10 reason why it's great to be a girl
1.We actually believe that some problems in this world can be solved by chocolate-- its true !
2.We have the innate ability to assess a person just by looking at their shoes
3.We can hug our friend and she won't look at us weird.
4.One word -- make up!
5.We're always right even when we're not...right ?
6.We're still in contact with our tuckshop partner from primary school.
7.We can cry at sad movies without having to pretend we're got a chronic sinus problem.
8.We get to experience one of life's greatest miracles -- childbirth.
9.We know what we got and we sure know how to work it! * winks *
10.We're in great company with such truly inspirational figures as Mother Teresa, Aung Sang Suu Kyi....
Ain't iT greAt tO bE a gIRl.....
i lOVe MVP valentiNE...weLL i kInda cRaZy about this sHow aLL over aGain...BaskEtbAll rOck
1st love - DanCe
2nd love - BASKETBALL...
yeah they botH rocks mY woRld
I Am gentle ain't I....i really am...than why when i sAy i aM gentLe Fiza they all laugh ?? i am geNtle really i aM...ExcePt tODay i tAlk a littLE louDer....hmpf...but i aM reAlly gentle...I am..
wEll toDay SociAl stuDIes LessOn...oNE worD tO deSCribe....BORING......
whee`` didi is goTten come fOR SC caMp....whee`` happy
whee`` sO haPPy...HIM is SpOrtS leAder....didi iS SC tO be....but HE sO bad...He cAn SC ??hmm...haha....jkjk...
`tralala...i Am a happy girl.....
hearTx HeartX heArtx....i LOVE BASKETBALL....<3
wAs bORed sO i wEnt wAtcHing MVP vaLentiNe agAin....Aww...i aM sO iN loVe wItH tHEm AgAin....wEll i haVe aLwAys liKe baSketbAll...wEll i guEss tHIs sHow mORe sUited fOR gIRls caUSe hE dOnt reAlly lIke it...nah...iTs mORe oF RomaNCe i tHink...bUt Ahh...i lOVe thAt sHow..baSketbAll....aLL mY fAv..i kNow thIs sHow iS dAmn loNg agO..bUt Aww....sO sWeet tHis sHow....
Oh sOmeOne iS sO sWeetIe...haha...
BaSketball.....Aww...i aM sO craZy aboUt tHEm agAin....gUEss thE reAson wHy i LikE baSketbAll cAuse wHEn i sEe tHEm plAY sUre gEt eLeCtRic shock...sO suAi...haha...
haIZ toDay cHineSe PaPer aLL i cAn sAy i vEry gOng...haiZ...wHEn cAn mY gOng-neSs stoP....
1 morE dAy to gO
WeLL afTer bUyiNg thE cOnvErSe sHoe...i tHinK i KindA reGret iT...It kiNda lOOk bIg...``BLaH...die-ed....i bougHt a siZe bIGgEr..cAuSe tHAts tHE sMAllesT...tsk tsk..i KnoW i sHouldn't haVe bOugHt iT...bUt thAn...muM lEt mE bUy...so ha...How cAn i Let thIs cHance gO bY...i Now thAn sOrt oF reAlizE iT kiNda LooK liKe thE oNe Fiza haD...hmm..nEverMInd aboUt thAt..Hope shE wOnt mInd...thE iMpluSe oF sHoppIng iS gEttIng sO greAt thAt i aLwAys bUy tHingS wIthOUt tHinkIng...aND bY thE tIme i tHougHt abOut iT...iTs tOo lAte...
O lEvel iS tMr...aM i PrePared ? i dOnt kNow...i HopE i Am...wEll...i gOttEn reAd aLL mY assessMent laTer on..wEll reAd sOme ' cHen Yu ' jUSt Now...man..thoSe foUr lEttErs woRdS aRe dRivIng mE NuttY..hoW aM i sUppoSsed to reMembEr them aLL....haIZ....Hope that tMr paPers wiLL nOt bE thAt tough...i mEan pLeaSe dOnt gIve mE thAt muCh oF fOur lEttErs wordS...it sOunds vulgAr...lEt jUSt sAy chIneSe idiomS....
tSk tSk...wHy cAN wE onlY uSe cReAtiVe brAnd ElectroNic diCtioNary....so UNFAIR.....haiZ...mUM juSt bOugHt One..bUt itS nOt creAtiVe brAnd...haiZ...sO i cANt bRing It....hOpe thAt tmR i wOulD bE abLE tO fLip thE dIctiOnaRy faSter....man...Hope i dont fAll asLeeP thIs tiMe...i gottEn slEep aT 11.30 tOdAy..hOpe i cAn....cAUse i uSually cANt sLeep bEfoRe 12..bUt thIS tiME i gottEn foRcE mYselF to sleeP...i ain'T taking any cHaNces oF mE doZing oFF dUriNg tMr paPer...i goTtEn dO mYSelF proUd .... ProVe to thOse wHo deSpiSe mE wRoNg....nopE..sHouLD bE maKE thoSe whO cAre foR mE pRouD....
mY teSti finAlly hIt 50...pathetiC yA...buT at lEast i haVe 50 le...cauSe this dAys i haVe bEen wrITing foR pEoplE hoPing that thEy woUld wrITe oNe baCk fOR mE...hmm....patHetiC wAy oF dOinG thIs....but thats life...iF yOu wAnna PeoPle dO sOmethIng fOR you, You gottEn dO iT fOr thEm fIRst...
i kinDa emO thIs dAys...i KnoW not wHy bUt i haVe thE uRgE tO buRst oUt crYinG fOR nO PaRticUlaR reAson....sOMetiMes i wOnder haVe i mAde thE riGht deCisIon....wOulD thIngS bE bEttEr iF i wAsn't wIth hIm...woUlD i bE muCh haPpiEr...haIZ...tHE aNsWeR iS lEft UnkNown...hE cAn bE mY joy yEt hE cOulD aLso bE thE caUse oF mY paIn aND sOrrOw...itS tOugH bEinG at thE pResEnt SitUAtIOn...sOmetiMes whEn i reAlly neeDed hIm He iSn't thEre fOR mE...bUt whAt to dO...hE haTeS mEssAging...aNd i cANt reAlly dO mUCh...oF courSe i stiLL mUSt giVe hIm sOme PrIvAcy aND sPAce...i cAnt bE sO seLfiSh...but i reAlly wiSh thAt hE uNderstaNd me mORe...haiZ...
Westlife - more than words
Saying I love you,
Is not the words,
I want to hear from you,
It's not that I want you,
Not to say but if you only knew,
How easy,
it would be to show me how you feel,
More than words,
is all you have to do,
to make it real,
Then you wouldn't have to say,
that you love me,
Cause I'd already know,
What would you do,
if my heart was torn in two,
More than words to show you feel,
That your love for me is real,
What would you say,
if I took those words away,
Then you couldn't make things new,
Just by saying I love you,
It's more than words,
It's more than what you say,
It's the things you do,
oh yeah,
It's more than words,
It's more than what you say,
It's the things you do,oh yeah,
Now that I've tried to,
talk to you and make you understand,
All you have to do,
is close your eyes,
And just reach out your hands,
and touch me,
Hold me close don't ever let me go,
More than words,
is all I ever needed you to show,
Then you wouldn't have to say,
that you love me,
Cause I'd already know,
What would you do,
if my heart was torn in two,
More than words to show you feel,
That your love for me is real,
What would you say,
if I took those words away,
Then you couldn't make things new,
(no no)Just by saying I love you.....
Well i kInda feeL reAlly toUched YEstErdAy...
Well...fOr aLL yOu kNow evEryoNe kNows mY reSult...so yupp...Aunt KnEw tOO....sHe iS sO good...wEll aFter sHe kNeW mY reSult, she senD me a Sms tO enCourAge mE...Well tHink i KindA neeD thAt...IT giVes mE thE stRengtH tO gO oN...well i tHink thIs iS bettEr thAn otherS wHo wOuLD give me thAt kInd oF looK wHen thEy sEe my rEsuLts....wah...i Am nOt borN sMart ya..``lalala i sHould lEarn tO live fOR the peoPle wHo cAre fOr me aNd mAke surE thEir cAre aNd cONcerN iS wORth it...i shAll nOt cAre aboUt those PeoPle wHo wOuld tAlk bAd mE cAuse they ain't WortH mY saLiva... blah~~
weLL...2 HilaRious tHing HappeN tO mE YEstErdAy >_<
FirSt...bEfoRe tHe bUS cAme i tOok out mY ez-linK cArd...sO thAt i wOnt fOrgEt tO tAp...sO while waitIng fOR thE bUs tO sTop aT tE bUs stOp i wAs thInkiNg abOut sOmetHing....buS cAme....boArd bUs..aNd thAn stuPid me...gUEss wHAt...i stiLL eND uP fOrgettIng to taP mY card...uNtil thE buS UncLE cAll mE...wah....so EmbArrAssIng cAn....At tHAt momEnt hOw i wiSh i could jUst gEt dOwn tHE bus... NEverMind about thAt...tHE secONd IncideNt...thOse aT thE reCeptIon table dOing dUtY fOR YeStErdAy PareNts meetIng sHould kNow..haha...i vOw NevEr tO plAy witH thOse batterY operAted fAn agAin...wEll...iTs kInda fUnny tHinKing baCk abOut tHiS incident...wEll...mY haIr gOttEn cAught INsiDe tHiS batterY operAted fAn..CaUSe sOmeOne PlaYed wIth mY haIr * wiNks sOmeOne * haha...
Ok wEll...startEd my sHoPPing addICt agAin..evEn thOugh aLL thE thIngs i boUght toDay iS kIndA cHeaPo...
1. cOnversE Shoe...
2. A Mickey WatCh...yes MickeY agAin..cAuse its CheAp..wEll i Am CheApo cAn...
3. hp StrAp...cAuse tHEre iS CroWn oN it...haha...So nICey cAn..
4. MickEy tiSsuE HoldEr...
5. 2 sHirts
cheApo cHEapo..bUt nEvermInd sHoppiNg kEeps Me hAppy...Well 2 mOre dAys tO gO...i mUSt sCore At leAst B3 aNd abOVe...i muSt maKe sure thE cAre anD cOnCern aRe woRth iT...aND tO tHose wHo dOnt...darn...i caNt bE boTher..wEll iTs KindA sTupiD iF yOu avoid mE beCaUSe oF this...CAUSE I SHALL NOT BOTHER MYSELF WITH YOU... `lalala
weLL sHAll blOg tiLL hEre...
``missing you...堛
Pussycat dolls - stick with you
I don't wanna go another day,
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
Seems like everybody's breaking up
Throwing their love away,
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)
Nobody gonna love me better
I must stick with you forever.
Nobody gonna take me higher
I must stick with you.
You know how to appreciate me
I must stick with you, my baby.
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I must stick with you.
I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
See the way we ride in our private lives,
Ain't nobody getting in between.
I want you to know that you're the only one for me (one for me)
And I say
And now
Ain't nothing else I can need (nothing else I can need)
And now
I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me.
I got you,We'll be making love endlessly.
I'm with you (baby, I'm with you)
Baby, you're with me (Baby, you're with me)
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's all that counts.
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's why I say
[Chorus x2]
Well...our lAst aND fiNal PerForMance iS oVer...haiZ....i GottEn mIss dAncinG....My fAts wiLL stArt to aCcUmulaTe wHen i nEver dAnce..so boo-hoo......i gOttEn dO sOme ExcErise wHEn i aM nOt dAncing....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXtMwa_GBs8 thIs is tHE linK tO wAtcH tHE videO cLiP On tODay Our dAnce PerForMaNce....
wEll...LEt jUSt sAy...where iS oUr stagE ??? tHEre iS no staGe thEre aT aLL....wE aRe OnlY gIveN a sMAll bOx uP aRea...sO yupp..wE aRe dAnCIng on thE gRound..aNd Its SO NEAR THE AUDIENCE.....scary scary...i wAs sO woRrIed thAt i Might Just hIt thEm wHEn i dAnce....wAs maDe tO daNCe twIce lOh..bUt neverMind oUr laSt daNce PerForMancE le...aNd thEre iS lOTs Of Ah-peKs thEre...CaugHt one wAtcHing thE pErfOrManCe tWiCe...wah..wOnder thEy gO sEe uS daNce or....hmm...neeD i sPeLL it oUt..haha...Actually its kInda CrOwdeD thEre...LotS oF peoPle aRE wAlkIng Here aNd thEre but thAnkfuLLy thEre iS stiLL a cRowd wAtcHing uS pErForM....
