Hear the lady roar.

Today's HoroScope :

Things are really starting to come together in a relationship -- trust is at an all-time high, and this bodes well for building stronger foundations for growth. This is just a beginning phase, so be prepared to take things more slowly than you may want to. Your positive momentum will carry over into other areas of your life -- including an unpredictable family relationship. A wave of growing confidence will give you a taste for competition, so keep an eye out for a chance to prove yourself.

Happy birthday Mummy !!

SerioUsly i dONt knOw whAt iS GoiNg On...bUt i tHink i aM Allergic to sOmethIng...My hAnd gEts reAl itcHy aT tiMEs anD iF i ruB it, a bUmp wOuld aPPeaR...soMethIng liKE a eNlarGe vErsiOn oF a mosQuitO biTe....dreAd dreAd....woNdEr iS iT aLLergy oR sOmethIng eLSe..hmm...WhAt hAve i eAteN thE pAss fEw dAys ?? hmm...cAnt reMembEr...

i shouLd lOok fOrwArd to thE fUture InsteAd oF dweLLing aboUt whAt haS alReAdy haPPen...hmm....

hAd EnglIsh foUcs...dreAd dreAd....wEll iF nOt fOR thE eNglISh foCus i woUld haVe alReady bEen aT DanCe pRacticE wITh thE daNce PeePs...sHouLd i gO fOR thE dIrect aDmissIon thingy to PJC ? wAnna trY mY lUck bUT thInkiNg aboUt thE audTions aND intErvIEws `blah blah blah....ITs maKEs mE gO weAk oN mY kNees...i aM sURe i wOuld gEt dumbfolD...aND thAt woUld oNly makE mE looK stuPid IN frOnt oF thEm...gosh...sHOuld i gO fOR iT ?


For the Performing Arts group, students applying through DSA should satisfy ONE of the following:

Received a Gold or Silver Award in the latest SYF Central Judging Competition
Participated in prestigious competitions or in music festivals.
Outstanding individual talent in the respective arts group.

Well...i dId actUally hIt one oF tHem...aND thAt iS wE gottEn GOLD foR oUr SYF....MusiC fEstiVal ???? OutSaNding iNdiViduAl taLEnt ???


Overseas Enrichment Trip
Leadership Training Programme
Enrichment Courses
Additional insurance coverage for Merit Sports CCAs

Arrgh...shOuld i oR sHould i nOt....


DSA-JC Exercise 2006 is now open. Interested students please fill out the application form and send it to us by hand/ post by:

Phase 2
31 July 2006

wAnna gO bUt stiLL hEsitatE...i aM afRaid oF IntErviEws...aFriAd thAt i wiLL fLop thAT reAlly baDly...aS You kNow...i aM baD baD aT sPEech...

1 july...SYF doNt kNow hOw manY AnniverSary....wAnna gO...bUt thAn...haiZ....oK NevErmInd...

Tmr A-maTHs teSt...BYE BYE A- mAThs !! i decIded to DivorcE yOu...ITs drIviNg mE craZy...i haTe IntErgratIon foR i nEvEr seeM to uNderstaND....guEss i aM jUSt tOO guNdu to dO suCh toUgh sUbjecTs...Arrgh....

Yippe !!....CanoeinG tMr...ShawN didi gOIng tOO...dOublE Yippe !! i am reAlly sorrY sHikin..i dIdn't mEan to pah sey You ok...i am sOrrY.... i hOpe mama lEt mE brIng the cAm gO...i wAnna sNap sNap...mIss taKing pIcs....i lOve thE cAm...haha....

Ok tiLL hEre...i aM tIred..Its bEen 2 daYs sInce i sLept aT 2 plUs...HoPE toDay woNt be thE 3rd..i DespEratEly neeD some reSt...bUt Ahh..tHE attrActIon oN thE cOm iS fAr tOO seDuctive thAt iT iS haRd tO Let gO oF It....`lalala...Ok Enough...tiME tO off cOm aND sLeeP....Oink Oink...



``Whee....One Day hAd juSt pAss aND weLL i KIndA lOVe evEry Minute oF IT..

EverytHing wEnt oN fIne toDay...i juSt lOVe everY miNutE oF ScienCe Foucs....iTs sO kiNda fUN sittIng wiTh beSt frIend...haha...Sit wiTh HEr cAn Ki siAo...aLL thE crazineSs kEpt mE awAke..haha....Love hEr loads....bUt tHAn agAin wHEn with FiQa...haha...You cAnt gEt mUch wOrk dOne caUSe yoU wiLL bE talKing aND plAying aLL thE tiMe..haha...But haha...stiLL lOve her tO bITs...

HaiZ...tmR EngLisH fOcuS aND Yippe!! Dance tOo....SerIously i reAlly miSs dAncing anD aLL thE dAnce PeePs..Its bEen lOng sInce i dO aLL thE wArm-ups anD aLL thE dancIng..KInda mISs thEm...iTs jUSt so irOnic tHAt wHen i fiRst staRted dAnciNg i hated to dO aLL thIS wArm-up aND stuff bUT nOw..woah...i mISs dOing thEm....`blah blah blah....i shAll stoP hEre fOR i hAvE nOthIng mUch to pOst...tiLL thAn...




Sabo by Jer...noW i aM dOing thIs..haha..


- Hyper when with right friends
- Emo
- Loves Dancing lots ...Its My pAssion...
- Night person
- Blur-gong
- Laugh a lot
- Always touch hair...wahaa..


- Broke
- Ahh...White Hair
- No friends that i can count on
- Insects
- Failing my exams
- Losing him
- Being fat fat..


- Sarang Haeyo ( Lin Jun Jie )
- Hips dont lie ( Shakira )
- For You i will ( Teddy Geiger )
- In this life ( Westlife )
- I turn to you ( Christina Aguilera )
- Deeply in love ( Hillsong )
- Everytime we touch ( Cascada )

7 THINGS I LIKE THE MOST ( Currently )

- Him
- Best Friends
- Pinky and purple stuff
- Chucky earrings
- Cam
- White Chocos
- Dancing


- Yi lin
- Hui Ping
- Wee Teng
- Stacey
- Shu Qing
- Sze Qian
- Stella

``whee done....270606.....whee...2242....haha....gO de-cOde It YourseLf....haha

Lost foR wOrds... thAts thE oNly thIng i cAn sAY...sHAll not ToucH oN thIS tOO muCh...tHis shAll bE my littLe littLE seCreT...`lalala....Best fRiends sHoulD know le eXcePt fOR a fEw mOre haVe nOt teLL yEt...sO best frIend You wAnt tO kNow aSk me.....didi alSo kNow le...so haha...Those wHo sHould kNow would haVe kNown sO ta-da....

yippE !! toDay iS jUSt My luCky dAy...The stArs aRe ALL In mY faVour...BooksHop aUnty rawkX..haha...She giVe mE thE I nOt stUpid tOO pOstEr aT laSt...`whee...CraZy giRl...i wAs kePt hIgh toDay...toDay iS jUSt sO fabulouS..How i wiSh iT wOuld nEvEr enD....How i wiSh thE tiME cOuld stOp aT thIs vEry moMent....

3 More dAys to gO to A-mAths CommOn tEst...Arrgh....suRe a die-die caSe fOR mE...sEen our whOle lEvel RankIng fOR A aND E mathS...* vomits blood * Damn Lousy..i gottEn wORk hARd fOr E-mathS...A-mAths..Well...i shAll lEt iT bE...NothIng caN saVe mE anYmore...And whee...cAnnoeiNg....i lOVe to cAnnoeiNg...cOme baCk cHao-ta bEst...`` cHao-ta Chao-ta...i wAnt tO gEt myseLF tAN...haha...GoiNg craZy sOOn...OUt oF mY mInd....3 More dAYs to CannoEing aND A-mAThs Common teSt...




