The Hidden Girl
Across the room they seem to see
A smiling girl who looks like me.
With two huge dimples on each cheek
She laughs and talks, and always speaks.
She's the girl they think would have it all.
But inside her is where tears fall.
Inside her mask is where I dwell
This broken girl she hides so well.
I try to wipe her tears away
But they fall more each coming day
She tries to laugh when her heart breaks
But hurts with every smile she fakes.
And inside her is where I dwell
The hidden girl she hides so well.
The girl that no one ever sees,
Behind a mask that looks like me.
GoTten this frM a weBsitE anD foUnd it ReallY is like talkiNg abOut hw usUallY we HIde oUr truE selF behInd aNd awaY frM eveRyoNe elSe..oR maYb mi ba..i DuNoe ..
2dAy wEnt bowliNg wiF my FamilY to BoWl at RafflEs MarinA cOunTry clUb uSuaL saY gO thEre boWling in tHe enD i gO thErE arcaDe coS boWl tOo boReD foR mi LiaO my baLL i meAn e bowLinG bowL wiLl KiP on gO 2 e DrAiN oNe sO iTs nOt fUn aT alL 2 KiP on LosIng..AniWay arcadE spEnd aBt onlI 20 pluS dollArS or lEsS coS muMmY do nOt wAnnA giF mi MorE dEn i oSo doNt waNna uSe mY moNeY coS my MonEy preCioUs lEh..uSe fOr shoppInG onLi nthInG elSe..*blah* waNna buY moRe cloThes..WiF MicKeY faCe of couRse duh ! waT do YoU expEcT..aFtEr taT wEnt to OmnI theatrE thEre 2 eaT..SukuRa if im nT wrOng..Ok wE toOk uP 2 loNg taBle cOs thErE was LikE so ManY of Us..aBouT 28 CoS soMe wEn hM le..* saD* The FooD ok lAh quiTe niCe..BuFfET Style..maYB excEpT foR tAt shArK fiN whiCh wAs moRe liKe a muShrOom souP cOs thEre wErE liKe so ManY muShrOom in It..aNd iT wAs liKe suPer gluey..simPly diSguiStiNg..AtE loTx oF caKes theRe too anD i juS luV their cAkeS..iT waS so niceY caN ...waNna sHoP shOp someMore..i miSs shOppiNg..ShoPpiNg juS maKe mY daY can..Haiz..BuT dEn i DuN tiK thErE wouLd b muCh chAncE FoR mi 2 ShoP le..So SaD...withOut ShoPpinG i feEl so loSt caN...AniWaY thEre isn'T muCh diffeReNt nw sinCe i alreAdy feeL so LosT witHoUt yOu...aniWaY i Haf trIed my BeSt le..aNd i caNt b bothEr if YoU dUn carE..doNe wiF blabbeRinG le...
Haiz..At laSt gt tiMe to bloG liaO..thiS feW buSy collEctinG anG pao tatS y nO timE bloG supEr tiRed noW eyEs so paIn cOs nOw enuF slEep ma * blah * ... tmR gottEn gO bowlinG wiF mi FamilY anD couSin *haPpY hAppY* aFteR taT cum hm muSt choinG hk SaD waT a WaY 2 sPoiL mY neW yeaR..HaiZ..Ciao 4 nw..bloG tmR if im frEe abt whateveR i Haf seEn or doNe e NeW yeaR..
[[ Opps GettinG fAttEr le..tIk i hAf aTe too muCh bak Gua le..iS iT e corrEct spEllinG..whatever..Who CaReS... ]]
FouNd thiS in mY inBox and FinD it quitE DeciDeD 2 paSte iT hErE loh.. AniwAy itS New Year eVe le..So FaSt..afTer e NeW yEar thEre woNt b muCh hoLidaYs 4 us Le..CoS hAf 2 conCenTrAte on StuDy le..Wahh..wth..y am i tikInG abT all thIs wEn i sHld b HappY.. oR maYb thEre juS isn'T an reAsoN thAt i couLd b HappY abt..anyWaY i flunk mY F&N teSt quiTe badLy..i tIk bY aT leAsT 5 maRks ba.. HaiZ ..dUn knW waTs haS bcuM of Mi le...i dunnoe..hAf beeN reAli slackiNg tiS moNth...i muSt buCk up tAts wAt i hAf beEn tryIng to TelL mYseLf oVeR thIs few monThs le buT deN it diDn't stiLl SlaCkinG trieD 2 conCenTrate aNd stuDy bUt in No TimE i wouLD geT disTraCteD..IS it e DeViL woRkinG ? TryIng tO nOt leT mi Haf gd reSult ? Or is It simPlY mi mySelF beIng LazY anD noT tryIng enoUgh ? i dunnoE ..buT whAteVer it Is ..mAyb i shld tRy StudyIng morE n tRy nOT 2 stAy uP too lAtE coS tAts wat i HAf bEen doIng ThIs moNth almoSt eveRy niTe, i wouLd onlY gEt to SleeP aFter 2 plus CoS thErE is JuSt so mAnY worK to do..FoR eXaMplE LITERITURE...iTs reAllY drivinG mi NUTS...Her PMSing is reAli drivinG us CrazY...buT deN i CanT giF uP coS liT waS onCe or mAyb still Is onE of My stRongeSt subJect..otheR subjEct all CMI liaO..HAiZ...