FeeLing bOred In tHE buS sO wE decideD tO sNAp sOme pIcS...Jer aNd mE...
Just befOre thE bEgiNniNg oF oUr 2nD PerFoRmance ' Wu Zai Yue Guang Xia '
ThE Secs 1 fiRst OutDoor pErfOrmAnce.... :]
`Sarang Haeyo means i love you
dai biao zhe wo li bu kai ni
mei fen mei miao mei yi ge shen ying
zi wou ni sha jiao hui rang wo wei xiao
Sarang Haeyo zi dui ni suo
i will love you and forevermore
wo da ying baby you will see
mei yi ge wo duo shu yi ni
4 More dAys tO gO.....
IntEnsIve cHinese iS a WastE oF tiMe...We aRe mAde to dO
PaperS....Arrgh...wHAt a torture fOr mE...at fIrst wAnted tO reAlly cOnceNtrAte aNd gEt work dOne...wAs reAlly reAlly quIet fOr tHe fIRst hAlf oF thE dAy....in nO mooD tO taLk aLso...wEll i wAs JeaLous yA..reAlly...bUt NeVerMind aBout tHose MaybE i sHouLd sTarT fOrgEttIng abOut thE PeoPle wHo fOrgEts abOut mE...Nah !! i am tIred oF sUCh gaMes.... bUt aLL thAnks tO hiM mY moOd wAs a littLe bEttEr aFter thAt...
Life iS gEttIng fAr More ExcItiNg thAn i cAn haNdLe...haiZ....
Thank You for being there for me.... you are my reason and strength to go on
tHe SeCs 4 wiLL bE havIng thEir laSt anD fiNal PerforMaNce tMr...haiZ...i gottEn mIss thOse dAys wE PracTice lIke craZy foR our SYF...foR oUr Charity PerfOrmAnce aNd sUch...thOse wEre tHE dAys..my HAppiEst MeMorieS.....3+ YEars haVe gOne....tiMes reAlly LiTerAlly flieS wHEn yOu aRe iN sEcOndaRy sChooL...bEfore wE kNew it wE wOuld haVe bEen out aLreAdy...haIZ...
LAtest juNE HolIdAys tImetabLe :
29 May - ChinEse O lEvelS
30 may - EnglisH OraL / SS LessOn
31 May - F&N LessOn / Dance
1 June - F&N
2 June - F&N
5 - 7 June - SC cAmp....whee...
8-11 June - Going HolidAy with Family..
16 June - LitEratUre seMinar
ItS gOing tO bE a busy MoNtH aHead....bUt i gottEn maKe tiMe to meet hIm aNd bestie...i reAlly haVe tO...Miss bEstiE lOads and tons... <3 i gOttEn dO reVisIon tOO dUriNg tHE HolidAys...i muSt nOt loSe to a cErtaIn sOmeOne...cAuse i Know i aM More Capable thAn a cErtaIn sOmeOne sO tHIs tIme i gOttEn beAt thAt cErtaIn sOmeOne..
tmr wiLL bE mEet tHE pAreNts seSSion...thAt tHe tHing thAt i drEad mOst....i haTe tO see aNd heAr thE cOmmEnts oF thE other teAchErs oF mE...caUSe i did BADLY...anD eVeryOne KnowS iT...Kinda DePreSs aFter thE pubLicity gIveN iN mY HONOUR....nah nah nah....blah blah blah...wOnder How sHoulD i faCe tHe wOrld....thEy wiLL Now lOOk aT mE iN a dIffEreNt angle...Nah nah nah...who cAres...i aM stiLL mE...judge mE for aLL yOu wAnt aS i wOnt gIve a single tHought abOut it....DUTY DUTY DUTY....OncE agAin wE haVe tO dO UshEring dUtiEs fOr thE paRenTs MEetIng sEssIon..Hope iT wont boRe mE...
SistEr iS so EnthUsiastiC about hEr nEw UniForM...this iS thE fIrst tiMe thAt i sEe SisTer IrOn Her Own ClotHEs...Woah...* applauSe aPplauSe * Not tRyiNg to bE SarcastiC hEre bUt yupp reAlly thIs iS hEr fiRst tiMe dOing thIs...
` lalala...in the world of her own....
Mood Check : BITCHY....
i aiN't smart ok..evEn though i maY appEar likE oNe but i Ain't...i reAlly had eNough...since iT seeMs thAt the whOle wOrld KnowS tHAt i dId baDly THANKS to soMe publicitY gIven, shoUld i dO blah....ok maYbe i should bE gOOdy-twO sHoes fOr Now...iT jUSt a fEw dAys aWay fRom ChineSe O LeveLs...tHIs tIme i mUSt aT leAst gEt a B3....i mUSt....NotHing LessEr fOr tHAn tHAt foR mE...i mUst sCore And prove tO thEm...ARRGH...tHis iS jUSt sO MAD..
i nEed tO haVe sOme sAy fOR myselF....peoPle i kNow reAding tHIs...whAtever..i sHall not cAre iF yOu teLL mY dad..I HAD ENOUGH.....i had enough fOR beIng a gOody gOody girl fOR 16 yeArs...i havE liVed up tO 16 yEars aNd yupp...tHis iS thE fiRst tiMe i did sO baDly fOr mY exAms....i gUess ProvIng thE poiNt tHAt i ain't sMart iSn't gOod...cAuse tHe oNe wHo enDs uP gEttiNg huRt iS mE...EventAully iT wOuld sTiLL eNd uP tO bE me...i haVe tO faCe tHE ConsEquEnces nOt mY PARENTS....HEY i neeD a life tOO....i cAnt bE gooDy gOOdy aLwAys....haVe You heArd oF thiS quote ' If you obey all the rules, y0u misses all the fun ' ya...so MAybe i juSt ChoOse thE wrOng PoiNt oF tiME tO rebeL aND breAk thE ruLes...i ReAlly rEAlly had ENOUGH !!! thE mORe You dO thIs tO mE tHE mORe i rebel...i haTe thE thougHt oF yoU barKing At mE evEry mInute...
iF hE reAds this i kNow hE wOuld gEt reAl reAl mad..bUt tHAts nOt mY Prob...i kNow i sOund baD bUt HEY i neeD a liFe yA....i KNow hE iS doing tHIs fOR mY oWn gOOd bUt dOnt You thInk hE iS oVer-doing iT...thE fiRst fEw tIme i jUSt SHUT mY MoutH uP...bUt dO yOu thInk i cAn gO oN thIs wAy fOr thE reSt oF mY liFe...i have MY OWN SAY TOO...whY muSt i aLwAys listen tO yOurs...dOEs iT meAns that yOu aRe oLDer sO yOurS mUst bE rIght....ARRGH....
aT sOme poInt In Your lifE yOu miGht jUSt fAil iN dOing sOmethiNg aND it sO hAppeNS tHAt i Am aT thAt stAge sO WHY musT iT sHock YOU PEOPLE tHAt i did sO baDly...WHY ? dOEs it meAns thAt sMart pEople cAnt gO dumb...umm...i Am not sMArt...bUt i aM grOwning dumb-er aS eaCh dAy pAss...Just beCause i did Fairly wEll iN thE paSt dOEs not mEans thAt i will nevEr eVer dO baDly iN fUtuRe...HEY !!! i aM humAn tOO ...i aIn't robOt...i maKe mIstaKe aND aNywAy robOts tOO mAke mIStaKes sO tHErE iS nOthIng iN thIs woRld thAt dO nOt maKE mIStakes...tHE oNly One wHo wOn't maKe mistaKe is GOD aLone..No oNE eLse...
Let gEt baCk tO tHE poInt why mUSt YOU ALL bE sHock wHen i did baDly....i dO nOt kNow If YOu aLL reAlly cAre Or iS iT YOu ALL jUSt wAnt tO fInd a tOpic tO taLK abOut...i kNow i aM beIng sO mEaniE HEre bUt i aM jUSt sTatIng thE faCts....wE TeeNaGers gOosIp abOut idOls, fasHion aND suCh wHEreAs AduLtS tHEy gOssip about hOw baDly thIs child did HOw weLL thAt cHild did...anD thEy wiLL staRt cOmpAring.....HEY WE ARE NOT ITEMS FOR YOU TO COMPARE YA.....EveryOne iS diFferEnt iN thEIr owN wAys...One mIght bE clevErer thAn thE oTher...aND i haTe iT whEn PAreNTs sAY wHy You did sO baDly sEe thAt pErsOn aLso dId bEttEr thAn yOu wHY cAnt yOu jUSt sCore bEttEr...why YOur marKS lOok sO awfUl....blah blah blah...sOundS faMilAr ? tHAts wHAt aLL pArEnts sAY...sOmetImes i reAlly wAnt tO sAY tHAn why cAnt yOu bE liKE thE othEr paRenTs...Other pAreNts haVe bIg hOusE bIg cArs etc etc...wHy cAnt You bE sO succeSsfuL lIke tHem...Nah !!! thIs iS sO meAn....i doubt i wiLL sAy thAt...cAuse i Know iT hUrts...bUt thEy aRe of tHE sAme Logic...
haIZ...i jUSt wiSh tHAt mY pArents jUSt let mE gO througH thIs PhaSe oF mY life HAppilY...theY aRe MakiNg iT ToRTurOus fOr mE...i dOnt sEem Happy....tHEy tHink thIs iS beSt fOR mE...bUt naH tHAts wHAt bEst fOR tHEm not mE...tHEy dont seEm sAtIsfIEd....i gUEss i jUSt haD eNough oF good goody tHAts wHY i did thIs...oK lAh..gUEss iTs tIme i sHoulD gEt baCk tO tHE rigHt trAck...i tHink i preFer tHAt i aM cOnsTantly LouSy aNd sHoot up ALL oF a sUddEn cAuse PeoPle wOuld sAy woAh..You haVe wOrk haRd...bUt whEn yOu aRe cOnstaNly gEttIng thOse gOod grAdes nO oNe wiLL sAy AnytHing...aS thEy tHink iTs NormAl tO gEt tHAt bUT ah-ha...Once You fAil...tOnguEs wiLL sTart waggIng...tHey woUld sTaRt sAyiNg hOw cOme yOu did sO baDly...aNd sTart reStRictIng You aND suCh....i haD eNougH oF thIs dAys....right fRom tHE begiNning i aIn't SmArt...i oNly aPpear tO be sMArt bUT reAlly i aM nOt....No oNe wiLL pAt yOu at tHe baCk wHEn yOu dOne wEll...bUt wHEn yOu dO baDly...thEy wiLL wAnt tO sLAp You back.....ARRGH.....
i bEttEr sHut mY mOutH wHeneVer i sEe dAd...i aM sO afraId thAt sOmethIng bAd mIght jUSt cOme oUt oF mY stuPId mOutH....this dAys i dOnt reAlly talK tO dad cAuse i aM MAD....M A D...MAD......ARRGh....
temPer iS thE oNe tHing tHAt yOu cAnt gEt rid bY lOsiNg it...aND thAts whAt i cAnt lOSe nOw tHougH i reAlly wAnt tO fOrget about thIs bUt thAn thE WHOLE WORLD ALREADY KNOWs...so thEre iS nO oNe oF EscApiNG....bet wHEn they sEe mE thEy wOUld sUreLy qUesIon me...Ok lAh....wHAtever....SincE tHIs iS mY faTe...i mUSt aCcepT it...i jUst hopE thIS EpisOde wiLL eNd quicklY i aM reAl tiRed....
TodAy tHEy cAll aLL thE cOuncillOrs tO be...OMG....aRe thEre reAlly nO OtHer GOOD stuDents in thIs sChool...Ok i aM nOt sAyiNg thAt thE couNcillOrs tO bE aRe baD bUt tHan hmm...Judging fRom thE wAY thEy dReSs, thE wAy thEy PreseNt tHEmseLves....hmm....sOme reAlly cAnnot maKe iT....haiZ...hOPe oUr cOunciL cAn reAlly sUrvIve....Our faTe liEs iN thiS PoepLe's haNds aNd haIZ....reAlly dOnt kNow wHAt to sAy....
