAt.....evEn though i teLl PeoPle i haVe neveR reAlly quarreL WitH You OR wHAt sO evEr bUt hAIz.....whAt i haVe lEft oUt is thAt i am lEft iN teArs most oF thE tIme.....wo zhEn de hEng lEi......wHy Are wE sO diFfereNt fRom oThers....wHY......NevErMind thAt sOme cOuple lIke ahEm scoLd eaCh othEr evEryDay....ITs TheIR forM oF sHowIng Care aNd coNceRn....aNd iTs bEcaUSe sOemoNe caRe fOR thE oTher....thAt is wHy sOMEonE scoLd someoNe.....haiZ....anD i sO enVy gUys whO gIVe ChoColatEs tO tHeir gf......Like aHEm....So sWEet cAN....i wANt aLSo dont haVe......sO You BettEr treAsURe it Leh....EvEn iF hAve cHocolatEs iS aLSo i thE one who giVeS to Him....Haiz.....i reAlly bwg......sO fAr i haVe nEvEr seeN giRls giViNG thEir guY cHocos....aND weLL....shOuld i bE happY or sAd to saY thAt i am thE Few......SerIously i dOnt feeL thE coNcerN....i kNow You aRe rAther stRess Up bY thE faCt i caNt meeT yOU oFten....bUY hEy....spAre a thought fOR me....dO You kNow hOw stRess i aM aT hOme too.....i seRiouSly wOnder iF yOu do.....i bEt i aM feeLing mOre strEss aND pEk chek thAn you......evErYtiME i wAnna go out wiTh yOu....i nEed to thInk a tHousAnd one oF exCuse anD baCk Up fOR mYselF....And What iF my dAd iS tO quEstiOn mE hOw am i goIng to anSwEr him aND suCh....

Slow PAce......Ok so whAt iF i aM sLow pAce...i haVe mY oWn reAsons ...I reSpect anD i lOve MY paReNts....i obEy thEm anD weLL....whEn thEy aSk mE nOt tO dO i wiLL obEy....bUT foR yOu...weLL i alReaDy breAK thE rUles....so whAt dO yOu stiLL wANt frOm me...You aRe to loVe mE foR whO i aM anD oF coUrse nOt whO You wAnt mE tO bE......IF You wANt sOmeone whO doES thINGs yOur wAy....wHy boTher to haVe me......Shitty !! I am alWays cOntrIdictiNg mYselF....One dAy i sAy hOw thANkfUl i am oF hAvIng yOu iN mY lIfe anD thE nExt i aM aSking yOu to find aNothEr giRl......thIS iSn't woRking out.....foR a reLatioNship to work......You should nOt fiGht mORe thAN 2 tIMes a weeK.....weLL We dO nOt fIght....bUt we aRe alWays leFt wiTh sO mUCh hAppIneSs....i dOnt wAnt thIngs to tuRn oUt thIs wAy....SerIouSly i dOnt kNow hOw lOng iT haVe beeN sInce hE lAst reAd mY bloG caUSe iF hE iS to reAd it...He woUld haVe kNown whAt i am gOINg thRough right nOw anD hoW i feeL........ And For goODNess sAke....i sO i dOnt kNow How tO sAy dOEs Not meAn thAt i dOnt kNow wHAt i aM tHInkIng....Arrgh.....

Arrgh.....I am reAlly vEry tirEd tODay........And yOU aRe tOO.....And whEn tWo Tired PEOple talKs.....aha....TroublE coMes.....i jUSt need a breAk fRom aLL thIs mAdnEss....

i want chocolates to cheer me up.....White chocos please...




Urrgh.....I HAvE thE UrGe to smAsh My hAnDphOne oN thE FlooR....Its Like sO FreAkinglY IrriTAtIng.....I wOuLd gLAdY AppreciatE iT iF My lOVElY pAreNts woUld Just bUy Me a NEw freAking HanDphoNe.....DaRn....ITS sO irriTatIng tO haVe a HandPhoNE wHich dO nOt vIbrAte evEn thOugh yOu haVe oN yOur vibrAtIon buT stiLL your daRN freAking PhONE decIded tHAt iT is tiME fOr iT stArt to reSt anD to rebEl agAinst You by nOt vIbRating...aND so Now poor You wiLL not bE abLe to kNow wHen yOu recIeve a caLL or mEssaGe If yOu pUt Your HAndpHone uNDer silEnt mOde caUSe iF Its siLEnt, iT meAns thEre iS nO nOisE oR rAthEr MusiC anD whEn thEre iS nO mUsIc You wILL nOT kNow That YOu HAve recIEvE a messAgE cauSe yOur daRn frEAkiNg hANdPhOne wiLL not vIbRate aND withOut thE vibRation, yOu woUld nOt Know....And whEn you do nOt kNow thAt yOu recIeve a mEssagE yOu wiLL takE a long tiMe tO rePLy to thE mEssaGe anD whEn yOu take a lOng tiME to rePly thE messagE, yOu aRe wastiNg soME oTHer peOple PRecIous tiMe.....anD HEY thATs Not tHE woRse OF thE woRse oF thE woRst You caN evEr gEt froM thE WOrst haNDpHone......My hAndPhoNe decIDed to hAve anOthEr wAy oF rebEling agaInst mE afTer aLL thE coNStAnt sMAshiNg froM thE preVioUs tiME siNCe iN thE paSt, iT tOO haD rebEL by nOt vIbrAting....anD so hahax....I HIt iT oN thE taBle, oN thE flOor anD wHAt hAvE yOu.....aND so....RetriButiOn coMes.....thE spEAkEr OF My haNDPhone iS spOil....Big supIRse.....nah....aND so evEn tHough YOu haVe tuNE yOur freaKing hAndpHone to thE highEst vOluMe iT iS stiLL so iRritaTing sOfT tHAt i caN nEvEr heAR whAt thE othEr pArty Is talKing.....aNd agAIn i haVe to wASte mY precIous mEssaGes thAT iS meAN to saVe for sOmeoNe to aSk whAt thE persOn iS talKing abOut......LOL...... And sO thE mORal oF thiS paRagRaph iS tO gEt me a NEW HANDPHONE PLEASE.....PRETTY PLEASE !!! i deSpErately need a neW oNe.....

Heh.....wHen i sEe thE roaD....i caNt stOp sMiliNg......haha...* He KnowS whAt i aM TalKing so nO neeD to eLABoraTe * haha.....Its Like sO HilaRouS.....AfrAid bUT stiLL wANt tO dO....LOL....bUT nevErmInd i aLreaDy gottEn oVer it sO hmm...Now thE neXt hurdLE....I aM a slow pAce PersOn i LiKE tO dO thIngs SlowIng........bUT hmm....SHould i AccommodatE You AND fOlloW yOur PaCe........hmm........

HAd sO mUcH fUn talKing To yOu....LAugIng anD goIng craZy anD oF coURse nEArly teAr aFtEr whAt YOu sAid....iTs lIke OMG....So toUchIng caN.......yalayalah.....2 HouR pLus maY coNsidEr short to You hoh....i kNow i KNow No nEed hAO liAn to mE yOu tAlk to oTHEr giRl giRl foR 5 Hour pLus BefORe rIght....wahahaha...bUT SerIousLy wiTHin thIS shOrt 2 Hour talK, i goTtEn kNow LoaDs More aboUt You....Woots.....i aM lIke feeLing sO HAppy rIght nOw aFtEr aLL thE talKing.....* dAnCing aroUnd lIke craZy * i hAve aND wiLL NEvEr evEr reGreT hAvIng You iN My lIfe....EvEN thOugH thE pResEnt SituAtioN iS lIke arrh....SpeecHless....We hAve aLreADy gOne thRough mANy oh-sO craZy hAppEnIngs ANd yupp wE aRe stiLL goIng strOng.....So lEts JIA YOU !! We Sure caN dO it......i am so looKiNg fORwArd to our nExt mEetIng.......HopefULLy thURsAy aND friDay.............lalala......

GoinG to Ngee Ann fOr oUr foUcs lessOn tmr....tO do sOme MAths teSt thIngy....*Gosh* i am sO goIng to fAil it * covErs HEr faCe * darn.....aFtEr The nGee aNn thIngy stiLL nEeD rUSh Home fOR tutiOn....(-_- !!!) i waNt to sleeP.......oh anD i caNT belIeve i slEep so daRn eaRly lAst Night....i caNt belIeve i slePt aT 1.....1......oh....iTs Early foR mE...On thE avEragE sChool days mEans sleePing aT 2.30 evEry night errh....ShOuld i caLL thAt evEry MornIng InsteAd....sO yupp....Now You kNow whY 1 iS eaRly foR me......haha....


62 dAys <3



Whee......2 MontHS le....TimE pAssES ReAlly Fast....i mISs YEstErdAy.....i mISs HoldIng Your hAndS wAlkiNG doWn thE ROAd.....The JOurnEy seeM to bE Not tHAt lOng wITh YOu aROund Me.....EvEn thOugH wE onLy haVe nOt seeN eAch othEr fOR Like OnlY 1 dAy.....buT aww....We stiLL Miss EAch othEr baDly.......Hope I aM aBle tO gO oUt oN ThursDay.....iF CAn thAn wE mUSt gO eaT iCe creAm ok....haha....... 1042....aND offICally iT wiLL bE oUr
2nD MoNth.....Woah.......But thAN i doNt thInk i wiLL bE oNLine bY thAn....haIZ......

The TiMEs wE spEnd evEry sINglE momeNt wiLL bE treAsure aND MAy thEre be mOre aNd mORe 2 mOntHS to coME.....wHich iS cOnfIRm a sURe thIng.....haha.....