ShucKs i aM TrAumatisE bY a IncIdeNt...wHIch...it sHouLd nOt hAve HAppeN....dAmn...i trY haRd to foRgEt bUt evErytiMe aRrgh...IT wiLL jUSt cOmE PoPPiNg iN mY hEad evErytiMe i wAnt to bLog...Arrgh...Damn Damn...Ahh....i HopE thIs feeLing wOuld bE gone reAl reAl sOOn i haTe to liVe iN sUCh cOnditions....aFraiD Of sOme pEoplE whOm i sHouLd nOt boTher aT aLL...aRrgh....whY iS thIs aFfeCtiNg mE sO baDly...i aM nOw vEry caUtion oF wHAt i blOg aND sAy i gUEss i cAn nEvEr reAlly bE thE sAme aNymoRe..haiZ....

weLL i sQueUe thE yeLLow pus Out oF mY eYE...hmm...aT leAst mY eyE lOok bEttEr thAn iN thE mOrNing...aT leASt iTs not sO paInfUl..haha...FirSt dAy oF TerM 3 wAs kiNDa sMooth fOR mE...bUT haiZ....yEstErdAy cHiong mY lIterAture aND mathS HomeWork uNtiL 2 pLus thAn sleeP aND guEss wHAt none oF tHem wAs bEing cOllecteD...* sleepY heAd * nearLy feLt asLeeP dUring EngliSh.....tOO tiRed....i sHouLd slEep eArly fRom thIs terM oNwarDs....i mUSt trY to slEep beFore 1...hmm..maYBe 12 pLus...oR elSe i sURe die-eD aT sCHooL....i caNT riSk mY reSult fOR cOmputEr NeitHEr cAn i riSk mY resUlt foR teLevIsIOn so i goTtEn woRk haRd aND gEt baCk My goOd reSult baCk...hOpe thAt iS nOt jUSt wIShfUl tHinkIng oN mY pArt...




Arrgh..This iS whAt i caLL a paIn iN thE eyE...goSh..oF aLL plaCes, iT deciDed to groW ON thE sAme eyE...nOw mY eyE feeL so heavY anD Yes pAinfUl....nOw iTs kInda hArd to oPen mY eyE...mama sAy iTs becaUse Of tHE heat...hmm... i dID nOt eAt anYthIng heaty thE PAss feW dAys...tHink iT muSt bE thE heAt frOm witHin thAt cauSe thIs..... blah``

`tralala...i am haPPy thIs fEw daYs...YEstErdAy anD toDay..aFter i lEt oUt mY heAt..i kiNda fEel freE...``whee...wAtch ME fLy.....i guEss i shOuld reAlly treaSure you kNow whO You aRe...hAha....You Are jUSt sO nIce sO sO niCe....yA maYbe i shOuld nOt caRe aboUt whAt oTherS tHink but whAt you thInk cAn alReady....iT dOEs not reAlly cOncerN theM anYwAy....haha.....hmm....i thInk tHAt wHAt thEy saY miGht bE trUE....hmm...i shOuld cHAnge....nOt fOR thEm buT You kNow whO You aRe.....

sOmtImes when i gO craZy i mIght juSt blAh oUt ruBbisH caUSe i wrITe wHAt i feeL at tHaT mOmeNT so sOrrY to aNyoNe wHom i haVe offeNdeD cauSe i dont mEan to dO iT thAt wAy....i jUSt wrITe oUt mY inneR feeLings anD whAt i feeL at thAT tiME whEn i blOg....i beAr nO grudgE anD i Hope You dont....ThanKies...XD



2nd Post OF thE dAy... i mUSt sAy thIs beFore i haVe anY of suCh thIng HappeNing agAin..

i blEw my toP..

i Am fURiouS..

anD hOW i wiSh i neVer dId aLlow yOuR frIenD tO see My blOg..

Damn...hOw i wiSh i could tuRn baCk tiME...

To PeoPle wHo dont knOw ME whO reAds mY blOg ( iF thEre iS anY ) :

Dont JudGe mE mEreLy oN wHAt i wRittEn hEre...sO whAt iF iTs a dAy diffEreNCe...thAT i hAvE totAlly cHAnge mY viEws oR pErcEptIOn aboUt sOmethIng...sO whAt iF iTs thAt wAY...You dO nOT kNow mE...yOu NEvEr evEn sEe beFore wHo i aM...You diD nOt evEn KnoW hOw mY chARacTEr iS lIke sO whO aRe You tO juDgE mE...A strAngEr trYing tO juDgE mE....DAmn iT....WorDs cAnt reALly deScRibE hOw thE PErsOn fElt insIDe...feEliNGs aRe sOmethIng thAt nO woRdS cAn deScribE...ThE PErsOn mAy soUnd hAppy whEn thEy pHraSe thEir woRds iN thEir blOg...bUT doEs thAt mEAn thEY aRe hAppy ?? A pErSon maY sound As iF thEy dO nOt cARe aboUT whAtEvEr iS goIng to hAppeN...bUT doEs nOt meAn thEY dont cAre ? i mAY sOund aS baD aS a HyProCriAte bUT doES thAT meAn i aM oNe...DAmn iT....i dOnt nEed You tO gUEss whAt i aM fEelIng nOw caUsE i aM tElliNG You wHAt i am feeLing nOw....i aM angry ....UpseT anD blAh blAh....tHE feeLing iS More thAn worDs caN deScriBe... The iMAge PortrAy iN a bLog cAn tuRn oUt sO sO baD...

mAN i haTe iT wHEn sOmeoNe judGe mE abOut whAt i wRIte...dAmn...i aM reAlly reAlly...Arrgh...DAmn Damn...All i haVe iS tO cuRse MyselF...whO aSk mE stuPid gUndU giVe out mY blOG aDd...haiZ...tHATs mY eNdIng...DAmn....i wAnna tuRn bacK tiMe...i wiSh i nEvEr blOg thOse stuFf...OK i shAll nOt blOg about thOSe stuFf agAin..i shAll oNly blOG whAt haPPen in scHool, aT hOme...blAH blAh blAH...nOthIng abOut hIm anyMore...i am tiRed...reAlly tiREd thIS tiMe...i haTe to bE juDgE jUSt bY whAt i wrITe abOut hIm...i shOuld KeeP mY moUth shut anD keeP mY feeLings iNsiDe..itS bEttEr thIs wAy...fOR him and fOR me...

Enough said..


reAdiNG mY pRevIouS dayS pOSt, i fInD mYselF reAlly HilArIouS....i wAS reAl aNgry tHAt dAy aND blEw mY toP bUT whEn i coOl doWn...i guEss i stiLL mISs hIm anD i jUSt cANt beAr nOt to talK to him...thIs iS craZy....i doNt kNow whY i jUSt cANt reSist mYselF.... i wAS soRt oF drIven to teArs agAin...StuPId ArSe...i thOugHt wHAt haD to yOu...iF i haVe nOt meSsagE you woUld yOu haVe dOne iT...Arse....Ahh...FreAKing CraZy....

YesTErRdAy WAs fUn...exCePt fOR thE paRt whEN i haVe to cOllEct thE tICkEts fRom aNgelA....CauSe i wAS lIkE suPpoSed to meeT heR aT 11.15 so thAt sHE cAn pAss mE tHE MovIE tIckEts...WenT i reAch thE staTion iT wAs aLReAdy 11.30....cAUse thE buS tOOk suCh a Long tiMe tO go jUrOng eAst...NEvErminD abOut tHAt...i aM pAtiEnt...reAch stAtion caNT fInd anGelA...MSg HEr pHone...diD nOt gEt Reply...Call hEr PhoNE nO oNe aNsWer...MInd yOu thE moVie stArt At 11.50....i wAs PrePAreD foR tHE woRst tHAT sHE oVerslePT so i cAlled hEr HouSe NumBEr...aND yupp...She oVersLePt i cOulD haVe stRugglE hEr mAN...sHE ruSh oVer aND bY thE tiME i cOllEct thE tICkEts iT wAs lIke 11.45 - 11.50 ....aND bY thE tiME i reaCh JP....iT wAS 12...MOvIE haVe stARted...nO oNE wAs At thE cOuntEr wHEre YoU gIVe thE tiCs aND thAn yOu go iN...LoL..thAn blAh blAh blAh...sOmeoNE cAme lEt uS iN....blAh blAH blAh...Went iN...stArtEd a fEW MIns Ago...thE movIE nOt thE aDvErtiSmenT...LuCkiLy nOt mUCh pEopLe wAtCh thE 11.50 sHow so iTs KindA eMpty...sO wE jUSt anyhOw pICk a seAt anD wAtch....

