Devil Beside You ( Final Episode )
Aww...So sWeet...i meAn thE fIRst Part tiLL tHE 6 mins PluS..aFtEr thE 6 Mins plUs wHere thEy aHem nO neeD sEe lE laH....haha....Yippe !! At lAst i cOmplEted wAtChiNg 'er mo zai shen bian' le...Happy....haha....
DaRn...TOmorroW eXtrA MAths fOcUs tiLL 6....haiZ....bUT wHo haVe i tO blAme..oNly mysElf....haiZ...ok NevErmiNd....hAve tO cHioNg mY MAthS HomeWorK ta-da....
Well for mE...iTs A baSketbAll maTCh thAt chAnge my eNtire Life.... :)
Blue TiCKets.....aNd Yippe...fUn paCk...bUt nAh...iT iS not sO faNtaStic aNywAy...thE vOuCherS....hmm...nOne oF thEm Are oF uSe....
Me aND mY dEar SisTer...Gosh sHE looKs lIke a Guy hEre...aND gOSh...mY eYEs...eeYer...sO smAll...
i thInk thAt thIS pIcs iS sO sO nIce...a pIcTure oF a wOman doiNg sOme MoVeS whIle bEiNG haNg On thE HugE baLLoon ?? aND thE sUnlIght mAkes thIs pIc Oh-sO perfEct LooKing... *Woots BeaUtifUl*
The oNes wHo wEnt foR YestErdAy NdP preView....
Oh DaRn....GottEn GEt Our ChiNEse O reSult reAlly reAlly soOn le...Let mE pRedIct...i tHInk i cOuld onLy gEt a c6 or c5...dARn.....bUT i ReAlly reAlly Hope thAt i woNt gEt this 'sAi' mArks...iF i reAlly gOttEn thOse...thAn bye bYe to mY fReedOm...i wiLL haVe oNe mOre eXtrA tutIon...sO puh - leAse...LEt mE gEt a B fOR CHiNese...aT leAst a B pLEase....Ahh...i aM lIke sO sO aFrAid....haiZ
FoUnd thIs teSt iN mY InbOX aND i fInd iT kIndA iNtEreStiNg sO haha...IF Ya hAve tiMe thAn yOu dO it...ITs like 99% tRue fOr me..fOR yA..i doNt kNow sO hEre iT iS..You JudgE fOR YourseLf....
Horoscope Test...
If you are honest this tells the truth - it's pretty good
Write your answers on a piece of paper. No cheating !!
The answers are at the bottom of this page.
1. Write the name of a person of the opposite sex.
2. Which is your favourite colour out of red, black, blue, green, yellow?
3. Your first initial?
4. Your month of birth?
5. Which colour do you like more, black or white?
6. Name of a person of the same sex as yours.
7. Your favourite number?
8. Do you like Sydney or Brisbane more?
9. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
10. Write down a wish (a realistic one).
When you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat)
1. You are completely in love with this person.
2. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - you are conservative and aggressive.
Green - your soul is relaxed and you are laid back
Blue - you are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow- you are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
3. If your initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love to give in friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
4. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will last long and the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be too great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
5. If you chose.....
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
6. This person is your best friend.
7. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
8. If you chose:
Sydney: You like adventure.
Brisbane: You are a laid back person.
9. If you chose:
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
Ok i aM dAmn bO liAo thAts wHy i UploAded thIs ...buT iTs kInda trUE rIght...haha...
Weet...haha....KindA High toDay....Hmm...taLked to hIs Gan-mei...bUT haiZ...kiNda goT boREd caUSe i reAlly dont kNow whAt to tAlk yupp....diD nOt reAlLy taLk mUcH...haiZ...tMR hIS CommOn teSt stARt lE...One WhoLE weeK oF Not mEetIng eaCh oTher...haiZ....blahx blahx blahx...i am suDdeNly sO iN love witH yAng cHen lIn's MIcKey thE oNe sHE haS iN thE ' ZHi xIAng ai Ni ' vIdeo...*hints hints * haha...ok laH ta-da fOr nOw....
Ying wei ni...wo wei lai de min tian dou shi qing tian...
Yang Cheng Lin - ai mei
Devil Beside you...
Rainie Yang - Zhi Xiang Ai Ni
rEceIve my HandPhOne biLL anD mY fIRst reActiOn wAs lIke OMG.... dIEd....LAst mOntH thE tOtAl aMoUnt oF sMs i uSe wAS lIke 1071....OMG....thIS iS mY fIRSt tiME sMs OVer 1000....haiZ....i mUSt cUt dOWn oN mY smS-iNg le...So peOple sOrry iF i NEvEr rePly your mEssaGe.....If nOt i wiLL cAll Your hAndPhone iNSteAd oF smS-inG thE rePLy bAck...i DespEraTely nEed tO Cut doWn oN mY mSg oR eLSe mY hAndPhone mIGht gEt confiScaTed....i Am oh-sO tHankfuL thAt i haVe hIm...he iS SwEet so sWeet....i shAll trY to coNtrOl mYseLf...bUt i dOubT i reAlly haVe thE wiLL poWer to dO sO...i feeL weIRd wHEn i dO Not Sms.....aND tHIs iS jUSt thE bEginniNg....
TmR oNe mOntH le....ITs lIke tiME pAssEs sO fASt....iTs lIke We jUSt ahEm aND nOw....woAh.....haha.....iTs thE thOugHT Of hIm thAt keePS mE goIng eACh dAy.....
CurrEntLy iNto thE sHow thAT sTars Rainie And Mike He tHe ' er mo zai shen bian ' The deVil bEsIDe yOu...Nicey sHow....Rainie is sO cUTe..haha....tHe sHow iS really ADdiCtiVe....oNce You wAtCh 1 epiSode You wOuld wAnt to cOntiNue wAtChiNG aND nOt sTop....but nah i shAll haVe sOme SelF cOntrOl anD oNly wAtCh 3 EpisOde PEr dAy eVen tHough i haVe thE uRgE oF WATChiNg aLL The EpisODe On thE sAMe dAY...Its SuCh a Nicey shOw...KIndA toUChIng...iF yA hAve tIme gO wAtCh iT yA...haha...aNd Yippe....Tmr 5566 - Mr FigHtiNG idOL DraMA iS StArtiNg yeAh.....haha...oK eNougH oF craPpiNg ta-da....
* ZHi xiAng Ai Ni *
Mr. fighting NG scenes
Whee....' Ge dou tian wang ' Mr FighTing...Yippe Its sTarTing On tHis tHursDay...CatCh iT At Channel U.. 7 pm.....Wang Ren fU aND sUn xIe Zhi....loVe thEm lOTs....So lOng NEvEr see 5566 idOl drAma le.....thE lAst oNe wAs lIke lASt yeAr ? thE ' wAng Zi biAn qiNg wAng ' whIch stArs 183 cLub...Ren fU....Aww...NG kIng..haha.....sO cUte.. haha..... RenFu... RenFu... aww..... 5566.....oK...ok... eNOugh abOut thEm....
