Hear the lady roar.

GoTtEn thoSe piC fRom mY rivAl..Yvonne hUi...nO laH..kiDding lAh...sHE wEnt tO see thEir matCh thAt dAy mA dEn in The eNd shE toOk soMe pICs oF shAwn dEn i copY loH...LOL...i fiRst tiMe see shAwn iN hiS jersEy lEh...sO sAd never gEt tO see hIm plAy loH...haCk....haIZ...aND thAts whAt sHE wrote aboUt yTd maTCh..

:- y v o n n e -:
My Diary - Latest
shawn playing bb[29 Mar 2006, 10:08:53 PM]
today i went see shawn bb match... so happi n excited sia...
mi really veri lucky... his last bb match is on my off day... heng leh... if not i cant go again...
n shawn is playing today... this is my first seeing shawn playing.. hehe...
today match is so exciting... hehe... n mi sit behind their team bench... hehe...
then when the match ended, i pass my present to him... so nervous... dun dare to give him... but still hav to give... if not, i buy for wad...haha...but hope that he will like it...
then we leave the place... saw shawn n his fren under one umbrella waiting for cab... mi n jiahui wanted to cross the road... we stand beside shawn n he turn to us n say byebye to us... haha.. happi.. while waiting to cross the road we chat wif him haha... his fren ask
us where we live... haha... then jiahui says "yvonne dun wan cross the road ar?" then i realize no car le can cross le... we then say bye to shawnn we cross the road...
when shawn cab came, all of us shouted across "shawn byebye!!" n he wave to us too:)
i'll always remember this day!

aND i wAs likE dAmn jEaloUs cAn...hurhur..sO gooD loH...shAwn taLk tO her..aND reMembEr hEr...sO gooD de...* faCe green wif envY * haIZ..dUn knW whEn iS thE nexT tiME cAn see shAwn loH..caUSe i doUbt thEre iS stiLL bE anYmoRe chAnce i cAn see thEm maTch le..unLess i nExt yEar gO see hIm maTCh foR A diviSion lAh..whICh is hiGhly iMpossiBle caUSe i doUbt i wiLL bE sO crAze abOut hIm stiLL neXt yEar..lalala....bUt all tHe sAme As a mAtter of fAct, iM stiLL jeaLOus oF her..aND yA..toDay foCus wAs daMn boRing cAn..i HAte EngliSh foCus *heng heng nEXt weeK duN haF buT 瞿$@!& sHE sAid thAt wE haF tO mAke uP foR thE loSt foCus lesSon oN sat...waH i raTher thuR haF lOh...SAT is liKE mY onE aND onLy reSt dAy can..soMemOre wAnna taKE it awAy frOm mI...wHy liKE tAT de...aND chAnge bloG soNg le..Westlife - shape of mY heart..Dun kNW whY iM liKe intO thIS soNg agAin..i kNw iTs liKe daMn olD a soNg liAo..but beCause i haVe beEn liKE viSitIng soMeOne de frIendSter aND shE pUt uP tHE viDeo fOR tHIs soNG aND * wootS iM addICted To it LiAo...

And LAsT BuT NOT LEAsT ThanKiEs DAncE EnSEmBle thanks for thE earLy bdaE cArd..anD ya..hOpe thAt mI aND CaiLing dE dreAm cAn coMe truE ba..MaY DancE EnsEmblE sTay unIted alWays tiLL goD knOWs WheN aND hMm..tMr gottEn daNCe reHersAl foR tHE upComIng ArchIverS dAy...siAn alwAys sO lAst mInutE dEn inForM uS de...dEn toDay wE were praTicAlly ruShing thRough oUr dAnce movEs...haiYA tirEd nOw le..tMR stiLL haF to gO TutiOn after i cOme baCk frOm sch..sIan diAo...aND sAt goTtEn gO foR soMe teOchEw opRea tHingy lEh...hOpe wiLL nOt bE sO boRing Ba...aND yA iM praYing tHAt shAWn wiLL bE goIng..cauSe hE iN hiS scHooL iS soMe opRea dE..i AlSo nOt Sure lAh..sO i wAs liKe hoPing tHAt he decIDed tO drOp bY tHEre lOh so thAT i cAn see Him mA...LOL...* praYing hArd le..PleaSe lEt mI sEe hIm oNE mORe tiMe bA.... k lAH Ciao fOR nOw.. =)



HaiYA suPer suAy this weeK..mi hp abiT soT..soMetiMes caNnot uSe...mI mp3 alSo sot soMetiMes cannOt oPen tO listEn..it wiLL juSt autO shUt afTer thE worDs creative coMes uP anD * dang shut agAin...haIZ...whY whY whY all aT thE sAmE tiMe...haIZ....tHis are tHe twO thIngs i cAnt liVe wiThout loH...haIZ...dAddy shOw nO siGn thAt he woUld wAnt tO buY a nEw hp For mI lEh..So hOw...aHH...i haTe mY hp...it suCks..iF i cAn buY a nEw oNe...i hOpe i gEt tHe L'amour oNe... tHe blAck vErsIon dE lAh..mOre Unique mA...haIZ...mp3 nO hopE lE lAh..sUper haRd pAin onLy lAst yeAr buY de...dEn So faSt spOil lEss dEn a yeAr i thInk...shUCks lAh i shOuld stoP doWnloaDing soNgs lE...thInk Its beCause after i doWnloAd tHE soNg in mY mp3 dEn spoIl de...opPs pleAse dUn catCh mi..iTs juSt a slip oF toNguE..nExt tiMe i woNt doWnloaD soNg liAo..ProMise...And haIZ..thEy loSt...Ahhh...siAn diAo le...oppS foRgOt tO aSk hIm shAwn gOt plAy or nOt...hmm..

5 moRe dAys tO gO....



haIZ...sorrY sorT oF iGnoRe YOu toDay...buSy mA..soRry...but dEn afTer tAt msG YoU, YOu alsO dUn wAn rePly mI..dUn kNw is yOu sleeP liAo oR PurpOsely dUn wAn rePly caUse yOu angRy de...i dUn knW aNd i dO nOt wAnt tO gO botHer siNCe iT haD paSs liAo...haIZ...AmAths is reAli a boTher...its stRessIng mI uP aND goSh....weetEng foUnd oNe strAnd oF whIte haIr...shUCks lAh...iM gEttIng oLd le...i sUpPoSe thAt inclUdeS beIng brAinY tOo...wHee...itS 6 mOre dAys tO mY bdAe le...sO looKing forwArd tO it leH...

AnD hAiYa tmR iS thEir laSt mAtch le...So sAd cAn...lAst maTCh alSo cAnnot See....haIZ...guEss i juSt nOt faTed tO see ShAwn agAin ba...haIZ..hOpe thEy wiN tMr thOugh it DoeS nOt reAli mattEr iF thEy wIn or lOse lAh caUse thEy oUt of NatIonAls le mA...buT dEn if tHEy wiN at leAst it iS moRe oF a hAppY enDing fOr thEm....hmm...sciEnce foCus tmR...hOpe iT enD quICker ...bUT dEn evEn iT dUn eNd earLy alSo nvMind lAh..cauSe scIenCe foCUs daMn fUn cAn..wiF FiQa wiF yOu wAh...yOu wiLL conCentrAte taLkinG tO her moRe thAn yOU dO woRk liAO..buT nvmInd lAh..aT leAst iT iS nOt so boRing mA...at leAst i woNt fAll asLEep wiF her aroUnd...Ciao foR nOw..



yeAh bdAe coMing nearEr le...7 dAys = i MorE weEk = 3 ApriL anD yes i WoulD bE 16 lE...yeAh....

aND i haVe chAnge mY blog sKin le..uMm..yOu maY haVe seeN it long tiMe agO le yA..caUse i haVe saVe it siNCe laSt yeAr i thInk dEn laZy gO chAnge mA..sO siNCe i wAs bo liAo toDaY..i deCideD tO gO chAnge And eDit lOh..buT for sOme reAson aLL mY poSt iS aLL sQuaShed togEthEr no pArAgrAph de..dUn knW whY aNd aiYA duN cAre lE cauSe i SupeR tireD nOw liAo...itS 2.30 aND i HAve NoT slEeP yEt..sO..haIZ..tmR or wHen frEe thAn i eDit lAh...iM sleePing lE...whee~~~~



SiAn diAo le...i cAnt gO foR thEir laSt matCh le..siAn siAn...caUSe itS on WEDNESDAY...goOdneSs saKe...whY muSt it alWays bE liKe thAt...AHHH...eVer siNCe thEy staRteD plaYing theiR natiOnals roUnd..i haVe neVer bEen abLE tO attEnd anYonE oF thEir maTches le...siAn diAo...thAt stuPid hIm sAid iF i wEre thEre..he sURe caN chOp oNe...stuPid exCuse onLy...aS if i thEre wouLd maKE a diffErenCe...haiZ...siAn iT wouLd bE the laSt foR shaWn le..thOught hE plaYing..thaN he sAid hOw caN shAwn plAy loh..hE juSt finiSh hiS opeRatiOn hOw hE cAn plAy loH...dEn i wAs liKE oh-yA..buT fuNNy thIng iS hE sAy iN hiS bloG thAt hE wouLD bE in hIS jerSey ??? so whAt doEs he mEan ?? jErseY buT nO plAy...oR jErsEy wiF plAy ??? i goNg diAo...so whAtevEr lAh..aniWay i cAnt gO waTCh alSo mA...siAn...iT woUld bE thEir laSt maTCh fOR thE yeaR liAo le..hmm...

hAiZ..i GotTen bE broKE le..stiLL got tWo preSsie hAf nOT buY...One foR xuE Li anOther for shAwn...yEs shAwn but nOt thAt shAwn yOu aRe thInking lAh..anoTher shAwn..haIZ..sUre brOke lE lAh..dUn kNW whAt tO buY foR thEm lEh...hAiZ..aND i stiLL wannA catchA a moVie oN sAt...ahh...i Poor nOw...anD oH goSh thInk thIS bdAe..iM gOtteN bE flOOded wiTh miCkey le...aLL thAnks tO mY siStA...mY juNiors aRe All buYing mE thAt....Ahhh......thOugh i luV miCkey buT nOt tO thAt extEnd... ahh...NOOOO.....

aND yeS hE aSk mE whAt i wAnt i sAid duN knW sO in tHe enD hE aLso buYing mE miCkey..haha...yeAh...muSt houSe goTtEn bE sO fiLL wiTh miCkey thIS tiME...duN knW whEtHEr i shOuld be happY or sAd leh...caUse oNe dAy whEn i ouTgroW iT...mayBe thIS yeAr oR neXt i woUld nOT knOw whAt tO do WiTh iT lE...haIZ..oK thAts nOt tHE poiNt thE poiNT iS itS tHE thOught thAt couNTs sO JiAMin juSt shUT uP....haIZ...he aH..tEll hiM no NId lE he stiLL wAn buY somEmoRe sAy he shOp orchArd whOle dAy tO fiNd mY preSsie..aND i wAs liKe woAh..usIng mI aS An exCuSe...dEn oH oH...anGry Le...haIZ..hAha...hE sAy he wAnna buY mI choCo mICkey de..thAn i wAs LikE huh..i wOnt dAre tO gO eAt loH..caUse tOO preCiouS le...stuPid dEn hE aSk me muSt stAre aNd loOk aT it eVeryDay...craZy guY...dEn eNd uP hE chaNge wAn buY mE braCelEt...haIZ...hE wAnna maiL tO mE...aND i wAs liKE HUH ??? YoU suRe ? wiF thAt stuPid looK oN mY faCe ??? hOw loH...buT haHA...i wAs dEterMineD nOt tO giVe My aDd...sEe whAt he cAn dO haha...pOOr boY..whO asK hIm everYtImE suAn mI...lalalala...