ThiS feW daYS wonT hAf tiMe to BloG le..cos goTTen b reAli busY collecTinG Ang Pao..* blah * GottEn seE loTs oF my LOnG tiME no SeE cousiN..Hmm..bUt duN tiK i wiLl b toKing muCh wiF thEm coS noT reAli vErY closE witH theM mA..HaiZ..i MisSh e DaYS in SeC onE WeN we didN't hAf muCh hk 2 do..everY nitE 12 plUs cAN sleeP liAo..WeekEnds NoT so MuCh of WorK wAitinG foR us 2 complEte..cAn jus eNJoY mi Life buT noW it so DifferEnt le..AlmoSt eveRydaY will Haf worK tats waITinG fOR mi 2 comPletE...dEn so i hAf 2 slEep laTe resultinG mi 2 hAf nOt enougH slEep anD caNT paY muCh attEntIon in ClaSs..AnD thEre is aLso seeMs 2 b endLEss of actiViteS thAt reSult mi 2 stAy in Sch or Go ouT almOSt eveRyday..
JuS looK aT mY nExT weEk SchEdule :
MonDaY - ChinEsE nEw yeAr..noT at Hm of CoursE..
TueSdAy - GoiNg foR bowlinG wiF relatiVes..
WEdnesdaY - Nid 2 staY baCk in ScH 4 inveStiturE pRa..
ThUrsDay - DanCe PRa..nvMiNd im MoSt willinG 2 sTay bacK..
FRidaY - GoInG 2 NgeE aNn poLy
SatuRday - GoiNg Ms Ji houSe 2 bai NiAn
SunDaY - ChuRch..plUs somE hOusE viSitinG i tiK..
* SeE wiF suCh BuSy schelduE i whErE goT timE 2 Do mY thiNGs..plUS i stIll waNna waTch geiSha leh..HaIz..plS giF mi MOrE timE..iF onlY wE CoulD extEnd e nuMbEr of hrS in a DaY, i woUld maKe onE daY wiF mayB 36 hrs..Of couRse e NumBer of hrS 4 sCh dayS will nOT niD 2 b extended lah..7.20 - 2.25 is aBle to kiLL mi le..exteNd somemoRe n i will dIe le.. HAiz..liFe is SupEr sucKy thIs daYS..i niD moRe timE 2 do My WorK...AHH !!
[[ I'm wondering why thinking of those happy times with you brings me tears.And I'm wondering why thinking of those times we argued brings me laughters. ]]
YeaH yeaH tMr is nEw YeaR evE le...Soo FaSt come liao..n tat oSo meaNs oUr coMmoN teSt comiNg reaLi soOn le.* sian * 2daY gotteN CNY peRfoRmanCe..tik We diD ok lAh excePt maYb fOr a feW misTake ba..bUt stiLl oK lAh...