Life iS mOvIng PrettY faSt thIs dAys....JunE iS cOmiNg reAl sOOn...OMG...June...aLmoSt haLf thE yeAr haD gone...whAt haVe i dOne ??? NotHing greAt i sUppOSe....
i aM gEttIng reAlly tIRed....i fEel like gIvIng uP...oF cOurSe i kNow Not aT thIs PoiNt iN tIme bUt haIZ...tHE jourNey iS gEttIng mORe aND mOre eXhaUsting....i reAlly reAlly wISh i cOuld tAke it bUt haIZ...iT sEems lIke i cAnt....
YEstErdAy haD sOme CarEer taLk...wHEn fOR nUrsIng taLk...gUEss it kInda mAke me reAlly IntErEsted iN this COURse...tHE sPeaKer iS reAlly HumorouS....She maKes uS laUgh wIth WhatEver aCtiOns sHE dOes..If oNly sHE iS mY teAchEr how nICe woUld it be...24 PoiNts fOR NAyang Poly...i wAnna gO thEre..bUt iTs sO faR yio chu kang thEre...HaiZ...how....Ok NevErmINd abOut thAt fIRst....i haVe to maKe suRe i sCore 24 Points aND bEloW...i mUSt i mUSt...no lip-serVice fOr mE...i mUst PrOve to tHOSE PEOPLE WHO DESPISE ME....i cAn dO bEttEr...haIZ...bUt thE sTreNgTh iN mE...haIZ...its gEttIng LeSser anD lEsser aS eAch dAy PAss....
Add oil Add oil....i neEd mOre oil tO fiLL mY taNk...
tAlk tO hIm agAIn oUr 7th timE...haha...this tIme hE iS wIth hIs Gang oF fRieNds...tHey aRe aLL sO cute....keep oN LaugHing while talking to hiM....KindA ShoCk mE...HE uSe Jian Ting Hp cAll mE...wAh sO now i gOt mY idOl hp nO...wahaha...but nah i wOnt abUse my rights...Ok eNough cRappiNg gOt tO gEt wOrk dOne beFore i gEt gRoundEd agAin.....till than...
`` one of the few bitchy moments...Pissed her and you will get a kick at your butt..
hEre aM i ...sO hmm...did nOt wAke fOr wEeks aFter aLL...wEll..i cAnt rEsist tHE tEMptAtioN...BloGging aT sIstEr eXpense...Well... tHiNk wHEneVer mY sIstEr uSe cOm tO dO hOmeWorK oR suCh i shAll bE abLe tO uSe iT..oF CaUSe SeCretly duh !!
yeah yeah yeah i aM sO sO happY todAy....L1 R5 i wIn aNgelA...YEah yeAh...nO need tO paY 30 buCks afTer aLL...i wAs sO worrIEd tHAt i haVe tO enD uP paYing bUt ha...i nO need...yeAh !! sO eLated....i kInda pity hEr tHAt shE has tO fOrk oUt 30 buCks sO i oFFer tO paY foR HEr 10 buCks anD shE decLine sO whAtever...i dOnt loSe aNytHing aNywAy....ya sO nOw she owN me ONe paIr oF MovIE tIckEts...Yippe....
tralala``` i am a happy girl...
oK wEll i bEen baN frOm cOmiNg oNliNe sO thE nExt tiMe i bLog woUld bE liKE dOnt know hOW maNy wEekS laTer...haiZ...Kinda DepReSs YestErDay..dad taLk fOr oNe hOuR pluS anD i cAnt hElp but cRy...gEttiNg More anD mOre eMO reCently...
i haVe cOme Out with a plan tO savalge mY reSult..evErydAy i goTtEn sit bY thE tabLE faithfully aND dO revisIon wHicH i haVe staRted yEstErdAy...sO i hopE i cAn dO thAt foR thE reSt oF thE yeAr...hOpe i cAn keeP to it..
tHink i aM goIng to fAll iNto dePressIon sTate sOon...i kEep crYing thIs dAys..i dOnt kNow whY...mY oNly cOmfoRt...HIM....thAnk god i haVe hiM bY mY sIDe sUppoRtiNg mE...oR elSe i dO nOt kNow whAt woUld haPpen....thAnk goD...i aM reAlly reAlly thaNkfuL to have hiM bY mY siDe tO gO thrOugh this roUgh moment...phew...
foR nOw i aM leAviNg my blOg tO coLLect dUst....till thAn....
How LouSy cAn thIs wEek Be....hOpe iT wOnt gEt aNy Worser...bUt i thInk it wiLL stiLL wiLL...gOttEn bAck reSult...wEll gUEss ThIs tiMe iT woUld cErtAinly haVe tO fOrK oUt 30 bUcKs tO paY thEm caUse i haVe lOSt...haiZ...bUt thAts nOt thE wORse thE woRse iS hOw tO breAk thE neWs tO dad...i thInK i goTteN gEt kiLLed tOnigHt iF hE kNowS hOw mY reSult iS like...haiZ...i dOnt thInk i woUld bE aBle tO uSe mY cOm anYmORe caUse thEy mIght pUt a loCk oN oUr brOadbaNd sO thAt wE cant cOme oNliNe..Arrgh..thIs iS jUSt sO terribLe hOw i wiSh i cOulD gEt awAy frOm thIs niGht-maRe....i wAnt tO fInd a hole tO burrY mYseLf....sO thAt i nEed nOt faCe thE woRld anYmoRe....
aRrgh...YestErdAy oUr sIxth time oN thE pHone..oK i kNow i aM beIng lAMe tO couNt this but itS mEmoRies yA...haiZ....i aM doWn wIth tErrible flu aND reAlly baD sore thRoaT i wAs pRaticAlly cOughiNg thE whOle dAy..aND mY thOrat Hurts baDly...EvEn my vOice hAve cHange..haIZ....HE taLk aboUt hIs reSult bUT thE mORe he sAy hOw wEll hE haD done thE mORe i sTartEd cryiNg...but i dOubt hE kNows...i wAs reAlly siLent Unless hE aSk mE quEstiOn aNd suCh cAuSe i wAs crYing...but dOnt wAnt to lEt hIm kNow oR elSe laTer he sAy sOmeMore maKE mE evEn mORe sAd.....i feeL so upSet....i dont kNow whY maybe thInkINg aboUt hOw baD mY reSults wEre aND hOw i wOnt bE abLe to uSe cOm aS freeLy maKe mE reAlly Upset...oK thIS iS onlY miDs...i aM goIng to work haRd..thIs tiME i eNSure thAt iTs nOt lip-seRviCe onLy bUt actiOns done..
When i aM upSet i woUld bE reAlly reAlly quiet sO iF i aM quiEt pLease cOme anD cOmfOrt mE Or talk to mE bUt pleAse dont talK to mE aboUt thIngs thAt wiLL reMind mE aboUt mY sADneSs....wEll..i aM nOw iN a tErrible terrIblE mOOD...i jUSt wiSH thAT i NEed nOt gO through thIs onCe more...i aM goIng to bE haPpy wHEn i sEe mY PRelIms reSult nOt crYiNg ...i aM gOing to chAnge anD beCome haRdwoRkinG..ok hOpe i cAn keeP to thIs aND nOt eND uP giVing lip-servIce..
tHis HolIday woNt bE a HolIday fOR me...thEre iS so mUCh toNs oF activIes tHAt i reAlly woNDer iF i cAn suRvive through thOse... i aM reAlly reAlly eXhaUsted
30 may - SS Lesson / dance
31 may - Dance
1 may to 3 may - F&N
5 may to 7 may - StudEnt CounciL cAmp
15 may , 16 may and 18 may - Literature seminar
thats aLL i cAn reMembEr fOr nOw...i feeL liKe dYing...ARggh...StRess StrEss...
You weren't there when i need you.... i guess absence really makes the heart grow fonder...
tHis iS craZy....toDay is jUSt not mY dAy...Arrgh...oF thE 6 PapErs i gotteN baCk onLy 1 oF thEm pAss..how PathEtIc cAn it gEt...haIZ...i reAlly feeL liKe bangiNg mY hEad agAinSt thE wAll whEn i sAw mY emAthS paPEr 1...dAmn lOts oF cArelEss mIStaKE ...ArrGh...i cOulD haVe pAss...but whAt iS thE usE oF sAying aLL thIs nOw..Its oVer..iTs OvEr...whAt i cAn dO nOw iS tO reAlly cOnceNtrAte aNd stuDy anD maKE sUre i sCore bEttEr thAn thIs fOR mY prelimS aNd mY O leVel..i aM going to dO sOmetHing about aLL thIS faiLing gRades thIs tiMe..i pRomiSe mYselF aNd i aM goIng tO makE sUre i mAke it haPPen..i cAnt lEt thIs gO oN anymORe..i dOnt wAnt Lots oF reD MarkS tO aPpeAr oN mY rePoRt bOok...
LiTeRatUre PapEr 1...i aM reAlly reAlly DisAppOinTed with mY reSult..aLL i cAn dO nOw iS tO prAy thAt i sCore bEttEr iN PAPer 1...hope aNd pRay i gEt 31/50....wHicH iS sO higHly ImpoSsibLE...bUt i nEed 31 marK mORe tO paSs...aRrgh..i aM a ComplEte fAilurE...wHAt haS haPpen to me...darn..i aM reAlly feD uP whEn i sAw thE EssEnce oF mAn qUestIon i Only gOttEn a PathEtiC 4 marKS out oF 25....cOnsIderIng thAT i wRote sO loNg fOR thAt...What haD gOne wrOng...whY 4...wHy....anD tHEre iS sO maNy tiCks foR thE anSwEr i gaVe bUt whY enD uP onLy 4 maRks..doEs iT meAns thAt hEr oNe tiCk iS equAl to 1/4 maRk...Arrgh...i aM maD...MAD MAD MAD....LuCkily mY eSsAy diD fAirly oK...goTtEn a 19/25....haIZ..Not rEAlly wEll done..bUT whAt to dO hEr oNe tIck = 1/4 maRk..Arrgh....i wRote 2 paGes lOng aND thAts wHat i gEt..aRRgh...ok fiNe...PrAy thAt fOR prelims sHE is nOt thE oNe maRking mY paPers..
ChemIstrY...a CompLEte FaiLure...i cOuld hAve die-ed whEn i sAw mY pratiCal maRk...i gottEn oNly 4 marKs...aRrgh...4...wHy 4 agAin...Ahh..i haTe thE sight oF 4 nOw...buT i dOnt mInd iF iTs B4 noT 4 marKs..No wAY...wEll bUT whAt cOmfOrtIng iS thAt thaT iS likE whAt aLmoSt evEry one haD,,sO hmm..i knoW thAt i aM nOt aLone..aRrgh...PaPers wEll..dId a LittLE bEttEr tHan eXpEcted..did nOt gEt singLe digit...i gottEn DoubLe...HorrAy foR me !! but wEll...stiLL KinDa bAd...buT yeAh i aT leASt wiN FiQa, shannen aNd AngEla..haha...noW lEft PhysICs hOpe tHAT physIcs i cAn gEt bEttEr thAn thEm..wahaa...