8 moRe daYs tO go >>>>>>>



haIZ..yEsTerdAy wEn to JurOng poInt thEre tHE nEw opEn libRary suPposIngly tO dO F&N resEarCh de...eND uP nEvEr Do liAo caUSe aiYA caNt fiND tHE boKs...dEN wAs likE so siAn diAo sO iN thE eND gO looK foR storYbooKs tO reAd..yeAh fiNd fouR niCe booKs...tHe feeLing iS so daMn grEat cauSe itS likE siNCe dUn kNw wEn thaT i hAd stEp inTo a liBrarY itSelF caUSe whEnevEr thEre is nICe booK i wiLL buY de...nOt borroW cauSe my iMpressIon oF liBrarY booKs muSt bE thAt it iS fuLL oF hoLes cauSe peoPle wiLL teaR pAgeS awAy buT deN i wAs proVe wRonG..tHe booKs thEre stiLL intAct de..nEat anD tidY..oR iS it beCause iT iS tiLL neW thAts whY iT iS StiLL oK de...juSt waIt for anOthEr haLf a yEar anD aLL yOu gEt tO see iS tHE skEleTon oF thE booK liAo....hmm.....

iTs bEen tWo dAys sinCe i taLk tO hIm liAo...laSt tiMe is oN thE phOne..whEn he wAs havIng a baD mooD cauSe thEy loSe tO Anglican..bY 3 pOints...haIZ...lol...i dO nOt wAn tO bE alwAys tHE onE whO taLks anD appraOCh hIm de..sO he wAnt he approaCh mI loH....but guEss thIngs haVe bEen tonIng doWn a littLe siNCe thAt nite...haIZ...tAlk tO hiM alwAys he dI siAo mI wAn..buT oK laH..iF thAT maKEs hIm happIEr thAn umm..i goT noThinG tO sAy loH...kEep gIviNg mI thOSe laME joKEs aSk mI guEss wAh dEn i wAs lIKe sO siAo diAo caUSe all i dUn kNW...haIZ...tOo baD muMmY cAme hOme tOo soOn sO eND uP hung ThE pHone aND thAts tHE eNd....aHHH...hOPe cAn gO see tHEir matCh hOpe moNdAy havE sO thAt i caN see tHem...pleaSe MondaY Not tuEsdaY...Ahh..iM tirEd oF waitIng...anD oH no i goTtEn faiL that Loci teSt le...siAn...i haTe mY compAsseS..iT suCks...got oNe wE neeD to measUrE somethIng likE 11.8 cM or somEthiNg liKE thAt aND guEss whAt mY stuPId comPasseS coUld onlY reaCh liKe 10 cM liKe that oNlY..aNd thE scRew oSo daMn loUSy...kEeP oN tigHteN dEn it kEep oN caNNot drAw proPerlY...iM a goNer... aND ahh..juSt reAd shAwn bloG...hE sAy thEy aRe goIng tO bE oUt oF tHe fiNAls le...tHere is stiLL oNe laSt matCh tO go...haIZ...hOpe aND prAy haRd itS on MondAy...caUSe shAwn wiLL bE plaYing..aND yeS iM praYing reAl reAl haRd itS oN mOndaY cauSe i juSt cAnt affoRd not tO seE...i Wan i wAn i wAn go...

wAs oN my waY tO swiMmIng wHen i sAw thIs...

LittLe giRl : muMmy walK quicKly....gOing tO Times uP liAo...( oBviOusly she is reFeriNg to The tIme shE is sUposeD tO staRt hEr swImmIng leSson lA.. )

aND woAh...i wAs trYing hard tO recAll tHe laSt tiMe siNCe i sAid thIs..aND woAh...it muSt haVe bEen 3 to 4 yeaRs agAin bA...iM trYing harD nOt tO loaThe swmMing...buT ArSe...iTs suCh a diFfiUClt taSk lEh...TimIng is sTartIng tO giVe Me tHe crEeps...i hAte tO see PEopLe swIMing fAster thAn me..i hAte tO bE woN oVer bY soMoNe whO is YoungEr thAn me...i hAte tO see hOw sloW i haVe beCome..In tHE paSt yet tO ovErcOme all thIS...sO foR nOw..i stiCk tO goIng tO thE pooL laTe..aND coMplaiNg whY why muSt wE gO tO thE pooL so eaRly....i juSt aiN't uSe tO bE thE giRl whO is So looKing foRwArd tO swImmIng....iTs beeN likE moRe thAn 1/2 a yEar sinCe i taKen mY tiMing i thInk..cauSe i iM juSt tOO afraID oF beIng beatEn..i juSt wAnt tO livE in mEmoriEs of tHE paSt..whEre uMM..i cAn swIm muCh faSter i thInk..mAYbe nOw iM faSter lA..i duN knW caUSe iM juSt faR tOO afRaid tO sEe whAT timIng i actually goTteN...siAn...mayBe neXt weeK nO shouLD bE neXt nExt weeK...cauSe neXt weeK nOT swiMMing cauSe goinG tO waTCh somE duN knW whAt opreA aT nAtioAnl libRary...so yippE...nOt goINg swImmiNg le...wel well well......iF iM braVer bY thAn..mayBe umm..tatS a mayBe dEn i wiLL takE tiMing tO see hOw baD i haF faiR le..siAn..

And yeAh i gottEn a neW billabong scHooL bag lE... 9 mOre dAys of enJoyIng liFe bEing a 15 yeAr oLd...XD



haIZ...siAn diAo gottEn MrS SuLaimAn aS eNg foCus teaCher...haIZ...siAn diAo...but thInk ovEr itS stiLL beTer thAn havIng JanE chEng..i hAve tO praiSe thE loRd foR thAt...siAn...thE whoLE claSs onLy gottEn 5 sEc 4...aLL oTherS seC 5 le...kiNda feeL ouT oF plaCe...haIZ...thInk instEad oF abLe tO pasS thE neXt tiMe roUnd i kiND of feeL i woUld becOme woRse thAn befOre foR mY engliSh i duN knW whY...mayBe caUse shE is talKing roT aLL thE whiLE ?? teLLinG uS stuPid thingS likE wE neeD tO havE aT leaSt 350-500 worDs foR comPo..blah blah blah...And hEy exCuse mE...wE arE aT seC 4 aND 5 nOw ... thIs basIcs thIngs wE aLL knOw liAo cAn...gO thEre wAstE tiMe de...raTher gO fOR dAnce lEh..bUt siAn neEd tO marK attEndaNce de...sO caNt SkIp lessOn siAn diAo...diDn't dO muCh toDay foR foCus onLy diD voCab..stuPid voCab...reSt oF thE tIme shE talKing roT...haIZ....thOught aT leaSt maYbe wE wiLL PracTise doIng soMe paSs yeaR comPre paPer oR whAT...buT ahhh...onLY diD voCab...aND whATs thE uSe loH ?? HellO.... iN O leVel voCab iS oNly about 5 marKS liKe thAt onLY...sO whAts tHE uSe caN.....siAn...eVen thOugh wE faiL D7 yOu alSo neeD nOt dO thIs tO uS mA...toRtuRe US witH all ThiS....haIZ...i goTtEn mug Up...i dOnt wAnt tO staY in thIS clAss..i wAnnA paSs thE neXt tiMe roUnd aNd gEt inTo a bettEr clAss...1 MarK 1 MaRk is all i EvEr neeD....

kElly wEnt scHooL toDay..seeIng hEr i doNt knOw whY i feeL saD..iTs liKE yOu cAn feeL yoUr heaRt shattEred like tHAt..eSpeciaLLy afTer SeeIng tHereSa cRy..i wAs LikE ahhh...i wAn crY le...sO sAd....sHe is LikE sO emoTioNleSs..No feeLinGs nO reSpoNds...sEeiNg hEr liKE thAT..i reAlly diDn't kNow whAt tO do...wAnna coMforT hEr...buT scaRe sAy wroNg thIngs aNd thAn woUld eND uP maKE tHinGs woRse...scaRe laTer i eNd uP crYing...scaRe a lOt oF thIngs migHT juSt haPpen....haIZ....diDn't kNow hOw i shOuld reaCt towArDs thIs kiND oF sitUatiOn....haIZ...hOpe sHe woUld bE abLE tO be hEr noRmAl seLf sooN..

11 moRe daYs to gO....Arrgh...i fEel reAlly oLd...



SiAn diAo...haiZ...tmR onwarDs thuRs got EngliSh foUcs le...anD arrgh &#!#$ it clasHes wiF DAnce....arrGh...5 dEn fiNish foCus so latE caN...bY thAt tiMe daNCe iS alreaDy goTtEn eND reAl sooN le...So wAts thE uSe cAn...i wAnnA gO daNCe aNd i hAte EngliSh foCus..duNnoe whoSe clAss i wiLL bE iN but iM praYing thAt i wiLL gEt Miss Tang lEh...caUSe tHE othEr 2 teacHers aLL i dUnnoE de...dEn iTs liKE haIZ..i haTe mY baNdinG resUlt...its sO sulKy..guEss i caN conSidereD aS fiRst tie iN mY liFe i faiL mY enGliSh ba...i wAs liKE HUH..wiTh a biG QueStion marK oN mY heaD...haCk...mayBe i ovEr - esTimated mY oWn abiLiTiEs lE bA...hAiZ..but i wAs daMn upSet...buT whAt tO dO...the onlY thiNG thAt i cAn do noW tO savAge thE situAtion iS tO woRk harD liAo le... bUt thE thiNg thaT i reAllY stiLL donT undErstaNd is whY i cAn faiL mY enGliSh comPo loH... haIZ...buT ahhh...haIZ...tHE woRse iS i faiL bY 1 marK loH...HearT paIn leh...oK i goTtEn woRk ReAlly harD fRoM noW le..i muSt aT leaSt scOre a C5 foR mY miD-yeAr..hoPe thE foCus cAn reAlly hElp uS bA...

I wAnnA daNce....haIZ...iF eNgliSh foUCs eveRytIme oN thUR hOw i gO daNce ne ? i reAlly dUN knW lEh...veRy scaRe lAtEr lAo shI wiLL wAn tO drOp us out oR whAt caUSe wE sO latE dEn cAn gO..aND bY thE tiME wE go daNCe is alSo goIng tO enD lE loH...haIz...siAn tmr thEy haF maTch agAin aNd i cAnt gO..siAn diAo alwaYs likE thAt de...hopE thEy cAn wiN thiS tiMe ba...

12 moRe daYs tO mY bdaE..... * wheee.....