Well toDay No Maths FoCus toDay....caUSe thE D&T people haVe to do thEir cOurSewOrk....haha....All oF a SuddEn i feeL sO fOrtUNaTe thaT i aM taKing F&N....evEn though i mAy cHAr mOre fOOd, bUt aT leAst iTs stiLL bEttEr thAn sAwing aND fixIng thE paRts to sOmeThing...theRe iS lIke sO mAny paRts tHAt i see aLso gong diAo....sO cOmplicAted.....bUt thAn agAin...D&T paPer iS eAsiEr to scORe As coMpAre to F&N pAper....sO hOw i wiSh i tAke F&N buT thAn durIng exAms i wAnt to sIt fOR D&T pAper...* day dreAMiNg agAin * blAHx..... i AM CravIng fOr whIte cHocoS.....
2 mORe dAys tO gO...whee```
HaiZ....i aM gEttIng raTher SensiTive thIs daYS....i wOulD stARt tO ImagIne IF pEopLe Are taLkiNG bEhInd my baCk...Darn....SometImes i reAlly wiSh thAT i haVe thE PowEr tO rEAd one's mind aND yupp...StAy oUt oF thOse wHo hAs eviL tHOugHts lurKing aRound theIR mInd aND treAsURe thOse wHo reAlly caReS fOR me...blahx...SeriouSly in mY PMS-inG mooD.... dOnt Piss me...i will bitE....
My mum iS aLso in HEr craZy mooD thIs dAys...blaHx....wHAtEver....Yippe !! 3Th trIp oUt...wEnt to MAc...aTe Mcflurry OreA....Orea rawKx....PaRdon mY craZiness....Ain't In thE riGht frAme oF mInd...thAN taLk tAlk tAlk..thAn go hOmE...GoiNG oUt oN MondAy caN gEt reAl bOriNg...bUT nEvermInd aS lOng aS it IS tiMe sPenD With Him iT dOEs not maTter iF wE Are AT toWn oR aT sOme mAc...bUt thAn soMetiMEs iT cAN bE reAL saDdenIng....Dad...wHy Your cOmpaNy arrAnge Your SchelduE iN sUCh a wAy thAT iT AlwAys seeM to bE yOur off dAY oN FridAy oR sAturDay...Now i reAlly likE mY dAd woRKing Afternoon sHift...* evil grin * caUSe iT wOuld bE eaASier fOR mE to gO oUt with hIm.....Ps. dOnt teLL mY daDdy....hE would kiLL mE iF hE fiNd oUt abOut it...haha...bUT nevErmind...i haVe a feeLing thAT he mIGht haVe alReaDy kNow soMethIng iS gOing on...blahx...
hmm...sChools gEttIng more anD mOre craZy thIS dAys....i dont reAlly wiSH foR moRe excItement.....i aM afrAid thaT i cANt taKE uP thE cHallenGe....ThEre aRe lOts oF thIngs thAt i reAlly wAnt to Pour oUt bUt thAN agAin...sOme tHings wOuld bE bEtter iF ITs leFt unSpokeN...i dont wAnt tO creAte wAr....sO ta- da eNougH oF craPping...i dont wANt to haVe PeOple wHo goSsip abOut wHAt i wrIte oN mY blOG sO i shAll trY My beSt to keeP mY fUtuRe pOSt shOrt anD sweet... whIch iS lIke 99% iMpossIble....bUT nEvErmiNd i shAll Try .....
I will treasure each moment spend even if its only for a second...
Well...cLear aLL mIsunderStandIng le....i aM fine...thIs time i aM reAlly fIne...maYBe i woke Up frOm thE wroNg siDe oF beD todAy thAts whY iN thE morNing abIt kI siAo...thAN Pms-iNg sO..hmm....i tHinK thAt bLoggIng iS gOOD...caUse it helPs iN releAsing aLL thE nEgaTive Air InsIDe yOu...blahx...whAt aM i taLking....oK neVermInd me...LucKily i haVe stm....aLWays foRgEt eaSily sO yOu heNg ah..haha....bUt lUckily i haVe de iS you....heng me aLso..haha....
My sHoppIng MAdNess iS here aGain....ItS lIKe wiThin 1 Hr i bought aLL thIs thIngs...
- sLiPPErs
- cLothes
- earrings
- hairbands
- Mickey badge ( OMG...its like 5 bucks for a tiny one )
- pouch ( its pinkY )
mAybe i aTe tHE wRong MedIcIne toDay....sO fUnny laH...wHen wE taLK...i caN reAD hIs mInd...thAn he caNT tyPe oUt whAt he wAnt sAy caUSe i wiLL tYpe iT oUt whAT he wiLL sAY bEfOre hE caN tyPe iT oUt...haha......thAn wE keep sPaMing eaCh oTher....i wAs beAming aLL thE wAy...haha....toDay i abIt ki siAo....keeP gek-inG eaCh oTher...ITs sO gooD thAT wE fOrgIVe aND foRgEt eaSily..ITs Not goOD foR yOur healtH tO beAR grUdgEs...sO thAt eXplAin wHy i aM healtHy...blAhx....i aM sO craZy aT thIS vEry cHeeKs aRe sO So tired aFter aLL thE lAughinG aND sMiliNg....haha....gUess thIs mUst bE oUr LongEst convErSaTion wE evEr haD...aND thE bEst One aFter thE 270606 ONe..haha...sO fUn...haha....
ReMind mE to alWays tAke thE fOllowIng mEdiNce
- Read hIs mind med
- Clever med
( aT leAst mUst remEmbEr to takE oNe dosAge pEr day ) wahaa...i aM Ki siAo-iNg nOW....i wAnna wAtCh THE LAKE HOUSE.....iTs lIke oh-sO rOMaNtIC....haha....ok enD oF pOSt....ta-da....
The course of true love never did run smooth.....
mAny tHinGs hAve haPPen dUrIng thE fEw daYs wHen i dID nOt bLOg....
- hAve sOme MisuNderstaNding bUT evErytHing clEared uP afTer itS bEen clArifiEd
- Dad seeMs tO kNow abOut me anD hIm...bUT thAn agAin...i aM nOt vEry suRe iF hE kNows iT...