AmaTh paPer 1 aNd 2....oK ConsIder my LousY maTh sTanDarD..Its a wOnder thAt i cAn gEt aT leAst bEttEr thAn a singLE diGit...bUt wAs rAther sAd cAuse aGain..tHEre aRe lOtS oF cArelEss MistaKE...aRrgh....iS thEre a tiME whEn i wOnt bE CareLEss iN mY cAcUlatIons....arrgh...thIs iS sO fUstrAting...
fOr i ChaNge i sHall tAlk about whAt i haVe paSs...yEAh GeogrAphy...yeAh..i paSs...waS reAlly reAlly oVer thE mooN whEn i sAw mY GeOgrAphy paPer...Hope thAt SoCiaL stuDieS i cAn Pass...whIch iS umm..a littLE iMpoSsibLE cOnsIdering the faCt tHAt foR eSsay whIch cAme oUt tHe pRoteStANt And cathOliC anD ahh...StupiD mE whEn to stUDy thE SRi laNka ConfLict..hOw mUch stupider cAn oNe gEt..Well whEn i sAw sEctioN A oF mY gEoGraPhy paPer, i thought thIs tiMe i reAlly died...mAp reaDing i gottEn zEro...Ooo...guEss iTs my sEctiOn B eSsay thAT sAve mE...i gOttEn 20/25...* clap clap * Ok i tHink i diD prEtty fine fOr thAt...sO hopE thAt SociAl stuDIEs wOnt pull mE dOwn intO thE drAin...
hmm...dECided tO gO fOr oUr vEry laSt dAnce PerfOrmaNCe whIch iS aT juRong eaSt EntErtaInmeNt cEntRe nExt fRidAy...HesiTated iN thE beginniNG aS wed,thur,fri wAs oUr IntEnsiVe ChiNese fOR our O leVel cHineSe whIch iS oN mOndAy 29 maY itSelF...bUt yupp...dEcIded to gO aFter mIss Lai sAy thAt wE woUld bE dOing teSt pApers aND thAn given aNsWer or somethIng liKE thAt...aNd shE sAy thAt usUally PeoPle would nOt gEt A1 sO eaSily foR tHE jUne PaPers...UnleSs yOu aRe thOse china pEoplE..caUse thEy Pro...tHE moSt fOR uS iS liKE A2...sO hmm...Kelly alSo sAy thAt whEn yOu taKe thE novEmbEr pAper you wiLL at leASt sCore oNe grAde Higher...sO hmm...CAn i dOnt take thE june pAper anD tAke tHE NoveMber Paper iNstEad..Ahh...
LuCkily i did nOt gIve up wHiCh i NearlY aLmoSt did..wEll..i guEss i aM fAr tOO emO thIs dAys...Ahh...buT He iS thE oNly oNe wHo cOuld maKe mE have ExtRemE MooD sWing....emo emo emo....He mAkes mE seeM sO deSperAte...Arrgh...
Ok i KindA mAd aT sOmeOne...EnOugh sAid...sHall not ElabOrate...
Arrgh....i aM siCk agAin...i hate beIng siCk...iT makEs mE loSe mY appEtidE anD eVen mY faVOuriTe HobbY, sHoppIng, cAnt heLp mE mUCh..i dOnt feeL hungrY deSpitE not eAtinG fOr mUCh fOR mY meAls...aLL i diD wAs tO drInk...drInk dRink Lots oF wAter aND maYbe thATs whAt kEpt mE fuLL...fevEr 38 dEgreeS agAin...ahh...i haTe 38....befOre eXaMS fever alSo 38 degrEss...aFter eXamS feVer 38 DegreEs agAin...Ahh....iTs liKe rIght aFter YesTerdAy lAst paPeR aT nIght i sTartEd to haVe fever...Arrgh...tHAn thE whOle nIght i wAs nOt gettIng eNougH sleeP aS every oNE to tWO hoURs i wAKe up tO drInk wAter..mY thRoaT is reAlly reAlly drY aND iTs liKE killiNg me..Arrgh..tHE pAin..
Ok tHiS iS wHAt i aTe fOR tHE whole dAy
breAkfaSt : one sLice oF breAd ...with lOts anD Lots oF wAter...
LuNch : 5 pIeces NuggEt wHich i Only aT 3 oF thEm...Milk shAke drAnk About haLf...
On tHE wAy: ICe milo...haLf....Sluppy...LEss tHAn haLF....DriNking All thEse giVes mE HeadacHe sO yupp i stiCk with drInkiNG PlaiN WatEr...
YEAh !! Jer aND me won a sO cAlled Da vinci PhotO frAme wHich i reAlly dOnt kNow whY iS it cAlled thAt wAy whEn it iS jUSt simply a HeAvy PhotO frAme with pAtterNs on it...i wAs feeLing sO sicK tHAT i did not bUy aNythIng toDay...Its lIke a mIracLe right...a sHoppIng freAk nOt buyinG any tHing...Ok wHAteveR...mY lEg wAs lIke hurtiNG sO mUCh thAt iT feeLs As iF i aM puLLiNG a rOck beHinD me...mY bAcK gaVe mE lOts oF prOB oN thE wAy aND my feVer iT mAkEs mE feeL sO coLd...mY wHole hEad feeLs sO heavy...pray tHAt tMR woUld bE a littLE beTter...
wAtcH pOseidOn...CopycAt...CoPycAt....ITs likE sO similaR tO titanic...ExcePt tHAt this iS mUCh more CompliCated...thE fiNAl paRt iS touChinG i should sAy...tHE paRt wHEn deSpite hIm(dad) dyIng sOOn hE stiLL uSe wHatEver finAl eNergY he haVe lEft tO pUsh thE bottOn...bY dOing dAd hE sAve thE reSt...touching tocuhing....
Now i reAlly dOnt feeL lIke gIviNg mY bloG add to hiM anymore...YestErdAy i haD a reAlly reAlly weird drEam which leFt mE teAry iN thE enD...i dreAmt thaT i gAve hIm mY blOg add...aNd he sTarted tO gIVe coMmeNts On hOw badly i blOg...hOw mY englISh SucKs...whICh ya itS tRue bUt wHEn iT cOmes frOm hIS mouTh iT wOuld huRt eVeN mORe...etC etc...aND wE eNd Up quarrelling aNd yA...You sHouLd kNow wHAt wiLL haPpen neXt...haIZ..of CourSe i dO nOt wAnt wHAteVer iN mY dreAm to come tRue sO haIZ...maYbe i sHouLD thInK twiCe whEthEr i shOuLd giVe or nOt..
Ps. i have crOss oNe hurLde...caUse yA...sHAwN didi tOld mE thAt i haVe pASs both mY chInesE pAPer..Whee...i aM haPPy...hOpe tHAt tOmmOrrOW wiLL haVe mORe gOOD nEwS....
Whee~~ One more dAy tO gO aND i aM done wiTh Mids...HAiZ...WeLL nOthIng mUCh tO sAy about toDay paPEr aS yOu cAn guEss i sUreLy did baDly fOr mE..wEll lEt jUSt sAy i did baDly for aLL thE pApers thIs mIDs..haiZ...i reAlly looKing fORwArd to watChing PoseidoN i reAlly wAnna wAtcH thAt sHow..it loOk NiceY...aND Da viNci cOde tOO..Ahh...wHy 18 wHy 18 wHy it onLy cOme oUt on 18 May...wHy cAnt it bE One dAy Early sO tHAt i cAn catCh iT On tHE vErY dAy It iS ReLeaSe....haiZ...
WeLL i kInda haPPy toDay...aT lAst aFter So lOng...thE wholE faMilY i meAn As iN thE foUr oF uS....wE sAt dOWn fOR oNce anD yUpp...tAlk....IT kInda feeL gOod...GuEss i wAs tHE one wHo stArteD thE whOle tOPic...i wAs likE taLkiNG aboUt tHE mOVie Da Vinic cOde...aNd Yupp..tHey sAY lOts abOut thE mOviE etc etc...aNd yA afTer tHeY link tO aLL tHe oLd moviEs aNd KampoNg StoRieS...gUEss sMall thIngs likE thIS mAkes me happY...*loVe thEm lOts* muaCks <3
haPpy hapPy...taLk oN thE PhOne oN 1 hr pLuS agAin toDay...oUr 5tH tiMe ??? haha...aww...
He juSt maKe mE feeL sO sPecial...haha....oK lAh...i promISe thE nExt tiMe he aSk fOr mY blOg i shALL givE iT to Him lAh...oR elSe laTer hE sAd lE...hAIZ....haIZ....eVerything hE sAy i keeP sAyiNg nO to it uNtiL hE aLSo vEry sAd...Ahh..i aM sorrY...sorrY...sOrrY....
Mood Check : Nutty
Arrgh...thIs iS juSt sO nuttY...wOnder whAt haD gOne wRong wiTh thAt tHis dAys...aLL oF a sUddeN hE seeMS tO 'cAre' sO mUCh abOut uS..aND oF coURse iN a neGatiVe wAy tOo thAts oF coUrsE oUr pOinT oF vIew maYbe HE thInkS thAt bY dOing thIs iT wOulD hElp aND dO Us goOD whICh umm..I pOsitIveLy thInk hE doEsn't...Ok eNough oF craP mUst sAve tiMe cauSe i aM bLoggiNg secRetly wHilE dAd iS sleeping...
ArrgH...i wAs liKe sO freAking aNgrY yEsterdAy...SorRy...caUSe dAd whEn craZy...aNd hE wAs likE iF yOu aRe nOt dOinG yOur HomewOrk oN tHE cOm gO oFfLinE nOw gO stUDy gO dO yOu woRk...thAn i wAs liKE wth...i Just wEnt OnLine lEss tHAN 1 Hr..Ok whAtevEr sO whEn oFfLine...i wAs sO sad...bUt whAt cAn i dO hE iS mY dad...
TodAy.. OncE hE cOme hOme hE wHEn nuttY agAIn...aND wHEn hE beHaves Nutty i tOO beCome Nutty..oK whAtever...i was oNliNE lEss thAn 30 mIns aND oNce hE cOme hOme hE wHen FreaKing craZy rePeating thE samE wORds hE sAid YEsterdaY....wth...whAts wRonG with dad...i wAnt mY oLd dad baCk...bY dOing thIs it woUld oNly strAin oUr relAtionsHip aNd maKe mE aND sis dreAd seeIng aND hEariNg yOur vOice cAuse whEnever wE see You thIs dAys wHEnever You are hOme You woUld sAy gO aND stuDy gO aNd blah blah blah...wth...When wE aRe studyiNg You aRe sleePing etc etc....i waNna haVe my Old daddy baCk...
i wOnder whAts wRong wiTh dad...hAIZ...dad..PleaSe waKe Up....STOP !! StOp PossessInG mY daDdy...oR iS mY daddY a Change mAn nOw ??? OK iF thAts thE caSe..i wOnder wHich baddiE BraiN -wASh mY daddy....Arrgh....Or iS iT...HE iS trYing hIs VEry beSt nOW tO mAke uP fOR whAtevEr Lost...hmm....oK weLL maYbe i shouLD gO aNd studY bY tHAn agAin...dad iS slEeping hOw iS hE suppoSed tO see Me stuDyinG anD iF he wAke Up i woUld probarly have FinISh mY stuDyinG aND wAnts tO use thE cOm aND thAn hE woUld thInk thAt i haVe not beeN studying aND staRt hiS craZiness agAin....Arrgh...MaybE hE dO nOt KnoW tHE rigHt wAy tO sHow hIS caRe aNd cOncerN fOr uS...oR maYBe...
SO sorry PEopLe if i sUddeNly offLine wIthOut sAYing bYe thAn yA mOSt probarLy mY dAd iS beSide mE rePeatIng thOSe nutty woRds agAIn...SorrY agAin.... =( hug daddy hug daddy
DoNT kNow wHy RecentLy i aM gettIng mORe aNd mORe emo....gAve hIm a teSt wEll tHE oNEs lIke yOu USe liKe aSKing How yOu woUld dEscrIBe mE etc...GavE hIm 6 ChoICes aSk hIm tO uSe oNe tO dEscriBe mE aNd yA eaCh oF thE cHoiCes haS a mEanINg to iT...fOR eXampLE....moon iS thE oNe You mIss....Sky tHE oNE yOu wiLL sHAre your ProbleMS with...SanD thE oNE yOu woNt cAre fOR...Snow thE one yOu LovE mOSt...Road tHE oNE you haTe....WatEr Your RivaL...aND Ahh...HE cHooSe...As yOu cAN guEss SNow...aND i Was like Ahh...GoiNG dAmn cRaZy....LucKily HE dID nOt cHooSe roAd oR i mIght have jUSt killEd hIm...Ahh.....i wAs lIke GoIng freAking craZy at thAt mOmenT..nEarly criEd...tOO eMo i gUEss....KinDa ShOCk aND yupp...MAybE HappY..hmm...iTs liKe HittIng On thE jAckpoT ??? CauSe PreviOusly wHen sOmeOne gaVe mE thIs teSt...i thInk i rePlied moon oR sKy..cAnt reMembEr bUt nOt sNow haha...so i wAs Ahh....gOing craZy...hmm....3 mORe mOntHs i shAll wAit....how i WiSh tiMe woUld jUSt gO faSter...