HeArD a reAllY saD neWs toDaY..Arggh...ain'T iN mY beSt oF mooD toDaY...ArrgH..whY muSt all thIs baD thIngS beFaLL oNtO uS.. WhY ??? ArrgH... beNeaTh thE hAppY faCe oF miNe i wAs actuAlly fEeLing veRy upSet toDaY...thIngs happEn sO sO faSt thAt i cAnt catCh uP le...fRom jiE tO deAr anD dEn nO taLK...wth..iM feelIng sO strEss uP caN...sAd toDaY nO taLk mucH cauSe he abIT sAd thAt thE faCt...umm.....haIz...dUn sAy le...nOw meSsagiNg hIm...he aiN't iN a gooD mooD...i Do noT knOw thE reAsoN whY buT i cAn senSe somEthIng iS juSt sO wronG.....SmsinG hIm i cAn reaLLy feeL teaRs sweLLing iN mY eyEs...i DuN kNoW whY buT thE teArs kEeP oN seeMs liKe itS fiLLinG evEn moRe aNd moRe aS eaCh minUTe paSs...AniWay wE enD oUr taLK le...juSt wiTh a sNap oF finGer..i keeP oN reflEct baCk oN whAt i coUlD haF doNe tO savAge thE situAtioN..aNd ahh...i feeL liKe cryIng agAin..iT iS juSt sO Ahhh.....i DuN knOw whAt tO sAy...iTs juSt sO harD to holD baCk mY teaRs.....
.Messaging in Progress

WtF....thAts whAt i feeL likE scolDing noW...boX hiS stuPid faCe ah...maKe mI crY foR notHing onLy..wAh siAn..thoUght hE sAy he wAnt eNd thE friEndsHip wah dEn i sO sAd lE cAn...dEn i sEnd messAge tO sAy liKE gooD byE niCe tO knoW hiM etC...dEn heCk hE retuRn msg sAy all thE whiLe he diD noT meAn thAt..he meAn enD....ahEm......Ahh....i wAnnA boX hiS faCe.....maKe mI sO saD onLy...Ahhh....Ahh....* BOX BOX * haIZ...noW oK lE...wAhh....maKe mI baD mooD thE whOle dAy onLy...i guEss hE reAli meAn alOt to mI lAh..hOpe hE dUn sEe thIs poSt oR elSe hE ki SiAo agAin....caUSe wHen i sAd he sURe wiLL chEer mI uP mAke mI happY de.....alwAys entertAin mI aND taLk RoT...wAh..yOu cAn see ThE conTrasT betwEen thE fiRst aNd secoNd paRagraPh...cauSe itS WrittEn whilLe iM messAgiNg hIm aT thE sAme time mA...lol...anD haiZ..thEy loSt tO serAnGooN garDens toDay...bY uMm..aLot i shLd sAy...haIZ...i bEttEr dUn sAy scOre hEre ba..iN caSe laTer hE sAw dEn angRy Wif mI agAiN dEn i dIe lE..yOu wAn knOw yOu aSk mI loh...UrrgH..suDdEnly i fEel a LoaD of buDdEn beIng liftEd...feEl a liTtLe strEss fRee noW..maYbe caUse thE whole dAy i wAs liKE thiNking aboUt Him..yeS thAt stuPid hIm whO maKE mI sO woRriEd aNd sAd....Ahh....BuT umm..thEre iS stiLL loTs of thIngs boTheriNg mI noW...all i gottEn sAy iS tO treAsuRe thOse loVe oNes aroUnd us beCauSe yOu woUld never kNow whEn yOu woUld lOse thEm anD foR aLL i knOw iM verY afraId tO see ThAt dAy coMinG..haIZ k lAh..no tiMe liAo...goTtEn do mY LiT le...oR elSe i nO neEd tO slEep le......ciAo...



AHH..i fEel liKe kiLLinG hIm noW thAt sTupiD guY chEat mY feeLings...Ahhh....BoX hiS faCe...stuPiD guY....thOughT hE angRy wiF mI dEn hE nO dE...dEn aSk HiM whY hE sAy mI inSensItiVe DeN hE sAy caUSe hE piSseD dEn hE anyHow sAy De...sTupiD lAh...eVeN moRe wAn tO boX hiS faCe...maKE mI worrIed aNd sAd onLy thOugHt thAt whAt haD happEn...stupiD...AHHHH...dUn knW whY but i haF juSt thIs urgE tO keEp scoLdinG hIm stuPid...maYbe cAuSe hE haD maDe mI fEeL sO stuPid..but noW i SupEr scAre oF hIm lEh..wEe tEng shOulD kNow whY..haIZ...hE maKe a reAllY gooD freN cloSe oNe...buT tOo cloSe lE i AlSo verY scaRe leh..Ahhh..StarS hAf bEen wiF mI lateLy buT haIZ....iT juSt sEem tO hAppEn toO faSt lE... AnD AHHH..hAf i bEen seNdinG thE wroNg signAls tO hIm...Ahhh..FeeL liKE banGinG mI heAd agAinSt tHe wAll lEh...aHHh....i DunnOe whAt i shOUld do....iM strEss uP noW...

AnD boY waSn'T i So pRouD oF mySelF tOday....beComIng a pRo sooN lE...copY duN knW hoW maNy setS oF hK toDay leH..sO noW aLL doNe le..wahhaa..iM happY buT yeS i kNw i caNt maKe thIs a haBit oR elSe exaMS i cAn forGet abT mY paSs lE...nOw suPer tiRed lE..cauSe yTd i chiong mI enG tiLL 3 aNd dEn siAn diAo shE nevEr coMe aND nEveR coLLecT maKE mI ruSh foR noThiNg..Ahhh..vEry tiRed nOw lE...

AnD wAh the chAnnEl 5 shOw sO yoU thInk YoU cAn dAnCe thAT shOw daMn niCe tO wAtCh lEh...tHe wAy tHEy daNCe woAh....gooD gooD de...




ShuCkS lAh..i sUPer bAd moOd noW..maDe hiM angRy bUt woRse i foRgEt whAt i sAy caUSe wE tAlk On phOne mA...sO nO wAy tO baCk traCk whAt i haD sAid...AHHHHHH....dEn hE anGry dEn i sUPer sAd...Ahhh..i dUn kNW whY..aFter hE angRy dEn i liKe suPer nO mooD lE....aHHHHH......At fiRsT hE anGry dEn i mAde hIm hAppY dEn afTer thAt i maDe hIm angRy agAin...wth laH....thInK maYbe cAuSe i kEeP oN tAlK abOut shAwn anD jT buT aHH...i neVer reAllY sAy alot aboUt thEm loH....aHHH...stupId mI....i foRgEt whAt i haVe sAiD.....AHHHH.....i juSt nOt veRy gooD wiTh worDs loH...dEn hE sAd alwAys i dUn knW hoW tO chEer hIm de...dEn i sAd hE alwAys chEer mi maKe mI happY...aHHHH.....sO saD nOw......wAnt tO meSsaGe hIm alSo scaRe hE angRy caLL alSo pAi sEh....aHHHH...whAt shOUlD i Do ??????? aND hE is maD wiTh mI...maYbe caUSe i dUn waNt tO sinG ???? cauSe he sAd dEn hE aSk mE siNg buT wth...i siNg sure raIn wAn loH...aSk mi sIng....haIZ...dEn i kiP on dUn wAn deN mama cUm iN rooM scOld mI uSe phOne sO loNg caUSe We gotTeN gO ouT lE mA....hEck..aFtEr thAt meSsagE hIm hE liKe abiT anGry....buT i cAnt remBer whAt i sAid....dEn hE sAy i insEnsiTive....heLL mAn...i wAs sO sAd cAn...LOL...i reAli caNt remBer whAt i haD sAiD...bUt maYBe i reAli sAid sumthinG thAt haD huRt hIm withOut knOwing ba...hAiZ.....haIZ.....what i shouLD dO leh.....



toDay wEnt siAo siAo agAin..wEnt Lot 1 juSt tO taKe oUR neO pRint...aNd tOoK 2 agAin...StupId mI gO pReSs tHe wroNg buTtoN beForE wE deCorate thE piC aNd thEre goEs oUr 8 doLLaRs...pRinTeD out wiF juS thE stUpId heaRt oN oNe pIc...sO blAh..tAke anoTher tiMe caUse i fEel riCh aT thAt tiMe ma..sO daNg...tHEre goeS 16 doLLarS...uMM..8 tO bE exaCt caUSe wE sPiLt thE moNey ma...

thInk thAt thE fiRst pIC cuTer thAn thE seCond One lEh..but aiYa no choiCe take liAo cAn sAy duN wAn mA...beLow iS thE seConD oNe...

AnD yeAh BPGH dE wEi Jie hE rawKx...alwAyS sO gooD taLk tO mI de...waH firSt tIme taLk tAlk cAn tAlk aboUt 1 hRs plUs oN phOne loH..wAh siA tHinK hE pRo le..caUse i nEver tAlK tO anIoNe sO loH oTheR thAn YiLin mY prI beStiE lE...muSt pEi fu hIm lEh...anwiAy hE raWkx cAn lE...haIZ..noThiNg tO sAy liAo sO i eND hEre....



ToDaY wEnt oUt wiF EvelyN aND JasyLn thEy all..caUse toDay nO chEm claSs ma..cAnceL liAo mA...So yeAh hAppY mI deCiDed tO gO ouT wiF thEm..aNd yEs tHEy boTh arE fUn loT oF pEopLe..wEnt tO LoT 1 caUse neaR neAr ma..eaSiEr tO gO scHooL...didn'T bUy anYthiNg thEre caUse umm..No tiMe ma..sO haIz..sAd agaIn..wAnnA gO shOp buT kIp On nO tiMe de...hAiZ...

TooK tWo neO caUSe wE cAn't deCidE oN whEre wE shLd taKe whEthEr thE arcaDe tHEre oR thE nEo shOp sO wE boTh plaCe alSo taKe oNe macHine loH...LOL...buT fUn lAh..goSh iM adDicTed To neO agAin....

tOoK at The arcaDe de....cuTe loh..i luV tHe laSt pIC..sO suPEr cuTe...aFtEr tooK nEo gO eaT luNch..wAh tHE foOD couRt tHEre...thE deSseRt stAll loUsy lEh...eAt icE peaCh...sO kiAm wAn thEy all..iTs liTerAlly iCe aNd peAch onLy..yEs tAts it..noThiNg mOre...aNd whAt iT coSt tWo whOle buCks lEh...mOre ex dEn sCh....siAn diAo...sCh suMore niCer lOH...gOt coCktail de...sO niCe...dEn sCh onLY $ 1.20 loH..siAn...dEn in The eNd neVer eAt iCe onlY eaT peaCh siAn diAo cauSe no appetiDe mA...dEn in The eND oN ouR wAy tO scH siT taXi tAt time wAnnA voMit lE..caUSe stoMacH emPty mA...dEn uNtiL cAnnt tAhAn...luCkiLy nV voMit iN thE EnD..bUT heAd suPer goNg...caUse suPer hungRy eNd uP drInkIng miLo caUSe nO stAll oPen..siAn..luCkilY i lAster aLL thE wAy hOme And weet...Ate mY diNnEr..dEn Go tuTion dEn hEre iM bloGginG loH..lamE.....