AfTer e pErforMancE, wEn BuGis wif JeR, ColiN aNd MarK ..cAugHt e i Nt stuPid moviE 2 is LiKe suppOseD 2 waTch e HeirlooM de..but too baD thEre dUn haF le..* sad * ..deN wE weRe liKe jokiNg taT maYb afteR waTchiNg e shOw i nt StuPid 2 we WoulD geT taT shOw wAs reAlly toUchinG lah..wEi i diD nT cRy laH jUs tAt teArS staRt fOrminG in My eYe but diD nt CrY out cos tHey kiP on aSk m i crYiNg or nt So in e EnD cannT loSe faCe in FroNt of ThEm so Did nT crY out le..* blah * BuT reAli taT shOw reAli nicE maYb 2 mi bA..cos e ReSt all liKe siAn siAn de...hmmm..I JuS luV sHaWn n JOshuA thEy supEr cuTe can...e WaY thEy acT caN reaLi moVe yOu loh...* blah *
AfTeR e ShoW it wAs six plUs le..dEn cOliN haF 2 gO 4 hiS ah-ma reUnioN dinNer So hE leFt dEn MaRk saY tAt he hAf 2 go 2 mEet hiS frEns so hE leFt e eNd It wAs mi n Jer sHe accOmpAnY mi 2 BuY my MiCkEy...yeAh bought 2 mickey ShirTs 2day..duN haF e puRplE one wiF sleevE so i bougHt e one witHouT sleevE but iT iS stiLl niCe laH..feEl sO sAtisfy aFteR shOppiNg...MiCkeY rocKs !! XD
[[ i tiK i shLd juS mOve On n stOp thinKing Of yOu le ]]
YeaH YeaH !! New Year cuming le...* counting down * tmr haf performance hope it will work all rite...AniwaY DanCe was waS quite FuN 2day...tiMe really pAsseS verY fasT during dance [[ i just simply luv Dance ]]..Haiz..e SeC 1 must really buck uP le..dun so umm hw 2 say leh..nuay nuay can..U dont haF 2 be so afrAid tat we will laUgh at u or waT lah coS we oSo do e saMe thinGs tat wE asK u 2 do oSo ma.. issh jus so nt perfect...wanna go BugiS again..wanna shop 4 my MickeY shiRt...AniwaY mEeting for priNcipAl thinGy 2daY wAs canCelled...cos She waNna meeT all e Exco..anYwaY if its on THUR..i woNt go le..cos i tiK im moRe comMittEd 2 DaNce EnsEmblE..blah blah blah..We Rawkx .. XD LoOking foRward 2 saT...2daY dUn wanNa do Lit CoS wanNa resT...but deN it onLy meAnS tAt i hAf 2 ChiOnG tMr le...blaH blaH !!
[[ i dUn kNw whY bUt i tiK im staRting 2 miSshh tokiNg to yOu le ]]
What has HappeN ? WhaT haS e World becomE ? What had it TurN to becOme So ugly nw.. as Days Go by..People cHanGe..Things ChangE..ThinGs happEn without us knoWinG...HoW comE thinGs musT enD this waY in suCh a sAd tone...whY cant wE juSt haF a HappY enDinG to it..wHy musT it alwaYs be So dramAtiC ??? whY ...Is it becAusE i did nt dO my JOB well tO maiNtaiN e uniTy in uS ? Is thAt it ? i reaLi dunnoe...maYbe i shoulD tRy to be StriCter le...bUt weN i stRict ppl saY i fierce LeH..WaHH...dunnoe waT shld i dO mattEr wat..i will trY de..i wont leT it toppLe so easiLy..we muSt alwaYs hAf e NeVer sAy die attitUde...
stupid Me...i forGotteN that 2day is 25 leh...* Stupid * i thought tat 2day is e 24 leh..SorRy Claudia..HAPPY BDAE !!! XD
I cant stand it le...i reali reali dread tis ppl as days go by...i really wonder hw i survive last year...* wonders * Wahhh sian Thur haf 2 c tat principal whY of all Days THUR...whY must it b THUR...i really verY StresS liao loh n THUR i gt DANCE we nid 2 pra 4 e NEW whY must it b THUR...mayb i wanna pon e Principal thingy...i dun care le...At first saY 2day e end leh change 2 THUR...cant stand it le...bcos of her i miss my bus...late 4 tution...den tcher went hm so in e end no Tution le..Sian lucky tcher nv scold or else i die le... hope she will change e day again i dun wanna it b THUR...
[[ i wanna go 4 dance ]]
Super Stress ! i dun feel like being an Exco le...i dun tik i haf e ability loh...i dunnoe...i reali dun...Given an assigment 2day...Haf 2 do a some sort of invitation card for our investiture..Ok someone volunteer 2 help mi but i guess in e end mayb tat someone will do it le...i dunnoe i jus haf tis feelings...but wat e hark...who cares...aiwaY sch is driving mi crazY..i hate sch tis days...Everything is Changing n im nt veri sure abt who r e ones who are really my true Frens...i dunnoe...sometimes i feel reali sick being wif a bunch of frens who r so.....Haiz..i dunnoe...Im nt reali quiet but ppl jus haf e image tat im mayb its bcos i hang out wif those guai guai ppl tats y....i dunnoe i jus wanna gt OUT of tis life...Dance is giving mi e Stress too..i confess i did nt reali did a gd job in leading...guess im jus too relax tat some ppl sometimes take advantage of mi...Dun wanna talk anymore le..Ciao 4 nw..