Just mY luCk nIcEy MovIE...bUT iTs MORe sUitabLE fOR laDieS...hmm...i dont tHInk guYs wiLL bE thAT Kind oF fLim...OverAll raTinG...6 out oF 10....thIS mOviE iS aboUt HOw thIs cHAracTer Ashley( Lindsay Lohnan ) wAs aLwAys a luCky giRl uNtiL sHE wAS at a Marquee aND shE kIss Jake Hardin( Chris Pine ) whO iS a gUy wHO aLWays gOttEn baD lUCk anD how thEir LifE cHANgEs beCauSe oF thIS kISs.... KindA fUnny to see How thEy trAnsfEr thEir Luck to eAch oTher eVerytIme thEy kiSs...aww....

AftEr thE MovIE wHEn fOR mY shOppIng trIp agAin...bougHT a dRess/shirt thOse wOrn wiTh jEans tYpe..aNd 3 eArrings....i kIndA goTtEn aTtrActed to thE cLotHes aT ToPshoP aLL oF a suDden...mAn....iT goTtEn cOSt mE lOTs...thAN blAh bLAh blAh..wEnt Home...

WhiSper in My eArs....Tell me am i worth it ?



2Nd Post oF thE dAY.....Its beeN 38 hrS PLus siNcE yOu lAst mSg mE anD 14 HrS PluS siNce i lAst mSg You...WeLL i haD eNougH yA...siNCe You doNt caRe i shAll nOt boThEr aND PleaSe doNt giVe mE thE exCuSe thAt YouR HanDphOne NO baTt YA..doNt teLL mE thAt nOnE oF yOUr friEndS thEre diD nOt brIng cHAngEr...caUSe i woUld nOt haVe beLievE iT...iF yOu mUSt pLEase cOme oUt wiTh a More creAtiVe anD beLieveabLE exCusE....wtF....daMn pISsed....i shAll nOt bOthEr iF yOu dont bothEr...DoeS thAT meAns wHAt yOu sAy aRe aLL loads oF ruBbiSh thAt come oUt fROm thE moUTh thAt maKEs nO senSe...Ahh...Damn iT !!!

i thInk...i thInk oF hIm tOO mUCh... dAmn...whEn mY pHone riNg i wAs dAMn hAppy aT fiRst thAn agAin...Ahh..i woKE uP baCk tO reAlitY....thAts mY riNG toNE...nOt mSg tOne..hE wOuld nOT cAll me...foR iF hE diD hE woUld aSk ME fiRst...Ahh...DamN dAmn...i sHAll nOt trY mSg You agAIn..i dID twICe anD i gEt No rePly...i haD eNougH...i shAll nOt sAy sOrrY anYmoRe...i aM piSsed....i aM vEry vEry PissEd....sO dOnt gEt anY HopEs oF mE sAyiNg sOrrY thE thIrd tiME caUSe i woNt...i woNT bOthEr aboUt You tiLL yOu mSg mE....IF i aM iN a PerfeCt gOOD mOoD YOu shAll gEt rePly...if i doNt...thAn bYe-bYe...waIt tiLL i haVe mOod thAN i rePly....i aM beiNg meAN bUt hEy !! whO staRted iT fIRst...Who ??? Ahh....DAmn Damn....i aM iN a baD aND drOwsy mOod agAIn...JuSt toOK mY medINcE...Ahh...i DreAd MEdiCinE....It jUst freaK mE evEn thougH thEre iS nOthIng reAlly sCary aboUt iT....buT stiLL i haTe iT...

At lEAst thEre iS sometHIng TO cheeR mE up....caTcHing Just mY luCk tMR witH wEe teNg aND yippe...SHoppIng...ShoppIng mAkes mE go lalala...i LOVE shOppIng...aND tHankIEs AngEla fOR thE tIckEts....thAnkiEs... =) shAll tRy mY vEry beSt nOT to ovErspEnd...i am brOKe...OR maYBe i shOuld Window shOp....aT leASt i caN saVe mOney....`lalala...i aM goIng craZy....

sOmEtiMes i wOndEr dO yOu meAn wHat YoU sAy ? Dont trY to bE a hEro wheN yOu aRe nOT...aRe You trYing to help mE foRgEt abOut yOu....thAn YOu aRe dAMn wroNg ...for i never will be able to do that....Ahh...dAMn daMn dAmn....wTh aM i tALkiNG...


OK i aM seRiouSly Pms-Ing...i aM jUSt abOut to haD eNougH sO dOnt daRe mE to dO thAt...i aPologiSe alReAdy so wHAt You wANt Now...I meRely saID thE trUth thAt OnlY yOu thE oNE wHo cAn decIDe iF yOu wAnna bE haPpy or sAd anD nO oNe eLSe...i doNt kNow wHeTher iS iT yOu aRe angry oR bUSy bUT aLL i kNoW iS thAt i aPologiSe and yOu dID nOt rePly mE...i thOugH siNCe wE kNew eAch othEr sO long You woUld haVe kNow mE weLL eNougH thAt i gEt reAl irrItatEd wHEn i Msg anD i gEt NO rePly....``lalala...i am pissed off...You gEt it....IT doNt TakE lOng tO rePly a MSg...1 minUte the Most...aIn't i evEn worTh 1 MinutE oF yOur tiMe ?? DamN....sO i aIn'T wOrtH iT....

mY boDy wEnt haY-wIrE agAin....maYbe caUSe i stuDy tOO mUCh yEstErdAy...hmm...I wAs pErfecTly aLriGht iN thE morNing dOinG HomeWork anD suCh bUT afTer i bAth...brr...i feeL cOld...evEn thOugHT i wAs sHowering iN thE wAtEr teMpeRatuRe tHat i wAs dO....brr...cOmInG oUt oF thE sHowEr wAS wOrse thAn i thouGht...mY lEgs anD haNDs staRteD to feeL cOld aNd slOwly staRted to nuMb...Gosh...i tHougHT thAT thIS tiME i mUSt lAy iN beD agAin...i caNT evEn cOnceNtratE to do mY gEo HOmewoRk...so hmm...LEft it fOR toDay to do.... aND Ahh...i haTe MedICinE bUT wAs stiLL foRcE tO sWaLLow thEm dOWn....eeyer..i haTe thE thOugHt oF iT bEIng stuCk iN thE miDdLE oF mY tHroAt...oK i aM beIng stupid cauSe nOne oF thIs woUld acTuaLLy hAppEn but haiZ...i stiLL haVe thE phobiA thInkiNG thAT iT wOuld haPpen...

mAnagE tO draG MyseLF oFf thE bEd tO watCh Da Chang Jing...i caNT mISs tHE lAst ePisOde...thE fUnny thIng iS thAT i wAS PerSpiriNg prOfuSely...IS iT beCauSe oF thE mEdiCine...hmm..IF iT iS tHAn iTs wORkiNg dArn wEll...haha....NicEy...thE xiAo xIAn iS so cUte...haha...

``Whee aNgelA iS goIng to giVe mE mY mOviE tiCkets...Yippe...buT thAN i doNt kNow wHEthEr sHE iS abLE to giVe mE friDay tIcs iF can tHan i wiLL watCh wiTh wEe tEng...hOpe shE cAn...wAnna caTcH jUSt my lUcK hOpE sHe cAN gEt iT...hmm...anD hOpe tHAT i dO nOt haVe anYMore haY-wIRe agAin...

Today's HoroscOpe :

Doubts about a RelAtiOnship wiLL gEt blOWn out iF PropOrtIon iF yOu dO nOt taKE sOme tiME to reflect oN whAt yOu aRe feeLing aS oppOsed tO whAt You wAnt to sAY. tHEy reAlly aRe twO diffEreNT thIngs, yOu kNow..

If You wAnna gEt Me off your mInd...Just tEll mE...anD i wiLL stoP.....