SiaN....TMr aSsemblY haVe to gO baCk to clAss aND sit....i drEad sIttIng WIth thE claSs.....i feeL weiRd....i doNt kNow whY......NO oNe siNGs thE nAtionAl anThem oR Say THe plEdGe....MAybE cauSe i hAve bEen siNgIng oR SAyINg thAt foR 2 YEarS plUs tHAT suddeNly wAnt mE to aDaPT to thE chANgEs, i wiLL nOt bE uSe to it......Hmm.....MY Sc BadGe....No LoNGer IN USe lE.....goTtEn mISs iT....haha.....ta-da goTtEn gO oFF tO dO My hOmeWorK.......blaHX

1042......2 MONths <3



Today wAS lIke oH-sO splenDid aND aLL....woNDer wHeN wiLL bE oUR nEXt dATe....We haVe tO lIVe dAy bY dAy....Woots....wE wEre lIke So lAme....wAlk fROm mY hOUse thEre aLL thE wAy tO wEst coAst 711.....aNd......whee....i gOTtEn tO Eat mY MAsHed POtaTo.....THaN We wAlk wAlk aND sit sIt...anD blAh blAh......THan wEnt tO mEet Jian ting gO quEenSwAy......So sCare wAlk beSide Him caN....caUSe i feeL sO Intimidated By hiS heIght caUSe He iS sO taLL....bLAhx.....Than afTer reAch thEre...wHen sePerAte wAys cAuse i hAve tO meEt sHu QIng tO mAke SC shIRt aND hE haVe tO gO buY hIS shOe thAN gO fOR hIS CIP so IN thE eND neVer mEet......aND AT LAST....Our SC sHirt...AT LAST it iS maDe.....whee....happy happy....Hope tHE desIgN woUld tuRn oUt NicelY......* prays * At Night wHEn tO je MakAn....aND LOL....His claSs aLSo gO thEre eaT....haha....SO qiaO.......sAw hIm agAin...bUT OF coURse thIS tiME wE dID nOt faCe to Face taLk caUSe sCAre laTer daD suSPEct.....hmm...so bLAh in thE enD We talK oN thE PhoNe haha....ITs Like So daMN fuNNy LAh...KEeP gLAncIng aT eaCh otHEr but aLSo dont wANt lEt sIS kNow....haha......buT ok nEvErmINd....i alReaDy vEry mAN zhU lE....at leAst We gEt tO sEE eaCh oTHer ALot OF tiMEs todAY....Whee......WAtCh ME fly.....Tmr Our 2 mONThs le....Times paSses ReAlly faSt.....ITs lIke We JUSt dAted aND woOts....now oUr 2 Month......haha......ta-da

60 dayS<3



PostIng on friDay....Woots...ITs beeN lOng SinCe i evEr diD thAt.......I miss my mama.....haix....did nOt mANaGe tO caTcH hEr thIs mOrnIng......sLept aT 3 aND shE woKe uP aT 3.30.......IN thE beGinnIng wAntEd tO taHan tiLL mOm wAKe uP bUT iN thE eNd...mY eyEs cOUldn't taKe iT aND sO sleePY me deCided iTs bEttEr fOR mE to gO to slEep....WroTe a Note fOR mum saYing bYe tO hEr anD wHen tO piggY aFtEr thAt...haha.....* sweet * I gottEn wAtCh tokyO dRift toDay....YIppe...somEtHing tO enTertaIn me....MEetIng sHuqing Tmr tO maKE Our SC shIrt......Finally.........Hope thE shIRt tuRNs oUt alriGht......ta-da.......



ShaLL Post eArLy toDay aFraID i doNt gEt thE chaNce tO gO oNliNE toDay....Mum's gOing tO maLaYsiA to woRk tMr....wiLL be baCk oN suNday nIghT.....haiZ.....i gOtteN mISs MUm....i dReaD tO bE aT hOme with Dad Only......caUSe hE ain't a wOMan....wHIch iS sO duh !! whAt aM i talKiNg.....i nEed mOthErly lOve......Aww......SomeTimes i caNt UnderStaND wHAt mY pAReNTs aRe tHinkIng.....I neeD tO gO fOR wORksHop lIke ThOSe wHIch teAchEs You On wHAt Your ParEnts aRe thInkIng....I serIousLy needed THat....

I neeD assUraNce.....I neeD You tO teLL mE wE wiLL lAsT......I am afRAid sO sO afRaID.......I dont wAnt tO giVe up bUt i aM LosiNg iT Now......ThE preSsurE fRom paRents IS oN mE....i feeL My shOulDer iS a littLE tOO HEavY fOR mE tO haNDle......One daY.....i mIght Just faLL....sO i neeD yOu tO bE mY cLOud....bElow me to catCh me.........I need You tO bE My stAr AlwAYs aroUnd me sHining eVer sO briGhtly.....i wiLL bE yOur mOOn aND thE staR aND MooN wIll alwAys bE happY tOgEther forevEr.....

I neeD hUgS -_-

HopE i aM abLE tO see jiAqi OnlIne soOn....i wanT hEr tO seND mE thE pIcs thAt wE toOk YEstErdAy.....Oh aND YestErdAy wAS oUr SC photO taKing...The laSt PHoto thaT wE wiLL bE taKIng toGeTher.....i aM sO gottEn mIss thEm..... * whines *

LEt thE emO-ness bE gOne.......Good bYe Emo !! i am gOttEn bE strOng.....I am nOt gOiNg tO leT You deFeaT mE......JIA MIN wiLL nEvEr boW doWn tO You agAin.......

till than.



SeriousLy i dOnt kNow wHy i sUDdenly brOke doWn.....i feeL reAlly strEssed Up......And sAd tO sAy wHEn i fAll, You aRen't TherE tO catCh mE......WheN i reAlly Need YOu, i cAnt feeL YoU besIDe mE...bUT i caNt blAme You caUSe wE dOnt reAlly gEt tO meet oFten aND sO wE dOnt reAlly kNow abOut eaCh oTher lIves....i aM aLReaDy oN thE vErGe oF breaKing dOWn.....I am oNly lEft with 10% Of My enErgY...l feeL lIke gIVing it ALL uP.....I cANt caTch Up wITh mY oWn bReaTh.....Not tO saY YourS.....I haVe Not eNOugH eNergY lEft le......So pLEase saVe ME sOme.....

ThiS JourNEy haS NevEr beeN a SmooTh oNe.....aND i aM reallY reAlly vEry tiRed Now....aND i kNow YOu aRe tOO.....ITs bEeN sO toUgH....i haTe HidIng bUt i haVe No cHoICe....ThiS dAys, I brEak dOwn mOre oFteN thAn i usuAlly dO....haiz.......GotTen hAve sOme sElf cOntrOl oF eLSe mY teArs wiLL aLL bE uSed uP......haiZ....I reAlly reAlly neeD Him....He iS mY oNly soUrcE oF StreNgTh aND eNergY aND YEt.....NevErmInd....He caNt bE thEre foR ME aLL thE tiME.....

It caN gEt reAlly sicKeNiNg tO wAit aLL thE tiMe sO IF ONe dAy.....thE vEry faTefUL daY...... yOu aRe siCk oF aLL thIS.....teLL me...i wiLL uNDerstaND aND lEt You gO.....i wiLL nOt bE seLfisH aND trY to keeP yOu....For i kNow......wHen thAt daY cOme, yOu alReady haD eNougH......

SorrY fOR aLL tHE emo-neSs...i caNt cOntroL my eMotIOns....i feeL thE neeD tO blOg aND jUSt thRow tHeM aLL oUt....sO bEar wIth me.....OR raTher You mAy coNsidEr Not reADing iF It bORes You......ProbArbly aFtEr My sePteMbEr HolidaYs, i wiLL nOT bE bLoggIng or oNLine-iNg sO oFteN....i reAlly nEed to stuDy.......i mUSt pAss........

[ The stress from parents can be so unbearable.....more often than not, i cried because of whatever they say.....i wish for them to be understanding....and i wish that you are there for me ]

Enough said.



I feeL sO strEssed uP...i wANt tO scReam My lungS oUt....i doNT kNow whAts iS sO wrong with daD thIs dAys...i reAlly doNt kNow...I kNow tHAt hE caRe bUt sOmetiMEs a littLE tOO mUch....HaiZ.....i feeL sO irriTatEd aND agItaTed wHEnevEr You NAg aT mE aND suCh anD so i keeP sHowIng attiUde.....i kNow i should Not dO thAt bUt reAlly i thInk i aM olD eNougH to dO aND thInk whAt i aM doing whEthEr is iT rIght oR wRong....MaYbe beCause You thInk thAt wE aRe keePing tOO mUch oN You tHAt iS whY YOu deCided tO dO ' spot checks ' Using the moSt Ridiculous wAy wHich is alSo thE wAY iN whICh YOu shOw nO reSpect tO uS aND oUr pRivAcy......tsk tsk......wHEn i aM at HoMe, i waNt peaCe...aRrgh.....i dont Like thE House beIng sO nOisy aNd suCh...i aM alReady sO strEsseD up...i dont neEd aNyMoRe Noise polluTion in thE hOuse....i neeD sOme pEace aND quIteness aND whEn i teLL tHem wILL yOu aLL plEase keeP quIEt thEy wiLL bE liKE blAh blAh blAh...Ok whAtEver....SometiMes i wiSh i haVe a switCh thAt i caN usE to tURn doWn thE vOluME aND ProBably tO pUt thEm oN mUte.....* reCall thE shOw Click * i aM sO tiRed Now..........

sOmetiMEs i feeL lIke giVing it aLL uP bUt i dOnt hAvE thE heaRt to dO sO cauSe i Know thAT thEre iS thIs sPeciaL hIm wHo woUld keePs mE goIng......I kNow HE woUld bE tHEre fOR mE wHEn i needEd hIm...haiZ.....I aCtuAlly broKe dOwn jUst Now whEn i aM talKing tO hIm...aLL oF a suDdeN i feeL sO stressEd uP...i feeL aS tHough i cOuld nOt taKE thE hEavY lOad aNyMore.....i tOld hIm......buT haiZ....i guEss No oNe eLSe wiLL actUally reALly UnderStaND wHAt You aRe gOing tHRough....Each hAs HiS or hEr oWn pRoblEm whIch no oNE eLse iS abLe to uNDerstaND iT exCepT For HIm oR HErsElf.....but nah.....bY thE tiMe YOU reAd it...i hAve alReadY cooL dOwn aND wOuld aLSo haVe beeN alRight....sO dOnt woRried....i aM tryIng to destreSs MyselF usIng thE mOSt siLLest mEtHod lOoKiNG aT mY EeyOre anD laUghIng mYSelf sILLy......One daY i goTtEn gO craZy...sO dOnt Be sUrPrIse iF You fInd ME In tHE MEntAl HosPitaL......Sorry !! i dont wAnt YOU tO worrIed sO yuppp i kePt It frOM YOu UntiL jUSt Now wHEn i coUld nOt taKe it anymORe......At leAst i haVe a littLE bEttEr aFter teLling YOu......EvEn tHougH You mIght Not reAlly bE abLE tO uNderstaND HOw i feeL aND whAt i aM gOing tHrough, it doEs nOt rEally MattEr....JUSt sHoweR mE wITh YOur caRe aND coNcErn.....That wOuld bE suffIcEnt.... <3