[[ Pls Gif mi a Better Life next time ]]
HappY ! Gotten all my new year shopping done le...As usual wen shopping again..yeS agaiN...wen wif Jer...wen bugis 2 shop shop...saw him was like so Coincidental lah....saw him 3 times at 3 different places all within a 4 hrs frame...but who cares abt him le....wen Bugis Village there 2 shop...* woots * I jus Luv their Mickey clothes there all so NICE...ahhh too bad...short of cash cos b4 tat bought quite a few things le...* sob * Gotten go back some day to buy those clothes...aniway let mi c wat i bought 2day: A Mickey Bag, A shirt, A water bottle cos my old one haf lotx of dents liao..2 earrings....all within 2 hrs...Anway tats wat u get wen u add Jiamin + $$$ money + Time * tik tik * = More Plastic Bags use to contain my shopping items...XD
[[ The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes along their way. ]]
- Friday 20 Jan -
Went to SingaPore Poly was like so Fun laH...was like abit blur at first wen we first went in e sch it was lik there was so many ppl there n we did nt knw where 2 start first....Ohh ya 4gt 2 say who i went wif...went wif Jer n Weeteng ......was like first wanted 2 go eat first den go SP but wen reach Dover..decided 2 go c SP first den go eat...Only lets continued wif where i stop jus nw...went aroung looking at their booths...Really in luv wif their sci courses in e beginning..but too bad i no bio...* sob * Was brought around their sch of business...n there was tis few guys who brought us around they crap lah...kip on say Hi u frm Tanglin ah...i oso frm Tanglin leh..u remb who who who...crap...they was like toking 2 us all e way loh..took a test there abt our personiality or sumthing n guess wat the thing wrote :
According to Chinese folktale, people who are born under the chinese sign are charming, funny and sharp, making it an appealing friend for almost anyone. The Rat likes to know who is on its side and will trest its most loyal friends with an extra measure of protection and generosity. They are also in touch with their feelings in which they have no difficulty expressing.
Your emotional literacy is very good. You are not only aware and understand your own emotional state, you are willing to express yourself in front of others. Besides, your social skills allow you to understand others and are able to control your impulses when relating to others.
Occasionally, you let your emotions show even when they are negative. when dealing with others, you would normally let others know when they are doing a good job. You are good at sensing how one feels and can easily recognise the eomtions of others by merely watching their body language. You would rarely tell someone off even if you disagree what they say or do. ( i super agree with this part can )
You are likely to be a good counsellor and social worker.
Tats all abt the test result i gotten...Hmm...abit untrue leh..Haiz..i dun knw lah...Aniway was brought round e sch...entertain by those crapping guys...Ate e yoghurt nice 2 eat k...The Shops there really can make ur eyes SparklE.....* tik tik * regreted nv buy tat shirt loh..WaHHHH !! all e clothes there they sell cheap but too bad i wasn't loaded at tat time or else i might jus buy lotx n lotx n lotx of things..gotten our free ice-cream after tat..ok im getting fatter so many fatening food..went town after tat...again..i saw Chanel...Hw cum always seem 2 c her one..i wan 2 c Jun Yang leh...ate at Pepper Rice...we were like so full tat we 3 person share one plate...wen shop at Far East...Ok im SoSo in luv wif the clothes there so nice....First time i shop so fast no fun leh...cos weeteng have to go hm so we go hm with her loh..aniway our pockets no money no point staying..aniway Daddy bringing mi on Sunday so nvmind...didn't take neo cos no time....XD
- Saturday and tats 2day loh-
Went for SC meeting some games b4 really started e meeting..discuss wats does SC mean to u..guess 2 mi it means tat i get 2 meet lots more VIP ba..even though ushering its lik a shitty job..but jus tik on e brighter side do u think everyone gets 2 usher meh ? do u tik everyone gets 2 meet VIP which we can cos we usher them ? SC is not tat bad after all tats wat i conclude after e meeting...Anyway was lik abit touch by Wei Xiang speech makes mi reflect on how we shld look at SC ba...Haiz...Aiway for our Exco post..there was like a big re-shuffle..umm...Congrats Anthony ! our new President..Teck Hwa and Shuqing our vice-president...n many others...Congrats Congrats !!!
Went to eat at Tiong Baru after e meeting...went eating with Jer, Colin, Lyna, Sin Lee n Aloy.....thought was like eating somewhere near but end up.....wahhh..go so far...but nvmind lah...ate at Long Johm was so full after tat..went shop shop yes shop shop again..bought a mickey pouch for my so Obsess with Mickey...XD....went back early cos haf Swimming but in e end saw tey oso go hm so went hm wif them..Daddy brought mi 2 Far East after tat....bought my purple pump heels le..Super Nice !!! bought one new clothes...didn't buy animore cos Daddy wa like so irritated wif those crowd there so end up gg hm le...* sob * i wanna Shop some more...Wahhh !!! ( T_T )
Gee..i addicted to shopping le....XD
* Laughing * So happY gotten so many Sec 1 and 2 joining us this year...YeaH !!! Dance Ensemble just rocks....Luv Sista 2 bits... She joining Npcc so i jus Haf 2 wish her all e best Jie Jie to help you le...aiya i dun think she needed me also lah..cos she is so independent...