AnotHEr dAy OF beIng trApPed aT home...Oh...LiFe iS jUSt sO bOrEd wIthOut havIng aNy ShoPpiNG...`whee...For oNcE i bEcaME a gOOd gIRl aND diD my hoMewORk....sAt thErE thE wHole dAY so thAt i cOuLd cOmpleTe aLL thE eNglISh cOmpRehensIOn....aND Yippe...i doNe iT...goNna tRy to fIniSh My gEoGraPhy aT niGht... i wAnna gO oUt tO plAy but....haiZ...i aM brOKe...HoliDays MuM diD nOt giVe mE mOneY aND wa-wa...i aM oNly lEft wiTh thE mOneY i saVe beFore thE holiDay...wAnna go oUt wIth JEr to doWntoWn but thAn...sHAll trY aSkinG toniGht...hopE theY woUld sPAre mE soME caSh....i am haRd fOR mOneY nOw...

sHawN didi is sO swEet haha...meSsaGe mE jUSt to aSk mE hOw i aM nOW...LOL....tHAnkiEs...i guEss i jUSt sEe thE gOOD sIDe oF Him...

boO-hOO...so sAd....AngeLA iS goIng to gEt tHE MoviE tiCketS fOR mE bUT haiZ...i stiLL cAnt decIDe oN whAt to wAtcH...aT fiRst wANteD tO wAit tiLL sChooL oPEn thAn tAKe bUT shE sAy scHOol opEn sHE doNT have tiME tO takE anYmoRe caUSe itS aT pLaZa sIng...oK uNderstaNDabLE...acTuAlly wANteD to saVe iT foR Mom's bdAe...caUSe suPerMAn iS reLeaSe thE sAme dAy aS mOm's bdAe...wAntEd HEr to wAtcH tHE vEry dAY iT iS reLEaSe cauSe i heArd mOm mEntIoniNg sHE wANt tO watCh thAt mOviE...bUT..Ahh...Now cANt....hmm...whAt sHOuLD i wAtCh...hmm...RV ? haiZ...

shOuLD i oR sHOuld i nOT gO ??



WEnT to frIendsTeEr....goTtEn thE sHocK out oF mY lIFe...wOnDer wHO iS thE perVert one YestErdAY wHEn i wEnt to frIendSter, i doNt evEn reMeMbEr seeIng thAt mUCh pEopLE vIewIng mY prOfIle thE mOSt wAs lIKe 100 oR a lITtlE moRe...cANt reAlly reMeMbEr aLL i kNow thAt tHE NumbErs i sEe toDay wAs daRn sHocKing...sInce thERe aRe 172 vIews, It taKEs aT leAst 8.6 vIEwS pEr dAy tO reAch thIs aMouNt oF PeoPle....aND sIncE thEre aRe nO NEw PEoPLe wHo vIew mY profIle, iT mUSt bE eIthEr sOmeOne wHo haD aLReaDy vIEw mY ProFile OR elsE thEY aRe thOSe wHo vIeW aNonyMously...How i wiSh bLoggEr wOulD jUSt dIs-aLLoW pEopLe tO viEw anoNyMously...i wAnNa sEe whO vIEw mY ProFile...anD eVen bEttEr iF i cAn See thEY vIEw hoW mAny tiMEs so thAt i cAn blOck thOSe PeRvErts....`lalala...

SOmetiMEs i woNder wHAt aRe We Now ?? cOupLe oR aS sePerAte persOn....wE taLk lIke iN thE pAst bUT i woNdEr dO We reAlly feeL thIS wAy... thEre ArE soMe tHingS i reAlly haTe abOut thE siTuatIon nOw....i seeM to bE cOpiNg weLL with tHe PreseNt sitUatiOn..I aM nO loNgEr thAt eMo...aT leAst nOw i taKE tHingS cAlmly.....haiZ....IS tHIs a gOOd siGn oR a baD sigN ? hmmm...

wEnt to scHool fOR SC...Oh woAh oNly 10 PlUS pEoPle cAme...Ok whAtEvEr....bUt haha...AT leAst i gOTtEn thE latEst nEws...umm..mAybE noT thAt latEst anYmoRe caUSe i tHInK thoSe whO aRe cloSe to heR anD him shOuLD haVe kNow iT lOng tiME agO....caUSe sHikin anD me haD soRtA sUsPect thE tWo OF theM aRe togeThEr caUSe wE have bEen seeIng thE tWo quiTe FrequentlY togEtHEr i mEAn...haha....aND Yippe!!!! We aRe goIng foR Canoeing on thE 30 JUne...Yippe!! iTs goTtEn bE so fuN...i wAnna tAn mYelF aND bEcOme cHarcOal...`lalala.....haha...SO It isn'T a baD thInG thAt i cOme foR SC tOO....YippE!! DaRn hapPy NOw....

i mISs mY swEetIe pIe KrIN...mIss hEr deArly....i mISs sCh0oL zone...bUT i caNt seeM to fInd thE tiMe to gO thEre...Miss Suwen anD ALL thE teAchErs tHere....KriN hAd grOwN sO mUCh....laSt YEar In deCemBEr whEn i weNt thEre...sHe wAs stiLL a sMAll lIttlE baBe wHo haD jUSt lEarn hOw to wALk....anD whee`` How sHE groWn to bEcOme a YouNg prettY toddlE....i lOvE hEr pRettY bLAck eYes...sO beAutIfUl anD bIg....whoo`` mayBe dUrinG thIS deCeMbEr HoliDays i woUld gO baCk thEre to worK....or hMM..maYBe nOt....i woUlD haVe bEen tOO faMilaR wItH thE eNvirOnmeNt...bEen thEre mOSt oF tHe hOlidAYs siNce i wAS PrimaRy 6 aFtEr mY PSLE....sO bEen thEre quIte a LoNG tiME....mayBe i shOUld trY cHAngE mY eNviRoNmEnt...wOrkIng uNdEr a ProtectEd eNvirOnmeNt dO nOt hElp mUch iN mY workIng eXperiEnce...haha....LOL....whY aM i talKiNG aboUt aLL thIS...mOSt iMportantly foR noW i shOuld go dO mY hOmewORk anD stUdy haRd....




For Once i haVe nOthing oN....aND iTs feeLs kInda weIrd...gUEss i aM jUSt tOO uSe tO goInG to sChooL etc etC....HoliDayS dOnt feeL lIke HolidAYs...IT oNly mEan mOre woRk tO bE dOne...

sOmetiMes...i wiSh i waSn't rUnning awAy fRom reAlitY...bUt i jUSt dO nOt haVe thE cOuragE tO faCe iT...aND bY ruNniNg awAy, i oNly caUSe mY hurt to thE oNes wHo trulY caRe aND lOve mE....`lalala....bUt..haiZ...

mORe dRama-mamA goinG oN iN my lIFe...i jUSt doNt kNOw whAt iS thE riGht tHing fOR mE...FolloW My heArt ?? NAh...Its eAsIEr saiD thAN done...

wAtCh Da Chang Jing...whee...thIS sHow rocK...lOts oF drAma-mama InvoLvE hEre...How thIs couPle gone thRougH lOTs oF triaLs aND hOw thEy eNdeD Up toGeTHer etC...toUcHing tOucHing....cOuLD thIS drAMa HapPEn iN mY lIFe...hmm...`lalala.....Day DreAming....

Tmr stiLL haVe to gO to ScHooL fOR SC meetIng aND aFtEr thAt sHOuLd Be goinG to queeNswAy tO haVe oUr SC saMplE sHirt dOne.... LOL....thAts LikE our 3rD tIMe thEre...hmmm....TrOublEsOme...`lalala...

i wAnna gO oUt wITh beStiE...haIZ...hOpe wEd i cAn mAke iT....OR elSe i wiLL bE lIke dAMn uPseT caUSe thIs HoliDay i dID nOt evEn haVe thE cHancE To meeT beStiE...boo-hoo...so sAd...

LAstLy....HAppy biRThDay... to 2 oF mY dEar Best FrIend....FiQa anD FiZa....haha....Sweet 16 at lAst...<3

Whats Made to bE wiLL fInd iTs wAy....LEt fate lEad thE wAy....