ExaMS aRe neaRinG, aND MOre probS aRe sUrfacIng.....I am nOt thE oNly oNe whO iS emo-Ing aRoUnd......I bEt thEre aRe a cOuplE oF yOu out thEre wHo aRe faCing probS lIke thIs....i haTe it...* grrgh * In sChool, trOublEs comes aLOng wiTh FriEndsHips, teSts, TeacHErs.....esp....MR NG......i aM sO sO wOrrIEd He wOuld gO uSe my blOg aND blaCk maIL mE.....dAMn mY mOuth.....Why IS iT sO biG...i sHOuld haVe anSwer i dO nOT haVe a blOg...I kNow HE iS dOing fOR thE sAke oF fUn....bUt reALly i am tOO tIRed tO eNterTain....bUt You aRe Not tO uSe any oF the Post I haVe wrOte agAinst Me....I am lyIng wiTh my Eyes wide OpeN thIS dAys......haiZ.....ITs a siN bUT sOMetiMEs i reAlly deSperaTely NEed to keeP sOmethIngs awAy frOm sOme peoPle....ITs fOR mY owN saKe anD ProBably thEirs.....i dO Not wAnt tO sPoil thE ReLAtiOnshIp bUT nEitHEr Do i waNt to hIDe anYmoRe eIthEr....HidIng thIngs caN reAlly bE tIring.....My Only mOtiVatiOn tO movE on iS HIm.......

SchooL dAYs Are craZy.....i caNt reAlly iMagIne hOW i maNagE tO faCe thAt pErsOn wiTh a SmileY faCe.....i gottEn cOngrAtUlaTe MysElf For beIng sUCh a pro iN thAt......A mAsk thAt i haVe to wEar ON....i dOnt wANt It tO aFfeCt Our frIEndsHip bUT reAlly You haVe chAnge alOt.....You ain't thE pErsON you usE TO bE.....bUT i gUEss pEopLe cHangEs aS tiME goEs bY.....I chaNGe tOo as i aM tryIng tO adaPt wIth mY neW craZy lIfestYle OF PlaYing HIde aND seeK aND lYing wiTh ThroUgh mY teeTh......A maSk thAT i haVe tO pUt oN.....SometIMes It gEt Oh sO tirIng tHAT i wOuld rAther nOt talK....i wANt tO bE iN thE wOrld oF mY owN.....i waNt to stAy iN mY owN faNtaSy.......No worrIes...NO sOrrOWs.....




DIU LIAN DIU LIAN !!! dOnt kNow mr NG reAding thIs ma...buT Hope HE dOesn't.....THanKs to Ruwei aND bEn.....Now Mr nG kNows mY Blog.....Arrgh....Ok wHAtEver....

My heAd iS spinnIng riGht nOw.....Urrgh.....WondEr is iT caUSe i haVe eAten toO mUch craCkErs JUSt nOw thAt iS whY i aM havIng a hEadacHe riGht nOw.... * baNgs HEr hEAd agaInst thE waLL * RetribuTion.......

sOmetIMes i wOndEr wHAt dO yOu treAt uS aS ?? Toy fOR You to use aND laTer to bE thRown awAy......dArn......



HAIZ...anoThEr dAy haVe jUSt pAss......MondAy tMR.....wHich aLSo meAns SchooL dAy....oh BoriNg........TeSt aND tEst.....HAiZ.....LeFt iS fiLLEd with teSt.....I wAs lIke So OMG wHen mY tOld mE thAt thIS friDay, sAturDay aND suNdaY sHE wOuld bE aWay to dOnt kNow wHEre to wOrk OR soMethIng lIKe thAt....iTs sO....Arrgh.....i wAnt tO gO oUt wIth HIM thIS sAturDay....i wAS sO so looKing foRwaRd to satUrdAy cAn....My heArt wAs lIke.....dOnt kNow How tO desCribe........i wAS Like URRGh....thAn quIcklY mEssagE hIm i dOnt caRe wHether i was iN chUrcH oR wHatEver....i haVe nO tiME tO thInk aboUt thAt aNymORe caUse i aM faR to disaPPoinTed to evEN thInk abOut thAt.....bUT i gUEss mY disaPpoiNmEnt can NEvEr bE mOre thAn HIM......haiZ.....i aM sO SORRY !!! Mum Not aRouND means No cOM foR Me.....hAIz........sO i Only cAN reLy oN Phone.........i sO lOVe thE persOn wHo invEnteD Phones....It maKEs coMMunicaTion aLot mORe easIer aND at leASt iF yoU dO nOt gEt tO see thE PersON, YOu gEt to heAr thEir vOice.......awww..........

TaLk abOut 1 aND thE 1/2 HoUR plUs todAy thAN Jiu abIt sIan thAN hE gO gaMe...hmmm...thAn i gO piggy........i gottEn mIss thOSe caRe free dAys...Life iS gettIng moRe anD mORe craZy rIght NOw....i feeL nO freedOm....i feeL aLL lOcked Up aND thIS iS stiLL nOt thE woRse YEt....dAd IS gEttIng a littLe....hmm...StriCt ??? HE weNt aND cHEcK whEre i gO blah blAH BLAH aND thIngS lIKe thAt i wAS lIke.......Ok wHatEver..........thInk dAd wiLL stArt tO naG aGain sInce i Have USe uP lOtS oF MoneY YEstErday caUSe i wAS pratiCally traveLLing frOM Fairfield tO clEmenti bY buS, CleMEnti tO mArina thEre bY trAin, thAn bacK to DoVer bY trAin, thAn bUs tO faIrfieLD aND laTer oN bUs agAin tO dOver, trAin to bUGis, trAIn back tO jurOng, thAn bUS baCk to HOme......daD iS gottEn scReam wHEn HE Know i had taKEn sO mUch trAnsPort IN oNe dAy.....* oh oh * Die........bUT nEvErMInd......i stiLL haVe a fEw weeKs mORe beFOre hE staRt gOing craZy agAin......i kNow dad cOncerN abOut mE bUT sOmetiMes HE iS tOO ovEr prOtecTive wHich mAkes ME sO reAl irrITated wiTh HIm.....

``lalala....ShouLd i sIng....hahax....He iS gEttIng reAl crazY caUse i Insist ON nOt singiNg....cauSe mY siNgiNg SUCKS....wakaka......Ok ta-da foR now....i aM boreD about blOggIng boRing thIngs.......aNywAy JIA YOU FOR YOUR BBALL TRAINING !!

54 dAys <3



Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood(recommmanded by Sheryl..kinda nicey too)

KiNda HappY On FRidAy ReAlly i wAs sO dArn happY.....At LAst aFTer 4 Whole dAys Of wAitIng Woots...i wAs high.....cAuse i cAN heAr hIs vOice aGain anD nO lOngEr dO i haVe tO monoLogUE.....hahax......i wAs sO dAmn sAd wHEn dAd cAme INtO thE rOOm...dArn i haVe tO PuT dOWn thE pHone...sUper sAd.......* $&瞿"@ * But nEvErmINd i wAs reAlly dArn HAppy....i wAs sO LooKing foRwarD For thE beLL tO ring tO IndiCatE thAt sChooL haVe ended....LOL...aFtEr thAT cHiONg gO home....thAn thE didi oF Mine....MAke mE sO happY thOught iS HIM thAN sEe MessaGe.....LOL Is shAwn aSkiNg ME fOR HeLp.... ( -_- !!! )

TodAy :
CIP wAs BORING.............................B.O.R.I.N.G............................5 HoURs oF DoiNG aND yuPP thInk i oNlY did 20 MInuTes Or mAybE a littLE MoRe thAN thAt.....KinDa feeL bAd Not doIng....sO wHEn HeARd CaNdiDa aND HuiPing thEy aRe goIng tO dO Me anD weeTeng When tO JoiN thEm.........WeLL thE mOrnIng wEnt lIKe tHIs......Go FairfielD aND woAh wE aRe dArn eArly.......So eaRly oNly 7 peOplE wEre thEre.................ThaN hmm....aFtEr class caMe taKE tIn gO cLemEnti.....LOL is Eat brEaDfaSt Not gO aSk fOR DonatIOn....Woah....i MySelf aLso kInda SurprISe caUSe woAh i FinIsh mY Egg Muffin MeaL....The Egg Muffin, thE haRshbroWn aND My MIlO.....Woots......neVEr wAste a siNglE cEnt Of THe $5.25 mEal...haha...........i siMply LovE egg MuffIn its beeN MOre tHAn a YEar siNce i laSt aTe That.......THe egg, thE Ham, thE cheeSe It IS oh sO delicIOuS......YummY!!! * stOmacH grUmblEs * aFtEr tHAt tooK trAIn to sUntEc aND MAriNa thEre...The trAin JourNey wAs suPEr fUn caUse thEre IS shAnneN aroUnd eNterTaiNing US aND keePing US hIgh...haha......aFter thAt wALk wAlk thAn gO sit aT lOng John tO roT.......tHAn wEnt tO aSk peOPle dOnatIOn fOR 30 mInuTes.....thE pEoplE tHEre aRe DAO....so taO reN yAn onE.....DoNT WanT gIVE Me MONeY.....Not gOOd de....PeoPle wHo giVe aRe alSo nOt sO gEnerOus......Not One giVe mOre thAN $1.....$1 IS thE Most thEy giVe......anD thE oNes wHo gaVe $1 looK mORe like thOSe wHo aRe nOt sO riCh aND thE oNes whO gaVe mE 20 CenTs, 50 cEnts aRe thE oNeS wHo looK lIke bUsiNess maN or womAn wHO woUld eArn big bucKs evEry mOnth.....i wAs sO irrITatEd by thIs FaCt.....THe peOple....thE oNEs wHO wOUlD eArn mORe iS dOnatIng LEssEr tHAn thE oNEs wHO eArn Less....How coUld thIs happeN ???? HOW ????