Btw oUr DaNce T iS hEre..yeAh...luV its deSigN...es thE woRd DanCe oUT thE paSsioN whICh is prIntEd oN oUr baCk de..aNd tHe staR..sO cUTe... = )

thIs iS priNted oN tHE frOnt corNer...sO cutE rIte..iT rePreseNt The diFferEnt coStuME thAt wE haD woRn fOR thE varIouS diFferEnt occaSions..THe firsT oNe i thInk is wE weAr fOr WusHu de ( GuY ) ...tHe seCond oNE iS guRl de alSo WusHu de..i tHink..hOpE iM nOt wrOng laH...thIrd is tHe wAtEr cosTume wHere wE alwAys weAr fOR thE daNcinG unDer thE mooNligHT daNce...tHe oNe wiF thE bluE cloTh oN thE frOnt Loh...FoRth aNd fiFth iS oUr SYF de coStuME...guRl aNd GuY reSpectiVely...cuTe hOh...sO thIs piC meaNs a LoT tO uS loH...anD yeAh wE diD meaSure ouR costUme lE...sO happY sO looKinG forWarD tO gEttIng iT...ApriL 16....hEre wE coMe.............................



Umm..toDay wEnt oUt wiF daNce frEns le..No shOp shOp fOr mI coS aiYo Yi Lin mUm dOnt aLLoW hEr gO oUt..sIAn..wEn shE cAn i cAnt..i cAn she caNt..siAn diAo laH...aniWaY mEet staCey, EvelYn JasyLn thEre..aND tHEy aRe ice- sKatIng..urggH reGreTed nOt goIng eaRLy haIZ..shOuld haF plaYed tOo sO fUn lOh..Umm..sAw loTs oF suAi gE thEre...yA aNd stacEy thEy aLL gOt aIm oNe guY bUt haIz..caNnoT reAli reMemBer hIS faCe aNd hOw hE lOOk la..waITed tHEre tiLL aboUT 1.40 beForE thEy cOme oUt..wAh i wAs LiKe sO happY cAn caUse i wAs sO boRed bUT actuAli noT lAh..caUSe gOt nO 6 pEi mI...aww He iS so gOod..kIp oN pEi mI taLk tO mE uNtiL umm..He slEep ? wahaa...Ok wEll hE hElp mI aSk shAwn aNd yeS shAwn sAy thAt itS hiS blOg..yeAh at leAst i kwn its hIs...sO gOOd de...wahhaa...wEn i boRed dEn hE taLk tO mI..

waHHaa...LOL...dEn He tEll Mi nO 4 siCk...blaH...k..iM nOt gOIng tO sO KPO liAo gO boTher thIS aND thAt...dEn he sO fuNNy lAh..tHE wAy hE taLk liKe cAn reAd mY miNd liKe thAt...OK mI beTter sTop taLkiNg gOOd abOut hIm lE..scaRe hE latEr cOme tO mY blOg aND lAugH wHen hE sEe ALL thIs stupid tHings i sAy...

k lEt Mi coNtiNue abOuT whAt haPPen afTer thE icE-sKatE...wEn tO MaC slAck Ate mY ice creAm aNd slaCk whiLe waiTing fOr DiAnA tO coMe..caUSe tHAt priNciPal kIp thEm waitIng fRom oNe all The wAy tO tHree...sO loNg lOh..iN tHe enD shE neVer meet thEm..haiYa waSte tiMe onLy...i reGrEt nOt skAtiNg caUSe toDay iS unLimiTed dE..sO caN skAte hOw loNg yOu wAnt...sO worTh tHe mONey loH...haIZ..aFtEr DiAna cOme tAke bUS gO queeNswAy tHere..wAh queenSwAy thEre gOt sO maNy shOppIng plaCe loH...wahha...temptIng lEh..bUt siAn diAo thOughT thEy waNna gO BugIs sO i nEveR buY iN thE eND thEy nO gO..siAn diAo sO toDay neVer buY anyThiNg...haIz..wEnT tO weSt Mall To eAt afTer thAt...dEn wEnt sEperAte wAyS le..haIZ..siAn toDay nO bUy thIngs Like bU shUang LiKe thAt..haIZ...aNd btW..oUr daNCe t sUper nIce de..gEe...DanCe out the passion.. =)

[[ And foR gooDneSs saKe STOP ASKING MI TO HELP YOU ALL PRINT YOUR WORK LE CAN..I AM NOT A PRINTING MACHINE...hey INK need money also de can...ALWAYS ask MI print...take MI for granted only...be Kind to you all help you all once..den there will be twice and thrice den like never end le....iM PISSED....not that i selfish or what lah but hey ink also need money to buy de leh...$$$$$ .....money money...GrrGh...i may seem selfish to you guys k..but this time i really had enough once bitten twice shy...I HAD ENOUGH..gimme a break...maybe when i good mood den will help you all..but yes now iM not in good mood...GRRH...and thanks Gurdian Angel for listening to my stupid nonsense...after talk to you feel better le...]]



DancE iS so FuN..i LuV daNCe...yeAh daNCe rawKx...gOTtEn loTs oF bruIseS thOuGh bUt tAts fUn wiF mI siNCe i alReaDy xI guAn liAo..dEn itS fUnnY tO see aLL oUr legS aNd haND reD reD de..neXt tiMe i muSt reMembEr tO BrIng Mi plaSter..oR elSe laTer nOt enUF fOR mI...wahaa..reALi lOOkiNg foRwArD tO frI wHerE wE wiLL bE haVinG oUr cosTumE meaSUre le..waHHaa..sO hAppY...sO loOkiNg fOrwArd To fRidaY le...siAn tMR caNNot decIde wHetHEr i shOulD gO shOp Or hElp daNCe wiF OuR cloTheS lEh..hAiZ...bUt aiYa laTer wEn i goT moOd dEn i deCidE laH..fEeLing sO slEepY nOw lOh..sOmeMore laTer goT tuTion...sO siAn..i haTe TUESDAY....Tue is jUSt sO suCky aLWays paCk wiF sO maNy thiNGs de...grggH...iF oNLy tHere is No foCus nO tuTioN evEry tUe dEn i wiLL suPEr luV tUe le...cOS tuE is tHE onLy tiME i caN sEe thEir maTch ma...cAuSe moSt oF thEir maTCh oN tuE...aww....i miSs taLkiNg tO thAt goNg goNg nO 6...taLkiNg tO hIm cAn reAllY chEer mI uP de...haIZ....

Oh yA heaRd aND sAw tHE ad On A nEw shOw coMiNg uP oN chaNNel 5 calleD dOnt kNow whAt cAn yOu reAllY daNCe or dO yOu reAllY thINk yOu caN daNCe oR sumThiNG oR thAt soRt de..Not vErY suRe whAts tHE tiTle bUT lOOk reAllY niCe tO waTCh LEh..caUSe iTs dAnce relAted Ma..duH !!! fUNnY tO waTCh hOw peOple daNCe aND hOw tHEy aRe beIng critisiEd bY tHE juDge...haIZ..i haF tO stOp craPPiNg hEre lE aNd gEt reADY fOR mY TuTIoN LE...SIAn DIaO... ( - _ - '')




CrappY dAy CrappY dAy..full oF craPs.. weN foR thE ProJect Management couRse todAy..neaRly dieD thEre..die oF boreRom oF cAuSe...crappY..happY thAt tmR i nO niD gO foR thAt thinGy...mI gg fOR daNCe ma...aniwAy i hatE thAt naMe MindY...goSh it reMinds mI of tHE gurL in The Test wheRe hEr naME is caLLed MAndY...JiaMin is mY naMe gunDu...sO diFfiCulT tO pRonOuncE mEh ? haIZ..lucKilY tmR nO niD gO..The FooD iS proVidEd bUT lunCh yuckS..disGuiStinG...oH weLL i kNw iM piCky...CraapY crappY..tMR haF tO gO foR thAt oRAL thinGy le cAuse Mi nOT goIng fOr SC mA..sO nO choiCe nO exCuse fOR mi nOt goIng...siAn..

OH yA aND grAndfAthEr cAme hOme saFeLy yEstErdAy nitE...wEn i wAs slEepIng soUndLy grandFathEr cAme tO ouR houSe aT 2 i tik cauSe thAt iS whAt mY maiD sAy..Ok afTer tHAt i alSo dO noT kNow whAt haD haPPeN le...blaH nOne of mY busIness alsO...cauSe aduLT talKinG chiLDreN caNNot inteRfeRe oR elSe wiLL gEt scOlD de..sO i juSt siT aND listEn whEn i cAn heaR lAh..duH !!!

AnD nOw mI tAlkiNg tO BPGH no 6 hIs NaME ALsO Wei Jie..LOL.so cOnciDenTaL de...boTh alSo lamer... and wEi I nV chAnge tarGet hoH..bUt juSt fiNd hIm suPEr fuNNy...tAlK tO hIm cAn reAli maKE u lauGh...wahaaa...iF oNlY he iS nO 4..buT i dUn daRe tO TalK tO hIm loH..maYBe caUSe i treAt hIM liKE mY iDol..wHEn gEt tOO clOSe yOu wiLL scaRe dE... haCk..shAll nOt thInk OF nO 4 agaIn...stuPid mI....reAli enjoYed talKing tO nO 6...sO daMn fuNNy...hOpe cAn sEe hIm onLine eveRydaY sO caN enteRtaIn mI sinCe hE sAy hE alSo vEri siAn gOt tiMe tO enteRtaIn mI..wahahaa...iM evIl kIp On lauGH aT hIm...bUT hE sO gOod teMper Leh..neVer anGry de..sO CutE...haha....tOO baD he aLso yoUnGer thaN mi..siAn hOW i wiSh i wAs 15..NoT 16 anD nOT sittIng fOR O levEl.....blaH !!! tAt stuPid guY triCk mI into sAyinG My agE..blaH...wantEd tO irrItAte HIm at fiRst dE bY nOt teLlinG hIm dEn hE irriTatE mI baCk bY keePinG quieT..grrgH...KiP oN suaN mI liKe siAo liKe tAt..grrGh.gottEn paY hIm baCk...BuT yeaH he rawKx he maDe mY daY...

aND wth...hE toLd mI taT shAwn dE bloG like faKe de..deN i wAs lIke arguIng wiF hIm liKe siAo..dEn iN the eND hE giF Up...yeAh i wON !! laME..tHE MOrE I taLk tO hIm tHe mOre lAme i becOme loH..shUCks....iF shAwN blOg reAli nt reAl dE i gOiNg tO gO baNg mY heAd..buT i StiLL thiNk is reAl de...bUt he gOOd hE sAy hE wiLL gO chEcK fOr mI..wahaaa...LOL..stupiD stuPid hE tELL mI taT TheRe wiLL stIll bE maTch natioNals de...bUt oN tuE...ARSE lAh...wHy tuE...dEn i wAs lIke gOInG maD whEn he teLL mI taT...grrgH...oPPss whY aM i sAyinG aLL thIS....OKieS goTtEn stoP hEre lE..itS 1 aND iM slEepY tMr stILL haF tO gO fOr thE oraL thIngY..siAn..