For thE fIRst tIme iN mY 16 yEars...i kNeeL doWn aND prAy in chuRCh...i wAs HappY aND pRouD aT thE sAme tiMe...in cHurCh iN thE seCtiOn wHere i aM sIttEd...i guEss thEre iS oNlY lEss thAn 30 PeoPle KneeLing doWn aND pRay...sO i gUEss i fElt sPecIAl...iN a sEnse i feLt cLosEr to God aLL oF a sUddEn...EvEn tHougH mY lEg NuMb afTer a fEw minUteS oF KneeLing...i fElt tHAt todAy prAyEr wAs KInda sHort...maYbe caUse i wAs rAthEr aWakE...In thE pAst wHEn i prAyed sIttIng doWn, thE dUratIOn oF thE praYEr seeMs sO mUch loNger...evEn thougH iTs mereLy 10 minS oR a sLiGhtly mOre..bUT toDay it seeMs to oNly laSt 5 mIns...hmm...I LOVE CHURCH....IT maKEs mE cloSer to GOD...i wiSh i wAs iN Youth FeLLowShip...bUt Now iTs tOO laTe...haiZ...

MeMoriEs cAme fLuttEring baCk....``whee...bOy wAs i haPPy thAT toDaY wE mSg so mUCh....NevErmInd aboUt haVinG to pAy iF i eXcEed mY mSg...caUSe its wOrTH iT...YES...wortH iT...LotS oF bEen sAid....aND woAh...tRyiNg to maKE mE JeaLouS yA...wEll...i aM...bUt iF You rEally wAnt...i doNt mInd...i shOuLd sAy i tRy not tO mInd..tHougH i mInd...Ahh...wtH aM i taLking....hmm..wOndEr wHy hE wAnts My bEst fRieND NUmBer...woNder whAt hE wAnts to dO wITh iT ? MaybE a MiraCle wiLL haPPen wHo kNows...maYbe sOmedAy...at thE riGht moMenT wHEn i gOne sOT...hmm...wHAtEvEr...

aND thE darKneSs gUy wHo aDd mE iN MSn....He's wEird....wOndEr whO He iS...i Only kNow thAt hE's sEc 4....aTtaChed wiTh a gIRl fRom regeNt seC...dO nOt stUdy puRe sCi...aND thE laSt tiME i taLK to hIm wAs thIs yeAr...whO HE iS ....hE dO nOt wANt tO teLL mE...bUt hE seeM to bE a frIeNDly pErsOn...Seem...caUSe hE tEll mE thAT iF i haVe aNy trOubLE OR wHAtEvEr i coulD jUSt tEll hIm..bUT duh!! oF courSe i saID nOne..i dont kNow who hE iS hOw coUld i pOssIbly tEll a straNgEr aboUt mY lIFe...Ahh..wAHtEvEr....whAtEvEr wHAtEver...hE sAY thAt hE woUld oNly reVeAl whO hE iS onLy afTer O lEvEl...thAts iS lIke sO freAKing lOng...

wAtCh thE cHanneL u sHow aboUt thE dAddy one...aT 9....sO sweeT thAT sHow...DAD thE greAteSt.....gAve thAT thE preSent...gUEss HE sHouLD bE kInda sUrpRise fOR iN thE pAst wE dOnt usUAlly giVe thAt preSent...Only Mom...so haHa...wAS glAd HE Like IT...DeSpitE mE sOmetiMEs gEt IrrITatEd wITh daD....Yupp i kNow wHAtEvEr hE done iS fOR uS....sO i sHouLD lEarN tO appreCiatE....aND stoP cOmplaIninG....Xp

tHE sweeteSt MemoRies You caN eVer giVe mE iS tO saY ' I LOVE YOU '.....



The FirSt haLf oF thE dAy

Well sEnd Chia lynn oFf At thE aIrpORt tOday...ArSe...i woKe Up lAte...wOkE uP at 5.50 aNd i wAs lIke daMn thIs time i goTtEn bE lAte...RusH Out Of My hOuse...caNt dEcIde oN whAt i sHouLd taKE...Bus...train ??? Nah...so i staNd neAr bOth thE buStop anD see whIch bUS caMe fIRst...well...eNdeD uP taKing buS tO clEmeNti....saW Jia Qi at thE bUStop...i wAs dAmn bLur gOng iN thE fIRst PlaCe...cAnt reCogNizE hEr caUSe shE lEt doWn hEr hAir...pretty....haha...

reaCh cLemEnti staTion....woaH...boTh oF uS weRe thE fiRst tO arrIVe....woAh...oTHer thAn sHuqiNg aND jaMie ? tHE reSt wEre lAte...hurhur...Ok NEvErmiNd..i aM patIent...wahaa...aFtEr thAt bai lu caMe..foLlow bY aLoy...thAn Jer thAn Jun hAo aND laStly kevinn..sUrpRiSe hE caMe...caUSe i exPect tHat oNly Sec 3 anD 4 cOme...anD ha...HE iS cUTe...hE diD nOt kNow wHo iS cHia Lynn but hE caME tO senD hEr off...haha...

HaiZ...wE only mAnage tO see cHia Lynn fOR 1 mIn ??? hmm...trIEd tO cOntaCt HEr buT shE wAs UnreaChabLe...so lalala....wE wAitEd OutsIDe thE dePartUre Hall hOpiNg thAt shE haVe nOt gone iN yEt....aND fInally wE saw HEr....bUt shE wAs ruShing fOR tiMe...caUSe iTs gaTe cLosing...No draMa- mama thEre...No teArs wAs sHEd...caUSe evErytHing wAs HappeNing sO faSt...sO da-ta sHE wEnt in...anD hmm..wE wEre lIke dIAo....sO faSt...cOme ALL thE wAy fRom ClemEnti tO chaNgi aND oNlY maNage to caTcH 1 mIn Of HEr...hehe...SHe lOok LiKE a STAR....sHE wORe hEr caP...hmm...lIke sOme iDols....anD wE wEre HEr FANS...haha...wOah..Lots oF PeoPle caME to seND hEr Off...bUT i guEss hEr churcH mAtEs gEt to see HEr mOSt cauSe thEy wEre wiTh HEr bEfoRe thAt...wHereaAS fOR uS...SC...hEr freNs...diD nOt mANagE to dO so tOo...LIke Us thEy wAitEd around thE dePartURe hAll...haiZ...

AfTer thAt wE wEnt craZy taKing pIctURes aND taking thE SKYTRAIN...hehe...ITs bEeN lOng sIncE i LAsT tOOk tHAt....wEnt tErmInal 1 tO eAt...did NOt kNow thAt thEir B1 haVe a HawKEr thEre....hmmm...maYbe cauSe DAD alwAys go thOse cLassY pLAcE...sPeakIng oF DAd...tOmorrOw iS faTher's Day....Yippe...I LOVE MY DAD....Now bacK tO thE fOOd...wEll aLL i caN sAy iS thAT i wiLL nEvEr eAt thEre agAin...NEVER....fooD thEre wAs suCky...Yucks...dRink thAt iS tOO cOnceNtrAted aNd thE sOup NoodLe is Sweet...YuCks...doNT evEr aSk mE to eAt thAt agAin...Not evEn iF You giVe mE tHousaNd oF dOllaRs...

aFtEr thAt wEnt JP...caUSe baI lu wAnted to takE HEr frAme...hmm....wENt arcade...tHEy pLayed caR-racIng i dId not...thEy aLL too pRo...haha....anD saW sOme gUys plaYing baSketbaLL i meAN thE macHine...woah....daMn gOOd...they gottEn thE hIghEst scORe OF thE dAy....woNder wHich sChooL thEy cAMe frOm...Ok wHAtEvEr....``lalala...i wAs pRettY HigH aT thAt tIme...