Oh gosh !!! someOne plsss help mi LeH !!!!im like Super Dead nw. *Piss* Ms Solastri nw wans mi 2 go find e notes on Limits Of Trooghaft le...Im dead this time le...Stupid me order 2 add words for tat Stupid Essay guess wat i just wrote there"...e story is nt complex as i can always find notes from the internet....." Stupid me...Hw i wish i could just redo all over again...StupiD !!!! its like so impossible 2 find notes on the Limits of Trooghaft...if anyone who can or able 2 help mi pls help...ur help will surely be appreciated...
AnywaY i was more super Piss after tat..really gg 2 cant stand some ppl le..One day Yes One day i might just blast straight into ur trying to control nw k but i dun knw wen i might just suddenly erupted...
Anyway i dun knw watever is happening to me nwdays lah...i get more Irritated easily and really started to slack really badly in my studies...think i am gonna be a gona soon..Slacking and Slacking like nobody business lah..ok i must buck up more Slacking 4 mi le after this...
[[ Knowing you are God's beloved gives you dominion in life...]]
Hillsong United ��� Deeply in love
In my life You`ve heard me say
I love You
How do I show You it`s true
I`ve fallen deeply in love with You..
You have stolen my heart
I`m captivated by You
Never will you and I part
I`ve fallen deeply in love with You
You and I, together forever
Nothing can, stand in the way
My love for You, grows stronger
each new day.
I`ve fallen deeply in love with You
You have stolen my heart
I`m captivated by You
Never will you and I part
I`ve fallen deeply in love with You
Jesus, you've stolen my heart
I`m captivated by You
Never will you and I part
I`ve fallen deeply in love with You
Super luv tis song can...Haiz...reali isn't in my best of mood 2day... super Fustrated...I reali hated e ideal of being in e same group as ur best Budd can...Irritating... It reali spoilts ur relationship wif tat person.... Sometimes i jus feel so fustrated....i knw lah i nt so pro like u loh but pls lah.....we tried our best liao le....Haiz...[[ Stay back to do Lit 2day ]]..* happY happY * at last there is one day i can sleep early le..even though ya its 12 plus nw but is early le hoh compare 2 nw i always sleep at 2 or 3 oclock its early le...cos no Lit hk ...wakaaa...
And ppl do i look lik a printing machine 2 u ????? do i ?? pls tell mi if i do...thx u...cos sometimes its jus so fustrating lah..i feel i like haf been taken advantage by lotx of dun print money in case u dun knw..always ask mi help u all print tis print tat..waste my ink n paper onli...its nt tat i nv help u all print lah but den pls can u jus dun do it so often once in a while is ok wif mi but if too often..Urrgh !! please dun take my kindness 4 granted can..i haf limits wan ok...n pls knw urs too...Super PISSED !!!
[[ Dear Lord, please gif mi e power 2 luv those irrtating people around mi n Lord never ever Lord never ever present mi wif strength in case one day without my knowing i might just punch them straight in their face ]]
[[ Love your enemies. It really pisses them off! --Unknown ]]
Super sad 2day can..jus found out frm my budd abt sumthing....wahhh u all gd lah..knw it long time ago le oso nv tell mi...U all gd lah..i feel so cheated lah...anywaY y shld i giF a damn thought abt thiS..itS nt my proB..but plS lah..if u all knw anwthinG tat u all dun wan mi 2 knw DuN say in front of mi laH cos mayb i knW liao le who knwS..u all Bad lah...Urrgh...ShuQing u oso cheat my feelings lah...Wahhh so sad * sob* u knW long b4 i do le u still ask mi abt tat thinG 4 wat ? wahh u...Urrgh !!! Irritating.....super Piss CaN !!!ok..i must learn 2 luv them...
2day they do e thai presentation thingy..ok lah..nt tat bad...Well Done JiaQi ok lah u haF presented quite well...but i hate e piCs leh..e animals face there..i jealous sia ...Urrgh !!lol...shld haF put our grp pics there too tik it would look so much niCer loh...Group 2 rawkx.....