HaiZ...tHinK graNdfaTher haD gOne oUt oF siNgapoRe le..caUSe mAmA anD auNty unclEs thEy all Go maKe poLicE rePorT to CheCK iF graNDfaTheR haD leFt sinGapOre oR nOt caUSe tHe paSspORt noW at HoMe le mA..Gosh anD he LefT wiThoUt leTtiNg us kNOw.. GosH woNDer whY he DiD thAt...just prAy thAt he is safE at wHerever coUNtrY he iS now caUse we alSo dO noT kNow thE exAct plAce aNd alSo do Not kNow whEn hE is cOmiNg baCk thE onlY thiNg wE knOw iS thAt he iS nO loNger iN siNgapOre...haIz...praYing reAl harD...

aT leaSt sOmethIng maKe mI hAppieR toDaY..dId sOme shOppIng..sHoppIng neVer faiLs tO maKE mI haPPY..i boUghT a blaCk necKlacE thOse lOng loNg tYpe de...happY haPPY...wAs like eyEing oN it sO loNg le beFore i deCideD to buY tO chEer mYseLf uP mA..oH weLL i kNow iM hiGh maIntenCe..I luV sHoppIng...XD


The pICs for ShawN aNd joShua dE moVie...actuLi nOt thEirs lAh..tHEy gO aNd acT smAll sceNes onLi...oUt in JunE i suppOSe..Ok waNNa thAnk ShaWn de forUm foR all ThiS picS..muSt thAnk beFore i get whAck for takiNg wiThouT creDitinG thEm...blAh ! So hEre ArE thE picS...

The WhoLe caSt foR tHe movIe...

ThEm wiF sOme diRecTors i sUppoSe ..

ShawN...So cuTe..arrGh...mY shaWninG is baCk agAin...

SomE oF thE oTher sceNes...

*_Dear beloved diary ...... *_i've been missing a boy so much day after day. *_i almost dream of him everyday. *_when`eva i saw him, my heart gonna drop out. *_do this..... counted as.... love?...... please give me the answer...sigh... *_i guess.... im in love with love him. *_im waiting for his call day after day... ... ... *_im gonna freeze from the coldness he gave me. *_is he gonna be there for me? sighh.. .. .. ... ... ... .. SuMmeR sKy.... [[ MeaNinGfUl yA ? tHe wAy iT deScriBe umm.....blAh blAh blAh... ]]

ArrGh..grAndfaTher stIll nOT hoMe yEt..sO noW all My auNties anD unCleS all GoiNG aroUnd tO searCh fOR hIm...suPer wORriEd leH..buT mAmA dUn leT mI go iN caSe lAtEr gOt anY neWs or wAt cAn inFo tHEm sO thAts wHy iM frEe tO bloG nOW..hAIZ..woNDer wHEre grAndfAtHer Go lEh...hAIZ...woRriEd worrieD...



hAiZ..gOttEn baCk ouR rePort bOok toDay..uGly uGly thATs whAT i sHoulD sAy..RemarKS thE cOmmOn oNe loH..wHEn yOu gEt baD resULt whAT mOre caN tHey sAy..WeLL juSt sAw tHe neWs taLkiNg abOut tHE chAritY sHOw thAt wE wIll bE goIng tO..Oo..iTs ActuLlY oN thE 16 Of ApRil aND oH Mi GoSh...sO neaR tO mY O lEvEl..DeAd Le..dIdn't Knw iTs So neaR caUSe thAt tiME i nevEr pAy attEntIon tO laO shI wEn hE sAy iS whAt dAte mA..haIZ..Ok nvMind i nEvEr regRet gOiNg For iT aniWAy..caUSe iTs sO So So fUn MA..hAiZ..i miSs thEm loTs dUn kNw WeN cAn sEe tHEm agAin lEh..thiS feW dAys neVer sEE hiM i sAd leH...dEn hE no BloG AlSo..stupid stupid deN i Do nOt hAf hiS newEst upDate..urrgh...

Mi fouNd thIs pic oF hIm weAriNg his bball jerSey frOm oNe of hiS schOol mAte de friendster..hAiZ...bUt thAt giRl pUt her nAme oN shAwN faCe tHere..bUT nvmiND lah..cAn see hIs faCe cAn liAo le..hAiZ..supEr mISs hiM noW...sO loNg neVer sEe hIm le more thAn tWo weeKs..reAllY hoPe thAt i cAn liVe in faiRylaNd loH so thAt i dO nOt neeD to faCe thE reAliTy thAt we cAn nevEr be...arrgh !! wOnder hOW he Is nOW..onlY knoW thAT theY liKe goTteN 4 foR weSt zONe or soMthIng liKE thAt..aiYA..nOt veRy suRe AlSo cAuse thIS feW daYs nevEr sEe HiM onLIne mA...sO nevEr taLk tO hiM...baSketbAll rawKX..nOw abIT inteRestEd in bbAll le..umm..acTuallY lasT tiEM haVe liAo lAh caUSe laSt timE mY iDol 5566 tHEy all goT sHooT oNe idoL shOw MVP vaLentiNe thAT shOw so AftEr see Le veRy liKe bbAll caUSe wHEn thOSe guYS shooT 3 poiNter thAt time..wAh cAn reAli taKe yOur breAth awAy leh..oK whY am i craPPing aboUt thIS now...maybe caUSe i mISs hIm tOo muCh ba...* monologue * Oh yA shAwn aNd JoShua is fliMing a Hong Kong mOvie wif soME hk starS caNNt remembEr hIs naMe lAh..hacken Lee or suMthing lIke tHAt de? nOw laZy tO uploAd thE phOtoS will UploaD wEn frEe..mAybe mY nexT poSt ba..tmr ? it is sAid thAt the moVie wiLl be sCreeN herE in June..sO hOpe juNe will cOme quickLy ba...

AiyA...sAd jEr goIng PerTh tmR le...soRt of RegRet Not gOing Leh cAuse iT seeMs fUn..sAd sHoppIng bUdd gONe le..thIS holIdaY wiLL bE siAn siAn de...tHis sUn i wAnna sHop wAnna see NannY McPhee...i wan i wan...hOpe mY beStie wiLL be frEe thAn..i miSs her...

UrrGh...i wOrriEd nOw..mI grAndfatHer twO dAys neVer coMe hOme liAo..dUn kNw whAt haPpEn to HiM leh...PrayIng nOw thAt he iS saFe fRom All daNgerS dOn't dAre to ThiNk abOut AnyThing eLse...cAuse Mi grAndma aNd aUntY wHen tO taIwAn thaN grAndfaTher dUn wAn sO he stAy At Home aLone dEn wEn ytd Go ovEr thAt tIme thE doOr evEryThing iS loCk sO wE thInk thAt he muSt haF gO oUt liAo bUt dEn wHEn wE gO ovEr toDaY agAin...stIlL tHe sAme no One iS aT HoMe lEh..mama wAit tHEre till 11 alSo he nEver cOme baCk.. hoPe hE is at HiS freN hoUse bA caUSe aunTy msG sAy thAT he haD oNe frEn whOm he iS clOSe tO but haCk wE dO nOt haVe hIS frEn no...stupID leH..dEn mam tHinKing abOUt rePortIng tO poLice tMr..haIZ..hOpe thAt noThinG haD gOnE wrOng aND thAt graNdfaTher hAd juSt gOne tO hIS friEnd hoUSe tO sTay..* prAy reAl harD *

[[ All You Can See Now Is tears In My Eyes ]]



Kinda fUn toDay..wEnt fOR thIs TennIs thiNgy aND diD not reGrEt gOinG de..eVen thOugh i dId aT firsT laH... cauSe onlY ShiKin, Aloy aNd mI goIng..dEn i wAs like So siAn diAo caUSe haIz..so LIttLe peOple gOIng onlY..dEn i wAs liKe gOing tO miSs mY preCioUs maTHs leSsOn aLso..haIYa..bUt gO tHe tEnnis thIngy alSo veRi fUn de..wahhaa..

HaiYa thAt taXi uncLe cheAt ShiKin aND mY fEelings onLy de...tEll hIm teNniS centRe he blUr bluR dUnnoe...deN sHikIn aND mI tHEre blUr blUr aLSo cAuse We neVer gO thEre beFore ma..dEn thAt uncLe brIng us gO rouNDing aND endeD uP roUnd tO KallAng iNDoor stadIum thEre..asK thAT uncLE tO stOp in The eNd caUSe he aLso dUn knw WhEre he Is gOIng...thAn wE sUper paI seH de aSk seCuritY guarD thEre On wHere The tEnnis plaCe is aNd gUEss wAt..wE pAss bY theRe wIthout knOwing tHAt it IS thAt plaCe...aND it wAs lIKe 10 miNs wALk awAy frOm tHe indOOr staDium..aND dAmn tHE suN is So blaZing hot...wAlk awHile beFore The Mr tAn feTch uS TherE...i wAs lIke PerSipiriNg liKe hEll..So Hot de sUn...ArrgH !! wAs pratIcallY meLting..reAch tHEre saW loTs of cHio bu aNd sUAi ge tHEre...Mi aND sHikIn wAs lIKe pratIcallY scAnniNg fOr suAi ge..wahhaa...IT wAs fUn..wAs crAppIng LIke siAo tHEre...CHIJ ToA pAyOh..stROng Leh..tHEy wOn MGS...wHIch iS lAst yEar de ChaMpIon...tHe MGS guRls wAs liKe so sUper sAd caUSe tHEy weRe pratiCallY crYing afTer TheY loSt de maTCh...

Ok NoW taLk abOUt thOse ACS(I) guYs..sAw quiTe a Few gAy gAy guYS thEre...Oh mAn...TheY wEre lIke gAying All The wAy cAn..but dEn The fUnny ThingY iS thAt hOw cOme sUai ge All gAy de...wAhh siAn...aniWAy mY viEw on ACS(I) guYs aRe suRelY nerDy peOple chAnge le..tHEy aLSo liKe us nOt guAi de...alMost aLL tuCk oUt shirT lAh...hehe..Mi aND shikIn spotTeD sOmeOne le...hehe....PooR aLOY he cAnt seEm tO undErstaNd whAt we LooKing at or wHat wE taLking...caUSe girLS taLk ma..caNNot lEt hIm kApoh..wahha...FuN watChiNG thEm plAy..

We crAp anD crAp afTer awHile cAuse thOse ACS(I) guyS weRe liKE blOcking oUr vieW sO eNdeD up crAping..wAs diScusSing abT ouR SC t- shiRt..wE waNNa hAf oNe...aND wE wAnna hAf cAmp On neXt Mon aND tuE...wE wAn wE waN..crAp crAp crAp...sOOn The evEnt eNd le..waLk baCk tO taKE oUR bagS after thAt...We leFt pOor Mr tAn tO gO tAke baCk aLL tHE uteNsils..We arE bAd..bUt in insteAd of wAlkiNg thE shOrteR wAy we wAlk THE longer One cAuse wAnna sEe those ACS(I) guYS ma...bUt sadSey tHEy leFt le...sO We were Like waLking faSt faSt sO thAt we cAn catCh uP wif Them...hilaRious siGht i sHoulD sAy..sAw tHEm at BusTop So wE aSk AloY tO fAke fAke sit At The buStoP tHEre aS if We arE waItiNg fOR thAt bUs eVen thOugh The bUs thEre cAnt brInG uS baCk hOme lAh..ThAn wE wEre LikE trYing tO steAl a Look...thInk i sHOuld coRreCt My seNteNces..Many LOoKs...aNd Umm...he Got GF le i tHInk..sHikIn de dUn haf So wE weRe Like umm...Ok..bUT i tHink NO 4 stIll beTter thAn the ACS(I) de lAh..haha...Fun dAy i sHoulD sAy..i SimplY luv toDay cAuse i reAlly enJoyed MyseLf..TheY raWkx ya..tHEy madE mY dAy...