aIn't sIngaPoReans gEnErOus peoPle.........frOm thIs InciDent thE aNsWer iS lIke sO darn ObVioUs.....eSpeciAlly thOSe uPper clAss pEOple...They aRe liKE snobs....Wait tiLL oNe dAy whEn yOu neeD hElp....i wiLL see You beggIng foR hElp....That wiLL bE yOur retrIbutIon...wAIt aNd see.....baD PeoPLe wiLL gEt thEir reTirbutIOn some daY......EvEn Me a mErE 16 Year oLd kId wOUld nEvEr eVen giVe lEss thAn 1 doLLAr wHEn i maKe dOnatiOn lIke thIS....WheneVer i see thIs tiNs, i wOUld aT leaSt giVe 1 dollAr.....HELLO....ITs aT leASt....sOmetiMEs i woUld givE uP to 2 dollaR WHenver i feeL riCh buT HEllo....aT leaSt i giVe a dOllAr...You thIs sO calLed HighEr claSs peoPle wiTh suCky attiTudes......hurhur........giVe mE thInGs lIKe 20 cEnts, 50 cEnts.....HEllo.....10 dOllaRs wOuld bE lIke pEanUTs fOR You peoPle wHo eaRn teNS oF thOusaND a mOnth aND yupp....20 ceNts iS aLL YOu caN spaRe.....darN.....One daY yOu wiLL lEarn Your lessOn wHEn yOu need Help....You wiLL wiSh How thOSe peoPLe wOuld spAre mOre caSh aND givE mORe iNSteAD oF a fEw cEnts......hohoho........bUT reALly i reAlly appreciatE tHOse aUntiEs aND unCles Who gaVe mE 1 DollaRs....thEy dont looK rICh to mE aND yEt aT leaSt they aRe wiLLing tO sPare mE a dOllaR.....i reAlly gottEn thAnk thEm fOR thEir gEneroUs heArt.......tHeir Spirit OF giViNG iS reALly cOmmeNdablE........XP thOSe aRe thE pEOple whO kePt mE gOing aND mAke mE thicK skIn aND contInUE aSking fOR peOPle to doNate........lalala

AftEr aLL thE draMA wEnt baCk to faIrfieLd aND hohoho.......My bf iS stiLL slEePing wHEn i caLL hIm sO....haha....i deCidEd to gO sHoppIng iNSteAd.......wEnt bUgIs....aNd yiPPe...i bOught a mIni sKirT thAt iS sorT oF riPped tYPe....Ok NevErmInd i doNt kNOw hOW to deScRibE it........ITs a steAl iN pRice....aND So haha...i bought it....KinDa feeL a littLE straNgE tHAT i oNLy boUght One ThinGs.....bUT dUE tO tiME cOnstrAint i haVe nO chOicE buT tO heAd bacK HOme......thAn blaH blAh blAH....Got aNgrY WitH hIm.....tHAn bLAh blAh blAH.....alRight lE tHan chAt wiTh hIm....thAN blAh blAh blAh ......bY thE tiMe i enD mY pOst HE gO watCh tv lE sO nO pOiNt foR mE tO staY oNline aNyMOre...so ta-da thATs aLL fOR thE daY......

I lOVe my littlE EeyOre.......<3



YIPPE !!! tMr tMR tMr .....i sO cant wAit fOr TmR to quIcklY coMe.......i aM gottEn bE sO So high.......Day4......a fEW mOre HoURs MAybe not a fEw RatHEr 17 More HourS tO gO........Whee.....I am aLL smIles.......

Ok hOW dUmb caN i gEt.....i leArn thE reMaindEr faCtor tHM wHIch iS sUppoSe to bE thE teSt wE aRe haVing nExt wEek...Dumb !! i leArn thE wRong oNe....Ok lEt mE predicT...i thInk i woUld bE gEttIng a biG faT ZERo tHIS tiMe....i haVe nOt evEn takE a glImpse aboUt How to do thE Word ProbLEms fOR differENtiatIon toPicS.....LucKily HuipIng aSk mE whAt i aM stUdYing whEn sHE sAW mE aT thE buStop or elSe dumb Me coUld hAVe gO stUDied thAT tiLL thE tiME wE aRe haVing tESt.....dumb !!

When fOR eNgLiSh foCus.....i sO gUai NevEr sKip...haha...bUt thInk i goTtEn sKip iT nExt weeK iF iTs aT tHE claSsrOom....Nan Hua Paper iS tough...tHInk i goTtEn flUng iT....Haiz....i cANt gEt 30 ovEr mArks aNymORe.....boo-hoo.......i wAs sO daRn sleePy thAT i cANt conceNtrAte doing thE pAper......sO oK wHAtevEr........

I mISs dAnce...I mISs dAncIng....ITs bEeN sO lOng siNce i daNCe....hmm...sHouLD i pop bY aT thE DraMa studiO tMR ???? hmmm..........

i shAll dO thE sAbo tHingy thAt i wAS sabo bY sufrI oN saTurDay caUSe i aM tOO laZy to dO it NOw....aNd daRn...Dad iS goIng quIte craZy thIs fEw dAys......so Its bEttEr tHAT i off mY coM quiCkly befOre anY trOublE stARt......aND oH yA...SatURdAy wE aRe haVing oUr CIP.....Flag Day...dArn...haVe to wAke uP eARly caUSe wE arE rePortiNG aT 7.30 ( sO daMn eARly lo ) aT dOnt kNow whEre....haha...caUSe mIss Hing hAve nOt teLL uS thE locATiON YEt.....Ok THAts about iT......Ta-da....CatCh mE oN saTurDaY nIght.....

CountIng dOWn.....



Day 3......tHIngs arE gOing reAl fIne....mAYbe caUSe i aLReaDy goTten uSe tO iT....buT stiLL I MISS HIM * whine and whine * KindA hIgh toDay.......mAybe caUse thE faCt tHE i Only nEed to waIT fOR anOTher 1+ dAy maKes ME tHAt wAy.....TeSt teSt tESt aND mOre tEst....ThIngs hAve beeN thAT wAy sINce thIS weeK......GoSh anD i goTten fAiL mY aMaThs tEst agAin...I haVe alReaDy saId thAt i aiN't Cut oUt fOR It.....aND hmm.....i doNt kNow wHAts sO wrOng wiTh mY brAins....a mInutE agAin i reMembEr aND Know hOW to dO thAt quEstiOn a mInutE lAter......aLL thE thIngs aRe gOne....Darn.....bUT thINk i caN gEt 2 MArks...a mArk bEttEr thAN thE pRevIous oNe....PATHETIC..........EmatHs....hmm....Hope i can pass......Not mUch cOnfiDence thIS tiME....sInce LAst yEAr i hAve beeN doIng rAther badly fOR mY maThs.....hmm......

ALL weNt raTher weLL anD faSt.....wE haVe fOcUs tiLL 2.30 caUSe nO cHeMistrY fOcUS so MR tEo PusH fOrwArd thE fOcuS aND YIPPE...i caN gO HOme eArly......WeNt OvEr tO 711....caUse haVe a suDden craVing fOR SWEETS.......SOUR SWEETS....i lOve tO spIke mY taSte buds......wAnteD to gEt mY faVourIte MasHed Potato tOO But daRn...tHink i suaY....gO tHEre MacHine sPOiL.....lalala...So nEvErmInd goTtEn mY sweet aND AHH.....i saW thIs cUtie...

thE EEYORE......ITs sO cuTe...It maKEs mE wAnna sQueze IT.....I lIke cUte stuff LIKe thAt...* Hints hints * ....thIs littLE eeyore Is gotteN brIng sMIles oN mY faCe whIle He IS Not hEre.....caUSe It haS sUCh a cUte faCe thAt whEneVer i looK aT iT i wOUld sMIle....I lOVe mY CuTe littLE eeyOre...

SnAp ShoTs taKEn dUring PhysIcs cLAss...

I looK sO sUper faT aNd ugLy iN thIS PIcs....bUt NevErmInd i shAll stiLL UploaD it....dOnt looK at my faCe LooK aT mY fINgers...it hAs smIley faCes oN it....sO cuTie rIght...draWn bY shaNnen.....hahax....

PHysicS claSs wiLL nEvEr bE boRed aS lOng aS i haVe tHEm around ...PhysICs cLass Rawkx....

So LooKing fORwArd tO frIday....fOR nOw i shAll seLf EntErtAin myseLF agAin..... :) Oh ya...TodAy MY hOroScoPe iN thE straIts tiMes iS a littLe accUratE....ThiS iS whAT iT saY : You eXceL At brIngiNg TogEther PeOplE frOm dIvErse BacKgroUnds. If nOt fOR yOu, They woUld nEvEr meet. THis uNusUal mIx CaUSes Lots oF LoVely SparkS. ThEir frIendS iNTrodUce You tO neW peoPle, too. Hmm....At fiRst I thought thaT...Nah...aLmost haLf a dAy haVe Pass aND nah...It nEvEr evEn happEn bUt JUSt whEn i thOught IT wOuld NEvEr hAppen SomeOne MessAgE mE fOR Help...haha.....Ok WhaTeVer....

SometiMes i reAlly wOnder wHy sHould i be sO kInd to You aFtEr wHAt You did....Damn....SometiMEs i thInk You JUst ain't wOrth iT....bUT nah....cOuld i blAme You...You aRe JealOus about whAt i haVe anD whAt You doNt..sO hmm....i shAll tRy tO bE aS uNDerStaDing aS PossIble....*LAugh at mYself * `lalala.....Shall stOp my crAppIng....I mIss Him badly.....cOuntiNg doWn....