i afraid hiStorY is repeating itself again...sCaRe leh..i do not wan 2 gt hurt i reali dun wan...i dun confused...i do not knw iF i can truSt u or nt afrAid cos i tell u manY times afrAid..i dun reaLi knw u neither do u reaLi knw mi..Wahh..hw cum its liKe e samE like LasT time LoH...Hw cum...seems like onli through mSn...ppl will den wan 2...... ..nt tat i duN wan 2 gif u chance lah but den its like so mission impossible lah...u in East i in West..hw ??? So far lah..Haiz..i dun knw...i too is confused lah...WAHH !!! I do nt wan 2 upseT u lah but den urrgh !!! i dun knw...i reallY dun knw... * Screaming out loud... *
i dun kwn i feel tat ya is fate tat we met but we can nv reali gt 2 knw each other or tok 2 each other..other den msn...cos i afraiD 2 gt hurt...i may look stronG but im weak k....cos ur tricK someone use b4 le loH so i knw no usE trYing on mi Le...anyway jiaYou lah..dun gt discourage u will surely find ur FisH someday de...dun sad k...shlD i giF u a chanCe ??? i reali dUn knW.......cos i gt no TIME to think abt all this nw...cos im Chionging lit nw... last can online le...StupiD broadband..kiP giving mi problems...its 1 plus freaking tired..still doing lit...* Sian *.. seems like nwdays i can nv get 2 sleep early le...
Aniway 2day wen gg hm there was this freaking incident...there was tis crazy plus pervert man old man who kips looking at mi , xueli n huihui it was like so freaking lah...he was like kip on aiming at mi..n i was like kip walking round e bustop..aniway it was scary can liao..den tat crazy man say " Tanglin Stupid Lah...Tanglin people can nv be clever..cause all the construction so noisy make us cant study make us Stupid...blah blah blah...he was like keep on blah blah blah den we were like kip on running away frm him den he kip on follow..Stupid !! anyway was glad he left us..we were like praying for e bus 2 quickly was hilarious...anyway tat StupiD bus came after abt 15 mins wait...tat Crazy Old man took e same bus as us..hw Suay can we be loh...Fortunately nthing happen after tat..
I luv emath Probabilities...mayb e reason i like is perhaps tats e onli chpt i understand n can sleeping soon..
Aniway think that my speech was super terrible lah..dunno why also i feel so nervous lah..den my stomach was like keep on aching..* feel terrible ..OucH ! *even though i say pledge so long in front of the crowd so many time but than...Haiz..still nervous...but luckily i think i did not say very fast ba..even though umm...maybe still got a little i nervous ma..when nervous i will talk very fast...keep on look at the principal..she like no expression one and that make me like ....AHHHH !!! why am i doing this...the Dance i think we did pretty well...did not make much mistake even though ya..i did forget a few ba..esp the last part..stupid me...i forget to put up my hand embarrasing....Love our Dance Ensemble brochure. it look super cute lah..
After the CCA open house when to eat at MaC wif Jer...for once i can say i eat fast le..HaHa...i eat faster than Jer...YeaH at last...haha...i was like so super hungry keep on eat and eat..but than ok the end we both also never eat finish..cause full le ma..even though i never eat finish i still eat faster STOP saying i eat slow
And oh ya Gotten a new com le..Daddy bought a flat screen com 4 us..hehe..Gotten our broadband 2day le..but still cannt use Mummy let us use her laptop tats y i can finally has been toturous nt 2 b able 2 online...really looking forward to next month so that i can get our new laptop....YeaH YeaH !!!
Sian..tmr cant use e com le...cos my com will be away frm me 4 two days..WAhh sian...cause my CPU my uncle taking away 2 put dun knw wat memory card or wat lah..dun knw...* happY * cos my dad subscribing broadband le..YeaH ! n daddy is buying a laptop 4 mi n sista...* HappY * so tat we each haf one com 2 use...Yeah yeaH...
Tmr haf CCA open house so called rehersal tat means haf 2 go hm late late le..Haiz..somemore tmr gt so many maths hoilday assigment test..F&N test..chi spelling..etc.....wahh..dying le...
i find tat im slowly starting 2 lik my new skin mayb wont b changing after all...Women..they are the fickle minded creatures..haha
Photo taken during Gong Gong bdae..
i am super tired today can..ok i am brain - shrunk .. Lit was super horrible today..time pass real super slow..and was like keep on being scolded brain shrunk from the starting to the ending of the lesson..STRESS !
Haiz..seen your message le..i promised myself to close this chapter liao..but you see lah..who ask u to message me lah now i have to Reply..STOP ! messaging me le ok..See that you haVe Gotten yourself a Really Great Gal..makE sure yoU treasure her haVe all my well wishes..
Change my skin today..think it looks cute but than..AHHH!! cant seem to change the thingy cause i hated my entries to be underline but i cant cancel it AAHHHH!!..Its so damn irritating...Thinking of changing the skin again..cause now no time le..its 12 plus le..and i stil haVe not completed my literiture HomeworK yeT..WAHH !! Sometimes i just cant stand some people...But yeS i haVe learn to grow and treasure people who i think is worth it..