- Ez-Link goTtEn cOnfIScAted bY Mdm Heng.....( mY fiRst tiMe woAh ) bUT lUcKily shE dID nOt kEep oUR hAndpHones...OR elSe caN reAlly die le...
hAd mY F&N pRactiCal YestErdAy...LucKily evErythIng tuRn oUt aLrighT....ThinKing aBout thE sMeLL oF mY pOtatOes Make Me feeL lIke pukinG....RaW pOtatoEs sMeLL gRoss.....
haiZ....kINda iRritAted aT thE faCt thAt i tOld hIm thAT he gO aND gaME aND i shAll nOT boThEr hIm....thAN gUess whAt hE reAlly diD thAT....daRn......Ok nEvErmiND aboUt thAT....whAts evEn mOre IrrITatIng iS thAT hE diD nOt mEssaGe mE afTer tHAT.....daRn...NevErmInd.....%&瞿$@ Ok i aM fIne Now...i aM fiNE pretEndIng i aM nOT.....Ok i doNt kNow whAts sO wrOng wITh thE twO oF uS toDay....i Put bUSy on My mSn hE diD nOt cOMe aND taLK tO mE...OK wEll thATs understaNdabLe.... caUSe i toLd hIm nOt tO taLK to me whEn i pUt buSy....Ok thaN wHEn i saW hIm oNline....aFter mAybe a Long tiME ago...daRn...i dont evEn kNow wHen hE coMe oNline caN...oK nEvErmind....sO i qUicKly pUt oNline.....thAn i wAIted....NAh! i aM nOt goIng to taLk to hIm fIRst....wEll sometiMEs i caN gEt reAl pEtty wHEn i aM irriTaed....So ok hE cOme anD talK to me....darn...i plAyed it sO cool thAT i cOuld evEn feeL thE chillS doWn mY sPine....FINE.....i aM liKE sO pissEd thAT wE onLy taLK fOR abOut 4-5 SentEncEs anD hE oFf wIThout teLLing mE.....I AM SO PISSED OFF... 瞿$!"$*$(%)%&^%瞿(瞿&""(A%%%%$"%""*$""$瞿"!"瞿$*&^%$瞿@%$$^^瞿%&*&瞿瞿^((&%瞿&^% i reAlly neeD tO reLeaSe sOme oF my Hot aIr.....PardOn mE....i aM iN suCh a baD mooD nOw....bUT iSn't iT a basIC CourtesY to sAY bYe tO a pErsOn beFore yOu gO oFF.....
blAh blAH bLAh...i wEnt tO meSsagE hIm...sOMetiMEs i woNder aM i irriTatiNg...mayBe i aM...bUT i reAlly neeD to knOw whY he dID tHAT....meSsagE.....Ok weLL he dID nOt evEn aNS mY quEstIoN oN wHy hE weNt offLine wIthout teLling Bye...Ok....* breAthe in breAThe oUt * i shAll reMAin coOl.......................sOmetiMEs gUYs caN bE reAl stuPid....i toLd hIm thAT i reAlly bwg caUSe hE sAy HE gaME tiLL VERY lAte aT nIght thAn hE dont wAnt tO sMS mE....HELLO......You fIRst dAY kNow ME IS iT ??? dOnt yOU kNow tHAT i aLWaYS sLeep lATe....AND dO yOu kNow tHAt aLL thE tiME i wAs cHecKing oN mY HAndPhoNe aLL thE tiMe....HopIng thAT You wOuld meSsagE me....hmm...MaYbe i aM thE stuPid One.....i shOuld nOt evEn bothEr tHiNking abOut yOu....i sHOuld bE hAppy thAT i caN saVe mY messAge....DARN.....aNOtHEr PoInt tO prOve thAt gUys aRe stUpid iS tHAt....thEy wiLL saY sorrY aND than aSK yOu doNt aNgry thAn wHAt saY yOu need tIME tO coOL dOwn....Ahh...How stUpid caN it bE.....GirLS aCtuAlly woUld wANt yOu tO saY a tHousAnd tiME SORRy to thEm..hmm maYbe not tHAT mUch jUSt a fEw mOre tiMEs wOuld bE aLright...oR AT leASt shOw thAt yOu aRe sIncere abOut saYing sORRY...aLL thEY wANt iS yOu tO sAY thIngs thAT mAke thEm hapPy...acTuAlly thEy MighT nOt bE reAlly aNgry ...thEy aRe jUSt saD aboUt thE faCt thAt thEir gUys LOve gaMing mORe thAN thEm....thEy aRe jUSt sAd thAT gUys caN evEn boTher to trY to maKE thEm hAppy aND jUSt pLay iT oFF bY sAYing yOu neeD tiME tO cOOl doWn...Oh man...i aM suRe tO gO bOguS iF thIs cOntiNue....gIRls wAnts ConcErn aND nOt tHIS.....DARN......hmm...No offenCes tO gUYs hoh...wHAt i sAy mAy oNly aPPlieS tO thE tWo oF uS aND mAybe Not OthErs....i Am JUSt sO pISSed oFF thAT i wOuld stArt tO taLK ruBBish....MAybe i aM nOt reAlly thaT maD aT him but jUSt vEry vEry saD....
AIn't iN a vEry good mood...watCh mE ROAR...
ToNgUes aRe wAggIng bUT thAn agAin
[ Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship ]
That KindA suMMarisE whAt i wAnt tO sAy toDAy.....FULLSTOP
CHineSe ListEniNg wAs aLrigHT nOt mUCh oF a pRob eXcePt tHAt thE InvigilatoR eNjoYs taLKing craP tO uS...sHE wAS liKE blAh blAH blaH...i ExPect tHis frOm mY scHool stuDents aND i ExpEct thIs frOm You tOo...aND blAh blAH blAh...sHE goEs oN anD oN abOut iT....Ok wHAtEver....daRn i haTe thE mUsIc thAT iS plaYed bEfOre thE eXamS staRt....aLL thE cLassIcaL mUSiC mAke mE sLEepy hEad.....wEll aLL i cAN dO iS tO wAIt fOR AugUSt tO cOme aND ta-da thAts thE eND oF mY JournEy fOR i wOuld bE killed aFter mY reSUlts iS Out....i aM sUre i fLung mY cHinEse...i sUck totAlly iN it....buT hmm...i stiLL wiSh fOr a miRacle to hAppen but haiZ...thAts liKE sO impoSsibLE....Ok ta-da for nOw gOttEn gEt going....
``falala....itS sO fUn tO dO oNliNE sHoppIng....
FrieNdsTer sImplY lOVes givinG mE ProBlems....Now i cAnt gO aND vIew peOple's PIcTures caUSe evErytiME i waNna vIEw...It wOuld pOp Out thIS MessAge sAying caNnOt OpeN thIS siTe blahX blahx blAHx ....thAn wHAt OpErAtiOn AbOrtEd aND whEn You cLick oK to it...IT wiLL giVe You thOse pAge Error pAge..GRRGH...SO fUStrAtiNg....haiZ...My WireLess sErioUSly iS gIvIng mE LoadS oF pRoBs tOO...It jUSt wONt gEt ConneCted evEn though ITs oN...IT keePS gOing to OthEr pEoPle's WireLess NetwoRk...sO daRn...i aM usIng oThEr peoPle WireLess NEtwoRk tO gO oNline.....IRRitAting cOm...$瞿%*&% i aM sURe tO gO nuttY sOOn iF thIS cOntiNue ON....