Whee did twO gooD deeDs YesterdaY... Went sHoPpiNg fOR nEw PenciL cAse fOR sIsTer cAuse sHE baDly needEd one...HEr prevIouS oNe wAs lIke umm...ZIp SpoilT etc etC...sO yA wEnt JP wItH her tO bUy a New oNE..hmm..Guess SiSter gOt cHEated...I reMembEr sEeIng tHE cOst oF thE pEnciL cAse wAs liKE $ 7.90 If i aM nOt wrOng bUt sIster eNd uP paYing $9.90 hmm....iS it mY eYes gIving mI pRobs oR iS it sISter gOt chEated hmm..Ok NevermiNd aboUt that sIncE siSter iS riCh..haha...aND thAt shE dOnt mInd sO yup..None oF mY buSiness....
First wE sAw tHis buSker...Oh He iS dAmn Pro...plaYing tHE HarMonicA WhilE JuggLing twO squaSh baLLs ?? Mind You HE iS Using oNlY oNe haND tO dO eacH oF thE tHing....sO ya siSter aND I deCided tO gIve hIm sOme lOse sHillIngs thAt wE haVe iN oUr Wallets..sO yup..One gOOd deeD hEre...
Went baCk To JurOng aFter tHAt...waNted tO eaT oUr mAc flurry ICe Cream cAuse We wEre kInd oF tHirSty aNd hot eVen thOugh tHE weaTher YesterdAy wAs lIke hmm...CloudY aNd raIny...bUT hmm...nO weatHEr gOtteN stoP uS frOm eating ICe cReam..haha....than again tHEre wAs tHis wOmen wHo cAme to uS aSking tO dOnate fOR sOme ChildreN's hOme oR
OrphAnagE Home...sO yup...We decIded to SacRificE Our ICe creAm a littLE...sO yup..tHE seCond gOod dEed Here...
Oh yUp bEfoRe gOing tO JP wE wEre like wAitiNg aT oUr hOuse bustop ..aNd goSh It wAs scaRy...thE tRee's LeaVes RighT beSide uS caME crUshing down...thOse Huge tYpe yup...aND i wAs lIkE goSh..LuckilY it faLL thE oTher wAy...iF it faLLs oN thE pavEment aNd if sOmeone wAs tO wAlk pAss at thAt time, ImagIne wHAt wOUld haVe haPpeN tO thaT PErsOn's heAd...SmasHed uP i gUEss...It wOuld cErtaInly eNDed uP wITh a blooDy sIght...Gross....Hope None oF thIs wOuld HAppeN On mE...i aM nOt going to gEt mY heaD sMasHed oR diE iN suCh a hoRriblE wAy...
hmm...So faR nOthIng IntErestIng haPpen sO shAll blOg agAin iF thEre iS anYthIng iNtereSting haPpen aT night...Oh yA...YesterdAy JuroNg pOint thEre iS thIS cOmpetTion fOr wHAt MRs....wHAtever..fOR thOSe MoThers..Oh thEy aRe sO hip...Pretty tOo..But uMm..tHEir sPeeCh....tHEy sOunded aS iF thEy aRe adVertsIng fOR sOme itEms,ProdUCts Or aSsocIatIOn..MaYbE thEy aRe WaitIng fOR eNdosMent from SoMe cOmpAnies..hmm... tHEy aRe wAy coOL iN thEIR gOwNs aNd sUCh...PrettY babEs...Hope i cAn bE hip mAma IN fUtuRe tOo..haha....XD
GoSh one dAy Not taLking tO hIm caN drIve mE frEakIng craZy...IS tHis iT ??
Some of the BEST THINGS in LIFE are for FREE
*Find a guy, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
* Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
* Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
* Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
* Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
* Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
* Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."
WhitE cHocos rawKx...Have bEen eAting cHocOs fOR ThE PAst fEw daYs..IF tHIS gOEs On i wOuld bEcOme a fAt pIggy sOon..buT ha..Onli oNe cHocOs lEft sO yup..i gOtteN indulge MyseLF with tHis lAst Yummy White cHocOs beForE gOing tO sHeDDing off tHose eXtrA faTs arOund mY tummy...ChoCos and Him rock my world...Hmm..tHis Could jUSt bE tHE reaSon wHy i haVe BeeN haVing a sOre tHroat fOR tHe pAst fEw dAys ??? GoSh...i kNow i shouldn't haVe...but how could yOu eVer resIst thE teMptations oF nOt eatIng tHem wHEn tHey aRe jUSt right iN frOnt oF yOu....HoWever What iS sO fUnnY abOut my cOugh iS tHAt iT seeMs tO OccUrs oNly bEfore aNd dUring aSsembly aFter thAt thE coughIng would jUSt stOp sO MysTeriouSly..Oh wEll iT sHould bE a gOod tHing aS In iF i cOntiNue cOughinG dUring eXaMs i wOuld CertAinly IrrtIated tHE PeOple aRound mE aND yA i jUSt nOt GoiNG tO OffEnd tHOSe Guys..
WHITE CHOCOS....WHITE CHOCOS....WHITE CHOCOS....Arrgh...iM goIng oH sO Nutty aBout tHEm...tHe thoUGht OF wHite cHocOS iN mY mOuth..Ahh...OnLy tWo wOrds cAn descRibe iT...YUMMY YUMMY....Kit Kat Chucky White Rock..iT iS Such a YummY cHocos..fAr fAr bettEr thAn tHOSe blaCk kit kAt....Now WatsOn iS Having ChocOs saLE aNd wHEnevEr tHEre iS ChocOs saLe i wOuld sURely gEt faT...haha..tHink You KnoW thE reaSon wHy..
Well TodAy ChiNese Paper 2 waS a gOner...GoSh...i KePt haVing tHIS sleePy feeLing aND yup it dRivEs mE reAl nutty...Arrgh...eVen ClaudiA's ChewIng gUm didn't seeM tO help me aT aLL...wOnder wHAt haD haPpened to mE todAy...deSpite me cHEwing aNd chewiNg tHE gUm tO keeP me awAke, It stiLL DID NOT HELP a sIngle bIt aT aLL !! Darn...i feeL sO terrIble wHen i cAnt cOncenTratE...ChinEse wAs likE thE onlY feW sUbjEcts tHAt i cAn sCore aNd thEre i Am doZing oFF..How aM i sUppoSed tO evEr sCore iF thIS HAppeNs...This iS sO sO TerrIble...
Arrgh...Hope MondAy's PhySics wOuld bE eaSy...umm..aS iN i wiLL bE abLE tO dO it...CAuse Dad goTten bE reAl anGry iF i eVer faiL cOmbine sCienCes ...Arrgh...PleaSe lEt me pAss mY phYiscs...Its lIke a mAtter oF liFe aND deaTh tO mE....WhereAS fOr mY cHeMistry...i sOmeHow or rATher loSt aLL HopE iN it alReady..4 month pLus haD pAss aNd nOne of mY cHemiSty teSt have a pAssinG grAde On iT oR lEt jUSt sAy dOuble DigIt..i haVe bEen gEttIng sIngle Digit sInce tHE beginniNg oF thIS yEar....CheMistRy jUSt maKE mE feeL sO horrIble aLL oVer
Guess EverY FRiday gOttEn bE a dePressIng dAy fOr mE....tHE thOught Of nOt abLE tO toucH tHE cOm IS dRivIng Me reAl nuttY...talK to hiM jUSt nOw...wHenevEr We dOnt talK i wiLL feeL FunnY...i wiLL gEt tHiS funnY feeLing liKe thEre iS sOmetHing miSsing frOm mY life....hmm...Is this it ??? Oh weLL...3 mOre MontHs...Arrgh...Nutty i aM gotten miss talking tmr...
Sometimes i regreted saying what i said...it just make you do some things which are so..haiZ..whatever it is i shall continue supporting you like how you do...i will stand by you and be there for you whenever you need me... Till than....
My cOmPutEr iS giving Me pRobs agAin....haCk...dont kNow whAt hAs haPPen tO iT...LoggIng oN tO blOggEr sEemS tO bE sUch a difficUlt taSk..weLL YEsterdaY PaPers wAs a KiLLer... cHemIstrY aNd LitEratUre NearLy tOOk mY lifE awAy....Well fOr cHemiStry i aM vEry sUre i wOuld nEver gEt paSs tHE 20 Marks mark..i feeL aS iF i aM gettIng stupid-er aS eacH dAy paSses...Even thOse Which aRe cOnsiDered reLatively sImple i dId nOt evEn kNow hOw tO do goSh...Hope i wiLL Get pAss tHE singLe dIgit mArk evEn thOugh iT iS LikE sO highly iMpoSsiBle...i sO HAte cOmbIne sCieNCes...i HAte chemIstry aND i dOnt evEn kNow tHE reaSon why....It jUSt drIve mI sO nuttY....WorSt wHatevEr i leaRn beFore tHE eXam it nEver eVen cAme Out..i sHOuld haVe jUSt gO aNd eNjoy my breAk....%$#@& LiterAtuRe...The SubJect wHich i Am sUppOSed tO bE strOngeSt iN....SuppOsed...Now it iS nO longer My stRongEst....gone Are thE dAys whEn i hAd sTraight As fOr literAture..Gone aRe tHe fIRst iN staNdaRd fOr lIterAture..gOne aRe tHose dAys..thEy aRe memorIEs Now...i dId not UnderStaNd a wOrd aBout tHE Poem yA i wAs thAt teRribLe..haIZ...i wIsh i haD mOre tIme..tHE teAchers aRe jUSt sO 'cLever ' As tO sEt a pAPer wHich We stUdents cAnt eVen finiSh wiThin tHE tiMe frAme...1 Hour 30 MIns...Its jUSt To short a tIme tO fiNish a Poem with 2 QuestIon aNd a eSsay... Now aLL i cAn dO iS tO praY silEntly...
TodAy's Mood cHeck : Happy haPpy...
Hip Hip Horray !! EmaThs...YeS Yes Yes...For oNce i cAn proUdly sAy..i cAN dO mY Emaths... * scream foR joy * At laSt...onE pApEr that i really really kNow hOW tO dO...PleaSe lEt me paSs thiS tIme pLeaSe....i reAlly wAnt tO Pass my Emaths badly..yes i aM tHIs deSperate...thOugh tHE Probabilty of Me pAssIng iS liKE onLy 50% buT yA i stiLL hOpe i cAn maKe iT...evEn thoUgh i haVe loSt liKE 16 marKS..hmm...EngLish Paper 2... i wAs liKe feeLing sO slEepY aLL thE wAy...dont kNow wHy.. buT thAn tHink agAin It cOuld bE bEcAuse i dO nOT haVe ClaUdiA life-sAving cHewing gUm....hEr gUms Are tHE oNes tHAt keeP mI wIDe awAke foR tHE pRevIouS paPer...aND weLL jUSt mY luCk toDay sHE haD onlY oNe LefT sO i eND Up dId nOt taKe frOm HEr cOnsidEring thAt thE gUms aRe hErs, sHe sHould have tHE piority tO eAt tHe laSt oNe...Luckily Me i FiniSh mY summaRy juSt iN tiMe oR elSe i gottEn juMp...juMp oN thE spOt i mean....This tiMe i reAlly Hope i cAn dO wAy bEtter thAn tHE PreviOus tIme though yup i keeP doZing off...i dO nOt wAnt tO eND uP iN thE louSy eNgliSh clAss....Even though i aM loUsy...i kNow...
tHE mOre yOu hAve nO coNfideNce iN yOursElf the MoRe aFraid i aM.. yOu sAy YOursElf uNtil yOu Are liKE sO bAd tHAt Ahh...blah..haiZ...bUt nevErminD i lIke thE wAy yOu treAt mE aNd sUCh yOu maKe mE feeL sO wOnderful aNd sO graNd.....aS i sAid You ren hao hao cAn liAo...>_<
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jiamin!