Thanks for being there when i needed you most..Thank You ! Trying to write in long form liao..cause i need to practice my English..i scare that if i write short form too often i will forget how to spell now practicing..wakkaa...XD
For all i know..there is more people who cares for me than you do..Anyway just make sure you keep your gal happY ok or else i will surely ask someone to come and smack you than you know..XD AnywaY you too good luck for your O level too..Congrats that you have make it !! And ok i wont be angry anymore and i dont think that im still angry le cause to me its like whats the use angry what..and also i didn't backstab you and i really wish that you didn't..cause we are not 5-6 year old kids who yah..say bad things about each other..anyway when i say i didn't want to add does not mean im trying to become your enemy or something like that lah..hope that if future if we have anymore camps with you all SL..i really hope that ya..we would enjoy working with each other whether it is directly or indirectly..and i think that in terms of it is the first time working together we have done great le ba...Hope that you are happY with your new gal..and i will keep my word if you do not take care of see how lah...AnywaY i will keep this as our little secret cause i have never intended to let it reopen until well ytd when i saw your friendster..Ok..You have done your saY and i have done mine le..think its time i have to put a Fullstop to this..
Memories that has already been forgotten..
And yeS..for all you know.i Trust my friends more than i trust you because i day when you are out, they would yeS i know they would be there always for me supporting me whereas i know you won't cause by than it would have been gone long gone.And i can say i didn't regret making the choice you say and you blame me for not trusting you but what have You done to my Trust ? You only betray didn't treasure it. And with that i don't even think you deserve it. You lied.yeS you think that i didn't know.but you are dead dead wrong.i knew but than i kept quiet hoping that yeS one day the day you would change to stop lying to yourself and me.but the day did not came.i feel that there is just no point of the friendship or anything else.i Avoided you.cause i did not want you to get hurt or give you any false hope.cause i never really have any feelings ask and i did not answer hoping that you would understand but than again, i was never really did.. You needed the extreme before You did. and yes TRUTH hurts reality bites.i wanted you to get back to reality as much as i wanted to.You hurt me too much that i really wish you were never there and that i never even knew You.i kept quiet all this while and i guess we did have a fair share of memories ba.but than i just cant seems to remember so i guess there was more hurt than happiness.all i can seems to remeber is that I HATE YOU. thats all.. Funny as it seems, we never really did talk though we only comunicate through sms. i didn't really know about you neither do you really know about me.
I heard but i TrusT all my friends and i believe you just not the One the One whom i wanted. Cause i really just hate your ATTITUDE ok.i hate cry babies.but i guess its time we should all GU ( grow up ) cheated me.and i wanted it to be all gone.i hate you backstab.cause its you who wanted it to end that way. It was you are the one say said it first.Maybe just maybe it is just all in my mind.maybe you aren't really talking about me.i don't know.Only you do.i know sometimes im just overly sensitive and sometimes i know my words really hurt but i guess only through this that we would learn to grow.Haiz..why am i craping about the past again.
Let it be forgotten ba. And never to let it be retold again..
Memories waiting to be forgotten..
Exhausted !!!
- Camp -
It was super tiring wen e camp ended ytd..was so tired tat i slept straight till tis morning wen i went back hm tats y i nv blog lol. aniway ytd camp was lik umm...dun knw wat 2 say.on fri i decided 2 join e BL club( piss..its bo liao club..wakaa )..cos i gotten nthing 2 do and was lik slacking all e way till nite time.cos i gotten no guild 2 help so was lik wondering aimlessly aroung e sch.aniway campfire was reali fun cos we were lik dancing ya..wif all our hearts even though umm..e rain reali somehw dampen our mood a little and wasn't able 2 continue e campire in e parade square n was move up 2 e hall. Sickening !!Was lik onli able 2 sleep at abt 2 plus i tik...nt veri sure of e time cos debrief started at 2..AHHH !!! So sleepy den..nearly died...