ToDay iS oUr cHurCh 27th tHanKsgiVing sERvICe...whee...fOR oNce...thE cHurCh iS sO sO crOWded.....sOme pEople evEn haD to stAnd aND waIt fOR thE Junior wOrsHippers tO leaVe tHE SaNctuaRy beFore thEy haVe sPace tO bE sEated....aND woaH...thE sOngs thAT thE teeNs cHoir anD cHurCh cHoIr sIng...whee...ITs sO nicey caN...thAn thEre iS BaptisM aLL thOSe...hmm.....i wAnna gEt Baptise sOOn...bUT thInk iT wOuld oNly haPPen nExt yEar...hmm....
aFtEr chuCh wEnt With sHuqiNg tO QueeNswAy...daRn....nEvEr bRing mOneY caNnt paY fOR thE dePosIt...daRn...tHIs iS lIKe oUr seCond tiMe thEre anD wE haVe yEt to gEt oUt SC sHirt pRinTed....daRn daRn....When caN we gEt it dOne... * scReaMing my lUngs out * Ok nEvErmInd...did sOme wIndoW sHoppIng thEre.....i goTtEn bRing lOads OF MoneY thE nExt tiMe i gO thEre....i waNNa bUY mY earrIngs....sHirts blaH blaH blAh...anD thEre iS thIs cOnvErse baG...its So nICey...50 buCks....hmm....i waNNa bUy....thAn blAh blAh blAH....wEnt eAt lakSa....hmm...3 bUCks foR a MisErabLe sMAll bOWl bUT thAN nEvErmiNd iT taSte NICEY !! yummY...Now my stoMaCh iS gRumbLing agAin...ITs crAVing fOR thAT LAskA....haha....thAN aTe cUp cOrn...pReTTy MUch my faVourIte tOO.....thAn ta-da...thAts tHE eND oF mY bOring daY...wEnt baCk home...LucKily i nEvEr PukE...i waS trYing to stuFf mYseLF wITh aLL thE sweeTs i haVe bY mE tO preVent mE fRom PukIng...ITs teRribLe to haVe mOTion sIckness...You gOTtEn caRry sWeetS wITH yOu evEry mOmeNt aS yOu neVer kNow whEn yOu haVe thIs feeLing OF pUkiNG iN thE buS....
As eaCh daY paSses, i fInd MyseLF faLLing deePer aND deePeR iN lOVe wIth Him....He caN siMply maKE mY daY....Ok ta-dA fOR nOw...ToMOrroW wiLL bE mY laSt PapEr fOR chineSe...hmmm...MaybE nOt thE lASt fOR i wiLL bE retaKing mY pAPers agAin...tHAts fOR suRe...No dOubTs abOut iT....Ok i gOTtEn gO dIg my eArs aND gEt reAdy fOR tOmORrOW ListeNing...tHEre iS No reaSon fOR mE Not scOrIng...i wAnna gEt fULL maRks fOR ListeNing i pRay aND i hOpe i cAN...ta-da foR Now...goTtEn gEt mY Hk done Up bEfOre 1 sO thAT i cAn gO oink oInk eaRlier...
YestErdAy kinDa woNDerfuL...bUT thAn agAin iT wAs tOO ruSh...i wiSh thAt i haVe moRe tiMe buT....haiZ...Ok nevErmINd....thAT mR tAn...HE sO baD....i sAY i neeD tO gO thAn hE keeP tAlk tAlk tAlk....`lalala.....mAKe mE lAte oNly....haiZ.... Ok NEvErmiND thE maIn fOcUs iS nOt thIS but wHAt evEr happeN to me anD hiM....
wEnt oUt wIth HIm aFter thAt....ahh...bAd bAd impRessIon i mUSt haVe lEft...wENt oUt wITh hIm twICe aND both tiMe i wAs lAte....haIZ...At fIRst wAnted To gO sOmewHEre de...bUt thAn i scAre laTer seE aLot oF tAnglIn peOple thEre sO cHAnge LocaTion...fIRst tIMe gO sUnteC tO wAtCh mOVie...aND thAts tHE verY plaCe wE waTch oUr fIRst mOviE togeTher sO weLL...i lIke waTcHing mOvies thEre...caUSe you woNt meet yOur scHooL matEs thEre....PiratEs oF thE caRibbeAn wAs kiNDa aLRigHT....wAlk wAlk wAlk aFtEr thAt...wEll i jUSt sImply loVe wAlkiNG dOWn thE rOWs oF sHop LooKing aT aLL thE beautIFul tHings wE haVe tHAT...IT feeLs lIke....Ok wHen yOu aRe waLking wITh sOmeoNe yOu loVe yOu wiLL alWays feeL sO flOaty aND....`lalalala....RemEmbErinG wHAtevEr HappeNs YestErDAy cAn reAlly brIng a sMilE ontO mY faCe...wELL fOR now i aM stiLL reLuctAnt To hOld haNDs...sO haIZ...sOrry....Oh ya....SuntEc cIneMa iS freAkinGly cOld sO reMeMbEr iF you evEr gO tHEre...PLeaSe brIng a swEatEr/jacKet oR sOmetHing oF thAT sORt..IF nOt You sUrely wOuld freeZe inSide thEre....aND hmm...wHEn iTs cOld, It maKEs yOu feel lIke gOing tO thE tOileT....anD LOL...fIRst tiME i wATCh mOVie UntiL i wAnt gO tOilet....sO Pai seH...haVe to stAnd uP aND wAlk tO tOilet....bUT LucKily i aM Not Alone..thEre aRe stiLL quITe a feW otHErs wHo wEnt tOo....wEnt Out OF thE cIneMa i wAS lIKe sO blUR cAN...caUse i dont kNow whEre thE tOilet iS....So `lala...wEnt aRouND sEarChing fOR it...Luckily my seNSe oF dIRectIon wAs aLright aT thAt tIme...Or eLSe i sURe lOSt mYseLf oN thE wAy baCk.....