* NOTE : AniwAy mI foUnd tHE viDeo tHAt sHawn sAng fOR joSh duRing hIs bdAe le..sO if You wAnna see JuSt cliCk on This Link..http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y5MZCjQJRFw cAuse mI fiGure ThAt if i PoSt thIs clip Here..It wiLL bE interUpteD wiF my blOG song aND yOu cAnt heAr whAt shAwn is SingIng le..sO i juSt gIf yOu all de websIte thAn yOu All cAN hear beTTer lOh...wAh sEe i sO gOod...hehe..HearIng hiM siNg abIt fUnnY leH..abIt off tune but stiLL verI cute de..wahhaa...XD



Urrgh..one word to decribe my result Disappointing..Urrgh...i hate the thought of ahem..Ms Chai...hAiZ...Aren't going to talk about her but was kinda upset.....Not in the mood now to crap now... =(

i will make sure i prove to Ms Chai that i can do better for mid-year...and i do not need her pity marks at all..aniway she didn't give me either...haIz..my grounding has begun le..they start to limit the time i spend in front of the com and they start to check on me more often...wth... * Fustrated *



oUCh !!! My haNd huRts...SEe My HAnd swoLLen le...sO pAinfUl lOh..bUT it wAs Fun toDay..I Luv DanCe EnsEmbLe <3

We wEre lIke pratIcallY crAwLinG oUr wAy througH THe wHole dAnce...yeSs crAwLing..I Aren't kIDdiNg...caUSe oUr pErfOrmAnce iS sORta oNe tHAt invOLveS uSing oUr boDy tO maKE iNtO whAtever wE haVe tO mAke lAh..exAmple tHE cHineSe wOrd ' XiN ' DeN We aRe AlSo sUppoSed tO maKe a ShaPe of A wHEeL pRaM, TeLEphOne etC..Wee..Im sO exCitEd....tMr stiLL haF dAnce afTer foCus bUT i wiLL onLy stAy unTiL 6 cAuSe Me hAf tuTion lAter ma...haIZ...dAnce Issh So fUn..hOpe tMR lAo shI wiLL bE in a bEttA mOOd le..So tAt he wOn't scOld Us...=)

ANd yEssh i Know thIS is My seCond poSt oF tHE dAy liAo..bUt i Dun KWN whY evErYtiMe i cOme oNliNe onLy i jUSt haF thIs urGe tO bloG..hAiZ..eNdiNg hEre le..gOTtEn kIp My gAp sHut beFore i GottEn mySelf a sOre thRoat...lalalala.......


BloGgiNg nOW caUse tONIte nO tiME blOG wIll onLy be hoME aFter 9 cAuse iM gOing fOr DanCe...HAiZ..gOTtEn To kNow sOme oF ouR CA oVerAll ReSult le..All KanAsAi oNe..ReAllY deAd ThIs timE liAo...hOPe i Wont bE liKe thIs dUrinG mID yeAr...SorT oF diSaPpoiNted wiF mY eNG reSuLt...gOTten onLi a 25/50 FoR mY comPrehEnsiOn teSt wHIch alSo iS mY CA teSt aND i WaS liKe WHAt tHE hEll IS wRonG WIf mi...iT Is lIKe thE HEll HAs BroKe loSe...i quEstIon mYselF repEatedLy...WHY WHY WHY ....whY dId i eNd uP wIF suCh mArkS...wHAT haS cOme oVer Me..i wAsn't lIke thAT in THe pAst... GettIng a B4 uSe tO bE aN eaSy tAsk fOR mE to acCompliShed bUt Now...hAck No... EvEn pAssIng sEEms an ImpOSsibLe tAsk foR me...i jUst Isn't The gIrl i USe tO bE...HAiZ...i wAnna be thAt giRl thAt leaVes in THe pAst WhErE liFe is mOre caRefRee And Not So strEssfUl liKe nOw..

PhySicS...HaIZ...dISappoinTing AlSo...FaiL mY reTeSt So gOTtEn sIT fOR mY re-re-TeSt PAthetiC yA ? iM uNder-PerForMiNG fOR GooDneSs sAke..mUSt bE i SpEnd tO muCh time tHinkIng abOut shAwn lE bA...oK wEll Well..STOP JIAMIN STOP !!!!!! STOP thiNkiNg abOuT sHAwn lE.... whAtS tHE PoiNt loH..anIwAy hE wOn't eVen kNow thAt yOu ExSist...So NOW STOP anD coNcentrAte oN yOur stUDies le...Ok i MusT proVe tO mYselF thAt FoR miD- YEaR i cAn dO evEN bEttEr thAn thIs...

GoTtEn tO kNow mY eMath aNd aMaTh ovErAll lE...AlSo liKE sAi liKe thAt...50 fOR emAth..a pAthetiC pAss For me..NevErtHElesS wAs stIll a liTtle hAppY cAuse i pAss ma..bUt amAth...cAnnot jian ren ah...goTten onLy 39 marKs..cAn yOu imAgiNe thAt 39 out oF 100...39...hell...didN't exPect mYselF to gEt sO loW..thOught tHAt at leaSt cAn haF abOut 40 plUs marKs nearIng 50 ba...GueSs i mUst havE oVer-eStimAteD mY oWn abiLitiEs le ba...hAiZ...

bTw..i HAve deCideD tO gO fOR tHE meDiacOrp thIngy..jUSt cAnt resIst THe temPtatIon...sO catCh Me oN tV dUring May i tHink..wahaaa...hOPe i sTiLL cAn CopE wiTh my stUDies AfTer tHAt...GOd BlEss Me... <3

[[ Lord direCt mE tO thE riGht paTh aND i prAy thAt i wIll Not strAy.. ]]


hmm..i wAs so boRed thAt i deCided tO do thIs...Now itS 12.17 aNd i sTill cAnt slEep guEss it muSt be afTernOOn i sLeep tOO mUCh le bA...hAiZ...wAs umm..QuitE satisfIeD wiF thIS arTwoRk of miNe bUt thInk I stIll cAn dO beTter...So yA..iF neXt tIme i hAf moRe tiMe..i wOuld do a BettEr one but ThatS a BIG IF....wahhaaa....sleepIng SooN...XD

Oh yA...anYone cAn tEll mI wAts wRong wIF mY FrieNdstEr..Its liKe kip gIviNg Mi tRoubLes...i tyPe at The arEa wHEre They sAy 'abOut You ' thIngy...dEn it sAy mY proFilE upDateD liAo bUT dEn in The eNd wHen i Go tHE vIew ProFiLE thiNgy..TherE nO woRds dE...Dun kNw wHy...PleaSe cAn SomE oNe wHo Is kInd enoUgh To tEll mI wAts wRonG wiF My friEndstEr pleaSe....ThAnkIes....<3



LookIng aT aLL thIs pHotOs cAn reAlly brIng baCk LoaDs of mEmoriEs..ThAt wAs mY firSt mAjoR pErfoRmaNce tHAt i PErfOrm thAt wAs scrEen oN LivE..aND iT cOuld AlSo juSt bE oNE oF thE moSt meMorAblE PerFormAncE i EvEr pErfOrM wiF thE DaNce EnsEmbLe pEeps...TrAiniNG wAs toUgh bUT fUn aT thE sAmE tiME..moSt oF thEiR prActICes wAs hElD at NighT aND sO wE hAd tO gO hoMe at aBout 11 plUs 12 dUrinG thE trAiniNg dAys...And yA..iT wAs My fiRst tIme plAying tHE drUm.And boY waSn't i reAlly ProUd Of MYseLf thAn As wE tAngliN DancE eNsemBle nEvEr plAyed thE drUm beFore..bTw..wEn i sAy dRum iT meAns the cHi drUm lAh..duh !! I lUV The DancE InsPiratIon PeepS lotx..TheY sUper gOOD..gUIdeD uS aLong tHe wAy whEnevEr We dOnt kNow hOw tO plAy The dRum etc...EsP Cass ANd ChriStiNe...tHeY mAke oUr pErfORmance a MemorabLe oNe wiF thEm arOund guiLdinG us arOund..Woah tHeY raWkx...

Our neXt perForManCe wiF MediAcoRp iS coMing reAllY sOOn..StiLL cAnt deCided wHetHEr i sHould Go oR nOt lEh..haCk..wAnna Go bUt AlSo scAre thAt it MIght afFecT mY stuDies...HOW ???? quICk GimMe a SoluTioN...ArrGH !!!sTress...bUt dEn LookIng aT aLl thIs woNDerfUl mEmoRies i reAllY wAnna gO leh...

So aftEr You LooK le..tEll Mi sHouLd i Go ? cAusE thIs tIme tHe cHarIty sHOws iNvOlvE lOTs oF OversEaS arTistE..AnD i JUst dUn wAnna mIss My chAnce tO see tHem Leh...Ahhh !!! shOULd I ???? cAuSe thIs miGht bE mY laSt cHancE PerfOrMing For thIS tyPe of Major pErfOrmAnce le..If i Dun dAnce aNYmore IF i leaVe TanGlin lAh...HAiZ...in a DileAma nOW...Hmm...THiNk thEy aLL gOing lEh...dEn mI oSo tEmpted tO go...sO hOw noW ??? Dun go i wiLL reGreT fOr Mi WhoLe lIfe..Go AlSo mAy reGreT fOr mY wHOle liFe cAuse gEt bAd reSult mA...ShouLd i ShouLd i ShoUld i ???????? ArrGh iM strEss Up...



WaS fEeliNg So sUepr reAl boRed tHAt i deCided tO BloG tHe seCond tiME..UploaDed sOme oF jOshuA bdAe tHe pHoToS tAken fRom hiS fAncluB de...sO muSt creDict tO them...haCk i fOrgOt whAt is My ID for sHAwn boTh joShua anD shAwn de fAnsclUb le..sO foR nOw i cAnt exCess aNy inFo aBt thEm..maYbe nExt tIme wHEn i Not sO laZy dEn i Go Do a New oNe ba..siNce i cAn alwAys aSk theIR faNS tO updaTe mi..wahhaaa...gOttEn tO kNow quITe a fEw freNs wHo arE sHAwn de faNs le...wahhaa...tHAt is a gOOd newS fOR mi So thAt nExt tIme gOT tHEir evEnt caN go fiNd thIs frEns...aND mY siSta...sHE rawKx...sHE gOTten tHE beSt femAle caMPer awArd fOr hEr NPCC caMp....wootS...coNgratS coNgratS...kiNDa sUrprIse at firSt bUT afTer FiZa tEll Mi hOw sHE goTtEn hEr awArd i Not sUrprISe le...Cos mY dearIe sISta is kInda intAtivE bY natURe...Am i LyinG...whaha...no Lah..My sisTa gOOd de lAh...