Ytd was lik super sucky..didn't reali knw wat 2 do 4 e amazing race thingy lah.n den e SL was lik umm..nv reali tell mi wat 2 do..i super blur wan lah u knw..den they ask mi read e paper i even more blur den someone shikin fren lah..explain 2 mi n char lynn lol.dun knw hw 2 spell.but den in e end they dun help us le..i oso dun knw y..they go help their frens den dun help us le..Hmm..nt trying 2 say bad things abt them lah..but den i tik tat they shld at least help us a little least those who r 1 guy dun knw wat he do lah..he super free nthing there oso dun reali wan 2 help us.he at first help us 2 write down e points they gotten den later he dun do points le.he gif out den strings den later he pratically do nthing n den tats wat piss mi most of..e rest of e SL ok lah..cos they r helping e flying fox ppl so i got nthing 2 say but den tat guy he irritating lah.he jus sit there n watch e two of us busy asking e sec one 2 settle down.nv even bother 2 help us.wat kind of gentleman lol. * PISS * Aniway end up bcum mi n char lynn left doing tat station.No one bothers it seems..everyone is doing their stuff n left e two poor gurls doing e job..Irritating..aniway wif jus e two of us left.i tik we done a great job ba.cos um..hey im nt trying 2 praise ourself lol.but den as there were onli two of us.we did well le.Damn it e weather was lik a spoiler 2 my mood even more.Kip rain Stop rain Stop..stupid weather.reach sch join e BL club again.didnt hav e mood 2 eat kip on feel lik was lik since morning e breakfast was lik super fried mee 4 breakfast.wat lah..where gt ppl eat mee 4 breakfast loh.aniway e mee i eat one spoon i feel lik vomit le.even before eating i smell e mee.oso feel lik vomit le.aniway after tat wen go west coast park go buy mac milo.thought tat if i drink tat it would at least boost my appetite a little.but den was wrong.tik i wasted my money real cos drink abt half den start 2 hav e urge 2 vomit again.super sucky.wen back sch was lik haf practically no appetide so nv eat lol.Haiz.dread e debrief after everyone left. tried 2 skip it by hiding in e SC room bus ya it didn't work in e end cos Mr Tan ask us go amphi loh.aniway didnt speak up cos was super piss n jus kip my stupid mouth shut b4 i blah all e words out....later debrief wen An Enemy but den found tat my role as Petra was taken by Fiqa le.HappY happY !! no more lit rehersal 4 mi le...YEAH !!! I'm Free...* Freedom at last *
- Sunday n tats 2day loh opps gosh i didnt knw i haf blog so long tat it has bcum monday le..n its 1 oclock nw le so correction shld b ytd le.. dotz -
2day was gong gong bdae..HAPPY 80 BITHDAY GONG GONG !
Muacks!! gotten sleep le..super tired nw.haf nt redo lit.gotten die le.aniway 2day teens choir e song they sing was super great.will type out e song next time cos i tik e lyrics was super wonderful n meaningful. * sleepy *
Haiz..2day has been a terrible day for mi...all bcos of one class *** e ppl there veri @$%&@$# cannt stand them lah..even though there was 3 of us there oso cant reali control them loh.. they are so " co-operative " lah..until i umm...gif up on them in e end..* Guilty * but den they are so rebellious lah..Wahh..sec 1 nwdays are more n more hard 2 control le..first day of sch already there 2 tok back wonder wat would bcum of the next time..sori no offences here but ya..hey tis is my blog loh..u can jus click e close button if u nt suang mi cos i wont b suang wif u oso...aniway reali sori 2 e Jin woon n sarei..( whatever dun knw hw 2 spell their name ) cos i leave them during e Treasure Hunt 2 look after e grp loh..even though i knew hw tough it is 2 handle them but den i lost hope in them le loh..sori hoh..cos i c them i headache le...
Aniway i feel reali funny 2day..cos its my first day after dun knw hw many years liao..nv go sch wif sista n its lik all of a sudden feel hmm..dun knw wat 2 say..jus veri funni loh..sit bus wif sista den leave her le cos haf report den it was great lol..cos someone can accompany mi 2 sch le..den i wont b so so so so bored on my way..hehe..
Sian..dun knw tmr still nid 2 take e sec 1 or nt if haf i sian diao lah..but reali lik my sista class guys lah..e 1e3 guys they r super cute enthu jus luv their spirit lah..feel lik pang seh e another class leh...drain more energy left le..
Super sad lah..tmr sch open le..hmm..reali wish hw sch holiday would jus go on and on without having to !!!! okay...i haf onli completed maths , chi storybk , SS , eng n abit physics..gotten die le....after sch open i would b super busy le..nid 2 study 4 test , gt sec 1 camp n lotx n lotx of test i guess...haiz..wahh..on e verge of breaking down le.. mi...regret nt doing hk during holidays loh..c lah nw haf 2 chong lik seow..ytd sleep at 4.30 am..cos do maths holiday hk ma..cos fiqa wans e hk so i chong do loh..until i seow..haiz..but den luckily gt Yes 933 radio station wif mi..after 2am e songs all super nice lah..hear until very suang..n its lik super errie though cos i was alone in e hall den at abt 3 plus e wind was like a bit strong lah so its was lik my windows were kip on banging..scary loh...n my imagination was lik running so wild...haiz..but i was too busy 2 entertain my stupid
My new year resolution:( even though umm..its nt the first day of e new year le but i jus write loh..ani problem wif ya ? )
* To work hard 4 better results
* Do tution hk..cos always super lazy 2 do den gotten scold but tis year cannt slack so much le.
* To pay attention in class..dun kip on tik i can make it 4 tis..but i try lah
* Do sch hk..dun kip on i can at least kip up 4 tis..cos if i kip on would nv learn le..
lol.ending here le..gotten chong hk again..XD