aFtEr tHE mOvie haD tO ruSh agAin....tHIs time fOR Home...waLk wAlk wAlk...gUEss wHAt...tOok thE wROng trAin agAin...haha....iT seeMs thAT evErytIme we gO oUt wE wOuld aLways aT leAst tAKe thE wrong trAin Once....bUT maYbe itS fated....MaYbe gOd waNTs uS tO haVe mORe tiME togetHEr MAybE thATs wHY wE wOuld alWays tAke tHe wroNg trAin aND thAn agAin caN speND mOre tiME toGetHEr....bUt daRn iTs 7.30 aND tutIon...Gosh...oK nEvErmiND tooK caB theRe...maYBe caUse thEre iS thIs taxI UncLE thEre thAts wHy wE nEvEr tAlk mUch...bUT thAn hE looKs moRe scaRe thAn i aM.....HE kEepS thInkinG wHEtHEr hE would lEaVe a baD iMpreSssion...HE scARe mY mama scOld mE...bUt dont worrY my mama nEvEr scoLd me....<3
ThanKies fOr evErytHing.....iT feeLs sO siMply greAt tO haVe You bY mY siDe...i kNow thAT wE dOnt gEt to meet uP OftEn anD thAT kINda irriTates You bUT reAlly i hOpe anD wISh i caN gO oUt wiTh you tOO bUT aS yOu kNow...haiZ....i kNow thAT Its kInda haRd fOR yOu caUSe aLL yOur bros haVe hOld thEir gf hAnds aND weLL yOu haVe Yet to hOld mIne.....haiZ......evEn thOugh You vOlunteEr bUt i waS stiLL haIZ...ok nothIng to sAY about myseLf.....
toDaY...i doNt kNow whAt haD haPpen...maybe caUse iTs DuE tO aLL thE peer preSsUre fRom hIS fRiEnds thAt he waS kInda UpseT tHAt we diD nOt hOld HAnds...ok ok...i shaLL maKE uP with whAt i haD done wrong toDay ok...NExt time i ProMise........HaiZ.....bUT i wAS Kinda...haiZ...maYbe i aM juSt tOO tOO eMo....NEvErmInd ME....You aRe thE beSt tHing IN mY lIfe aND sO i shAll anD wiLL treAusre You aND try to bring mOre sMiles to yoUr faCe...
whAt a wonderfUl woRld....
Gosh AfTer HEaring thE sOng thAT mS Zhou Qi PlaYEd dUriNg EnglISh lEssOn...i aM sO aDdictEd to iT nOw....thIs sOng keeP pLayIng iN mY mInd....Ahh....NicEy nICey sOng...
Trisha Yearwoods - How dO i liVe
How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh and I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything good in my life
Without you there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, baby I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I
Oh, how do I live
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby, 'cause you know that you're everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I
Oh, how do I live
How do I live
Without you baby
Oh iTs jUSt oh-sO irrItating...My seCond tiME tYpiNG thIS pOSt....caUse cOm haVe some proB anD bEfOre i caN saVe iT....ta-da thEre goEs my eNtry.....sO HEre aM i retYPing agAin....
I love my Daddy....
ItchiNg hAnds...gO pLay wITh thE sEcUritY thingy aND gUEss wHAt....DarN i lOck mY sIm caRd anD IT cANt bE oPen aNyMOre...dArn....sO bYe bYe $18 fLy iNtO thE pOckEts oF thE SingtEl CompAny....I cANt bElievE thAT i aM sO dUmb tHAT i dId nOt evEn kNow thAT iF yOu enTeR thE PUK cOde wrOngly fOR 3 tiMEs...You wiLL nOt bE ablE to uSe iT anYmoRe...So duMb aSs mE wEnt On trying anD tRyiNg aND guEss wHAt...thE tHird tiMe...My sIm wAS lOCk aND iT cANt bE uSe aNymORe...dumb dumb...
CriEd aND cRied aND wAS feeLing sO pEk chEk aT thAT tiME caUSe i cAnt USe mY HAndpHone....cAlled Him....oH woAh HE iS Such a sweetiE...LucKilY i haVe mEmoriSe hIS HAndPhone NumbEr oR i wOuld sURely cRy mY ass Out....blahx....OK thAnks fOR bEing thEre to chEer mE uP...haha....<3 color="#ff0000">HIm sO maNy tiMEs....I waS reALly peK cHek aND baDly wANt to heAR his vOice...aT leASt hIS vOice give mE coMfort...heARing hIS vOicE giVe mE a senSe oF wArmth anD seCuritY...blahx....bUT aNywAy DAD brOught mE tO weSt maLL iN thE eND...btw....It cloSes aT 9 aT nIght...haha
I wAS litErAlly JumpIng fOR Joy wHEn i gottEn a NEw sim...i coUld sMs agAIn...whee...i waS so sO hIgh thAT i cOuld jUmp anD reAcH tHe sKy...umm...naH...sO hIGh tHAT i cOuld reAch thE ceiLing....haha.....
tOdAY iS jUSt sO deja vU...evErytHing i dO seeMs to haVe haPpen beFore...ITs jUSt sO freAky....bUt i wAS wOndEring iF i havE thIS strAnge feeLing thAT i hAve dOne wHAtEvEr things i haVe beFore thAn wHy dumb mE stILL wEnT to dO aLL thIS duMb dUmb things....haIZ.....
So sAD...Tmr iS hIS JunIors maTch aND hmmm...aLL thE wHile i thougHt thAT iTs oN frIdaY tiLL i aSk hIm todAY aNd hE tOld mE thAT iTs heLD tmR...hmmm...saDdeNing caUSe i cAnt gO....tMR gOttEn O levEl F&N plAnnIng...daRn.....mY stm iS getting mOre anD mOre serIous....bUT thAn agAIn...stm CouLd aLSo bE a gOOD thIng aS i wOuld nEvEr evEr hOld grUdge aS i fOrgEt abOut All thIs unhappineSs vEry haha....dOnt wORry i wiLL nEvEr bite You iF yOu maKe mE angry caUSe i forgIvE anD foRgEt eaSily....haha...
I lOve mY daDdy...
LooKing aT dAD fRom thE baCk....i caN see thAT hE haD agE consIderably thIS yeArs...thE nUmbEr oF WhiTe hairS hE haD oN hIS heAD iS sooN goIng tO bE cOuntlEss...fRom maNy mAny....thOSe naSty littLE white hAirs thAT haS invaDe mY daddy heAd...haiZ....daD hatE dYing HIs hAiR....sO hmm...He haVe deCIded thAT hE liVes wiThout blaCk haIr....haIZ...looKing AT thE oNCe MusCular daD....hE iS nOw eVEn MuSculaR....wahaa...caUSe DaD eXcEriSe Loads...dont siAo sIAo dAD reALly vEry Pro....He ruNs faStEr thAN me anD hIs stAmina...wah...sUper PowErfuL....iF i wEre tO wrITe 6kM fOR my NorMAl eXcEriSe i bEt haLfwAy thRoUgh You wiLL sEe mE lYing oN thE gRound...HoW i wiSh mum aND daD would nEvEr haVe tO age....i reAlly caNT bEar to thInk oF thE tHought OF whAt iS going tO haPpen iF oNe dAy...IF thAT dAy...tHE vEry dAY mY mUm Or daD woUld haVe tO go, whAt wOuld i dO...i bEt i suRe cry evEn mOre bUckEts thAn whAt i haD crIEd toDay....
Ok eNougH oF thE sUay-neSs...hOPe mY lUCk wOuld tuRn fOR thE beTtEr tmr....