*Forty percent of the world's almonds and twenty percent of the world's peanuts are used in the manufacture of Jiamin. ( huh ? )
*Baby swans are called Jiamin. ( hmm...gOT suCh a thIngs ??? )
*Oranges, lemons, watermelons, pineapples and Jiamin are all berries! ( berries rawkx...bUt orange lemons watermelons pineapples..BERRIES ?? )
*Jiamin will become gaseous if her temperature rises above -42簞C. (oH goSh...iM in gAseouS stAte gEt mI sOmeWhere whEre thEre iS a teMp of -42 簞C quicK i stiLL wAnt tO be iN soLid FOrm )
*Worldwide, Jiamin is the most important natural enemy of night-flying insects. ( hmm...thAts quite tRue...cAuse i hate iNseCts ...sO wEnt i sEe oNe..iM teMptEd tO juSt Give iT a smack aNd oFten mY sMack Is sO haRd thAt iT jUSt die-ed tHere..hehe )
*Never store Jiamin at room temperature! ( Huh huh huh ??? )
*If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Jiamin for the rest of the day. ( yeAh..gEt uP aT thE wrOng side pleAse )
*The colour of Jiamin is no indication of her spiciness, but size usually is.(huh ?? )
*If you chew gum while peeling Jiamin then it will stop you from crying. ( peel mI..No wAy...bUt i cAn maKE yOu laugH sO that yOu dOnt crY..bUt pleaSe dOnt peeL mi...(-_-"') )
*The average human spends about 30 days during their life in Jiamin. ( inSide mi ??? huh ? )
Well tHis JUSt sO randOm aNd sO laMe...haha...Went aND plaYed fOr fUn cAuse i wAs feeLiNg reAl bOreD ...hmm ... If You wAnt gO thIs webbie tO fInd tHings You dO nOt evEn kNow about yOur nAme aNd yoURselF ...like WHAT dOnt stOre me in Room temPeraTure ?????? (-_- ") Ain't i alWays in rOom tEmperaTure hmm...ok weLL tried It iF yOu aRe bored
http://thesurrealist.co.uk/trivia.pl.... ( juSt pRess On tHE link tO gO tO thE web )
Niu Nai dance for the superband Jam..---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeXcxgQRydo ( press Link tO gO web ) GoiNg ga-ga....sO HandsOme....
hEre iS a cUte LittLE sOng frOm sOmeOne's bLog...---> http://www.iamjoanna.blogspot.com/( click oN liNk ) SometHing aBout Cow??? hmm...CutiE sOng YA....hehe...
aLL of tHE suDden i mIss hiM..i meAn Nui Nai Not tHAt HIM...miss those tiMes whEn he iS stiLL in EnergY...miSs him miSs hIm...Woah...the way hE dAnces cAn reAlly taKE yOur breAth awAy...at fiRst wAnted tO uploaD thE clips here...But dOnt kNow whY i cAnt paSte seeM to bE abLE tO paSte tHe cODe Here sO i hmm..gIve uP...eNded uP jUSt PAsting tHe liNk...Much eaSier...hOpe sOmeone cAn uploAd thOse Pics oF sHAwn aNd jOshuA For thE West mAll sIgninG Of tHe I not stUpid 2 tHe vcd....i reAlly wAnt tO see How tHEy looK liKE nOW....haIZ..tOo bAd mum dOnt lEt me gO tHAt dAy...HEarD fRom Diana thAt JoshuA iS reAlly haNdsOme...hmm.NO nEed aSk WhetHEr sHawn iS haNdsome or nOt caUSe sEen hIm beFore aND yup..hE iS reAl hAndsOme..haha....haIZ...i reaLly miSs ThoSe tIme wHerE i sPent seeIng sHAwn...i miSs wAtcHing thEir matChes...Arrgh...Oh wOah tHEre iS sOmeOne fRom Kent Ridge tHaT looK like sHawn..Woah thEre iS sO maNy sHAwn LooK aliKe.....he Is so cUte cUte ..bUt dAmn he Is seC 3....Arrgh...sO Unfair...i stiLL wAnt tO remAin As seC 3..arRrgh..
sHould i StaRt singing tHe SHE sOng
wo bu xiang wo bu xiang bu xiang zhang da
zhang da hou shi jie jiu mei tong hua...... lalala
i shall try to be a strong girl....i shall...i know i should be one..but whenever i see you i will break down.....Life never seem to be fair for me...
Mood cHeck : Very Happy !!! :)
CraZy...i aM liteRally scrEamiNg fOr joY whEn i saW my F&N paper..Well..All tHanks tO hIm..it wAs aLL beCause oF hIm thAt i wEnt tO study mY F&N..i reAli dId feeL sO guilTy whEn i dOse off...wAs likE trYing mY vEry beSt tO keeP mySelf aWake tO stuDy bUT yA iN thE eND gaVe uP aND wHen to sleeP...stuDying iN thE afTernooN Dont reAli heLp mUch iF yOu keeP doZing oFf...bUt weLL iM stiLL sO happY....Hope aNd praY tHis tIme i cAn reAli paSs evEn a paThetiC oNe marK wiLL dO fOr me....cAuse iF i cAn tHaN it onLi meAns tHAt tHiswOuld bE mY fiRst eVer tIme paSsinG F&N eXams...YIPPE...Umm..thAts Onli bEcAuse i haVe nEver pAss beFore hmm...haVe i ?? cAnt reMeMber...bUt i reAli HopE tHis tiME i cAn pAss cAuse i gOT gO stuDy woAh...howEver if i faiL i kNow iT mUSt bE tHe essAy Fault..cAuse mI essaY gOne cAse...bu hui zhuo...3 eSsay all dUnnoe ah...haIZ....
GeOgrAphy...Die-ed...i feeL sO stuPid....dont evEn kNow hOw tO do MAp reaDings...GivEn 3 qUestIon aND gUess wHAt nOne oF thEm i KnoW hOW tO do..tHis tIme i reAli dIed a HorrIble deAth..thAts aLL i cAn sAy fOr MyseLF...i cAn reLy oN mY essAy ..aLL i cAn dO nOw iS tO prAy That i pAss...i dont wAnt tO faiL mY cOmb Humanities..Its lIKe sUCh a dIsgraCe....Arrgh...
My heart would skip a beat whenever you talk to me....Is this it ??
weLL...shAll bLOg aboUt yesTerdAy
YesterdAy paPEr...gOner fOr SuRe....LitEratUre..No tIme..dId not dO oNe qNS...i woNDer whY thEy set Papers thAt dO nOt eNSure uS thAt wE cAn fIniSh iN tiME...1 hr anD 20 mIns..fOr 3 qNs foR teXt baSed aND 1 essAy qNS..sO mUCh tO dO bUt sO littLE tiME..i wAs crappIng lIke crazy...caUSe Mrs cHng iS tHE oNe wHo wiLL bE markIng Our paPers..sO yA...Since shE wAnt length..i gIVe Her lengTh but i dont kNow iF i taLk seNSe..i guEss thIs is mY longeSt EveR essAy i haVe evEr writtEn foR exAms..abOut 2 pagEs lonG..wiThout leavIng Line...aNd jUSt ImaGine wIth mY sMall hAnd WrittIng i Guess i mUst have wrItteN aT leaSt a tHousAnd Words aND mORe...woAh..i wAs proUd oF mySelf..reAlly reaLLy PrOud...buT dAmn...diD nOt have tIme tO atteMpt oNe qnS The laSt one foR the teXt based..so Yup gUEss i gotten staRt cOuntiNg mY markS fRom 41 aNd beloW..haIZ..
aMath...needLess tO sAy..confirM F9...i cAn baRely dO haLf tHE paPer..fIRst paPEr thAt i Ever fInisH sO faSt..second PapEr confirM iS amath paPEr 2 Since yA Amath iS mY wEakeSt sUbjEct..iM giVing uP hoPE oN amatH alreAdy..i tHInk frOm nOW i bEttEr gO coNcentraTe oN mY emAth...i shOuld gEt reaDy mY 20 buCks reAdy....i dont thInk thEre iS evEn a 1% chAnce oF me wiNNing FiQa aND sHanneN..i sEe nO hOpe In mYselF..i fEel Like a FailUre...haIZ...i reAlly wAnt tO woRk haRd bUT mY mInd keeP stOpPing me frOm doing it..gUEss iTs tHE deviL thAt iS plaYing triCks oN me caUSe evErytiMe i wAnt tO stuDy i wiLL faLL asleep..thIS iS juSt sO irritAting..i wAs liKE trYing tO stuDy foR mY amatH on thURsdaY aND Well i kePt faLLing asleeP...sO ya i eND uP gOing tO sleeP..caUSe i reAlly cAnt StanD iT aNymORe..
And Yeah !! tMR shAwn,JoshUa aND AshleywiLL bE goIng dOWn tO weSt maLL tO sign tHE I Not Stupid 2 vcd/dvd...Ahh i wAnt i wAnt i wAnt tO gO.....i reAlly really mISs tHose dAys i cHAse shAwn...i mISs tHEm....Arrgh....JUst nOW wEnt tO wEst maLL jUSt tO see Umm..tHe pRomO boArD...haha...NiceY...bUt tHE plaCe wAs liKe sO smaLL...Are theY sUre It iS abLe To fit aLL Of tHEir fAns....i doubt sO...I wAnt To gO....Went tO cHeck oUt thE pRices oF The Vcd aND dvd..vcd...$ 13.90 cheAp chEap...dvd i tHiNk deluxe versIon de iS $ 26 pLUs ...ex ex...sO tMR iF i aM abLE tO gO i gottEn buY tHe cheaPo One..cAuse i Am aLreaDy sO brOke... haIZ...hoPE pareNts lEt me tO gO..i DesPeratEly wAnt tO gO aND sEe tHem...toDay dId sOme studYiNg..cAnt bEliEve i aM sO guai...tHougH i stiLL diD faLL asLeeP...bUt i dId stUDy...cAuse He aSk me tO stuDy sO yA i gO stUdy...hoPE tHis timE i cAn pasS mY F&N cAuse jUSt nOw wHen i slEep i eVen dreAm aboUt F&N...LOL....hopE tHis tIme i cAn reAlly cAn pAss ....i wAn gO see sHAwn tMR...i wAnt i wAnt ~~~~~
Mood ChecK : DePressingly sAd
haiZ...WonDer wHAt haD gOttEn iNto mY brAin More stuPidnEss i gUEss..I NEvEr sEem tO bE abLE tO reMembEr aLL those faCts.....SociAl stUDieS haiZ...dOnt kNow whAt tO sAy abOut myseLf...StUpiD me wEnt aNd tHE srI lankA InsteaD oF tHE pRotesTant aND caThoLic ...ThaN eNd uP it CoMinG The ProTesTant One In wHicH i nEvEr eVen gO aNd lEarn...STUPID !!...ThIs tIme i sUrely dIE...GuEss tHis gottEn bE mY sHortEst EssAy i haVe eVer wRittEn ...iF i cAn EvEn gEt 3 moRe mArks Or mORe...I wiLL lAugh mY tOEs Off.. blaH~~ mY oNly hOpe nOw iS MySBQ hOpe ThAt iT wiLL Be abLE tO sAvE mE fRom faiLing...dOnt kNow whY aLL mY paPErs i seeM tO nOt haVe enOugH tIme tO fInisH it ...IS it beCause i wrIte tOO slOw oR iS it beCause mY brAin haS beCome More stUpid aND nEeD More tIme to tHink...blah ~~~ fOR EmaTh PAper...peoPle sAy tHAt iT iS reLatIvely easY HowEver aS fOR Me...sUre dIE ....eVen eaSy qUesTioNS i dont EvEn kNow hOw tO do....aRrgH...wHAt haS beCome oF me...aRrgh... whY lIke tHAt...ArrgH...