Gosh...i want tO chEck thE IP Code OF sOmeOne wHEn weLL accIDentlY pRess thE Delete Sign i sUppoSe...GOsh.....actuAlly i dOnt kNow whAt i PRess tOO.....bUT nevErmINd i stiLL remember thE pErsON coDe...is 202 Or soMethIng lIke thAt.....Ahh...sAd sAD...PeopLe pLEaSe taG mE agAin....Ok nEvErmInd thEre iS more thIngS foR mE to bE saD aboUt thAn thAt...Darn...i goTtEn fluNg mY EngLish oRal....My thROat hAve yEt to recOvEr sO i sOund raTher crappy....And i goTtEn reAl diStracTed wHIle reAding thE paSsagE...FOR GOODNESS SAKE.......Melvin iS reaDing so loudLy thAN i canT evEn coNcentrAte oN whAt i aM reADing.....Darn.....PicTure DiscusSion wAs a HorrOr....How i wiSh i cOUld diG a Hole iN thE gRound...i dOnt evEn kNow whAt craP aM i taLking....i feeL raTher stuPid In frOnt oF thEm....ConvErsatIOn iS thE worSe oF thE lOt.....i doNt evEn knOW iF i evEn maKE seNSe......Darn.......Oh yA....aND i greetEd thE teaCher Good MorNing iNstead oF gOOd AfTerNoon..........Arrgh..........* covers her face * OthEr thAn thIs i hAve NotHing mOre tO sAy.....Bye bYe to gettIng a destinction.....bYe bYe tO meriT......and mAybe Bye bYe to passIng........ * Hides Under Her blaNKEt * boo-hoo........

Oh thEre IS aT leaSt sOmething fOr mE tO bE happY aboUt.....I pAss My EmatHs tESt anD thIs tiMe itS nOt BorDerLIne Pass...i wAs lIke so damN happY....bUT coUld haVe dOne IF its Not fOR mY caReless mIstaKe.....Damn...i cOUld hAve goTten 17/20.....Haiz...bUT nEvErmiND i aM happY thAt i pAss..Its lIke sO lOng siNCe i haVe paSs My MathS teSt...Yes i aM that PathEtic.......haiz.......Amaths NEedLEss tO saY....i KNow fOR suRe i woUld oNly gEt 1 MArk sO itS Not reAlly saDdenIng foR mE......nah...........i sKIp SC meetIng...ITs lIke oNly sHuqiNG anD ant thEre sO haha......Me anD Wei Jie lEft.....i aM sO nOt gOing tO sTay iF thEre IS only sO fEw PeOple therE....wHAt's tHe pOint oF haVing MEetinG wiTh jUSt 4 pEoPLe arOund....lalala.....

SpeciaL thankS tO STELLA and HUIPING foR helPing Me to fLOod.....thanKies........lOVe yOu guYS lOts man.......

Its daY 2 aND i haVe survIve weLL.....2+ More days tO gO....i am sO happy.......couNting dOwn......buT reALly YEstErdaY i feLt sO sO weIrd evEn mOre thIs MorNing.....thE fIRst thIng wHEn i woKe uP wAs tO chEck mY hAndpHone....Ya i kNow iTs stuPid caUse i kNow yOu wiLL nOt evEn seNd mE messagEs bUT mAybe itS alReady kInda a roUntiNE fOr mE tO checK mY hanDpHone evEry morNing so....haha........sO looKing ForwArd tO tMR....caUSe If Tmr paSs thaN i wOuld oNly haVe tO waIT fOR 1+ More daY.....Ok WhatEver....ta-da....Miss Him Loads..



Can you name 11 people you can thinkof right off the top of your head?

Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!

1) HIM

2) FiQa

3) FiZa

4) XueLi

5) Yilin

6) Claudia

7) Jer

8) Shu Fang

9) My idol...Jian Ting..haha

10) Shikin

11) Wee Teng

How did you meet 10? erm ...we are classmates

What would you do if you had never met 6? Hmm....Than there is no one who can talk rot with me about idols and stuff...

What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? No way...they ain't les...

Have you ever seen 4 cry? I dont think so....

Do you think 1 is pretty? NO...he is a guy...how can he be pretty....

Tell me something about number 11....She is hardworking unlike me...haha...

How do you know 8? She is one of my primary school bestie

Would you ever go on a date with number 5? Okie...if one day i become les...i might consider her....but she may not want me...boo-hoo....

What's 7's favorite color? Green i think....

What would you do if 2 confessed she liked you? I would say you are crazy....hahax

Fact about 9 : He is a 3 pointer pro.....and he is my idol...aha

Who is 6 going out with? hmm...maybe one of the F4 members...nah..i dont know...

Who is number 5 to you? She is my primary school bestie...i can talk to her about anything under the sun...

Would you ever live with 11? Hmm..if she allows me to, i would not mind..

Is 2 single? Yupp i suppose..

How much does 3 mean to you? She mean lots to me...cause you can confide to her if you have any probs... and she is one girl you can go crazy with....

What do you think about 1? HE RAWKX MY WORLD....He is all that i ever wanted :)

What's the best thing about number 8? She is super cutie and friendly.....You can bitch with her about anything....

What do you like about number 10? She is one who can help you if you are in need....

Favorite Memory with 6? All the talking about idols and stuff and whee...i so love her bedroom.....

SorrY beAr wiTh mE...I aM feeLing sO boRed tHAt i HAve tO seLF eNTerTain MyseLF With stUff Like thIS.....HAIz......i wAs Super eMo TOday....i guEss i stiLL haVe nOt leArn to liVe wiThout HIM......err....I sOund aS thOugh wE haVe breAk up....Ok nEvErmind....I aM nOt Use to GoiNG uP oN MSn And Not talKing tO hIm....WeLL...tOday iS mY fIRst NiGHt Alone...* Sings Akon Lonely......Lonely I am so Lonely * The First tHIng i wOKe UP fRom mY nAp wAs tO check mY HAndpHone..aND whEn i sAw i recIeve MessaGe i wAs dArn hAppy bUt....dang...i kNow iT Could Not bE HIM aS hE haVe surrenDer hIs HandPhone.....haiZ.....I guEss HE shOuld bE enJoyINg HImseLF aT OBS aT thIS vEry MomeNt..... * Look Out of thE window to SearCh fOr thE moon * I MISS HIM....... i kEPt ReaDing aLL thE MessaGes hE seNt toDay JUst to ya...feeL As thOugh HE haD JUSt seND It tO mE....Okie i kNow thIS iS stUpid....haiZ....weLL i thInk toDay i criEd thE Most......Super eMo i guEss.....buT oKie...tOmorroW i shOuld nO lOngEr Be EmO aNymoRe eXcept mAybe In thE mORnIng...cauSe i aM so uSe tO hIs MornIng MEssaGes thAt MAYbe...hmm....But reAlly toDay iS kIndA a eMo dAY fOR mE...ESpEcIally whEn i reCeivE hIS First MEssagE toDaY.....i doNt kNow whEther to bE happY oR sAd When i see thOse 2 worDs LOve You....anD sO i dO whAt i eXpert In mY forte....haha..You sHould kNow whaT i did......

hmmm....In thE mOrNing When He caLLed i got reAlly eMo...i tRied Not to talK MUch aS i am sO so afraID thAt teArs wOuLd staRt to faLL....LucKy fOr mE Is thAt i aM doWN wiTh fLu sO He cant reAlly teLL whEthEr i aM crying oR It iS JUSt mY siCkness that i sOuND as thOugh i am crYing....Well i aLmost did......aFter PuttIng doWn thE pHone i trIed to pre- OccupIed MYselF So thAt i wOnt gO aND thInk aboUt saD saD thIngs anD sUCh...anD weLL....haiZ......i feeL wEird...hiaZ................

ToMorroW iS EnglIsh O ORal aND daRn mY tHrOat iS stiLL HurtIng.....i draNk toNs aND toNs oF wAter thAN i keeP feeLing thE urgE oF going to thE toILet....hOpE thAt i woNt feeL lIke VisiTing The ToiLEt tMR whEn wE aRe haVing oUr orAl....hmm......aND i aM daRn hapPy thAt i cOmpleTed My F&N taSk B...sKip GeoGraPhy lEsson toDay to dO oUr F&N.....though sOMe of Us haVe coMplEted theIR cOursewOrk, thEy dO nOt waNt to gO fOr GeOgraPhy lessOn...One gooD example iS ME.....LOL....caUSe GeographY lessOn iS cOMpletEly a wASte oF tiME...aLL we do iS SLack anD slAck....

i haVe surviVe SleePing fOR 3 HoURs YestErdaY HowevEr i dO nOt kNow Why i ain't TiRed aT aLL toDay....hmm.......i shAll contInue tO EntErtaIn mYselF unTil he IS baCk On FrIDay..Ok ta-da fOr NOw shAll cOntiNue mY crapPing Tmr....

MISSING YOU....day 1



weLL...tMr iS thE dAy...thE bEgInnIng oF thE 4+ dAys....hmm....bUT i dOubt He woUld bE awAke tO taLK to mE oN friDay wHEn hE coMe baCk fRom OBS...sO lEt jUSt maKE it 5 daYs...Its goTteN bE a tOrtuRe anD i kNow i wOuld mIss hIm mOre thAN anYthIng....I reAlly wOnder How i sUrvIve IN thE paSt Not mEssagIng Him aND sUch...ESpeciAlly thE tiME whEn i wAs iN geNtiNg..... 5 wHOle dAy...hmm..bUt tHAts thE pAst...Now evEn fOR 1 dAy NOt MessagIng i wiLL feeL sO daRn weIRd aS iF i haVe sOmetHing MissIng iN mY lIFe....bUt OK i wiLL sUrvIVe thIs 5 dAys....sO dOnt wOrrIed....i Know thAt tiME wiLL paSs reAl faSt de....For You i wiLL smIle aLL thE wAy......But reAlly i goTteN Miss You lIke sIAo....bUt i know No maTtEr hOw fAr wE aRe, Our hEarTs aRe stILL clOSe to eaCh oTher....cauSe THE MOON.....When we LooK aT THE MOON we wiLL thInK oF eaCh oTher....hmm..........