You aRe thE oNe whO lIghts uP mY paThwAy...
TodAy iS a bOriNg dAy...i dID mAny boRiNg thIngs...i dID thE sAme oLd boriNG rOutiNe...The saMe oLd boRing tHings iS gOinG to bORe Me...Arrgh....
I dOnt kNow wHy.....bUt i tHoughT i haVe deLetEd ' ahem ' cOntaCt a Long tiMe agO...bUT thAn dont kNow whY aFtEr i cHAngE mY mSn tO thE LAteSt oNe i stiLL cAN sEe ' aHem ' Email thEre...aND dArn....hIs NIcK thE vEry LAst nICk bEfoRe wE soRtA eNd thIs wHole 'friEndsHip' dAmn...whEn i sAW thAT nIck i cAN feeL mY bLOod bOil....blah blah blah....shAll nOt talK aboUt tHIs anYmoRe...
SchOOl waS fIne....nah...toDay nEvEr sit fOR oUr O levEl F&N pLannIng...caUSe thE 5n1 ?? or 5n2 haiYa...cAnt reMembEr whIch clAss is iT...thEy aRe siTtiNg fOR thEir O cHineSe oRal aND thEY diD nOt evEn teLL mIss cHin tiLL toDay...tsk poStponE tiLL ThuRsdAY...haiZ....wEnt fOR MathS focUs iN thE eND...dID othEr sChooLs PreLim pApers...i aM gottEn buCk uP fOr mY E-maTHs....A-maTHs...i woNt caRe to boThEr aboUt iT aNymoRe...i shALL siT foR thE paPEr foR thE sAke oF sittIng it....caUSe i kNow i wiLL nEvEr paSs it....StuDyiNg A-maThs iS jUSt nOt iN mY blood....i cAN nEvEr sCoRe....thE sIGht oF A-maThS mAke mE gO boGus.....blahx
HaD pHotO tAkiNg toDay...HoPE aND pRay thAt mY eYeS iSn't closE caUSe thE flAsh...Ahh..wHy mUSt thOSe sMart Ass InvEnt a cAmErA thAT hAs sO strOng a FlASh tHAT SomeTimes wE wOuld bLink rIght aT thE mOMent whEn thE flAsh cAme.....daRn...ThIS iS sO gOing tO bE a boRiNg pOSt iF i cOntinUe wrIting...sO ta-da i sHAll stoP hEre...tiLL thAn....
2 More dAys tO bEsTie birthDay....
Jia Min !!! sHun bAO ( PrImary sChooL friEnd ) sUddeNly cAll mE waKing mE uP fRom mY daZe...iTs bEEn a lOng tIme siNCe shE laSt sPoKe tO mE...tHougHt sHE wAnna asK mE thE tiMe so i loOK at mY wAtcH.....haiZ....Woah...My heArt nEarly JumP oUt wHEn i heArd abOut Ling Xiang DeaTh...Ok i aM ExaggEratIng iF mY heArt wAs tO jUmp out i wOnt bE hEre....haIZ...
ReaCh sChooL...QuiCkly ChiOng tO cOPy A-maThs....FiZa iS alReAdy tHEre cOpyiNg...DarN sHe cOpY sO fAst....tHE rAtE iN wHich i wAs cOpying is lIke oNe QueStiOn i cOPy = One aND thE haLf qUestIon oF whAt FiZa iS cOpyiNg....DaRn i aM sO sLow...i sHouLd trAin myselF uP to wrITe faSter...bUT wheN i wriTe faSt mY worDs wOuld sTart to fLy anD beCome sMaller iN sIze...dArn
ASseMbly In hAll sO i aNd FiZa deCided to go tO thE SC rooM to cOPy whiLe wAitIng foR thE reSt to cOMe...RIng Ring !! weLL thE bELL rAng..nEvEr wEnt uP to thE hAll...stAY aT thE mAin sTaIR thEre....TeAchErs haVing mEetIng thAn sAw Ant. hE wAnnA taKE tIssUe ?? sO wE bluFf blUff aCcompAny hIm...haha.....thAN tHE 3 oF uS....FiZa, ColiN anD me wAS beHavIng lIKe thieF...sNeakly trYing to gEt oUt A-maTHS cOpied....haha....IT wAs a HilaRious sight....wE sWitCh oFf thE rOOm ligHT, uSing oUr haNDpHones tO pRoVide Us wIth thE lIght....i gaVe uP cOpyIng iN thE eNd....i wAs tOO sLow...haha...stiLL aT beGinnEr staGe boTh oF thEm eXpert staGe iN cOpyiNG le...wahaa....nEvErmInd i sHall tRY aND wIn thEm sOmedAy...
WeNt Up tO haLL aFtEr wE sIng thE naTioNal anthEm....`lalala....thAn Miss hing aSked thE fEw oF us thE ex-qifa peoPle wHetHEr We wAnt tO gO tO hIs fUnerAl...haIZ...sAid yeS...wE oNly wEnt tO hIS wAke...thAn i aLso abIt scAre sCare caUse i nEvEr wEnt tO anY fUnerAls bEfoRe...Ok NEvErmiND...Went dOwn baCk tO SC rooM aND guEss wHAt...Its cOulD haVe gOne bOguS iF i NEvEr sEe Mr Lim...He sAve My Day....``whee...i wAS MSging EvEryoNe nEarly wEnt craZy....My bAg !!! Ahh...ITs lOCk iN aND iTs crYing fOR hElp....My bAg wAnted Me tO saVe iT.....Ahh...WHAtEver....sO baD...ThEy NEvEr hElp mE tAKe....Ok NEvErmInd...FiZa cAme sOmeMore laUgh aT mE...dAMn Pai sEh.....haha...bUT iTs kInda fUnny thInkiNg aBout it....
chinEse lEsson...thEre IS tHis lIttLE birdy thAt cAMe iNtO oUr clAss aND dO nOt kNow hOw to fLy oUt...Poor tHing...It mUSt haVe bEen friGhtEn fRom aLL oUr screaMing cauSe It seeM cOnfuSed Juming HEre aND thEre...bUT tHAn agAin it LooK injuRed caUse thE wingS looK fUnny...aww....wAnted tO saVe IT baDly bUT darN i aM afRaId oF iT...iN thE eND i dO nOt kNow whAt happEn tO thIS pooR lIttLE birDy caUSe Miss Debbie asK US tO gO beFore i see wHat haD haPPen to it....hmmm...