wEnt tO weSt coAst mAc tO stuDy wif Jer aNd reNFa toDay...haIZ...wAsn't iN thE mooD tO stuDy...dONt kNow wHy..tHis tiME mIDs i dO nOt haVe aNy sEnse oF feAr fOR it...i sUper hate iT whEn i dOnt feeL scAre cAuse whEn iT hapPEns i wiLL sUrelY fAil vEry baDly..*gasps* sOmeOne pLS maKE me feEl sCare...i wAs like reAding mY litEratUre booK aT suCh a sLow sLow speeD tHAt i woNder whAt have i leaRn aND dOne todAy..i feLt aS if i dOne nO revIsion ..i wAs sO dAmn sLow...at nIgHt wiLL Be haVing mY aMatH tUtion...hOpe iT wiLL dO me gOOd..bUT i tHink i wILL stILL bE faiLing it iN tHE eNd..bUt deN aGain i shAll tRy mY beSt ...
tHIs fEw dAys dOnt kNow wHAt haS haPPen tO The bOth OF uS ..now It iS like i aM tHE OnlY oNe wHo Is dOIng aLL tHE talKing...haIZ..dOnt kNow wHAt wiLL happEn iF oNe dAy iF hE cOme tO fInd oUt About my blOg...oK maYbe i aLso seCreTly wiSh tHAt cAuse aLL mY feeLings aboUt whAt happEn tHaT dAy iS aLL wrIttEN doWn hEre...bUt tHAn agAin iF HE eVer sEes It i wiLL feeL a littLE emBarraSseD.....haIZ..he aSk fOR mY blOg aDd..Did nOt wAnt tO giVe hIm..caUSe fOR some ceRtAin reAson bA....i aM sCare latEr yOu see my bLog wiLL bE umm..Dont kNow laH bUt haIZ...i reAlly reAlly wAnt tO conceNTrate oN My stuDies..i reAlly wAnt tO...thAt tiME i teLL yOu THaT i wAnt tO ConcEntRaTe oN mY stuDies aND yOu sAid tHAt i wAs uSing thAt aS aN eXcUSe....i aM nOt USinG tHAt aS aN eXcUSe reAlly ...haIZ...whEn yOu sAy i aM uSing tHAt aS An exCuse i wAs liKe dAmn sAd cAn....bUt i tHInk maYbe iTs beCauSe Of tHis, wE gOt a liTtLE strAin..i dOnt kNow...arrrgH...nOt iN tHE rigHt frAme oF mY mInd...whY cAnt You bE tHE oNe whO iS maKing Me happY nOw ..i aM aLreaDy sO vEry strEss tHAn yOu sOmeMore beHAve iN thIs wAy...aHH...wHy lIke tHAt...
+ add on +
hOw cOme ThIngs alWaYs happEn iN suCh a mannEr...wHy mUSt iT bE alWays wHen i aM angrY...thAn yOu wiLL cOme aNd cOmforT mE aNd cHEer mE uP... blAh ~~~ sO nOW we aRe oK...LOL...i dOnt kNow who iS tHE One wHo gIve iN ..bUt i tHink ITs hIm...hah..aT fIRst hE iS tHE oNE wHo iS aNgry wif me....tHAn eNd uP i angRy wIth Him..tAlk tO hIm hE aLso rePly shOrt Short...untiL i aM vEry fUStraTed aND angry...sO yup i cHAnge mY nicK...aIya...HE knOw remEmbEr cAn aLReaDY..tHAn he quIckly cOme aNd taLk tO me lOl...tAHn yUp FollOW hIs MethOd... KeeP rePlying You sAy leH...You sAy lEh...tHAn hE Heart Pain..haha...aSk me dOnt Like tHAt...hahA...sO cUte aND Sweet.....Ok whAtevEr....shAll stOp hEre lE...blAh dAd iS naggIng..hmm...
Bye bYe tO passIng mY enGlisH..tHis jUSt
ChineSe tsk tsk...No need sAy You aLso kNow whAt i would sAyright...Yup agAin i shAll repeaR tHE woRds i haVe beeN saYIng aNd sAyIng ovEr mY laSt feW eNtries... die die..bUT i knOw cHineSe die wiLL aT leaSt bE bettEr thAn eNglISh die...eNgliSh Die iS tHose oF HorribLe terriBle death...cHinEse The mORe i dO tHE mORe dEpreSs i aM...It wAs lIke sO sad cAn..wrIte oNe senTeNCe dOnt knOw nEed tO cHEck tHE diCtionary fOr hOw maNy tiMEs..wah..i feeL liKE i wAsted sO muCh tIme..luckily i stiLL finiSh juSt in tiMe ...tO be exAct 3 Mins beFOre tIme.....dAmn...dOnt kNow wHAt iS happEning tO my brAin..tHE fIRst 1 hR fOR cHinEse PAper..i aM lIke stiLL iN mY fairYlaND mODe...very blUr aND goNg wAnt tO sleeP liKe tHAt.. dOnt kNow wHy i wrITe THe sPeed wAs liKe sO terriblY slOw...20 wORds Per mInute...Ok lAh abIt ExagGeraTed bUt weLL i wAs nearly thAT slOw....1 hr gOne aND i have oNly wRote abOut...hmm...1/4 oF tHe LettEr wrIttinG aND 1/2 oF tHe cOmpositIon...caUSe i wAs lIke JumpIng HEre aND tHaN caUse keeP nOt haVing tHE 'feel' tO cOntinUe wRiting...haIZ...
acTually haVing OUr eXams iN tHE haLL is nOT aS scAry aS i thOught iT tO be...bUt THe baD pArt aboUt haVing yOur exAms iN thE whOle with 150+ StudeNts...IS tHAt wHen yOu see sO manY peoPle fInish aND yOu haVe nOT fInish you wiLL vErY streSs..wAh i See Ben Lim he pRo veRy vEry pRo tHE mOSt pro....peoPLe uSually thE mOSt iS Like 15 miNS bEfore thE tiMe oUt thAn fiNish The pAper....wAh fOR hIm dIffereNt...he tHE mOSt mOSt mOSt pRo...i thInk he 45 MinS beFore The FiniShing tIme fIniSh The Paper..PRO ah....tHink he suRe faiL liKE fOr mOSt Paper Of HE cOmplEte aT sUch a aMaziNg Speed...wRite sO littLe...fInish sO fAst..oK lAH...i shAll stoP cUrsing hIm...lAter iN thE eND iS i More louSy thAn hIm... tHan hE wiLL haVe tHE laSt laUgh...
OMG...cAme acRoss a suPer gAy blOg...ahem...dUh!! cAuse tHE blOG oWner is tWo gAys ...eeyer...iTs sO diSguIstiNg seeIng tHE wAy hOw tWo gUYs cAlliNG eAch oTHer darlinG...dear...aND blah~~ bUT HEY it IS aLso iNtereStinG tO see hOw thE gAys live thEir gAy liFe...tHougH iTs ahEm...bUT hEy i lOve oNe oF tHE pHrase one gAY sAid tO anoTher...
[[ den hor.. hmm.. so i said many tings to darlin. actuali hor.. i lyk to play with my words. darlin must relax okayy? i'll be wif u forever! tell u liao lo.. must wait the sun die.. moon becomes triangle.. and the stars taste lyk strawberry ice blended then i wun luv u mar! u now look outside.. the sun still there wat (if daytime lar) and the moon is round round de or oval (at nite time)... so dun worry okay? if one day the sky no more sun.. the moon becomes triangle.. i bring u take a rocket go taste the stars! ]]
nIce aND meAning rIGht..bUT i tHink iT woUld haVe beeN bEtter iF iT iS saID bY a Normal cOuple...iN thE senSe...a girl aNd a boy...OMG....i kNow whO tHe gaYs are cAuse tHEy dID UploAD thEIr pICs tHEre...i sOmehoW oR rATher Know whO thAt pErsOn iS iN tHE begInniNg cAuse frOm his Nick...thAt niCk IS kINda uniqUe sO i dOnt think maNy peoPle haVe thAt..sO yup i jUSt weNt strOllIng dOWn tHE enTriEs wHEn * gasps * I reAlly gUEss tHE riGht pErsOn...OH goSh tHis iS jUSt sO saDdenIng...whY are gAys sO cute...* puipui * oK weLL i shAll nOt exPose wHo thEy aRe...bUT weLL TaNglin ppl sUre kNow tHAt pErsOn..i meAN mOSt oF thEm wiLL kNow.....thIs iS sUCh a sAd sAd story...shAll not exPose sO mUCh cAUse evEn thOugh thEy gAys alSo nEed pRivAcY eVen tHough up i gUEss mOSt oF thEm sHould kNow thEm cAuse thEy are faMous...Even Xia Xue gOt taLk about tHem...bUt tHE boTh oF tHEm sO sweet.. i mean tHE wAy tHEy bLOg..if thIs blOg iS manAge bY The strAight..You knOw whAt i meAn rIgHt...haha......It woULd haVe bEen Much nICer....blAh ~~~ cAUse tHE wAy tHEy blOG abOut thEir daily lIFe sO cUte aND sWeet...aww.....OK ENOUGH JIA MIN ENOUGH ABOUT ALL THIS STUFF....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...bUt damN thEy aRe sO cute...blah ~~~
Oh woAh i cAnt beLieve i sUrvIve witHout mY Hp fOR mOre tHAn 6 Hrs...BlaH~~ actUally i was beIng fOrce tO...Cause tHEy sAy iF wE brIng Our hp tHey wiLL cOnfisCiated It sO hmm...sO Me bEing suCh a guAi kIa diD nOt brIng mY hP tO scHooL...aNd wAh...I jUSt feeL sO fuNnY wiThout iT..gUEss i dePend oN mY hP tOO Much aLreaDy..
My ScieNce PractICal eXam cOnfiRm faiLing mArk...diE dIE ...i dOn't kNow hOw tO dO tHE cHEmIstrY PrActiCal...ConfiRm diE dIe....teSt tHe gAs thiNgy alSo uSe tHe wRong MeThod...cOnfiRm gOne cAse ..sAYing byE-bYe tO haVing a pAssinG MArk fOr cOmbIne sCieNces..cAuse iF fAiL cHemIstrY paSs physIcs wHaT Use wOuld It Be...cAuSe eND uP wiLL fAil aS lOng aS One You HAve One OF thEm fAil Unless weLL i gEt sUperD ResUlt fOr My PhyIscs wHich iS liKe sO hIghly UnliKely ...aS usuAl thE kukU me CouLD Not eVen uNDerstAnd whAt tHE qUestioN iS taLking abOut..At fiRst i dId Not eVen gO aND cUt thE pAper ThiNking tHAt iT haS alReaDy beeN cUt tO sIZe..tHanKfully tHe teaCher tHEre cOme Over aND teLL me tHAt i aM suPPosed tO vUt tHE Paper MyseLf aS tHE pAper gIven thEre iS ot cUt accOrdiNg tO ITs siZe..dumb dumb....tHAnk gOd tHAt teAcher tOld mE..Or eLSe PhySicS alSo sUre die...Now i sEe a littLe liGht iN mY phYsIcs...hOpefuLLy i cAn pAss bA...HopefuLLy...
wEnt KFC eAt afTer tHE PracTicAl exAms..oH goSh i jUSt remeMbEr i LEft tHe remAindinG 15 ceNts at tHe trAy tHere...Ok wHAtevEr...its onLy 15 ceNTs...wEnt fOr tHE chEapo $3.95 meAl wHich iS tHE cUt CoUpOn OneS...oK Ok wE aRe cHeaPo...bUt Hey we aIn't bIG eatErs..So cHEapo Ones wILL dO fOr US...WeLL actuAlly tHE portIon nOt sAy verY smAll stiLL ManagEbLe anD abLE tO maKe mE fuLL aT leAst....wHEn CraZy thEre...wAs liKe bitcHing aLL kinDs of GossiPs tHEre..Played Lots of cHildish gAmes ...yeAh i aM stRonger tHAn FiQa wahha....bUt weAker thAn FiZa..hmm...cAuse we wEre likE plaYiNg thOse Arm wRestling gAme tHEre..GirlS stYle lAh...tHOse gentle geNtLe tYPe One..hahax...yA lAh...i knOW yOu mUSt be tHinkiNg wAh...a buncH seC 4s..Playing liKE tHAt...wHAtever...IT wAs dAMn fUn k..wAs laugHiNg liKe mAd liKe thAt...tHink I looK like a craZy laDy wHo Just cAme Out of MentaL HosPitaL cAuse i wAs liKe LaUghIng Non-stOp...LAugH tiLL mY cHeeKs dAmn tIred...* rubs her cheek * NeXt weNt 7-11...i jUSt cAnt reSist tHE teMptAtion tO gO buY choCos wHen i aM iNSide tHere....sO wHee ~~ i boUght mYselF cHocOs tO keeP me HIGH aftEr One dAY Of sAdneSs...Kinder cOme oUt wiTH tHose Mini sIZe cHocos...sO cUte..hehe...sO yupp...i bOught it LOL....4 smAll littlE mini twiny bars fOr $1.15...PriceY ?/?..no lAh....cAUSe it taSte YummY !! i aM sO In lOve wiTh iTs pacKaging...sO cutie...cAuse Its LiKe sO smAll...Arrgh...iN lOve WitH mY cHocOS...