I am siCk agAin...Darn...ThiS iS so tErrIBle...KindA weaK thIS dAys...MaybE caUSe i diD nOt takE EnougH vItaMins and sUch...doWn wiTh sore tHroat aND Flu....Hope i gEt bEttEr OR eLSe haha....My eNglIsh Oral.....bUt haha...i thInk bY thAN i woUld haVe bEeN bEttEr...

PraY thAt tMr wHEn hE caLLs, i wOnt gEt Emo....i am sO so afRaiD thAt i wILL bE but hmm...i shAll coNtRol...No doubTs teArS wiLL foRm bUt i wont lEt My taP go lOSe.....haha.....ToMorrOw A-mathS tEst.....die...i thInk i wOuld die badly agAin....i haVe no moRe mooD to dO my A-maTHs....doing A-mathS iS lIke a tortUre tO mE...I jUSt aiN't cUt oUt fOR it....

Oh....aND i MEt JaneLLa ( ShoppIng blOg ownEr ) toDay....aND boy....i feLt stUpid waItiNg thEre fOR 20 Plus MintuEs...sHe wAs lAte....bUT oK nEvErmInd...i aM patIent...gOttEn mY itEms...hmm...IT iS kInda alRight iT terMS oF iTs QuaLity...sO May bUy mOre clOthEs fRom Her iN fUtuRe...ok ta-da....eNd oF crapping...

47 days <3



OMG....i caNt belieVe My ears wHen i heArd THAt i gOt 3 M....Which Means i gOt B3 anD a mErit fOr Oral anD listeNing...Hmm...Even thOugh iTs nOt reAlly thAt goOd a reSult...bUt aT leAst i aM One oF thE ElEven PeopLE whO gOttEn iT..i wAs Like sO sO afrAid...i Kept prayIng aND My wiSh wAs grAnted....sOMetIMEs PrayIng doEs hElp...Well...wiLL bE reTakiNg so hOpe tHAt tHis tiMe i cAN gEt a Much bEttEr reSult.... * Hopes *

Did nOt gEt tO tAlk Much toDay...Darn...i drEad MondAy...i gOttEn dRead It....Its goTtEN bE mY fIRst Night Not tAlkiNg to hIm....i wONder How aM i goTten tO gO tHroUgh iT...I shAll seLF eNtertaIn mYseLf.....lalala.....nah...bUT oK i bEt 4 dAys paSs reAlly faSt so i shAll stOP fusSing.....Oh and I ReAd mY HorosCope...Its lIke sO daRn freAking...Hope NOtHing HAppen On WedNesdAy.....hmm...ITs bEttEr to beLieve anD prevEnt thIngs From hAppeNing thAn to nOt bElievE anD laTer On soMetHIng Bad HAppen....Ok wHAteVer.....haha...Kinda eNjoY talKing to Your Jie even tHough shE did Most oF thE tAlking...blaHx....

JuroNg IslAnd trIp wAS BoriNg...i goTtEn bORed anD weLL alMost slEpt....Ok thAn blAh blAh blAh.....nth mUch HAppen......aNd Yippe i boUght a NEw scHooL bAg.....Even thOugh iTs nOt thE wHite ConversE baG thAt i reAlly wAnted...hmm...bUT NevErmiNd thIs wiLL dO...aND i aM sO iN lOVe wiTh iT nOw.....aND i boUght thE 10 dOllaR deodoraNt...EvEn thOugh Its aLSo Not thE one wHIch i wAnted wHich iS thE pierrcE caRdin One...bUt NEvErmInd i boUght thE Esprit One wHIch i tHInk smeLL sO mUch Nicer....sO hmm...

HaIZ..i rGretted wAntIng to swAmp My caRdigAn fOR thAt sKirt...How stUPid i can gEt...Now thErE iS sO many pEopLE wHo wANts thAt caRidGan....iT cOuld haVe FetCh a HighEr PriCe thAn thAt skirt.....dArn..i doNt caRe i sHALl baRgaIn wiTh hEr tMR to lEt mE haVe one mOre IteM aT a lOwer PriCe.........daRn daRn......

Girls Facts

When a girl misses u, she's afraid to see how your new girl looks, she's dreading the fact that u r not hers any more

When u break a girls heart, she still feels it when bumping heads 3 years later

When a girl just stares deep into your eyes, she's HOPING that your hers and only hers ( it shows how much she cares: eyes never lie)

When a girl is quiet,millions of things are running through her mind.

When a girl is not arguing,she is thinking deeply.

When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,she is wondering how long you will be around.

When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a fewseconds,she is not at all fine.

When a girl stares at you,she is wondering why you are so wonderful.

When a girl lays her head on your chest,she is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a girl calls you everyday,she is seeking for your attention.

When a girl wants to see you everyday,she wants to be pampered.

When a girl says, "I'll love you forever, "she means it.

When a girl says that she can't live without you,she has made up her mind that you are her future.

When a girl says, "I miss you, "no one in this world can miss you more than that

Guy Facts

When a guy calls u he wants to be with you

When a guy is quiet,He's listening to you...

When a guy is not arguing,He realizes he's wrong

When a guy says, "I'm fine, " after a few minutes,he means it

When a guy stares at you,he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do?

When you're laying your head on a guy's ches the has the world

When a guy calls you everydayhe is in love

When a (good) guy say he loves you he means it

When a guy says he can't live without you he's with you till your done

When a guy says, "I miss you, "he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else





1. Cried: nope..but almost...

2. Worn jeans: no

3. Met someone: Does mY family counts ???

4. Done laundry: no

5.Talked on the phone: Yes

6.Said I love you: yes

--------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------

8. Yourself: yes

9. Your friends: Yes accept for a certain few

10. Tooth Fairy: no

11. Destiny/Fate: SometiMes

12. Ghosts: hmm...

13. UFO's: No

-------------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------------

14. Do you ever wish you had another name? No

15. Do you like anyone?Yes

16. Which one of your friends acts the most like you?er...i dont knOw

17. When you cried the most who was there? I cry anytime Anywhere so hmm...there is no specific person....

18. What's the best feeling in the world? Being loved

19. Worst Feeling? Failing my exam and not know what to tell my parents

20. What time is it now? 11.45 pm

--------WHICH IS BETTER----------

21. Chocolate or vanilla?Duh...Of course Vanilla

22. Coke or Pepsi ? both

23. Love or Lust? Love

24. Sprite or 7UP? both

25. Girls or Guys ? huh....

26. Scruff or Clean shaved? Does nOt really matter to me...

27. Blondes or Brunettes? Brunettes

Tall or short? Short

29. movies day or night? Night


31. What do you notice first ? clothing

32. What type of girl/guy do you like? hmm....Sporty type...

----------THE LAST TIME YOU...-----

33. took a shower? A few hours ago

34.Cried ? 2 dAys agO whEn i aM watchiNg clicK...


35. Makes you smile? HIM

36. Who can make you smile no matter what? HIM and mY beSt friends

37. Has a crush on you? How woUld i know...but none i think

38. Are you in love right now? Yes

--------DO YOU EVER--------

39. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call? SometImes

40. Save AIM conversations? huh...whats that ???

41. Wish you were someone else? No...i like being myself..

42. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? Never

43. Wear perfume? No

44. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time? Nope


45. That you saw? My mama

46. You talked to ? My mama

47. You hugged? Mum

48. You instant messaged? Him

--------DO YOU?-------

51. Color your hair? No...i am Guai Kia....

52. Have tattoos ? NO

53. Have piercings? Yes

54. Have on lipstick? no

55. Own more than 10 pairs of flip flops? umm...i am not that rich

56. Like someone? Yes

57. Hate someone? Duh...who dOnt....

58. Have any money on you? huh ? not now....i dont carry money around with me in the house....



Name: Lim Jia min

Birth date: 3 April 1990

Current status: Booked

EyeColor: Looks Brown to me

Hair Color: Some parts black some parts brown

Righty or Lefty: righty

Zodiac Sign: Aries



Your heritage:chinese

Your fears: failing exams and losing him

Your weakness: White Chocos

Your perfect pizza: hmm...i dont really favour pizzas



Your first thought when you wake up:Go check handphone

Your bedtime: hAve i pack my bag

Your most missed memory: Huh ?



Pepsi or Coke: No preference...To me...both taste the same...

McDonald's or Burger King: Macdonald

Single or group dates: No preference...As i am already with the one i love

Adidas or Nike: Nike

Lipton Tea or Nestea: None

Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla

Cappuccino or coffee: none



Smoke: No...

Curse: Sometimes..esp when i am really angry

Take a shower: obviously!!

Have a crush: Duh...who dont..

Think you've been in love: Hmm...Yes

Like school: er not really

Want to get married: errrrr..wHo dOnt ??

Believe in yourself: Yes

Think you're a health freak: Not reAlly



Drank alcohol: Nope

Gone to the mall: Yupp

Been on stage: Yupp

Eaten Sushi: Yupp

Been dumped: Nope

Gone skating: Nope

Dyed your hair: Nope



Played a stripping game: NO

Changed who you were to fit in: Maybe



Age your hoping to be married: Possibly 25 Plus



Best eye color: Brown / black Aiya...AnythIng wiLL do....

Best hair color: No preference

Short or long hair: Short and spikey



1 MINUTE AGO: Doing This...

1 HOUR AGO: Doing mY F&N Task B work...

5 HOURS AGO: WatcHing Some Repeat Dramas

1 WEEK AGO: Probarly on my com

1YEAR AGO: lol ..How wOuld i be able to remb that...