AniwAy i waS kiNda upSet wEn i sAw sOmeOne friEndStEr..K Not YoU..is aNothEr sOmeoNe...WeLL is a SHE..doeS thAt SatiSfied YOU enoUgh..wEll...uSe to sAy friEnds fOrevEr buT dEn nOw..haiZ..dUn kNw wHAt i shOuld sAy...gUEss wE arE juSt juSt drIFting fUrthEr aNd fUrthEr aPArt le...haCk hAck...i wIll NEver evEr sAy friEnds fORevEr le...cAuse i Know tHAt noNe of thiS will lAst...KinDa leaRn thAt wE pEoplE sAy thIs fOr tHE saKe oF sAyiNg....bUT dEn..hAIz..maYbe i stiLL wIll..cAuSe it sOund niCer thOugh...hAck mi...wHaTevA aM i taLking..FriEndS fOrevA ?? mAybe fOR thAt moMent...blah !!

Josh Bdae - Shawn..He is sO cUTe..LOL...i hatE tHE sigHt of hIs baNdagE fiNGer it juS waNna maKe mi BoX tHe perSon wHo diD thiS to ShAwn..aniWaY he Is singIng iN thIs piC...hE sAng thE sOng Lang Hua Yi Duo Duo...dUn kNw wAt thIS soNg is lAh..buT heaRd fRom The oTher fAns tHat he sAng veRy niCe...dUn kNw tRue oR nOt lAh cAuse tHey aRe hIs faNS ma..FanS sURe sAy tHEir idOl the best de..eVen thOugh He siGN untIl gLass breAk or whATeva..LOL....wHY am i sAying thiS ??? He mIne idOl Also..sO tHerEfoRe i sHall sAy sHawn siNg de Heng Hao Ting..dotx...Not mY norMal sElf toDay...

JoShua bdAe - VerY wEll YoU cAn sEe WhaT HE is dOing sO i shAll nOt sAy mOre oTheR thAn he iS cuttIng hIs caKe...

JoshUa bdAe - Josh How cUm yOu alwAys no sMile de...wEe...i LUv sHawn de spEcs....=)

wEll wEll wEll i shOuld eNd hEre le..waNNa wAtch tV..gOT nICe sHow i ThInk cAuse sIstA wAtcHing sOMe cHinEse shOw nOw..dOn't KnoW wHAt shOw bUt juSt wAnna wAtch Loh cAuse i Long TimE no wAtCh shOW liAo....haIZ...thInk i sHould NOt blOG abOut No 4 le..In cAse wEll That cOLin hElp mI gO aND puBlisEs iT...Hmm..maYbe thAts Not a Bad iDeal...wahha...bUT gUEss i shOuld reAllY stOp thIS craZe aNd juSt coNcenTratE on My stuDIes..All thIs cAn wAit uNtil afTer O levEl wHEre ThEre is PlentiFul of tIme tO let mI gO craZy...blah blah blah !!!


haIZ...siStA juSt cAme baCk fRm hEr NP caMp nOw lIKe piggIng iN hEr beD...GuEss She muSt bE reAllY tiRed tO dO sO caUSe sHE nEvEr sLeEp dUrinG afTerNoon de OnlY Mi wIll..caUSe Mi is mOre a niGht pErsOn wHo slEep in afTerNoon aNd chOng at nIte...haIZ...Mi gOttEn bE guAi toDaY aND nOt iRritAteD tAt sIS oF mIne juSt in cAse shE blaStEd aT me dUE to hEr nOt haVinG enOugH sLeeP dUrinG hEr cAmp...sWiMming lAtEr goTtEn bE lonEly aS i dOn't tHinK mY lITtlE siSta is gOing Wif Mi caUSe sHE goTtEn sLEep TiLl dInnEr tImE i guEss dEn i hAvE tO go...sHoulD i sIng tHe Akon LoneLy soNg...wahhaaa...i HAtE sWimmIng aLone...wIf No frEns caUse aLL mY frEns aLl chAnge to 6 dEn sWim lE...Mi And sISta ArE soRt oF tHe moSt seNoir TheRe lE...All DaDdy dE faUlt Dun LEt uS cHange tImiNg...i WAnna chAnge tiMing So thAT cAn be wIf freNS lEh...6 stArt swImmIng 7 fiNish noT latE laH....thE moSt i baTh faSter lOh...XD

Did sOme bO liAo personaliTy teSt aND sOme oThers teSteS caUSe i wAs liKe sUper bo liAo ma...aND foUNd oUT thAt mY jAp nAme iS Kata Kobayashi...ok whAt is thAt suPpose tO meAn i dUn kWN...bUt iF Anione kNws tEll Mi k...coS iM a gundu in Jap...aND i dID onE moRe teStes on WhaT mY bloG coLour shOuld be anD thEy sAy mY blOG coLour shOuld bE oRange...wAhhh..Are tHey teLliNg mI to cHAnge my blOG colour ??? oTher cOlour stIll oK..buT orAnge...yUckS.....Too strIkiNG le...iTs juSt nOt mY stYle...GueSs i jUSt stiCk tO thIS bloG skiN tiLL i fOund oNe tHAt is In oRanGe bUt nOT stRiKing oNe lAh...Oh WoAh wHAt aM i sAying...

HAiZ...mY angEl oNline le..but dEn mI dUnnOE wHAt to sAy to HIm...guEss iM juSt a Kuku iN tiMEs liKE tHAt.. iM juSt sO aFraID of reJectiOn...i hAte thE taSte of iT...evEn yA lAh..i reJecT pEopLE bUT i dUn liKE tO be reJectEd..irOnic ya...hAiZ...shOuld i oR shOuld i Not...cAuSe i AlSo dUn kwN wHAt tO tAlk lEh...wAnna tAlK bUT thErE is LiKE No toPic fOR mE tO tAlk abOut ..hAiZ....gUEss Mi iS juSt a SuPer tiMid gUrl aT hEarT... = (



HaIz..todAy gOttEn baCk ouR mAths reSult...iTs wAs hOrriBle teRriblE pluS a liTtlE veGetabLe...haiZ..pAss mI eMaTh..bUt dEn only paSs bY a Pathetic oNe maRk...stuPid stuPid !!! bUT ya..wAs hAppY tAt i scOre bEttEr thAn 5 fOr AmaTh..My heArt wAs lIke puMpinG sO faSt cAn wHen waItinG fOr mY tuRn thAt tiMe bUT oF couRse nOt aS fAst aS whEn i sEe hIm lAh...duH !!!! AmaTh faiLed bY 2 marKS daMn paThetiC cAn...HaiZ...kiNda sAd wiF Mi resuLt toDaY..thOugh ya DiD a liTtlE bEttEr thAn expECTEd lah..but dEn stiLL louSy ma.... * sob *

Mi de chEm teSt nO hopE le...wiLL be fAiliNg thAt stupiD tesT agAin...caUSe i dUn eVen kNOw hOw tO dO AlSo lEh..haiZ..wth..Dun CaRe lE..aT leAst i kNow thIS tiMe shOuld bE a liTtlE bEttEr thAn thAt tiME le...Hope So laH...MoN dEn wiLL bE gEttiNg baCk oUr eNg teSt..HopE i HaF nOt dOne sO baDly Loh....HopeFullY....

toDaY sHoulD bE cAnnoT sEe no 4 lE.. cauSe hE alWaYs abOut 7 plUs dEn onlInE de..i tik...dEn toDaY i cAnt 7 plUS online cauSe i gOing tO hAf Mi tuTion ma...sO haIZ...sAd....i kNow i shOuld nOt be sO craZy ovEr soMeoNe AnD sHoulD juSt conCentrAte on MY stuDieS bUT dEn juSt cAnt reAli hElp It...cAn yOu evEr meDdle wiF YouR fEeliNGs ?? DaRn oR mAybe iT iS juSt wiShfUl thInkiNg on My paRt...sTupiD ! baNg Mi oWn heAd... BuT yEssH hE iS suAi cAn...eSp wHEn hE iS plaYing bbaLL...tHE wAy hE shoOts hIS 3 poInTer cAn mAke yOu jUSt sAy tWo woRds... ' woAh ' and ' suAi ' ....LOL.. iM craZy le ... bUt dEn bEing craZy tOo haS itS adVantAgeS aS yOu wIll Not bE botHer wIf wHateVA BaD thIngs Are hAppenIng aroUnd YoU...

SomEtiMEs i reAli woNdEr iF thE peoPle aroUnd Mi aRe My tRue frIends...maYbe oN tHE surFacE yeS bUt dEeP doWn beNeaTh iS iT tHe sAme...sOmetiMEs i coUld haRdLy tEll jusT bY waTChiNg thEir acTionS triEd tO fEel wiF mY heaRt fOR tHEir loVe bUt iT sEemS liKE i cAn neVer fEel iT...iT UpseTs Mi sEeiNG hOW mi friEnds cOme aND gO aND wth iS wiTh friEndS foReveR..cAn anYthiNg eVer lAst fORevEr..sEldOm i sHouLD sAy buT yeS soMetiMEs it doEs..i sTill Luv mY pRimArY sChoOl budds loTx...StIll lUviNG thEm...guEss i CouLD juSt ratTlE wiF mI pRi sCh beStiE foR hRs wiThouT eVen fEeliNG tiRed oR agItaTed...HaIZ..buT i kNow thEre mUSt bE stIll soMe FriEndS wHo exSisT in Mi liFe noW WhO arE mY tRuE bUdd aND tHEy arE tHE oneS i sHouLd reAlly caRe abOut aND nOt thoSe stuPid hYpocrAiteS wHo triEs tO gEt adVantaGEs oUT oF Mi...oH wEll iF yOu arE oNe thAn juSt gEt tHE hell OUt oF mY baCk i sHall Not bE boTher bY yoU anD yOur stupId wAys..wEll well well...wHy aM i gEttIng So craZy laTely ??? MaYbe caUSe iM exPerienciNg tHAt nOw...GueSs i hAF bEen a hypoCraiTe tOo..tRieD tO acT noRmaL wHen dEep doWn inSide.. I cAnnot sTand tHe siGht oF YoU at aLL..HAiZ....AniwAy i Luv tO whiNe sO dUn boTher wIth thIs paRagraPh iF yOu thiNk thAt yOu aRe My trUe friEnd..AniWaY i HAvE tO thAnks WeetEng aNd sOrrY thAt yOu hAve tO heaR mi whIne aLl tHE tIme..gUEss iM juSt reAli irRitAtinG at tiMes...

sIStA whEn fOR hEr NPCC caMp toDay...Oh iM goTtEn bE aloNe ..so saD..bUT wEll At leAst i gOttEn mY beD wiF mi..wahhaa...iM evIL...bUT dEn i WiLL bE boRed tO deaTh loH..caUse tHErE wIll bE No oNe to fiGht wiF mI le...LOL...TmR wAke Up tHAt tiME i will Be liKe aLL aloNE nO onE tO diStuRb Mi etc...wEll iM feEling it nOw lIao..gotTen diE of boreRom SooN..So i GotTen roT iN fRont oF mY cOm...i miSs mY gAn mEi hOpe sHe onlIne sOon sO thAt i cAn rOT wiF hEr...iM suPer boRed nOw wiF nO oNE TalKing To mI..i cAn juSt dIe lEh...i lUv tAlKing bUt i cAn tOo bE quiTe at tiMes...i LuV mY sisTa....We raWkx !!! XD

AniwAy i luV AlaNis MoriSsette sonGs..tHey arE O so meaNingfUl...faMilar nAme ba...thIs is thE singEr of tHE soNg IroniC whiCh mIss tAng toLd Us abOtu toDaY de Loh...bUT dEn i haVe a sOng hEre cAlled FatE stAy wiTh mE whiCh i thInk iS mOre meaNinGfUl For mE...