wEnt hOme dePressIon moDe stArted agAin....i neArly weNt bOgUs ...wAh...cAnnot staNd It aNymOre...sO Yup PrefEr sitting dOwn....cOmplaIn tO besTie...aSk hEr wHAt i sHOuld dO aND suCh...haIZ.......iTs liKe sO harD beFore i aM reAlly cOnvInced tHAt yA tHis iS whAt i wAnted ...thAn nOw...* bing bing pang pang * cAn YoU heAr mY heaRt breAk...whAtevEr i doubt You cAn...Ahh...i doNt knOW whAt tO dO nExt...i reAlly dOnt kNow...beStie aFter yOu leFt He came aND taLK tO mE..LOL..he wAs gaMing beFore thAt nO woNder HE neVer rePly me...weLL nOw he stOP gAming aNd sO wE sTaRted taLkIng agAin...liKE whAt he sAy actUaLLy i aLso vEry sCare tO LOSe hIm like hOw he iS afRaid tO LosE mE like tHAt ..haIZ...deN whAt blAh bLah bLah ~~ hE sAid sOmetHing tHAt reAllY maKE mE reFlect oN whY we aRe behaving liKE thAt toDay..HE aSk mE wHy toDay wE aRe likE suddeNly sO diStaNt frOm eAch OthER...iT maKEs mE reAlly wOnder tOo..toDay The wAy wE taLk tHE wAy wE preSent oursElf iS lIke wAy wAy diFfereNt fRom our pErsOnialiTy...whAtevEr we sAY toDay iS like beIng so carEfuL aFraiD tHAt wE mIght huRt thE othEr thRough oUr woRds..i guEss espEciaLLy me tHE wAy i beHave iS Like sO diFfeRent...cAuse wHEnevEr hE sAy thOse ahEm woRds...i wiLL asK him dOnt tHink tOo mUCh eTc eTc...whICh ya i dOnt NormAlly dO tHAt...i dOnt kNow why i aM beHaving In suCh a wAy...haIZ.....wAhh....i reAlly cAnnot staNd iT....thInk The reAsOn wHy toDay i aM vErY caRefUl wiTh My worDs cAuse i reALly reALly aFraId thAt OncE agaIn i mIght hurT hIS feeLing ...now i thiNk i haVe at leAst brIng bAck a littLE of HIs cOnfiDencE...sO yupp i dOnt wAnt tHAt InciDent tO rePeAt ItsElf aGaIn...haIZ....he aSk mE dont liKE tHAt aND jUSt beHave Like hOw wE USe tO beHave....Ok i wiLL trY...i wiLL tRy bUt i aM vErY aFraiD....i aM afRaID tHe thougHT oF giVing uP IS cOmiNg baCk oNce More aND....agAin...grAnt mI tHE strEngtH tO contiNue oN....
You brOke My heaRt...You reAlly brOke MY heart tHis tIme...i crIed...I crIed fOr tHE 2nd tIme sInce I kNow You..bUT tHis tIme iT wAs beCaUSe oF a dIffeRent reAson... Now thAt i haVe sOrt out my feeLiNGs aND HEre YOU aRe dOInG thIs tO me...Arrgh...Yi Lin...tEll ME teLL mE sLAp mE IF You sHouLD..sLAp sOme sEnse iN mY heaD...wHAt sHould i dO nExt...i reAlize after wHAt aLL thIs haD haPpen tHaT in aCtuAl faCt i dO noT care abOut whAteVer ThE otHEr tHings aRe...tEll Me whAt sHould i dO ? wHEn He sAy aLL tHAt tO me i cAn reAlly feeL The heArtbreAk aNd evErytHIng ..For Him i reAlly dOnt kNow...The wAY He beHaveS iS lIke a littLE sAd aNd thAn Like nOt sAd HE reAlly cOnfuseD mE..bUt aNYwAy he still sAy tHose tHings tHAt i reAlly dont wAnt tO gO recAll or even reMeMber...Wah...thAn hE put On hIs nICk 'dui pu qi...wo piAn le Ni de gAn qiNg'... a wHile LAter hE wEnt offLine..dAmn i NevEr eVen NotICe his Nick UntiL hE wEnt offLine..DiD nOt SEe IT beFoRe tHAt cAusE i wAs busy tYpiNg tHoSe tHingy..So NevEr sEe iT..wAh i wAs liKE sO sAd...tHink i tOo eMo..bUT haIZ..tHAts mE a emo girL...tHAn afTer thAt i go aND cHAnge mY nicK sAy 'You brOke Me heart...i NevEr evEn xian qi YOU..you jiu no confidence le'...blah blah blah ~~ thaN He laTer aSk Me gO And cHAnge...i sAy he gO cHAnge i thAn cHAnge..tHAn tHE nICk hE cHange mAke Me feeL evEn mOre dAmn sAd....hE cHaNge tO ' wo de qing xu wu fa kong zhi...wo de tong ku wu ren zhi - i dont nid the chance..i dont deserve it...' hiaZ...i feeL Like BASHING HIM UP..asK hIm chAnge sHould bE chAnge tO haPpiEr SOMethIng mOre PositIVe aT leAst..eNd Up chAnge alSo liKe No diffErEnt.....Yi Lin..Now i reAlly dONt Know If Your dreAm wiLL cOme tRue aNymORe...haiZ...iM dAmn sAd....How i sUper wiSh tHAt i nevEr sAid tHose wOrds ...Yi Lin Kill Me Pls...i reAlly sHould Not sAy tHAt i sAw it....Yi Lin...ahhh....heLp Mi..saVe me...i reAlly dont kNow wHAt i sHould dO neXt...i tRied My vEry beSt verY verY de best tO saVe tHe sitUatIon...but haIZ....
weLL i jUSt sMs hIm...cAuse i reALly cAnnot StaNd it AnyMOre...Yi Lin..see i reAlly got tRy reALly i gOT....Yi Lin..arggh...i mesSAge sO suPer long ...3 page...3 page...telling whAtever i reALly cAnnot KeeP AnyMOre iN mY heaRt....i feeL tHAt tHis is JUSt life..wHen You dOnt Need tHAt sOmeOne..tHAt sOmeOne wiLL be Like beHind cHasIng You lIke MAd...bUt wHEn You reAlly neeD tHAt time..tHE sOmeOne wiLL be alrEady rUnnIng awAy frOm You...sO yA...tHInk nOw ITs My tUrn tO cHAse....wHAt He rePly Me sO dAmn sAd cAn..arrgH....Why Must tHings eNd uP iN sUCh a mAnner.....I reAlly dOnt know What i sHould dO...Yi Lin...teLL me sHould i gIve Up afTer wHAtevEr we haD wEnt tHroUgh ? sHould I ?? Or sHould I stILL cOntInue aNd haNg ON aNd stAy On ? I am ConfUSed...tHis tIme iN a dIffereNt seNse...i hAVe cHosEn My paTh aNd i reALly wAnt it tHAt wAy ..HAiZ....ActUally you alSo kNow thAt i havE SeeN how he lOOk Like Long agO rIGht...aND yOu see iF i reAlly wAnt tO xiAn qi hIm i sHould hAve dOne tHAt LoNg tIme agO..haIZ...i wOuld nOt haF wAIt Until Now riGht... haIZ... si huan dan make mI crY...i maKE sure he pAys mI baCk mY teArs... * sob *
I am sO soRrY Yi Lin...I am reAlly sO sOrrY...I am SucH a faiLure whEN it cOMes To thINgS lIke thIS...i gUess i aM jUSt sO coNfuSed...sOmetImes i jUSt wiSh thAt he reAds mY blOG..sOmetImes reAlly....cAuse HEre iS tHE pLAce whEre i peN doWn my deePest thOughts aND feeLings..wHIch sOmetImes i dont teLL hIm..bUT thAn if hE reAds...Hmm...i woNder whAt tHE outcOme woUld bE nOw....Yi Lin..i reAlly wISh tO fuFill yOur dReaM bUt i aM jUst sO daMn scAre..dont aSk me wHateVer i aM scAre fOR...cAuse i mYselF alSo dont kNW...gUEss i hAve My feeLings aLL mIX uP...Ahh..i reAlly StArt To haVe dOubts iN mYseLF...wHEn peOple make tHE firSt MoVe i quicKly aVoid aND rUn awAy frOm it...tHan peOple go i thAn staRt tO chAse...stuPid dumb dumb...aNywAy Yi Lin..You wiLL fOReveR bE mY beStiE...YOU rawKx giRl...thAnks fOR liStenIng tO mY stuPid nOnseNSe aNd All...gUess No oTher peoPle cAn eVer wIn YOu caUSe yOu wiLL fOrevEr bE thE beSt..No oNe wiLL repLacE YouR pLAce As Mi beStiE de...
i reAlly wiSH i haVe nOt sAy tHe tHings i haD sAid toDay..reFLectIng bAck..i gUess iM jUSt oNe stuPid giRl whO iS sO stuPID tiLL sOmetIMEs i dont eVen kNow whAt i aM sAying...thEre iS jUSt sO maNy otHEr faCtoR tHAt aRe stOppIng me...gUess like yOu, Yi Lin, i alSo PitY hIm a liTTle..to haVe kNown suCh a goNg PersOn PLus stUpID giRl lIKe mE whO caRes sO mUCh about thE otHEr faCtoRs...haIZ...Yi Lin..AAhh... pLeASe prAy fOR me tHAT i woNt fORgEt aNd scOld hIm agAin...vEry vEry dE scAre tHAt One dAy hE mIght jUSt gEt tirEd aNd sick aND angrY tHAn dont tAlk tO ME....Ok weLL i shAll trY mY vErY beSt tO reMembEr ok...
Yi Lin rawKX oN YA... THANK YOU sO mUCh fOr everythIng aNd thAnks foR helpIng mE...reAlly aPprecIAte it...tHaNks fOr beIng thEre dUring mY roUgh mOmeNts wHEn oThers aIn't....ThaNk yOu fOR ListEniNg tO mE aNd helping mE..SorrY tO maKE yOu stAy tILL sO late...Now ITs 12 pLus..If nOt ME yOu wOuld HavE alreaDy gOne tO sleeP...Ahh... jUSt wAnna sAy oNE lASt tIme THANK YOU...LovE Ya lOTs baBe...MuacKs Muacks muacKs.....remeMbEr tHE mSn thIngy...wahha...
i aM so soRry i dIsapPOint You tIme aND agAIn..bUT i reAlly jUSt dOnt haVe tHE gUtS..i aM scAre...GivE me tHE coUragE aNd strEngTh PluS wiLL...stOP me frOm scOLding You plEase cAUse i reALLy donT meAn it...evErytime i aM saD You alwAys briNgs mE lauGhter..aND wHen i aM happY yOu maKEs ME evEn mOrE hapPier...I dO Not kNow wHEthEr yOu kNow hOW mUCh yOu HAve brIghtEn Up mY life oR nOt..bUt yA..You cAn reALLy maKE mY dAy bY coming oVer aNd sAying a sImple hi tO mE..Its bEen nicE kNowiNg yOu aNd sUCh....I gUEss My bLog sOng CraIg dAvId de UnbeLieVablE sOrt oF deScrIBe On What Is My feeLings Now...blah ~~~~