I LOVE: The feeLing oF Being love

I FEEL: tired right now

I HATE: Insects

I HIDE: NothIng

I MISS: Being a child


I am feeLing sO boRed Right nOw ThAt i staRted BloggIng oN thIs tYpe Of thIngs...HaIZ...NExt weeK iS gottEn bE a Long Long WeeK fOr mE...Since He iS gOing OBS....i gottEn bE sO lOnely bUt yupp wITh No dOubTs wE wiLL ThiNk OF eaCh OTher More OftEn ThAn We Usually dO caUSe wE gottEn mIss eACh OthEr baDly.....bUt hAiz...JUSt tHE thOugHt oF NoT taLking to eaCh oTher fOr 4 daYs cAn reAlly kIll....MaybE not 4....sHOuld bE 3...caUse On mOndAY wE wiLL sUrely talK bEfOre HE leaVe fOr OBS aND On friDay wHEn He cOmes bacK, i wILL sUrely jUSt tHrOw evErytHing aSide tO talK....blahx.....ok ta-da eNding My pOst here beFore iT Start tO bore you.... * YAWNS *

44 daYs....<3



YeSterdAy School NAtioNAl dAy celEbratiOn wAs lIke...........NotHing mUch To sAy.....thE SCs wEre tRying thEir beSt to brIng thE sPirit Up buT thE OthErs WAs lIke.................so KindA Bored wIth thE cElebrAtion aS wE seems lIke thE oNly oneS HiGh-ing...

wHEn to meet hIm aFtEr scHool celEbraTion... aND Weets..Thankies Jer...Love You loAds man FOr hElpIng mE aboUT sOmethIng... NExt tIme yOu haVe trOublE YOU bEt i wiLL surely HElp You aND rePay Your KindNess If You evEr Need One.....Aww....i feeL So lUcky tO have a FriEnd wHo wiLL help ME wHEn i am in trouble...sO haVe you fOund Yours ??? sORry...i aM iN a Oh-sO craZy Mood rIght Now.....

Meet Him thAn weNt to PlaZa sIng tO wAtcH CliCk....tHe .sHow IS aT 4.20...so Yupp wE ALmost More thaN 40 MinUTeS pluS wAlking AimleSsly aRouND plaZa sIng...thE funnY thIng IS thAt i caNt fInd thE sHops tHAt i saW laSt tiMe....wAlk wAlk wAlk.......thAN bOught my Lime JuIce...dArn i sHould NevEr evEr Drink aNytHing beFore wAtching MovIEs......

wAtcHed ClicK....The MovIE Is sUper NiceY.......weLL i teAr a littlE eSpecIally TowArdS tHE eNdiNg pArt...It IS sO toUChINg.....gUEss thIs is thE fIRst tiMe i teAr wHile wAtChINg MovIEs....The reSt oF thE tiME wAs LiKe alMost crIEd out bUt dID nOt..bUT daRn...i dID yeStErdaY...sO Hmm....i rAte thE mOvie 9/10.....Its Nicey anD iT cAn mAke mE teAr...* Highly reCommanDed *

sOme sTupId SymptomS i woUld hAve wHEn i aM wIth HIm :

- I would feeL reAlly reAlly cOLd evEn thOugh thE pLace Might nOt reAlly bE thAt coLd

- I woUld haVe tHE urgE oF wAntiNg to gO tO tOilet aLL thE tiMe....My blAddEr lOves gIving mE pRob eSp wHEn i aM wAtChIng Movies...Darn..wHy lIke thAT....i nEvEr hAve thE urgE oF wAnTing to gO toIlet whEn i Am oUt wAtcHing MOviEs wIth friEnds bUt whEnevEr i wAtCH mOvies wIth HIm i wiLL alwAYs wANt to gO to Inspect thE Toilet....

- My StoMAch sUddEnly beCame sMAll......Umm..evEn lEssEr thAn tHE sMAll pOrtIons oF foOd tHAt i UsuAlly eAT....

- Do Not Know HOw to shOp......evEn thOugh i lOve ShoppIng i sUddeNly haVe No mORe UrgE tO sHop whEn i aM with hIm....

AftEr thE Show wHEn baCk tO JurOng EnTertaInment to eAt...reALLy wANted to cOntInue wALking bUT....My dad......Darn....NevErmInd...thEre wiLL stiLL bE sOme otHEr chAnce tO gO oUt wITh Him....i shAll bE pAtIent anD WAIT......thATs wHat we alwAys do..... WAIT .......Yupp...Ate KFC.....Mashed Potatoes.....Yippe....wALk In KFC aND thE fiRSt pErSon i saW wAS thE cUte LittLE JUnior...thAN NExt iS JingyAn aND a fEw otHErs...Than IT wAs thAn i reAlise tHAt thE feW oF thEm There wAs FroM hIs scHool.....Oh-Oh.....Ok thAn He wALk over to sAy Hi to thEm.....JingYan Is sO pretty....haha.....thAn oK When to sIt aS fAr aS wE cAN frOm thEm....weLL i waS So super PAi seh cAn.......aFtEr thEy fInish eAting thEy FinISh eAting thEy caME ovEr tO oUr tabLE....aNothEr roUnd oF pAi seH-ness....bUt ok nevErmINd...aT leASt i gOT to kNow some oF hIs friEnds thOugh mOSt oF thEm i haVe heArd OF thEm oR seeN beFore...aFter i fInisH eatIng cauSe i wAS lIke eAting aT sUCh a sLow raTe so HE wAs like wAitIng fOR mE tO eaT fInish..haha....i alWays eaT vEry sLOw sO IF You wANt to eAt wITh mE You mUst wAIt fOR me...haha.....aFtEr thAT HE seNd mE hOme ANd thAts thE enD oF storY......

Yet aNOthEr Lovely day....



Its sUpposIng a Oh-sO perfeCt nIgHt.....bUt daRn i rUin iT...i shOuld not haVe messaGe....haiZ....nevErmInd aboUt thAt...i aM tOO......shAll nOt thInk aboUt tHIs thIngs aNymOre mAy tOMorroW bE a bEttEr daY foR uS.....aND thAnkies Jer foR Helping me....You kNow whAt i aM taLking about....sHall UpdaTe aboUt wHAt haPPen toDay tOmorrOw...



Vintage bElts aRe IN now...iTs tiME fOr Me tO raMpage mY MaMa Closet anD dIg out aLL OF HEr vIntAge Belts...LOL...

Yippe !! aT lAst aFter ...lEt mE count...The laSt time wE wEnt out toGether was lIke hmm....24 July....OMG...Its LIke a FreAking 14 daYs....i woNder How We sURvivE It...i Know HE iS gEttIng crAzy OVer thE faCt thAt wE oNly gEt tO MEet eAch oTher oNly a fEw tImes iN a month....haiZ.....EvEry MoMent sPend aRe PrecIous MoMent..........fOr wE nEvEr kNow wHEn is thE neXt tIME wE meet eaCh oTher agAin...

ChineSe O reSult Is gOiNg tO bE oUt vEry Soon....daRn...i aM sO afRaid....i wAnna gEt B3/B4 but i haVe a feeLing iTs eIther i gEt a C6/C5 or wOrSe faiL......dammit.....mY WorSe feAr aRe about to cOme.....71 More daYs tO O levEl...i caN senSe tHE uRgeNcy to gEt thIngs dOne Up...i aM giVing uP Hope oN mY Amath...i can nO lOnger do anY Of thOse Mind boggliNg qUestIon.....I cAnt evEn dO a sIngLE quEstiOn evEn froM oNe oF thE eAsiESt pAper In thE wHole StaCk Of Amath PaPers.....Darn.....i aM gOttEn FocUs oN mY EmatH aND maKE sURe i cAn scOre aT lEast a B.....

FounD thIs sUper Nicey Post iN thE friEndstEr bUlletIn....fOund IT raTher sWeet tHUs PostIng thIS up....

Girls Language
















LAst bUt not LEast AnotHEr Photo oF me and candida aT thE airport...

thats abOut it....ta-da <3



Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ferlyn and me...She iS sO pretty....

me and Candida aT airpORt...

me and Shannen In MRT....

Well...Thats aLL foR i hAVe At thIs MomEnt CauSe ShanneN hAve yEt to sEnd mE the Pics....Blahx....



In mY sUper Pissy Mood TodAY....Darn...this iS mY secOnd tiMe tYpIng thIS pOSt fOR mY itChy haNd whEn to anYHow preSs the bottOn anD ta-da bYe byE to mY pOSt....GRRGH...

NotHing SeeMs to be goinG riGHt foR mE todAY....haiZ....sAd to sAY mY guY dont seeM to reAlly UnderstaND hOw i aM feeLing wHen i toLd hIm about thAt....bUt stiLL thANkies fOR trYing to cHEer ME uP....

caNnot Pon EnglIsh FocUs todAy..hiaZ..saD to sAy caUSe wE haVe MocK teSt anD i guEss anD i thOught thaT atttEndaNCe iS cOMpulSory buT appRentlY thEre aRe lOts whO diD nOt tuRn Up foR thE teSt but i guEss thEy suRely wILL KenA fRom eiTher Miss SolaStri oR Miss Tang..hIAz....oK LEt ME fIRst tAlk about thE SC meetIng...i guEss afTer todAy...hmm...lEt jUSt sAy bEfORe Today...i haVe reGreted to vOte for SomeoNe to bE Put iN thaT POst...daRn...i bEt i caN shout lOudEr tHAN YoU cAn...haiZ...kiNDa diSAppoiNTed aT youR PErfOrmAnce buT nEvErmInd thE siTuation canNot bE saVagE aNymoRe iTs aLL uP tO oUr juNiors to sAvaGe thE Pathetic SItuaTion thE SC iS iN....OK weLL fRom eFfect frOm MondAy i sHAll maDe You peOple buY mY itEms.....

For PeoPle whO doNt weAr blAck HAirbaNDs oR bLacK haIrtIes thIs iS fOR yOu:

- i wiLL bE bUYiNg thOSe sUper ObiaNg haIRbaNdS thOse that thE Old aH-Ma wOulD wEar...hmm..i thInk Ah-ma Ones aRe Hipper.....i shaLL marK Up thE prICe so hIGh thaT i coUld maKe a 100% Profit...bUT naH i aM nOt gOIng to Keep thE Money...i goTtEn put It aT thE SC fuNd anD wITh tHE money cOlleCt wE caN haVe a faReweLL paRty fOR oursElves....cHeapo....