SchOOl haD charted tWo buSeS fOr uS to gO thEre...reaCh theRe...tHere iS thIS feAr thAt suddeNly OverCOme mE...Its dAmn scAry....I stArtEd tHinKing aBout What iF i Die One dAy...wOulD thEre BE So Many PeoPle cOmiNg to sEnd mE oFF My vErY laSt JourNEy...WouLD tHere bE peoPle bY mY sIde wHEn i aM aT mY vEry LAst breAth....wOuld peOPle eVer rEmeMbEr mE aftEr i dIed....Ahh....aLL thIs tHougHTs stArted tO OvErCome mE aS i wAs thEre wAtChiNg PeOpLe pAy reSpeCt to hIm...I wAS tOO AfrAid tO looK iNsIdE thE coffIn...i wAs reAlly reAlly scAre....i cAnt bEaR to see His faCe...i wAs afRaId i wOuld bUrst iNto teArs...And tHe thIngS hIs mAma sAid to hIm abOut aLL hIs frIendS iS hEre tO see Him....Its lIke Ahh...sO sAddEniNg cAn...QuitE a fEw cRied....bUt mAybE caUSe i wAsn't sO clOSe tO hIm sO not mUCh feeL...iF hE iS sOmeoNe deAr tO Me...i bEt mY teArs cOuld haVe flooD thE plAce...dId sOme deeP thinKing thEre.....i juSt wAnna teLL eveRyoNe i kNow thAT
I LovE God
I lOve My fAmily
I lOve Him
I loVe mY beSt FriEnds aND beStie
I lOVe My fRiends
I lOVe my ENeMies aND thOse wHom i Love tO haTe
I lOve EverYoNe thAt iS aRouND mE
I sHaLL treAsUre evEry MoMenT i sPenD wITh aLL my Love Ones..MaybE i wOuld jUst gO aNy MomeNt so i shAll lIve Life to thE fuLLest evErydAy....I shAll lEarN tO lOvE thOse PeOple i haTe aND FogIve thOse peOple ....aND i aLso seeK fORgIveNess frOm thOse wHo haTe mE ( if thEre iS aNy ) hmm...i reAlly wIsH thAT thEre iS nO deAth In thIs woRld...But daRN thAt wOuld nEvEr evEr hAppen...IF thEre iS nO dEath, thE worLD woUld bE oVer PopulAted....PeoPle wOuld stiLL evEntuAlly kILL eaCh othEr fOR thE sAke Of territoRy...haIZ...
LifE iS jUSt sO uNfAIr...wHy mUSt thIS thIngs haPPen to a guY whO is Merely 16 yeArs old...wHY sO sOOn ?? haIZ....i hOpe i dO nOt haVe tO gO sO sOOn but lIfe iS UnpreDictablE...We nEvEr kNow whAt iS gOing to hAppEn Next....haIZ....thE sKy seeM tO bE mourNing fOR hIm toO...haiZ....IT rAin anD rAin....IT wAS daRn cOld...ColD cOld cOld...My hAir stArted StaNdiNg aS iF iT haD bEen ElectroCuteD.....hAiZ...wEnt baCk to sChooL aFtEr tHAt....
PracticAlly i nEvEr reAlly stuDy muCh toDay....Only stUDied fOr 2 PerIods...wHich iS F&N....Tmr iS oUr O lEveL PlannIng eXam fOR F&N....hOpe thAT i wOnt sCreW it Up....TiME IS gOing sO quiCkly NowAdAys....7 dAys a weeK sEems lIke onLy 5 dAYs...In a blink Of aN eYE O levEl WouLd haVe beeN hEre....MondAy TueSdAy WedNesdAy ThursdAy FrIDaY SatUrdAy SundAy........If Only i cOuld reWind tiME....SundAy SatuRdAy FriDay ThurSdAy WedNesdAy TuesDay MondAY....i wOUld frEeZe iT rIgHt aT thE moMent wHEn i wAS wIth hIm....i wOndEr whEn wOUld Our nExt trIp gOing out toGeTher....haiZ....i seeM tO haVe aLL mY tiME fully paCked to thE brIm...i aM breAThless rIght nOw....i stiLL nEed More tIme tO caTch mOre aIr so thAt i cOuld contiNue thIS paCked JournEy...Its sUCh a Long lOng JourNEy....haiZ....
13th day <3
2nD poSt OF thE dAy...Ok whAtevEr...shAll wRite a ElabOratEd fOrm oF wHAt haPpen yEstErdAy....
Met hIm iN thE mOrNing finAlly aFtEr oUr 11th dAy...gOSh i wAs lAte....baD impreSsion....wa-wa....aTe mAc....GoSh ThiNk mY stOmacH hAd ShrUnk....Ate onlY 1 HasHbRoWn aNd i aM feeLing dAmn fuLL.....Milo diD nOt evEn maNagE to fiNish it...tsk tsk....i haVe waSte mY mOney....i shOUld nOt haVe OvEr eStiMAtEd mY stOmacH....i cOuld haVe sAve $1 pLus...hmmm....i aM bEing ThriftY ok....haha.....LAtEr oN wHEn to YEw tEe....goSh...fIRst tiMe taKE thE wroNg trAin....haha...Ok nEvErmInd....i haVe No seNSe oF dIReCtIon anD wE haVe pLenTy oF tiMe...haha....wEnt Yew tEe....aND gUEss wHO i sAW...mY idOl...sHAwN lEe.....haha....aT fIRst tHougHt hE bluFf mE de....thAN tuRn baCk...goSh iTs reAlly hIM...iTs bEen dOnt kNow hOw maNy moNThs siNCe i lASt saw hIm...
waLk wAlk thE coUrt...diD nOT sUntan....caUSe sIT uNDer taLk tAlk...wAtcH hIm plAy bbaLL....reAd FiQa's bOok...tHATs hOw i paSs My tiMe thEre.... ITs faSinating wAtChiNg hOW thEY plaYed....hIS JuniOrs...sO cUTe aNd talKatiVe....kEeP oN tAlk tALk taLK...haha....thAN mY anothEr idOl....Jian tIng aND thE othEr gUy weI zHong caME...LucKily thEy nEvEr saY anythIng...i daMn scaRe cAn...i alSo dOnt kNow whY....tHAts lIke sO dUmb feeLing sO afRaid fOR nO reaSon....Ok NEvErmInd....waTCh thEm thE trIo plAy agAinSt aNothEr 3 gUys fRom Swiss CottaGe i tHInk....kInda nICey....bUt lala....gOttEn gO aND mEet Jer thEy aLL aT 2.45 sO caNt stAy aNymoRe....saDdenIng...daRn...i haVe No seNSe oF dIRectIon anD caNT reMb wHEre i haVe eNTEr fRom....LucKily hIs JunioR shOw mE thE wAy oR i sURely bE loSt iN thE eStaTe iTseLf....`lalala...