WeNt sUbwAy...nah...caN't eAt...tOO fUll frOm thOse NoodleS...wAtcHed Jer anD Aloy eAt...ReSt wEre lIke snAppIng pIcTUres....lalala....tHAn thEre wAS thIs UltrAmaN sHow GoiNg oN fOR Kids....lalala....thAn IT reMindS Us Of....ULTRAMAN...BATMAN....SUPERMAN...haha..
HilarioUs sight i sHouLd sAy....aFtEr thAt i lEfT fIRst caUSe i aM freAkingLy tIreD...aFtEr tHAt stILL haVe sWimmIng....aND bOy wAs i reAl proUd thAt afTer sO lOng i reaCh thE swimmIng pooL oN tiMe....yeAh nOW i aM abLE tO swIm buttErfly witHout stoPping...boy waS i ProUD oF Myself...haIZ...bUt stiLL maNy sadeNing thIngs haPpen tHAt maKE mE have No mooD to dO whAtEvEr things...haIZ....

wEll NOw i shAll lEt my PiCs dO thE taLkiNg....As thE sAYing goEs PictuRes caN paInt a tHousaNd woRdS...




`lalala...tHe buNch oF gUrLs thAt weNt...

Shuqing anD mE...XD

SeriOusly i dId nOt kNow i wAs caUght oN cAm..

wE aRe taKinG so mUch pICs oN thE trAin aS iF thIs iS our fIRst time taKing it...wahaa...

sNap snAp sNap...

The Second hAlf oF thE dAy

EvEn tHouGh i wAs iN thE PooL...mY mInd wAs litErAlly sOmeWhere elSe... i wAS PonDerIng about whAt haD happEn iN thE afTernOon....ITs jUSt a Fairytale thAt diD nOt lAst becAuse oF mE....i am Sorry...i really am and i MeAn iT....i aM sorrY tHAt i kePt qUiet moSt oF thE tiMe tHrougHoUT thE cOnvErsAtiOn wE haD oN thE PhOne...IT coulD jUSt bE oUr lAst tiMe taLking on pHone..i doNt kNow...bUt...i dID nOt treAsuRe iT...sOmetImes i juSt taKE tHingS fOr grAnted aND iTs oNly wHEn yOu aRe loSing iT bEfOre You lEarN tO trEasuRe iT bUt fOR mE...IT caME tOO lAte...i wAS reAlly hAppy aT fIRst wHEn i reCeiVe hIS mSg thAt hE wAnna taLK oN phOne..reASon bEing i meAn hIS vOicE anD evErytHing...bUT...i dId nOt tReasUre iT...i dID nOt trEaSure thOse tHings i haVe...i kEpt quieT reAson bEing i wAs trYing mY bEst tO cOntrOl mY tEars...mY taP seeM sO lOSe tHIs daYs...bUT iN thE eND i caNt cOntrOl iT aND lEt IT aLL oUt...YES...You aRe rIghT tO sAY i aM seLFisH aND i gUEss i reAlly aM...i juDgE peoPle bY How thEy looK...eVen thE oNe thAt i lIke...aND maYbe thAts whY wE ain'T tOgEthEr...i aM selFisH bUT i cAnt hElp it...i aM boRn thE wAY i aM...

i shoUld think thAt afTer thIs whOle epIsoDe You wiLL staRt to hAte mE...i guEss yOu nEvEr thOugHt thAt i aM suCh a PErsOn...weLL i dID nOt tHougHt sO iN thE beGinnIng tOo...i tHOugHt tHAT i cOuld accPEt the oNe i liKE nO maTtEr hOw thE pErsOn iS..bUT afTer thIs i am prOvEn wrOnG....i cAre tOO mUCh abOUt wHAteVEr oThErs sAy...i cAre tOO mUCh abOUt thEIr cOmmEnts...i cAre hOw othErs wOuld See uS...i cAre tOO mUCh abOut aLL thIS uSelEss tHings anD thAt iS wHAt haVe affEcteD oUr RelAtioNShip....i aM bEing tOO seLf- ceNterEd....aLL i tHinK iS aboUT myseLf bUt nOt OthErs....bUt oNe thInG i kNow fOR suRE iS thAt duRing thAt tiME whEn i sAy i liKE yOu oR lOVe You....i meAN iT...i reAlly meAn iT...i aM sorrY fOR whAtEvEr hURt i haVe cAuseD to You toDay...i shAll trY to bE HappY fOR You...For You....i aM soRry fOR wHAtEvEr teArs sHEd...i diD nOT meAn it...i aM SorrY....i guEss i jUSt dO nOt haVe thE guTs tO teLL yOu whICh iS whY i wrITe hEre hopIng tHAt You wILL reAd aNd uNdErstaND How i feeL toWardS thE whOle iNciDenT...bUT iF yOu jUSt wAnna lEt thIs bE thE paSt...i reSpeCt YouR decIsIon...LEt thE teArs sHEd toDay bE thE laSt evEr wE sHEd fOR eaCh oThEr...i shAll reMeMbEr whAt You sAid toDay....sOrry fOR dIsAppOinTinG You sO mUCh....You hAvE evEry rIgHT tO haTe mE....caUSe i haVe lEt You doWn sO mUCh...i guEss i am nOt wORtH iT to be treaSure....Thank You sO mUch fOR eveRytHing...aND sorrY fOR aLL thE hUrt causE...i reAlly wiSh thAt nOne oF thIs aCtuAlly haPpen...bUT mAybE i nEed sOmEoNe tO heLp in maKing My decIsIon...i aM afRaiD thAt i wiLL regRet fOr i hAve sAid iTs oNlY whEn i lOSe thAt sOmeOne bEfORe i gEt tO UnderStaND hOw ImpoRtaNT tHAt pErsOn iS tO mE...

bUT....HeY...reAlly i dId nOt tHinK sO long bEfORe i teLL You OR wHAtEvEr nOt becAuSe i caNt accEPt your LooKS aNd beCauSe tHinkIng about hOw yOu haVe trEat mE...thAt i caNt maKe uP mY mINd...Its jUSt beCaUSe i caNt deCided oN whAt i wAnt....i diD Not wANt to rePly cauSe i waS reAlly dAmn sAd At thAt tiMe...bUT i bEt You caNt UndErsTanD hOw i feeL lIke hOw i cAnt underStANd ....caUSe wE aiN't thE OthEr perSon...i aM cOnfuSed paRtlY caUSe i stiLL haVe feeLings fOR you....haIZ...I goTteN mUstEr evEry oUnce oF cOnfIdeNce i had...For YOU i wiLL.....thIs iS oh- sO cOnfusIng...shAll enD hEre....tiLL thAn

`ThIs is jUSt thE begInniNg of mY nEw pHase oF Life... tHE 11st day.....



LitERatuRe sEmInaR wAs kInDa IntEreStIng i shOulD sAy...Oopps...CorreCtIon shOuLd bE thE fIrst PArt..wHicH iS thE sEnsE oF bEloNgiNg pArt...fOR tHE seConD paRt whICh iS thE UnseeN PoetRy aND PrOSe seCtIon..KinDa bOrinG i shOuld sAy....

For tHE fIRst pArt...wE weRe lIke ruShinG to wrITe thE nOteS lIke mAd...fOR thE spEakEr tOO iS rUShing fOR tiMe...well..did not regRet gOing fOR thIs session...wHAtevEr nOTes thAt shE haD gIve wAs reAlly uSefUl anD i beLievE thAt iT woUld bE abLE tO hElp mE greAtly.... Xp seConD paRt NotHing mUCh tO sAy aboUt iT aS evEryOne wAnts to gEt hOme quiCkly aND wAs kInda ImpatIent...i wAs nOt nOT aNy diffEreNt tOo...i wAs tiRed...