For PeoPle who wEar cOloured sOcks :

- lalala...PardOn me fOR bEing sO craZy....i haVe forgoTten to eAT mY MEdICiNe....i shAll buY thOSe ObIang sOckS tHAt You wOuld wEAr wHEn yOu aRe iN Your PriMary sChool daYS....aT least That heLp yOu to reKindle thOse bLiss MoMent you have...ThoSe wEre thE Care free daYs...You wOuld nOt bE laUgh aT whEn yOu wear thOse hIgh soCks bUt iNsteaD yOu wiLL bE laugh aT wheN yOu wEar aNKle sOcks...pEople thAn looK aT yOu aS a weirdo wHEn yOu weAr ankLe sOcks....HOw tiME caN cHange wE People....reMemBering thOSe tiMEs caN reAlly briNg a smIle oNto my faCe...aT leaSt tHOse wEre thE tiMEs whEn wE aRE hoNest wITh evEryoNe evEn thOugh thE worDs mIght hUrt aS wE spEak wIthout thInkiNg, iT iS stiLL thE mOSt hOneSt wOrds thAt cOuld coMe Out oF Ones Mouth...Ok baCk to thE soCks agAin i wiLL over-pRicE iT HopIng thAt YOu wiLL wEAr WhIte sOcKS to sChool.....

For pEopLE wHo nevEr weAr thEir sChool badges :

- agAin wE goTtEn sTock uP oN thIS aNd oVer-pRicE thE iTems....so haha....* eviL grins * i feeL so eviL aND mEAn todAy......You kNow exaCtly whaT yOu sHould PrepAre iF yOu dO nOt wEar Your baDge , Use oNly black haIr tiEs/ baNDs, weaR wHite sOcks aND thAts aLL....Only 3 OF thE fEw sImple rUles thAt You mUst aND aRe RequIrEd tO fOLLow....

aFTer SC mEetIng straIght awAy gO to tHE haLL...did NOt evEn maNage tO MuncH ONto soMethIng whAtsoevEr....WheN haLL...suAy suAy havE to sIt bEsIde thIs paRticUlar soMEoNe fRom thE neXt claSs.....hE iS sO gettIng On mY neRves....i KNow aLriGht i kNow You clEvEr oK....dO thE tESt vEry faSt bUt HEY caN You PUH-LEASE spare a tHough fOr thiS sLow-poke Here cAn...iT doEs nOt mEans thAT yOu cAN fIniSh aT thAt wIthin tiME tHAT meANs oThers hAve tOO...PUH-LEASE sPaRe a THought for thE peoPle sUrrOundIng You....aND hEy i kNow yOu sOmethIng fOR musIc bUt HELLO dO yOu kNow thAT Your constaNt cLiCkIng oF pEn, thE nOise ProDucE When yOu mOvE yOur taBle and chAirs iS dRiviNg mE freAkiNg maD...i cAN haRdly cOncEntrAte With aLL thIs 'music ' Around....woAh...ITs plaYed so niCe thAt i haVe thE UrgE to turn aroUnd anD jUSt shOut SHUT UP aT him....You coNstaNt talkinG iS alSo dRiViNg mE NuttY...Not aS thOugh You haVe a nICe vOice oR whAtsOever...but haha..i aM jUSt thANkfuL tHAt dUring thE O level, i dO nOt haVe to sit wiTh yoU....

thE mOSt irrItaTiNg anD AnnoyiNg tHIng thAt happen to me todaY :

whEn to daNCe todAy...Its beeN loNg sInce i haVe lASt coMe fOr dAnce...reAlly reAlly sAd to hEard abOut thAt nEws....ITs lIke How thIS one MiserablE haNdpHone caN chAnge thE liFe oF mAny OthErs....ITs aLL caUSe bY thIs PerSon...haiZ...iTs kiNDa saddEnIng...A LeopaRd cAN nevEr cHange spoTs.....aND weLL thIs iNcidEnt prOves it aLL....THe wroNg juDgEmENt cAn LaNd uS PeopLe iNto deeP sOup aNd weLL reAlly toDay proves mE thAt i haVe maDe 2 Wrong JudgeMents IN thIs life tiME anD i bE thEre iS stiLL maNy mORe foR me....Its kINda fuNNy How Our lIttLe JunioRs tRy to hIde thIS thIngs froM uS bUt Of coUrse oUr InfoRmers wOuld teLL uS whAt iS wroNg Here....but PRetty pLease with sugaR oN toP teLL uS wHethEr haPPen...EvEn thOugh wE SEc 4s might nOt bE preSence There, We stiLL caRe alOt foR dAnce....we shAll hElp You People...We shALL not give In to soMeoNe who's nOt woRth it...

DId sOme deeP thInkiNg anD refLection .....i try pUttIng mYself iN thEir shOes....i aSk mYselF thIS oNE quEstion...whAt anD hOw wOuld i haVe ReactEd iF i waS thEre aT thE preSENt mOMent.....ITs eiTher i woUld staNd foR my oWn staND oR i wOUld giVe In lIke a littlE dOggy...Woff woff.....anD jUSt hEar whaT hE sAY.....haiZ...bUt i thInk i wiLL not giVe iN tO thAt persOn,as i stanD fOR whAt i thInk iS riGHt....but reAlly i aM abLE to saY iT so eaSily bUT reAlly iF i aM aT thAt PA mOment i haVe thIs stUpid pOssibLity oF giVIng In...* roll eyes * wIth tEmptatIon ...wIth thE attracTive deaL oF tHe haNdphOne IS ablE to oFfer...i haVe the chaNcEs oF GivIng In evEn Woof Woof...

Life IS sO mISerablE....tiME paSses tOO faSt fOr ME....cHInese O reSult gOttEn bE coMing oUt reAl soOn...i hOpe It coMe Out oN NExt MOnday oR FridaY....caUSe thE fOLlowIng weeK he wILL bE haVing hIs caMp aND darn...We cant mEssagE whEn HE iS oUt at caMp....aRn....5 whOle daYs...i gottEn bE Super dePress and duLL...fOr thEre wOnt bE yOu thEre fOr mE to cHeer mE uP whEn i am saD...i gotten tErribly mIss ALL thE goOd MorNing aND Good NigHt MessagEs.....evEn thOse maY meAN nOthIng to yOu but iT mEAns a whOle lOt to mE....One iS tO gIve mE thE enerGy to go tHroUgh thE day whiLe thE oTHer iS tO gIVe mE sWeet dreAms....sO plEase...i prAy reAlly reALly haRd thE iT woUld bE reLeASe nExt weeK....

My aPOlogIes to yOu iF yOu aRe aNgry wiTh my attItude tOwards You today....i kNow whAt yOu saY aRe aLL maDe to geK me bUt sometiMes it caN gEt tOO faR oVerboarD aNd thAt IrritAtes ME....anD whEn i gEt irritated i wiLL Not talk aND jUSt shUt mY mouth uP....buT nEvErmind...stm caN cURe evErytHing aND iT reAlly heLps....bUT haiZ...soMetiMEs i can gEt reAl reAl tiRed....Now wIth oNly thE 5 MessagEs rUle it maKEs tHings reAlly toUgh foR me anD fOR yOu i guEss....WhenEver i aM aNgry oR Upset You caNt bE thEre foR mE to coMfOrt mE fOR yOu aRe tOO faR aPart fRom Me.....aLL i can do iS messaGe...bUt daRn it dont reAlly hElp aS YoU cANt reAlly feeL how i feeL....aND thAN You wiLL aSk mE tO saVe Sms....You dumb dUmb...i MessagE caUSe i mISs you anD You thIS duMb dUmb aSk mE saVe sms...haIZ.....i envY thOse pEople whO haVe theIr girl oR gUy iN thE samE school aS thEm aS thEy caN ruSh tO thEm thE miNUte somethIng iS wRong OR whAtsoEvEr....buT fOR uS....LOL...IT taKEs 40 MinuTes PLus.....bY thE tiME 40 minuTes IS Up We woUld haVe coOl doWn.....haiZ.....bUT iTs becaUSe oF tHe POL thAT iT keePs ME gOing....aND doNt worrY...i wiLL nOt giVe uP fOR i kNow yOu wiLL nevEr giVe uP oN me....

No matter how far apart we are, we are united tightly with the love we have for each other......<3



WalAu....COPYCAT ah.....Darn....i'm LikE sO irrITated...oK nevErmind...aNywaY i dOnt owN that sOng...sO i haVe No riGht aS tO sAy yOU cANt fOllow ME...

SeND fErlyN oFf aT thE aIRpoRt todAy...wEnt wITh Shikin aND Jaz...Was thE laSt to reaCh theRe bUt lUckilY stiLL madE iT oN tiME to seND HEr off...tHEre aRe abOut 11 oF oUr claSs pEople wHo seNt hEr oFf...aND bOy waS sHE sO pRetty....i aM lIKe sO iN lOVe wiTh Her bOOts.....oK shAll upLOAd aLL thOSe pICs tOmorroW afTer thEy haVe seND IT to mE...nOw i wAnNA haVe mY bEautY sleeP...sO ta-da...



MathS iS drIving mE reAl freAkiNG craZy....dArn....77 More dAys to O levEl firSt paPer...anD 14 mORe dAYs tO mY eNglISh O orAl...Ahh...wHy iS tiMe gOiNG aT sUCh a faSt raTe...i wiSh i cAn slOW iT dOWn aLL...but...haiz....

Chocos......i neeD cHocos to giVe mE thE energY...bUt cUrreNtly i aM haRd oN caSh sO...hmm...cant waSte money oN thIngs thAt CoUld oNly saTisfy ME fOR a feW moMents..whAt thE hell aM i craPPing now....oK ta-da beFore i taLK NonseNSe agAin....


La Femme

& she rattle about her life

HELLO. I am JIAMIN. The girl whom you saw peeping at you from next door. She is a Cam-whorer, Compulsive shopper and an Avid blogger. DANCE is her PASSION and her FIRST LOVE. So why wait? Groove to the music already baby!


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