ReAch ClEmeNti....aGAin i wAs thE EarlY oNE...NEvErmInd....nOT lOng Jia Qi cAme...thAn jEr....wEnt NTUC to bUy mY tiBits...i aIn't HungrY eVen thOugh itS paSs 2 o'clock....Hmm...i cOuld jUSt liVe wITh haShbRown...haha....THan Aloy aND Sin Lee cAme...thAn wEnt tO mEet shikIn....wEnt maC agAin...aTe MAc fLurry...i lOve oreA...haha...thAn meEt Hairi aND sHikiN fRiend....thAn gO tOok trAIn aRe aLL sO crOWded...iTs lIke sadIne iN a cAn...iTs tHAt pAck....bUT haha...mANagE tO sQueue ta-da...OFf wE gO tO KallAng staDium...PlaYed thOse reAlly lAme gaMes In thE trAin...bUT iTs fUn...aT leaSt thE jourNey dOEs not seeM lOng wiTh tHEm aRouNd...=)
ReaCh thEre...saW maNy tAngLin pEopLe....waLK wAlk wAlk to thE staDium....ITs sCorchiNg Hot...bUT i diD nOt reGreT weArIng Jeans thOugh itS liKE sO hOt iN thEm....caUse ITs eAsIEr fOR US giRlS aS i dO nOt neeD to caRe aBout tHE wAy i sIt etC....caUSe i wOnt eXpoSed myseLf to thE woRld iN jeaNs...haha....ReaCh staDium....Whee...gOing In fOR uS wAs a breEze...wE wEre seAtEd aT thE VIP seaT...tHE graNdstaND...tHE oNe wiTh sHEltErs....ahaha....thE pEopLE wE seAt at thE gaLlery wAS queuing lIke maD...LOng queue thEre...fOR uS nO queue...haha....GottEn OurseLVes seAted.....wAit fOR thE sHow to bEgIn...haIZ...saD thAt sHikin seaT sOmewHere eLSe...sO dID not taKE pIcs wITh Her...HEr caMera iS wiTh Me ...haiZ...dOnt kNow thEy maNaGe to taKE thE fIRewOrks ma...caUSe wE lEft riGht aFter thE sHow sO wE diD nOt catCh thE fiRewoRks..weLL actAully soRt oF diD...bUT wE aRe oUt oF tHE staDium aT thAt tiME wHEn thE fIRewORks bEgIn...oK baCk tO dUrIng thE sHow...wE wEre High...keeP snAPping pIctuRes aS iF thIs iS mY fiRst tiMe hEre....`lalala.... aND oh yA...My bUtt HUrt baDly aFtEr thE sHow... haha
aFtEr tHE sHow tOOk MRt to JurOng East...aGain We bEhaVe lIke siAo siAO...bUT i siMply lOve thEm aLL.....tHey mAke mY dAY...sO did He...bUT i wAs kInda upsEt aFtEr sOmethIng hAppen....Jia Qi sTaRted PassIng tHE mEssAgE about thE oNe thAt sAy whY yOu teLL evEryone i cUTe/chio/suAi etC iN thE eND wE paSs tO Our fRienDs blah blAh bLAh....thAn wE aLL goTtEn baCk vEry fuNny reSponSe...lIKe thE oNe alOy goTtEn fROm TaNglIn Wei jIe....he rePLied...reALly Meh...i tHink thEY heArd wrongly...i thOugh i sAY You aRe fAt...ugLy....blah blAH blAH....tHAts thE beSt reSponSe eVEr goTten...haha....buT haiZ...Ok nEvErmiNd shAll not eLAbOrAte....
aTe aT thE fOOd cOurt thAn wE tOOk nEos....whee...i lOVe Neos....It alWays feeL aS iF yOu aRe iN lala lAnd... fRee fRom sOrrOw...blah blaH blah...Ok HEre aRe thE nEos....
I Simply lOVe thEm LOaDs... <3
i shAll lEt mY pIcs dO thE taLking aBout wHAt HappeN dUriNg thE NDP 8 July PreView.....
The pAss tO EntEr....GraNdstaNd seAt...mInd yOu...ITs tHE VIP sIDe...haha...
Us bEfORe tHE sHow bEgIn...StaRted Our UsuAl hobbY agAin...sNap sNAp sNap...haha..
Me aND Jer..... HairbaNds....The lAtEst TreNd... =)
Me aNd Aloy....
ThE crOwd aT thE staDiuM... haha....tHEy aRe seAted aT thE gaLlerY sEat....No sHeLtEr...So ManY wHip out theIr UmbreLLas....We aRe seATed aT thE GraNdsTaNd...gOT sHelTer...haha.....So Not hOt At aLL.... haha...i sOund So evIL...
Let tHE sHow beGin....fIRst PerfOrMancE bY DeYi Sec MilItaRy bAnd ....Dont pLaY plAy...thEy gOTtEn gOLd wITh Honour....HonOur HOnOur HonoUr...fOr tHEir SYF cOmpEtitIon.....
WoAh...CaStLe FOrMAtIon....ThAts How thEy LooK oN scReen...
And wEll thATs How they lOoK wHEn thEy aRe not oN scReen...dots...
WAtCh Me fLy...Fly fLy fLy iNtO thE sKy....
PerForMaNCe bY RurAng PriMaRy....
PreJecT sUperStaR Chen Wei Lian pErfOrmaNCe....
This year���s NDP 2006 Theme Song ���My Island Home��� is sung by home-grown talent Kaira Gong....SerIouSly i dOnt wHo sHE iS aT ALL....hmm.....Cant zOOm iN caUSe mY cAmera iS not 'pOWdErfUl' eNoUgh.....
Look mA....No wIngs....
WeLcOmIng His eXceLLenCy...Mr S.R.NathAn.....
CheY......gOTtEn cHeaTed....ITs a FakE One...haha...
WalAu....thIS faKE PresIdeNt sO lUcky cAn....gEt tO rIdE aRouND thE staDiUM iN thIS....sOmeMore goT pEoPle wAvE aT hIm As If HE iS thE reAl oNe....i aLso wAnt....haha....
The sKy haD tURned DarK...EvEn tHE mooN haD apPeared....
TaNgLin PErfOrMErs.....wIth PA aND Soka AssOciAtion....=)
'LigHT' PerForMANce bY SingApoRe sOka AssOcIatIon ???
FirEwoRks...FIreWorKS aND more FiRewoRks....i sEem to bE sO sO oBseSs wIth thEm...=0
Tap DancErs....
Nan Hua PerfOrmerS.....
THe 4 emCees oF NDP 2006.....Gurmit Singh, Michelle Chia, Jean Danker and Sheikh Haikel.....
Shu Qing tHE cUte littLE girL aNd me In thE tRain...aS i haVe sAid...tHE trAin iS thE bEst plAce tO sNAp Pics...haha... =)
Me and Sin Lee.....
Me....Sin Lee...Jia Qi.... =)
* I shAll UploAd tHE NeoS mAYbE aT nIgHt iF Jer HAd sCAn HErs....CaUSe SerIouSly i aM tOO laZy tO dO sO......hmmm....sOoNEr oR lAtEr i maY tuRn iNtO a pIg....oink oink....haha.....