[ Chorus ]
Oh, please
Fate stay with me, and guide me alone my way
There has been so many problems
So please stay, please, stay
Fate stay with me, will you help me on my way
Will you end my troubles
Will you please stay, please.....

I wanted money and hope and
A dream to carry me forever
This is all the hope i got left
Help me to get it together, now
I can sing or act or dance but i still won't get far
Unless you help me please to be a big star

[ chorus ]

i don't want to be a queen, no
Or a princess with all my jewels, oh
If you could guide me
And you could just help me
but don't go too far, i just want to be a star

[ chorus ]

Yes guide me
Forever guide me
Will you stay with me and guide me along the way
If i succeed because of you, fate my friend
I'll be so happy

[ chorus ]

meaningful song right...haiZ...k lah gotten go liao...mi super tired...gan mei still haf nt cum online yet..cant waiT le..fEel liKE sleepinG now..so kudos...



WhEn sEe shAwn toDay..umm..Not exActlY SeE Him LaH..But TO sEE AnoThEr SomeOne..oH iM goNna bE a gOnEr sOOn...hAiZ..iM liKE noW sO freAkinG crAZy abOut thAT soMeoNE noW...hAiZ...dUn kNoW whY lEh...cAuSe whEnEvA i sEe hIm onLi i Will Be liKE suPEr hAppY noW...hAiZ...evEryOne ArouND mI arE liKE DoiNg sO WeLL iN thEir teSt bUt Mi wEll..iM liKE laggIng beHind liKE a pOor toRtiSe whO wiSheS To Go wiF aLL tHE rAbbIts...HaIZ..sTupiD Mi !!! oH wEll..Him...IM suPEr crAZy now..hE onliNe lE...wAnnA tAlk tO hiM..bUt AlSo sCarE at tHE sAme noW...oH wEll..stupiD mI...ShouLD i oR sHouLD i nOt ? HAiZ...FoR gOodnEss sAke iM juSt a liTtle gurL whO barEly reacH hiS shoulDer..wiF a hEart sO timId liKe herS shoUld sHE taKe tHE riSk ???

AniWAy wAs a LittLe hAppY toDaY cAuse umm wEll Mi chEm teSt dId bEttEr thAt whAt i exPectEd le...Umm thoUgh Umm..itS 1 / 25... buT hEy at leAst i nEvEr gET fat ZerO k..SaYing good bYe to MI fAt zeRo mi goTteN stuDy foR Mi chEm reTeSt goTtEn dO muCh muCh betteR thAn juSt a pathEtiC 1 marK...AnD oH..Mi gEo teSt surPrisiNGlY goTtEn a 11 / 15 ...oH anD somEMore i nEvEr gO stuDy dE loH..sO guEss i muSt bE ki sIao oN thAt dAy bA...HopE I cAN ALWays ki siAO So THAt I CaN ALwaYS GeT SUcH GoOd MArks loh...iTs bEen sO rAre siNCe thE stArtiNG of thE yeAr thAt i gOttEn a marK so cloSe tO fUll marK...yess evEn thouGh iTs 4 marKS awAy bUt dEn vErY cloSe tO mi liAo leh...HAIZ....tMR gEttiNg ouR maTh CA paPer bAck...aNd iM juSt liKE Umm...sURe diE de...A mAth goNE CaSe sO noW i juSt prAy that mI E mAth wIll pAss lOh..bUt i juSt haF thIS stupiD fEelinG thAt i hAf fAileD leh...hAiZ..hoPe iTs juSt onlI fEeliNg And nOt tRue aT all...

DanCe EnSembLE is gOttEn bE oN mediAcorP tV agAin..foR dUn knW whAt chariTy shOw thiNgy...bUt dEn ahh...i Dun kNW whethEr shOuld i gO oR nOt loH...reAson bEing thAt moSt oF ouR prAtiCes aRe aT nigHt aND thAt thEy usuAlly strEtCh until 9 plUS de...sO iM lIke in a dilEama nOw...i ReAli wAnna gO aS iTs a Fun exPEriEnce tO bE abLe tO perFoRm on Live...yA eVen thouGh i Did lAst yeAr lE...fOR NKF lah..duh !!! but eVeryTime itS a nEw exPErieNCe aND it cAn bE so stRessfUl tOO aS yOu wIll tEnd tO puSh uRseLF hardEr thAn uSuAl AS YoU DuN WaNNa LOsE FAcE MA...But dEn ah..iF i Go i Will Not haF tiMe fOR mI homEwoRk le leh..caUSe wE onLy untIl 9 plUS oR 10 dEn reAch hoMe aND whEn nearEr tO perFormanCe dAy wE wIll haF tO gO doWn to MEdiAcorP tO praCticE aND onLy afTer 12 plUS deN cAn gO hoMe de..sO hOW tO dO mi HomeWork leh ??? HAiZ..bUt it couLd well bE mY lAsT grAnd perFormAnce fOR taNglin lEh...HAiZ..sO shOuld i gO...i dUn kNw...

aND umm yEs Mi gOttEn shAwn signaTure le..Not thAt i Go aSk fRom Him lAh..bUT dEn is FiQa giMme de..aWw.. i luV hEr...thAnkieS....tHAt signatuRe acTuali iS Jia Qi giF FiQa oNE..bUt She suPer nICe leh..giF iT tO mI..aWw...iM hAppY...Luv Ya...

tAlk TO hIm jUSt nOw...tAlkIng wIf hIm caN juSt mAke mI dAy But cAn AlSo maKE mI sad de...hAiZ..thEy loSt tO RivEr VaLLey...wth....WonDer hOW muCh thEy loSt tO thEm lEh...Dun DaRe Ask CauSe hE liKE bAd mooD lEh...CauSe thEy loSe mA...thAn hE sAy thAt thEy havIng maTCh dUn kNW whAt......opPs..nOt gOinG tO sAy hEre....i RememBer My woRdS dE k..LOL evEn thoUgh i hAf sUper pOor meMorY..iM tRyinG hArd Now tO bE nOt sO soFt heArteD...blAh blAh blAh !!! dEn hE sAy nOt confRim yEt loH..dEn i sUper sAd nOw caUse hE saD...hAiZ..UrrGh !!! hE couLD juSt aFFecT tHAt sTupID mooD oF miNe...wEll Well wEll....HopE thAt i cAn gO sEe thEir maTChes lOh..hAiZ..pleAse nOt on Thur aGain....Or elSe i will 瞿%&!瞿*&@ le...



haIz..liFe haS noT bEen saiLinG so sMoothLy thiS dAy...All We hAve thIS dAys are tEst teSt aND more TeSt..haIz...wHen wIll thIS viCiouS cYclE evEr stOp...guEss moSt proBarLy wIll bE afTer oUr O leVel bA..hAiZ..StiLL so loNg..TmR gEttIng baCk afTer chEm TeSt le..aND Im juS nOt loOkinG fORwarD tO it..iF i cAn gEt 1 mArK i CaN lAugh MI fEeT oFF le..CAuSe moSt probArbLy 99 % i thiNk i sUre gEt Fat ZerO de...haIz...pRayeD haRd tHAt it dOEs noT requirEd Parents sigNatuRe..oF elSe i sUre dieDeD liKE hEll dE...WiLL suReLy gEt gRounDed de..dEn i Will NoT bE abLe tO bloG lE...aND urrGh !! eVen wORse i cAnt sEE shAwn aNd nO 4 lE...omg i WilL bE liKE suPEr DePreSs afTer tHAt ....HAiZ...PleAse pLEase plEaSe..DuNiD paReNt siGnatURe laH...

EnglISh CA paPer toDay..dO beFore Le..bUT aLl foRgoT le loH...hAiZ..i StupID lAh tiKam AlSo tikAm wroNgly...i Do unTil i wAnna sLeep sUper tiRed toDay cAn..oK i bRokE mI prEvioUS recoRd of sLeepig at 3 Le...yeSterDay slEpt aT 3.45 cAn dIe aH...i Do tHE liT unTil Mi eyEs cAn juSt shut bY itSelf...neArlY cAnt wAke Up toDaY lOh...hAiZ...Mi wAnna sleEp earLy toDay lEh..hoPE i Can...hopE...caUse stIll niD tO do mI liT mA...hAiZ...OH ya...pHySicS paPEr miGht juSt bE diEded agAin le..bUt Will Of coURse scOre higHer thAn thAt timE lAh..bUT it Wont bE oF muCh diFferEncE coUrSe thInk wILL AlSo bE fAil dE...hAiZ...bUT i reAli hoPe tHAt a mirAcle miGht juSt beFaLL onto mE lAh...HAiZ..

Ok Mi liKE sO haPPY noW..tAlkiNg tO thE no 4 noW...i Ki siAo..goTtEn hoLD oF hiS MSn aND omG im hAppY anD sAd aT tHE sAme tiME cAn...hAppY cAuse tAlkiNg tO hiM ma..he suPEr fuNNy loH..ok Mi nOt fliRtIng wiF hiM laH..i guAi oNe cAn..juSt aSk hIm wHEn iS theIr neXt matCh anD aBout ShaWn etC Loh...dEn hE sAy thEy haVing mAtch tmR..aND i WAs liKe OMG...i wAnna gO bUt i gOT DANCE lEh...UrrgH !!!!!! suPer sAd...* sob * fEeL likE banGinG mI heAd agAinsT the wAll lE.... OUCH !!! PAIN ...

GoTtEn woRk haRder fOR mI 2.4 le...RunnIng On tUe agAin..iF Mi leG NoT paIn lAh...cAusE i wAnna gEt Mi tImiNg tO bE undEr 15 mINs...Loh....haiZ..goTtEN tRy harDer so aS tO bE bEttEr..thIS yeaR NAFA Mi wAnnA gEt GoLd ...nothiNG leSser thAN thAt sO i muSt woRk haRd le... * StaRt tO DAy drEaM Le *

AnD plEasE dUn aSk fRom Mi whAt is No 4 dE mSN k...cAuSe i wOnt giF dE...cAuSe iM a eAsilY jealoUs guRl...sCare latEr yOu taLk tO hiM more thAn i tAlk To hIm ma....DEn yOu wIll sEe me faCe reD Liao...wahhhaaa...


La Femme

& she rattle about her life

HELLO. I am JIAMIN. The girl whom you saw peeping at you from next door. She is a Cam-whorer, Compulsive shopper and an Avid blogger. DANCE is her PASSION and her FIRST LOVE. So why wait? Groove to the music already baby!


The People.

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