aFtEr tHE seMinAr...wEnt Far eAst tO eAt LoNg John...daRn...fOrgOttEn tO brIng Hui Ying bdAe pResEnt...haiZ...goTtEn reMeMbEr to pASs Sister sOme pResEnt....aFtEr thAT wEnt baCk tO scHool sO thAt wE cOuLd cLeAn oUr SC rOom...bUt....dArn...tHAt sChooL stAff dOnt wAnna give uS tHE kEy to oPeN oUr rOom dOor....hurhur...sHe sAy thAt wE nEed thE teAchEr PreseNt thEre beFore wE cAn OpEn thE door oR whAtevEr...lala....sO wAitEd fOR tHAt AloysiuS tO cOme aND brIng thE SC rOOm keY fOR Us....aND wOah..wE wAiTed haLf aND hoUr Plus..haha...bUt NEvErMind ShikIn aND me vEry PatIent Hoh....haha.....Ok wHAtEvEr...cLEaN Up tHE SC rOom....tHE 4 oF uS....SHikiN, Jun hAo, Aloy aND mE....SweeP anD moP thE rOOm...sO You aLL bEttEr dOnt dIrty thE rOOm OR eLSe lAtEr ASk You sWeep anD Mop thAn You Know...wahaa....sOrry...Ain't In thE rIgHT frAme OF Mind...wAs tHInkIng oF sOmEoNe.....haIZ....

i maD.....gOinG reAl mAd sOon...``lalala...TmR wiLL bE gOiNg tO tHE airPorT tO seND ChiA lyNn oFf...Ahh...Airport agAin....OK NevErmInd....HaIZ....siAn 7 aT cLemeNtI sTaTion...Ahh...sO eArLy.....wAh siAn...jUSt not Jun hAo cAll mE...aT fIRst i thougHt wAs hIm...cAuse gUy vOice mA...bUt oF cOurSe cAnnOt bE hIm lAh...His voIce NicEr thAn JuN hAO cAuse Jun hAO iS HigH One mA...Opps * eVil * Ahh....BaNg heaD.....Ahh...gO wAsH YouR hEad aNd sCrub IT hArD wiTh DetErgEnt....bEttEr sTill iF You FluSh iT IntO tHE tOilEt bOwL....haiZ......

Its bEen thE 10tH dAy...



Whee`` i sOrtA gottEn a NEw Mp3 plAyer....wEnt creAtiVe to seND my mP3 fOR rePaiR...aT fiRst tHougHT iT woUld taKE dAys beFore i cOulD gEt iT baCk haLF aN hOuR laTer....whee...aND thEy sAid thAt iTs thE mp3 fAultY sO thEy rePlace a NEw oNe foR mE...Yippe...Well toDay wAs...B.O.R.I.N.G...TmR haVe to wAke uP eArly fOR thE LitEratUre sEmiNar...haiZ...Hope iT wont bORe mE...

When You KeeP tHinKing abOut tHAt PErSon dOEs iT mEans thAt You stiLL lIkE hIm/her ?


Life caN gEt sO tiRing aT tIMes....You waKe Up dO thE sAme oLd rOutiNe...WaSh face...brusH teeTh....eAt breAkfaSt aND thE dAy begIns...haIZ...i wiSh thEre iS mOre eXciteMent iN mY liFe...

bLoggIng Now in caSe i haVe No tiME tO gO online aT niGht...hmm...parEnts wiLL bE brIngIng us tO airPort ??? haiZ...caUSe thEy wAnt tO see thE bUdgEt aIrPort....haiZ....wHAts thEre tO see....AIR PLANES ??? haIz....i dOnt wAnt to taKE bUdgEt aIr-linEs...No wAy...i thINk thEir aIr-PlaNEs etC iS jUSt tOO smAll fOR mE...anD Ahh...No fOod Provided....sO No wAy aM i gOing to takE thAt....brr....

haVe bEen gO roundIng around our lIttLe CouNTry yEstErdAy....i aIn'T iN thE mood tO shOp...i doNt knOw whY...thEre iS jUSt No urgE iN mE to wANt tO dO thAt....i wAnna caTch mOviE...i wANt to wAtCh sIlenT hiLL...i mISs watChIng mOvIes...ITs beeN lonG sinCe i watCh oNe...thE laSt one ?? hmm...i thInk wAs uLtrA-vioLet...aND iT wAs lIke In ApriL ? wEll...aT lEAst my littLe cOusin cHeer mE uP a littLe YEstErdAy...pLayed with HEr aND acT liKE a babY....``lalala...sOmetIMEs plaYiNg wiTh kIds woUld jUSt makE yOu sO haPPy...i wAs lIke acTinG lIKe a sMall biG kID...caUSe mE aND littLE cOusIn wANted tO eAt maShed PotatoEs aND dad wAnted tO gO macS...so bOth oF uS werE lIke acTing like craZY KIds...In thE eND aTe aT MAcs...bUt wHEn 711 tO bUy MashEd PotAtoEs...Yippe !!! tWo tHings thAt cOulD jUSt chEer mY dAy up...White cHocoS aNd...Mashed PotAtoes....I aM actIng lIke a sMAll kID...haIZ...i aM dESpEratE tO bE haPpy sO i aM doing wHAt sMall kIDs dO to bE haPPy...bUT `lalala....MAsHed PotAtoEs caN reAlly mAke mE reAl higH....

i bEen aCtiNg lIke craZy looKing aT My Hp aLmoSt evErY feW Mins HoPing thAt he would mSg mE...Ahh...i aM beeN sUCh a stUpid girl....maybe tHe cHOice i havE mAde is nOt wHAt i wAnted it tO bE...MAybe...cauSe iF thAt iS wHAt i wAnted iT tO bE, i woUld nOt hAve bEen sO Upset aND craZy....thIS iS sO fUStrAtIng...Or mAybE wE jUSt wont MAde to be...caUSe YEstErdAy whEn i oFfline i sAw hIm jUSt onlinE...MaNagE to caTch a glimSpe oF hIS nICk...Ahh... wHy lIke thAt...i reAlly haVe thIs uRge tO taLk to hIm...bUt...i gUEss iT aLL bOils doWn tO priDe...i aM aFraID tO maKE thE fIRst Move aND maYBe tOO prOUd...sO aLL i cAn dO iS siLeNtlY crY....well thATs wHAt i dO mOSt oF thE tiMe...CRY....blah...i bEen crYing tOO oFtEn thIS daYS maYbe i shouLd gO anD tiGhten mY sCreW...

jUSt aS i aM wiShiNG someoNe mSg mE...yEs sOmeOnE did...bUT not wHo i wAnted...haIZ...tIghtEn UP Your ScreW Lady.....sHAll tRy to bE hAppy toDay....

iTs bEen tHE 9th daY...



haiZ....i wiSh thAt i aM nOt sO fiCklE mInded...i wish thAt soMetiMEs i haVe mY oWn staND anD nOt juSt swAy wiTh thE wiNd....bUT dOinG whAt i haVe dOne anD chAnging iT agAin woUld OnlY dO mOre haRm thAn goOd...

wEll iTs bEen 8 daYs siNce wE laSt taLK to eaCh othEr oN thE pHone....aND i kInda mISs heaRing hIs vOice...Ahh...stuPid giRl....Do YOU reAlly lIKe HIM ??? Yes..i haVe to adMit...buT thEre iS jUSt sOme thIngs thAt keeP preVentiNg mE frOm doiNg sO...

YEstErdAy aFtEr i fInaLLy fOund thE cOuragE to taLk to hIm....caUSe i tHougHt hE alReaDy kNow mY bLog add aFtEr i gaVe hIm...buT thInk hE goNg...dont kNow thAT is blOg add sO i gaVe hIm agAin...wOnder diD hE reAd iT caUSe afTer awHile, He rEtuRn a sMs....haiZ....Ahh....whY iS hE sO gOOd tO mE deSpite oF whAt i haVe saID aND doNe etC...aCtuAlly i seCreTly wIsh thAt evErYtiMe soMeoNe MSg mE iT woUld bE hIm...anD whEn iTs nOt...i gEt kINda fusTratEd....Ahh....aND thIs feeLing iS stiLL thEre desPite a weeK plUS haVe goNe...Stupid giRl !!! Ahh.....i aM gEttIng fUStrated oF mYself tOO...cAnt i jUSt maKE uP mY mInd anD jUSt fOlloW iT...WHY muSt i kEeP chAngIng hEre anD thEre....Ahh....i gEttIng siCk anD tIred oF aLL thIs....i wAnna giVe uP anD FoRgEt evErytHing anD jUSt mOve on...bUT ...i cAnt dO it...

Am i Happy afTer i sOrta reject Him ??? Nope....i dOnt feeL haPPy aT aLL... i feeL evEn mOre fuStrAted aND IrrItated witH thE things arOund me....i feeL lOSt....haiZ...

i feel so so lOSt....whAt shOuld i dO ???



JusT cAme baCk fRom DANCE...whee....i lOve DanCe...FiNally goTtEn thE pics...sO i shAll UploaD thEm....tHe seC 1s diD jUSt greAt toDay...wEll...thEy makE lOts oF iMprOvEmNt..HoPE thAt tMR aT creSenT thEy cOuLd pErForM thAt gOOd oR eVen bEttEr...toDay oNly 9 pEopLe cAme...PatHetiC...hOw cAn dAnce SurvIvE with thIS tYpe oF attiTude...tsk tsk...hOpe thAt mORe pEopLe wiLL tuRn uP tMR...haiZ...stiLL cAnt deCided iF i wAnna gO tMR...i dEspEratEly nEed mY sleeP...bEen HAvIng lOTs oF sLeePless NIgHt...haIZ...

teLliNg the trUth soMeTimEs reAlly hUrt thAt baDly...i feeL sO uSelEss aND HelPlEss...deSpIte oF whAt othErs sAy...i stiLL doNt know whAt to do...but yupp..haVe tO thAnks ShawN didi...wEll deSpiTe aLL hIs vUgalRitiEs...hE iS stiLL a gOOd didi...aT leAst tO me...wahaa...haiZ...yEstErdAy hE wAs lIKe teLling mE whAt to dO etC...sO swEet...haha...oK wHateVer...haiZ...i feeL loSt anD cOnfuSe witHout hIm...i doNt know whY....Ahh...i jUSt so haTe thIs fUnny feeLing....wHY.....Ahh...Why.....wHy haVe i gOttEn mYself iN thIs staGe...aT thIs PoiNt...thE croSs roaD....thEre iS twO paTH fOR mE tO cHoOse anD i haVe cHoosEn mY pAth to wAlk On...i woNder i sOmetiMEs reAlly wonder haVe i maDe thE rigHt cHoice...havE I....Ahh...sHoot mE...eND mY sOrrOWs....haiZ....

But NEvErmInd aLL thE uNhaPPy mOMenTs...aT lEast i haVe to thaNk hIm thAT i aM abLe to feeL whAt itS lIke to bE loVe...evEn thOugH iTs oNly fOR a short pErIod oF tIme...but nEvErmINd...i wiLL treAsuRe aLL thOSe mOmEnts anD tiME wHeN yOu aRe thEre foR mE wHen i aM UPset oR whAtevEr...haIZ....thANk yOu fOR putting mE so hIgh Up..bUT i guEss i dO nOt reAlly fIt fOR thAT roLe...haIZ...i aM jUSt sO Not thAt greAt yEt...i thInk iTs bEttEr iF wE kNow eAch other mOre bEfOre wE thInk oF aNythIng eLSe...haiZ....i gUEss i aM stiLL nOt reAdy fOR thAt roLe....i aM sorrY fOr lIke breAking YouR hEart..bUt...i cAnt hElp it...haiZ...sOmetImes woRds jUSt hUrt...iT hURt mORe thAn a dAggEr sTabbIng aT yOur HEart....bUt lIFe haVe tO mOve oN....thE woRld doEs not sTop FoR uS...tiME wiLL stiLL cOntInuE to tiCk....maYbe oNly tiMe wiLL hEal...maYbe...

GaMes tIme..

Dance dAnce DancE...



FiOna...HEr PuniShmEnt...dO aCt cUte Pose...wahaa...

HuggIEs...Xp Oh i aM make tO hUg aLot oF pEopLe YestErdAy...

DanCe dAnce DanCe ....



CrOSsing iSlaNd gAme....

OppS...i aM caUght slAckIng..

SlacK sLacK...

Snap sNAp...uS agAin..


AftEr wAter gaMes...wE aRe aLL dreEncHed...

US teAcHing oUr dEar seC 1s... DanCe tIme....Xp

DrYing our wEt clOthEs....



wEll i aM hEre bLoggIng beFore i gO fOR mY DanCe...yupp gOinG thEre tO heLp oUr deAr seC Ones...haiZ...tOmorrOw thEy aRe gOinG to creSeNt...hmm...sHouLd i gO tOO...Ahh..wAnna gO bUt i aLso vEry pAi sEh cAusE i dont tHinK thEre iS aNy seC 4s thEre cAuse aLL oF uS haVe alreAdy soRt of stEp dOWn....haiZ...

wEll yeSteRdAy wAs kiNDa fUn...wE plaYed aLL thE wAter gaMes aNd goTtEn mYselF reAlly dreNcHEd...bUT NevErmINd iT wAS reAlly fUn....wE kiNda goT bOnded tHrougH aLL thIs gAmeS...aND foR oNCe i aM ablE tO feeL tHE uNitY beTweEn wE seNiorS anD JunioRs...wEll thAts a gOod sigN...bUt hmm...wHEn iT cOmes tO thE daNcIng paRt...iT wAs kINda terrIble...haIZ....thEre is stiLL lOTs mORe sPaCe fOR ImproveMent..Hope thAt thEir staNdard cOulD bE a littLE bEttEr...we DANCE ENSEMBLE iS kNowN fOR iTs NEatNess aND streNgth...bUT now...tsk tsk...wHAt do wE haVe...saDly None...haIZ....i feEl raTher saD tO leavE DANCE in suCh a state bUT whAt cAn wE seC 4s dO...we could oNly tRy hElpIng thEm bUT reAlly thEre iS NotHing wE cAn dO iF thE seC 1s dO nOt wAnt to heLp thEmselVes...hOw mUCh oF scolDing alSo wOuld nOt hElp thEm...wEll i sHAll UploaD mOre pICs oF wHAteVer haPpen dURing dAnce YestErday aFter i gEt thEm fRom StacEy toDay...

haiZ...i haVe toLD hIm whAt i feeL evEntuAlly aFtEr 5 dAys...wEll i feeL lOsT tOO...i doNt kNow whY...i doNt know whY i feeL thIs wAy...in thE paSt wHen i reJect pEoPle...i caN alWayS eaSily lEt iT gO aND fOrgEt toTaLly abOut thAt pErSon...bUT wHY wHEn iT cOMes tO hIm, i cAnt...i dOnt kNow wHY...i kNow thAt bUT sAyiNg whAt i sAid hUrts a LOt bUT....haiZ...i guEss whAt neeDs to bE done haVe to bE done....i gaVe hIm mY blOg add fInally...caUSe jUSt in caSe hE wANts tO KnoW whAts happEniNg arOund mE oR hOW i feEl..wEll...sO yupp...haIZ...



Well here are sOme RanDom PicS wHiCh i haVe taKE dUring mY HolIday...i aM tOO saD tO cOmmEnt aNyMore...sHoulD i aCcePt oR reJect...AccEpt oR reJect....AccepT oR reJect ??? Ahh....diedie...fEel lIke bANgiNg mYselF...Ahh....

My lOvely FamiLy..XD


My favourite BreAkfaSt...ChoColAte FouNTain....whee`` ChocOs RoCks...XD


Whee`` I jUSt sO lOve This...So cUte...Aww...

Cute littLe MonKey...XD


Us agAin wiTh thE cUte lIttLE MonsTer ??

YeAh We raWkX...Sista raWkx...ok ok...We aRe reAlly boRed...sO wE sTaRteD dRawIng aFter wE bAth...

Me aND sISta aT thE RestAuranT....SorrY We lOVe ThE cAm...sO We taKE lOaDs oF piCs oF oUrseLvEs WhEn wE aRe bOred...

Omg...thiS iS diSguisiNg...i LooK FreaKy UglY iN thIs Pics...i hAte SpeCs...


La Femme

& she rattle about her life

HELLO. I am JIAMIN. The girl whom you saw peeping at you from next door. She is a Cam-whorer, Compulsive shopper and an Avid blogger. DANCE is her PASSION and her FIRST LOVE. So why wait? Groove to the music already baby!


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